2013 Concept Paper – Livestock Financing Research Department KASHF MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED 6/24/2013 Contents Concept Paper on Livestock Financing Product ........................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Key Factors of Growth .................................................................................................................................. 4 Key Research Findings................................................................................................................................... 5 Research Findings Pertaining to Rural Finance Market Potential ............................................................ 5 Overall Demand ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Preference for a New Product: Livestock Sector ...................................................................................... 8 Growth of Lending Portfolio ......................................................................................................................... 9 Product Development ................................................................................................................................... 9 Product Proposal....................................................................................................................................... 9 Livestock Financing ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Annexure ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Annexure-1.............................................................................................................................................. 15 Concept Paper on Livestock Financing Product Tapping into Rural Microfinance Opportunities to change lifestyles by creating economic opportunities for the low income households of rural communities Introduction Kashf Microfinance Bank Limited commenced its operations from October 2008 with a vision to provide a comprehensive range of financial products and services to the micro and small entrepreneurs. KMBL on the lending side focuses on catering to the needs of micro and small businesses that have a fast turnover. It focuses on experienced entrepreneurs requiring funds for working capital or fixed assets. On the liabilities side, the bank’s mission is of financial inclusion by providing low income households a wide range of savings products and services supported by various customer friendly alternate delivery channels to provide easy accessibility to the large unbanked population of the country. Our flagship lending product-Kamyab Karobari Karza Plus acts as an injection of capital that allows micro and small business entrepreneurs to expand their businesses thus increasing the productivity of their existing economic activity. Thus KKK Plus acts as a catalyst in creating jobs ensuring sustainability of communities and families. Since its inception, the bank has been able to develop a sizeable portfolio of assets and deposits. The asset portfolio of the bank stands at 28,209 customers with an outstanding portfolio of PKR 1.41 billion. The liability customer base is currently at 185,879 accounts customers with total deposits of PKR 2 billion*. This concept paper aims to highlight the key research findings of rural microfinance research carried out in collaboration with Shorebank International (Consultant’s name: Drew Tulchin) in 2011 which was followed by developing rural strategy and rural product options that the bank can offer based on the research findings. *Figures as of May 31, 2013 Key Factors of Growth The following are the key levels of growth: Offer customerfocused products and services Increase client retention rate Provide lowcost ADCs Key Factors of Growth Increase quality asset and liability portfolio Enhance brand recognition and recall Increase bank outreach and footprint Key Research Findings The findings mentioned below highlight the insights gained from research on Rural Finance carried out in 2011. The following responses highlight the potential rural market for KMBL and the demand for new products and services to cater to the needs of rural market segment. Research Findings Pertaining to Rural Finance Market Potential The rural research conducted indicates positive opportunity for KMBL entry into rural markets as an estimated potential market of two million clients has been identified within the districts included in the sample. The table below summarizes district wise market potential calculated in the districts in which research was carried out. The Districts of Pakistan are local administrative units inherited from the British Empire. Districts are generally grouped into administrative divisions, comprising of villages, towns and cities which in turn form provinces. Pakistan has 130 districts out of which till date KMBL has its presence in 25 districts. Table 1: Rural finance market potential District Thousands Faisalabad Gujranwala Gujrat Hyderabad Karachi Lahore Khanewal Rawalpindi Sahiwal Sialkot Total Potential microfinance market 1,096,924 735,741 446,630 517,652 1,329,990 872,760 432,948 327,457 395,468 501,997 Market Penetration 115,658 94,457 29,484 44,693 125,410 222,800 30,991 58,396 52,830 38,975 Untapped Market 981,266 641,284 417,146 472,959 1,204,580 649,960 401,957 269,061 342,638 463,022 - Rural split of district 57% 49% 72% 49% 2% 18% 82% 47% 84% 74% Rural microfinance market 559,322 314,229 300,345 231,750 24,092 116,993 329,605 126,459 287,816 342,636 2,633,246 Demand as per survey 84% 85% 68% 66% 66% 51% 84% 62% 82% 81% 600 400 200 - Rural microfinance market Figure 1: District wise market potential Potential Market for KMBL Potential Market for KMBL 469,830 267,095 204,235 152,955 15,900 59,666 276,868 78,404 236,009 277,535 2,038,498 The Top Five Major Business Activities Identified: Agriculture Services Trading Livestock Manufacturing Market has some lending experience and also untapped potential: According to the survey, 45% of non KF clients were un-tapped by formal or informal financial sources. 