10CP 1920s Project

10CP English
Ms. Ressler
Name: ______________________________
Period: ____ Date: _______________
The 1920s
“The Roaring 20s” is a phrase used to describe the 1920s that emphasizes the
decade’s social, cultural, and artistic vitality. Also known as “The Jazz Age” (coined by F.
Scott Fitzgerald) the 1920s was an important and fascinating time of change in America.
We will be taking a look at this time period as we move into our study of F. Scott
Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Before we get started, it is important that you know all that
you can about this time period.
In a group, you will be asked to create a project about one of the following topics.
Your project must include a PowerPoint presentation, an one-page, double-spaced (MLA
format) paper on your topic, a handout for the class—do not simply print your power point
and a thoroughly planned five-to-ten minute presentation based on your PowerPoint.
Choose a topic in which you are interested and most importantly, have fun with it!
We will spend several days researching in the library, which is a privilege to you;
therefore, use your time wisely. You should use databases and books to obtain your information (minimum 1 book and 1
database). Web sources can only be used to obtain pictures. Keep a log of sources for your works cited (excluding
Your group’s topic: ________________________________________________
1. PowerPoint Slideshow : 25 points
-Content: quality and quantity ( ___/10 points)
-Visual Organization: font, layout, etc. ( ___/5 points)
-Conventions: grammar, spelling, punctuation (___/5 points)
-Visual Enhancements: color, graphics, sound, etc. ( ___/5 points)
2. Oral Presentation: 15 points
- Did your group demonstrate an overall enthusiasm for the topic and your audience? (___/5 points)
-Did your group go BEYOND reading the slide—actually speak, not just read, to the audience and add to the
written information? (___/5 points)
-Each member participated in the 5-10 minute presentation (___/5 points) Point deductions for every minute
- Does the synopsis show what you have learned? (___/8 points)
- Is it grammatically and conventionally correct? (___/3 points)
-Works Cited for sources used: minimum 1 book and 1 database; correction MLA citations (___/4 points)
4. Class Handout: 10 points
Is your handout for the class informative? Does it add to everyone’s knowledge of the 1920s? (___/8 points)
Is it grammatically and conventionally correct? (___/2 points)
Total: _____/ 65 points
 see back for submission
instructions and deadlines
1920’s Presentations---SUBMISSON INSTUCTIONS
Submitting the PowerPoint: (ONE PER GROUP)
-Upload it to Mrs. Zarnas’s webpage drop box for your class period. Username is zarnas. Password is english. The file’s title
should be your class period number, PP for powerpoint, and your topic. Example: “9PPsports”. Due to be uploaded by:
Submitting the Synopsis: (TO BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY)
-It must be 1 page, typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font.
-This is a summation of what you have learned about your topic.
-You also must include a works cited at the end, which documents what book and database sources you have used. You
may only use internet sources to obtain pictures, and do not need to cite these websites.
-This must be submitted to turnitin.com by each of your group members. Use your login information and select your class
period. You will see the 1920s assignment there. The file’s title should be your class period, SYN for synopsis, and your
topic. Example: “8SYNfahion”. Due to be uploaded by: ___________.
Submitting the class handout: (ONE PER GROUP)
-It must be one page, one-sided—no instructions---total freedom!
-All I ask is that you give your classmates an overview of the important information contained in your presentation. You may
NOT just restate all of your slides.
-Upload it to Mrs. Zarnas’s webpage drop box for your class period. Username is zarnas. Password is english. The file’s title
should be your class period number, CH for class handout, and your topic. Example: “8CHmusic”. Due to be uploaded by:
-I will then print out the amount of copies need for the class and have it for your presentation date.