
Reading 4th Quarter Assessment
First Grade
Directions: Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
A Day for Rain
Jamal heard noises on his window. Pit pat, pit pat, pit pat. It was as if an animal’s
little feet were walking on the window. But it was not an animal. He saw water splash
on the window. It was raining.
“Oh, no!” said Jamal. He had to be in the house on rainy days. Jamal liked to go out
in the yard. He did not want to stay in the house. He put his face to the window. Water
fell down from the sky and jumped off the trees. Did the trees like the water? They
must have wanted a drink! The rain was good for the trees.
Then the sun came out. But it did not stop raining. Jamal looked around. He looked
as far as he could see. He saw many colors—red, orange, yellow, green. It was a
rainbow! He had not seen a rainbow before.
Jamal saw that the rain made things pretty. He was not sad anymore. Jamal was
happy as he looked at the rain.
1.What is Jamal’s main problem in the passage?
A. He is scared of animals.
B. He cannot go out to play.
C. He hears noises on the window.
2. What will Jamal MOST LIKELY do the next time it rains?
3. Read the sentence.
Jamal stayed in _______ it was raining.
Which word BEST completes the sentence?
A. but
B. before
C. because
4. Read the sentence from the passage.
“Jamal looked around.”
What does the word around mean?
A. near
B. all over
C. covering
Directions: Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
A Scared Tiger
“Tiger! Where are you, Tiger?” Hannah called out. Hannah
was worried. Her cat, Tiger, was missing. She walked up and
down the block. “Tiger!” she yelled.
Then Hannah heard a noise. She looked up. Tiger was high
up in a tree! “Tiger, come on down!” Hannah said. The cat
did not move. She looked scared.
Hannah’s friend Dave walked up. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Tiger is stuck in that tree!” Hannah said.
“My cat got stuck in a tree once,” Dave said. “I know what
to do.” Dave ran off. He came back with a plate of cat food.
“Here, Tiger,” he said. “Come get some food.”
Tiger still did not move. “That did not work,” Hannah said.
“What will we do now?”
5. What is the problem in the story?
6. How would you solve this problem if it happened to you?
Directions: Review the content below and answer the questions that follow.
Fish Facts
Ben went to the library to find a book about fish. He found a book called Fish Make
Great Pets. This is what was inside the book.
Ben read one of the chapters. He found out that most fish are covered with scales.
The scales cover the skin. The scales are hard and help keep the skin and the insides
of the fish from getting hurt.
Fish have fins. Some fins are in the back and some fins are on the side. There are
also fins on the top and on the bottom of the fish. The fin on the top keeps the fish from
turning over.
Ben found out that fish have tails. Fish tails can be flat and short. They can also be
long and wavy.
Fish need air. They get air from the water around them. Fish have gills that help
them breathe under the water. The gills are on the side of the fish’s head.
Ben thought about what he had read. Then he went to the next chapter to learn
what would be the best pet fish for him.
7. What is the purpose of a “Table of Contents”?
8. Read the Table of Contents.
Which chapter would tell about what to feed fish?
A. Chapter 1
B. Chapter 3
C. Chapter 4
9. Some parts of the fish are found in both the picture and the passage.
Which part of the fish is found only in the picture?
A. fin
B. tail
C. mouth
10. Look at the picture of the fish. Follow the two directions in A and B below.
A. Put an O on the part of fish that keeps it from turning over.
B. Put an X on the part of fish that helps it breathe.
11. The passage is called “Fish Facts.”
Write two facts about scales from the passage.
Fact 1:
Fact 2:
Write two facts about fins from the passage.
Fact 1:
Fact 2:
Clowning Around
Franny, the clown fish, was angry at Billy, the crab. He was always pinching her
in the mornings when he woke up feeling crabby. Franny decided to play a trick on
Billy. So while he was sleeping, she painted a happy clown face on him. When Billy
woke up and saw his new funny face, he started laughing and wasn’t grumpy
anymore. He never pinched Franny again, and they became great friends.
12. Complete the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the two fish stories.