Name LAB REPORT 1: DNA Characterization 40 points Experiments 1 and 2: Isolation of DNA and UV Spectrophotometry 1 (30) Complete the table below. The DNA control is the DNA you extracted in Experiment 1. NanoDrop Program Sample A260 A280 Concentration A260/A280 DNA Control BSA @ 100 BSA @ 10-1 Nucleic Acid BSA @ 10-2 BSA @ 10-3 BSA @ 100 BSA @ 10-1 Protein BSA @ 10-2 BSA @ 10-3 DNA + BSA @ 100 DNA + BSA @ 10-1 DNA + BSA @ 10-2 DNA + BSA @ 10-3 2 Nucleic Acid (20) Generate a set of five graphs, each showing BOTH the DNA and BSA data generated from the Nucleic Acid program. 1 Unmixed DNA and unmixed BSA @ 100 2 DNA + BSA @ 100 3 DNA + BSA @ 10-1 4 DNA + BSA @ 10-2 5 DNA + BSA @ 10-3 You can trace the graphs in order to superimpose them. 3 (10) What is the target A260/A280 ratio when determining DNA purity? Why is this the desired number? Why does this ratio decrease with increasing impurity? 4 (5) Assume that you have a DNA stock that is 75 g/ml. Use the formulas on page 46 of the lab manual to mathematically demonstrate that single-stranded DNA absorbs more UV than double-stranded DNA Experiment 3: Purification of DNA and UV Spectrophotometry 5 (10) Attach a copy of YOUR chromatogram 6 (10) Using either your own data or the data posted online (specify which) calculate the Rf values for each base Base Distance from Origin Rf Value Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Solvent Front Experiment 4: DNA Sequence Specificity 7 (10) Attach a copy of your gel. 8 (10) Briefly describe the premise of this experiment. What are we attempting to determine? Why did we set up the experiment in the manner that we did? 9 (20) Complete the table using information in Appendix IX or the New England Biolabs catalog. Enzyme EcoRI BamHI XbaI HindIII # Units per rxn Expected Site Frequency Expected Number of Sites Actual Number of Sites From Gel Actual Number of Sites From Appendix IX 10 (5) Did your observed results match your expectations? Explain why/why not. 11 (5) What is your expectation regarding the distribution of fragments from each digestion? Why? 12 (5) Did the distribution of fragments match your expectation? Explain why/why not. 13 (20) Use the data in Appendix IX to place the restriction sites on the map below. The same data table is also located in the NEB catalog Grade = Total Points x 40 points 160