9% have obtained loans from both sources and 38% from informal sources. Out of KF clients, 24% had also obtained loans from informal sources. KMBL identified its preferred lending comprising of micro and small business loans between Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 150,000. Both, 9% Figure 2: Market Penetration & Potential The research demonstrated three segments of respondents having prior experience of higher loan sizes: farmers, entrepreneurs and working housewives. Some interesting characteristic of these segments were highlighted from the survey findings. Farmers Entrepreneurs Working Housewives •Land holding between 4-12.5 Acres •Monthly income between Rs. 25,000-30,000 • Stated preference for bullet repayments tied to crops and interested in a range of terms from 6 to 18 months •Higher literacy level (75%) •Generally related to services & trading sector •Monthly income between Rs. 25,000-30,000 •Stated preference for monthly repayments and shorter loan tenures •Moderate literacy level (55%) •Generally related to services & livestock sectors •Monthly income between Rs. 10,000-20,000 •Monthly repayments •Low literacy level (25%) Figure 3: Characteristic of potential segments. Overall Demand Eighty (80%) of the overall respondents had expressed interest in credit services for business. Livestock made up for 4% of overall loan demand while within livestock demand for loans was 88%. The demand for larger size loans 100% 90% 2% 11% 26% 80% 70% 60% 5% 34% 16% 53% 3% 50% 20% 40% 4% 30% 53% 20% 30% 10% 5% 2% KF Clients 0% Agriculture 37% Livestock Non-Clients Trading Services Total Demand Manufacturing (more than Rs. Figure 4: Demand of credit services 50,000) was primarily in Agriculture and Livestock. There were two types of business needs specifically identified by respondents requiring credit services i.e. working capital (67%) and asset purchase (31%). For livestock, there is a sizeable demand for asset purchase loans for milking animals, trading and fattening. Livestock trading during the Eid season was identified a lucrative business from focus group discussions, which require higher loan sizes over a short period of time. Preferred repayment terms and tenures for livestock were: o 6-12 & 18-24 months o Monthly or fortnightly repayments Preference for a New Product: Livestock Sector 60% Livestock: Repayment terms Livestock: Loan size 40% 100% 20% 50% 0% Up to Rs 20K Rs. 20K to 50K Rs. 50K to 150K 0% Monthly *81% respondents desired monthly repayment 33% KF clients 42% non-clients demanded loan sizes above Rs. 50,000 *19% preferred semi-annual & bullet Non-clients: 44% showed preference to have insurance services with loan 25%=> 6-12 months 17%=>12-18 months 25%=> 18-24 months Livestock: Tenure 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3 to 6 6 to 12 12 to 15 12 to 18 months 18 to 24 Other Semi Annually Bullet Growth of Lending Portfolio Growing the lending portfolio base of Kashf Microfinance Bank Limited is linked to the core activity of the bank and its mission to provide financial services to the micro and small entrepreneurs who lack access to banking and its related services. Building on our mission, lending is the main revenue generation driver under which we want to extend various credit facilities to our target market segment so that they can become financially sustainable, expand their business and consequently create job opportunities. The Pakistan’s economy is currently passing through the most difficult phase of its economic history. Once a robust economy, with economic growth over 6% of GDP, now it has been transformed into a fragile economy, due to serious economic challenges, the most important being the persistent ‘Power and Energy Crisis’ which has crippled our industrial sector and ‘Law & Order’ situation specially in KPK and Karachi. These challenges have adversely impacted manufacturing, trade and services. However there is a lesser impact on agriculture, livestock and poultry business. Since most of the infected business sectors are operating in urban areas so KMBL needs to stay conservative in urban markets and consider focusing on rural areas for the next 3 years expansion. It is essential that KMBL adopts measures to increase its asset growth and improve its customer base and client retention in peri-urban areas by offering customer focused products and services. It is required that keeping in line with our vision and mission KMBL should not only introduce new products tailored to the needs of rural sector but also tweak the existing products in order to provide a fresh impetus to the existing assets portfolio. Product Development Customer Focused Products and Services whether they take the form of tweaking of existing product features or entirely new concepts are an essential component of business productivity. Innovation is one of KMBL’s core values on which we must focus as an institution in order to grow our business