Period:______ Date: APES TARGETS Unit 7

Name: _________________________________________
Date: ______________
Unit 7: Energy and Resources
Unit Test Analysis
Chapter 23: Minerals and Mining
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improve before the
AP Test?
23.1 I can outline types of mineral resources and how they contribute
to our products and society.
23.2 I can explain how the processing of metals to make them usable
create environmental impacts.
23.3 I can describe the major methods of mining and the
environmental and social impacts of each, including strip mining,
subsurface mining, open pit mining, placer mining, mountain top
removal mining, solution mining, and ocean mining.
23.4 I can assess governmental mandated reclamation efforts and the
history of mining policy, including the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act, The General Mining Act of 1872, Hardrock Mining
and Reclamation Act of 2009, and the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920.
23.5 I can evaluate ways to make mineral resources extraction and use
more sustainable.
Chapter 19: Fossil Fuels, Their Impacts, and Energy Conservation
19.1 I can identify the energy sources that we use, how they are
created, and how they are distributed globally.
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Unit Test Analysis
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AP Test?
19.2 I can identify major producers and consumers of oil, gas, and coal
around the world.
19.3 I can describe the nature and origin of coal, including the
variations in physical and chemical properties that effect the energy
potential and environmental impact, and evaluate its extraction and
19.4 I can describe the nature and origin of natural gas, how deposits
are located, and evaluate its extraction and use.
19.5 I can describe the nature and origin of crude oil, how deposits are
located, and evaluate its extraction, use, and future depletion.
19.6 I can describe the nature, origin, and potential of alternative fossil
19.7 I can outline and assess environmental impacts of fossil fuel
emissions on the atmosphere, and explore potential solutions
including clean coal technologies, carbon capture, and carbon storage.
19.8 I can outline and assess environmental impacts of fossil fuel
extraction, transportation, and storage.
19.9 I can outline and assess environmental impacts created by
methods currently used to mine coal, including acid drainage, health
impacts on miners and nearby residents, degradation of ecosystems.
19.10 I can outline and assess environmental impacts of the
infrastructure needed for extract oil and gas, and explore potential
solutions, including directional drilling.
19.11 I can outline and assess environmental impacts of the fracking
process used to extract natural gas.
19.12 I can evaluate political aspects of fossil fuel use, focusing on our
dependency on foreign energy and on the history of conflict between
OPEC and the United States.
19.13 I can evaluate economic aspects of fossil fuel use, focusing on
government regulation of the oil reserves, oil supply, buffers, and
domestic sources/opening of protected lands.
19.14 I can evaluate social aspects of fossil fuel extraction, focusing on
the uneven distribution of profits, creation of jobs, and disruption of
native lands.
19.15 I can discuss the world's nations' options for guiding future fossil
fuel use.
19.16 I can specify strategies for conserving energy and enhancing
efficiency, including those used in automobiles, power plants, and
homes and offices.
19.17 I can explain why it is essential to conserve our fossil fuels
reserves as long as possible while developing alternative energy
19.18 I can graph a general trend showing global consumption of fossil
fuels over the last half century.
19.19 I can calculate net energy and energy returned on investment
(EROI) when assessing energy resources.
19.20 I can estimate how long petroleum reserves will last using the
reserves-to-production ratio (R/P ratio).
19.21 I can diagram how coal is used to produce electricity in a coal
fired power plant, including byproducts of the process.
19.22 I can diagrammatically compare primary and secondary oil
extraction processes.
19.23 I can diagram the distillation process crude oil undergoes at an
oil refinery to produce refined oil products.
19.24 I can graphically compare actual oil production data from the
U.S. With Hubbert's prediction of peak oil production.
19.18 I can graph a general trend showing global consumption of fossil
fuels over the last half century.
Unit Test Analysis
Chapter 20: Conventional Energy Alternatives
20.1 I can discuss the reasons for seeking energy alternatives to fossil
20.2 I can summarize the contributions to the United States and world
energy supplies of conventional alternatives to fossil fuels.
20.3 I can describe nuclear energy and how it is harnessed.
20.4 I can explain the importance of research into nuclear fusion as a
potential energy source, and why fusion is not currently a realistic
means of energy generation.