and increase our retention rate, resulting in improved portfolio of products which are essential for business viability. For this purpose it is important to hear and understand our customers and be a pioneer in the Microfinance Industry. KMBL has begun to consider entry into rural markets, to advance financial inclusion and job creation for people in agricultural communities. These markets offer extensive untapped potential, particularly as urban markets become saturated, as well as portfolio diversification and the establishment of alternative service delivery channels for improved product offerings by MFIs. KMBL aims to design a basket of rural loan offerings satisfying the following characteristics: 1. Stimulates lifestyle changes by creating economic opportunities in rural markets 2. Focuses on serving untapped rural areas: on- & off- farm activities 3. Maximizes job creation 4. Loan size to serve the ‘missing middle’ 5. Simple underwriting is better 6. KMBL offers a basket of solutions, rather than a single product 7. Rural strategy requires lower investment & is geared towards more profitable options 8. Seeks low risk profiles Product Proposal In light of the above mentioned research findings which clearly indicate the need and market demand for livestock financing and in addition to the following statistics which highlights the edge that KMBL has by already having approximately 1200 clients in livestock sector with PAR > 30 days less than 1%, the management proposes that this need can be met by adaption of our existing flagship lending product KKK plus. Sector Active Clients OS Principal Concentration 01 day PAR % (With Write Off) Services 9,470 379 43.92% 4.65% Trading 8,004 340 39.35% 3.25% Manufacturing 2,299 89 10.30% 5.74% Live Stock 1,264 55 6.41% 1.68% Grand Total 21,037 863 100% 4.04% Moreover, it is evident from the table above that the repayment behavior of this market segment has been good. In view of the above, the management proposes that this need can be met by introducing a branded product for this market segment with the following product features. Livestock Financing Livestock financing is cash flow based lending and an adaptation of Kashf Kamyab Karobari Karza plus loan to the specific needs of livestock sector. The product is aimed at livestock sector and will grant loans for a maximum tenure of 24 months. The basic product features of the facility are: Target market Disbursement mode Age of the client Livestock sector of rural and semi rural communities having at least 2 years of business experience Adaptation of KKK plus loan, tailored to livestock focus with regular payments for those animals Livestock farming including purchase of mature milk/meat yielding animals, replacement of animals, purchase of young animals for rearing for meat product, milk storage chilling tanks/ refrigeration plants and milk carrying containers, refrigerated meat storages and refrigerated containers, construction/procurement of permanent sheds, water tanks, water pump tube wells 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months PKR 35,000 – PKR 150,000 Livestock farming Monthly Quarterly, bi annual and Bullet payment Visits & regular contact 1 Guarantor required (in case of fresh clients) whereas in case of repeat clients the existing terms and conditions of KKK plus will apply. Please note that repeat client in this regard implies any client who has availed a loan facility from KMBL. Lump sum at the start 21 – 62 years(Sixty years of age means 61 years 364 days) Guarantor Condition For Fresh Clients: Product Description Loan Purpose Loan Tenure Loan amount Activity Type Repayment Mechanism Product Requirements Terms & Conditions A Guarantor is required who is: Age: 21 – 62 years (at the time of sanction of loan) Please note that the guarantor should not be blood relative/spouse, tenant or employee of client. Additionally, he/she should not fall under clients or loans exclusion/negative profession list. (i) A public or private sector employee with a protected salary. (ii) A person with an independent activity (doctor, shopkeeper, etc.) (iii) A person running a micro-enterprise & business experience must be minimum of 12 months. The Guarantor’s monthly net income (after all House Hold & Business Expenses are met) must at least equate to the total amount of the monthly loan instalment of the client, and he/she must have the capacity to repay the instalments in case the concerned client defaults. He or she must have willingness to act as a guarantor and also have a good character and reputation in the market/society. For salaried person, minimum salary should be Rs. 15,000/-. a) Guarantor business place should be within branch working area. If there is more than one branch in a city area guarantor business place should be located anywhere in the same city. For Repeat Clients: In case of repeat clients with good repayment history, guarantor will not be required. A repeat client for the purposes of this loan product is defined as any client who has already availed any loan (e.g. KKKK+) from KMBL. Below mentioned conditions will be applicable: (i) If client has only 02 instances of late payment up to 06 days branch will be allowed to disburse that case. (ii) If client has only 03 instances of late payment up to 10 days branch will be allowed to disburse that case after HBB approval. (iii) If client will not meet any of above mentioned criteria, guarantor will be mandatory. Can Guarantor client be a a) Guarantor shall also be eligible to avail the loan after 6 months of becoming a guarantor for another client provided he is meeting all the criteria prescribed for livestock financing. b) Delayed instances of respective client should not be more than two instances in 1-4 bucket in last six months. Guarantor must provide a commitment to supporting the existing loan and helping in recovery in case there are any problems. Documents in custody Guarantor’s agreement only where applicable, Customer’s agreement, Post Dated Cheques, and Promissory Note in Original must be kept under lock and key under proper custodianship. Product Pricing/ Interest Rate Processing Fee For monthly repayment: Same as for KKK+ (rates are subject to change from time to time as per industry’s policy). For details , please see Annexure-1 For quarterly, bi annual and bullet repayment: To be decided For monthly repayment: Same as for KKK+ (rates are subject to change from time to time as per Insurance Overdue Penalty Type of cash flow analysis Terms and Conditions Credit Approval Authority industry’s policy). For details , please see Annexure-1 For quarterly, bi annual and bullet repayment: To be decided For monthly repayment: Same as for KKK+ (rates are subject to change from time to time as per industry’s policy). For details , please see Annexure-1 For quarterly, bi annual and bullet repayment: To be decided For monthly repayment: Same as for KKK+ (rates are subject to change from time to time as per industry’s policy). For details , please see Annexure-1 For quarterly, bi annual and bullet repayment: To be decided Household cash flow analysis. The household cash inflow will comprise of income from agriculture, livestock and any other source (e.g. rent, pensions etc). This will allow small scale livestock farmers to qualify for this facility. Moreover, risk will be mitigated as livestock income will be backed by crop income. Client has an operating business, 1 guarantor if applicable, promissory note, post dated cheques, and current account with KMBL. The household cash flow analysis will be carried out by LO, the Credit Risk Officer will carry out an independent analysis followed by a BM pre disbursement visit for all loan amounts between Rs 100,001 – Rs.150,000. For loan amounts less than Rs. 100,000 BM visit is not necessary. Amount of Loan Rs. Up to Rs. Credit Committee will comprise of 100,000 BM, one LO and LO who has solicited the account. Amount of loan Rs.100,001 to Rs. Branch Credit Committee & Regional 150,000 Manager Maximum clean exposure eCIB KMBL shall ensure that total exposure of its clients from banks/MFIs/MFBs/other financial institutions/NGOs etc. does not exceed Rs.150,000/- in aggregate as per SBP Prudential Regulations for MFBs. eCIB with other FI’s should have maximum 4 instances in 1-29 bucket OR maximum Rs. 1,000 outstanding in 30+ days buckets (subject to RM approval) subject to the condition that eCIB for up to 1,000 Rs (Approval from RM should be based on Deposit Slip, NOC, Clearance Letter or any other correspondence with concerned financial Institution). eCIB with other FI’s having greater than Rs. 1000 outstanding in 30+ days must be presented to HBB for approval with solid reasoning subject to the condition that eCIB for above 1,000 Rs (Approval from HBB based on Deposit Slip, NOC, Clearance Letter or any other correspondence with concerned financial Institution). Recommended Delivery Channel Operational Radius Risks Hub and Spoke model As per SBP’s policy. Animal Death Animal Theft Summary The above proposal is based on the key research findings outlined in the beginning of the document. To reiterate, KMBL needs to enter into rural markets keeping in view the potential demand for microfinance services in such markets. Livestock financing can cater to KMBL’s strategic growth objectives and help the bank achieve its long-term mission of ensuring financial accessibility to the unbanked population of the country. Considering the existing energy crisis deeply impacting manufacturing, trading and services industry in urban markets and the edge that KMBL has by already having approximately 1200 clients in livestock sector with PAR > 30 days less than 1 %, KMBL proposes roll out of livestock financing pilot by starting with monthly installments catering to micro and small dairy farmers. Therefore, the management seeks your kind approval in this regard to roll out the pilot phase of the livestock financing product. It will be a six months pilot. Annexure Annexure-1 Tenor Slabs 6 months 100,001-150,00 70,001-100,000 12 months 18 months 50,001-70,000 35,000-50,000 100,001-150,00 70,001-100,000 50,001-70,000 35,000-50,000 100,001-150,00 70,001-100,000 50,001-70,000 35,000-50,000 Insurance rates Late Payment Service Charges Early Settlement Charges Fresh Clients Flat IRR Doc & IRR Process fees Not applicable 28% 46.53% 3,000 Repeat Clients Flat IRR Docs & IRR Process fees Not applicable 26.50% 44.10% 1,000 29% 48.14% 1,500 30% 49.75% 1,000 Not applicable 28% 48.22% 3,000 29% 49.84% 1,500 30% 51.44% 1,000 Not applicable for fresh clients 27.50% 28.50% 25.50% 26.50% 27.50% 28.50% 25.00% 26.00% 27.50% 28.50% 45.72% 47.33% 44.16% 45.79% 47.41% 49.03% 43.09% 44.67% 47.02% 48.58% 600 500 1,000 1,000 600 500 1,000 1,000 600 500 1.35% p.a. Rs. 100/- Per Day, For Each Day of Over Due (Delinquency)/ instance or Rs. 500/- whichever is lower Plus FED 5% of the outstanding loan amount Plus FED Please note pricing for 24 months tenor is yet to be decided.