20.5 I can compare the environmental impact of using nuclear energy
to that of traditional fossil fuels.
20.6 I can outline the societal debate over nuclear power, including
Breeder reactors, risk or small and large accidents, and radioactive
waste storage.
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AP Test?
20.7 I can explain why nuclear power’s growth has slowed and
describe the projected use of nuclear power in the near future.
20.8 I can describe the major sources and scale of bioenergy.
20.9 I can compare the environmental impact of using bioenergy to
that of traditional fossil fuels (what are the advantages and
disadvantages of using bioenergy?).
20.10 I can compare and contrast ethanol and biodiesel as a fuel
source for engines, and discuss the potential of each as a sustainable
energy choice.
20.11 I can discuss the potential of next generation biofuel crops,
including algae, cellulose, and switchgrass.
20.12 I can summarize the debate over the carbon neutrality of
bioenergy and discuss the reality of replacing fossil fuels with
20.13 I can describe the scale, methods, positive aspects and negative
impacts of hydro-electric power.
20.14 I can explain why hydropower’s growth has slowed and describe
the projected use of hydropower in the near future.
20.15 I can compare the environmental impact of using hydopower to
that of traditional fossil fuels.
20.16 I can compare the EROI (energy return on investment) for each
of the fossil fuel alternatives to that of traditional fossil fuels.
20.17 I can graphically represent world energy production by source.
20.18 I can graphically represent U.S. energy consumption by source.
20.19 I can diagrammatically show the difference between fission and
20.20 I can diagrammatically show the process of electricity generation
in a nuclear power plant.
20.21 I can diagrammatically show the process of electricity generation
in a hydropower dam.
Unit Test Analysis
Chapter 21: New Renewable Energy Alternative
21.1 I can list the major sources of renewable energy and discuss what
percent of energy is currently generated using these methods.
21.2 I can assess the potential for the growth of new renewable energy
sources and explain how policy can accelerate this growth.
21.3 I can describe solar energy and the ways it is harnessed (including
passive solar methods, active solar methods, concentrated solar
power, and photovoltaic cells), evaluate its advantages and
disadvantages, and compare its impact to that of traditional fossil
21.4 I can discuss the projected growth rate of solar energy as source
of electricity.
21.5 I can describe wind power, how we harness it, evaluate its
benefits and drawbacks, and compare its impact to that of traditional
fossil fuels.
21.6 I can discuss the projected growth rate of wind power as a source
of electricity.
21.7 I can describe geothermal energy and the ways it can be used for
heat and electricity generation in geothermal power stations,
enhanced geothermal systems, and ground source heat pumps; assess
its advantages and disadvantages, and compare its impact to that of
traditional fossil fuels.
21.8 I can describe ocean energy sources and how we could harness
21.9 I can explain how hydrogen gas used for fuel is produced and
discuss the environmental impact of hydrogen production.
21.10 I can explain how a hydrogen fuel cell generates electricity,
hazards of transporting hydrogen gas, and assess advantages and
disadvantages of using these fuel cells as a source of energy for
21.11 I can compare the EROI (energy return on investment) for each
of the new renewable to that of traditional fossil fuels.
21.12 I can graphically represent U.S. new renewable energy
consumption by source.
21.13 I can diagrammatically depict how a photovoltaic cell converts
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understand target,
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improve before the
AP Test?
sunlight to electrical energy.
21.14 I can diagrammatically depict how a wind turbine converts
wind’s energy of motion into electrical energy.
21.15 I can diagrammatically depict how ocean tides and waves can be
used to generate electrical energy.
21.16 I can diagrammatically depict how hydrogen fuel can be used to
generate electrical energy.
21.17 I can diagrammatically depict how a hydrogen can be used to
power vehicles.
End of Unit Reflection
 Grade I thought I would earn on the Unit Test _____________
 Grade I actually earned on the Unit Test ________________
 Length of time I studied for the Unit Test _______________
 Was I absent at all during this unit? Did this impact my performance?
 Study methods I used to prepare for the Unit Test:
 What part of the test was hardest for you and why?
 What can you do to improve your performance on the next quiz or test? Be specific!