T h e B lac k S wan

The Black Swan
Dear Neighbors,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our annual meeting and party last month -- over 200 of you attended. I hope you
all enjoyed gathering and catching up with each other at the beautiful Agecroft Hall on that lovely evening.
I encourage all of you to visit our website periodically (www.windsorfarms.org) as we have posted information that you
may find helpful, including important phone numbers, our covenants, past Black Swan newsletters, and our governing
documents. I hope you find this edition of The Black Swan informative.
Thank you for your support and efforts to keep Windsor Farms such a beautiful and special neighborhood.
Caroline Orlando Murillo
President, Windsor Farms, Inc.
Governance: How We Operate
Windsor Farms, Inc. (WFI) was formed by and operates under three legal documents: a Declaration of Trust, Articles of
Incorporation, and By-Laws, all of which are posted on our website (www.windsorfarms.org). The Trust provides for five
Trustees who serve five-year terms. One Trustee is elected each year by the residents.
The role of the Trustees is to appoint a Board of Directors. Until 2010, the Trustees also served as Board members, so the
Trustees and Board members were the same individuals, although this was not a requirement. In 2010, it was decided that
there should be overlap between Trustees and Board members, but not complete overlap. With that background, your
Trustees and Board members are as follows:
Trustees and year term expires:
Allen Goolsby, 2014
Janice Julius, 2015
Bill Pilc, 2016
Robin Johnson, 2017
Caroline Orlando Murillo, 2018
Board of Directors for 2014:
President – Caroline Orlando Murillo
Secretary – Robin Johnson
Treasurer – Bill Pilc
Member – Chris Mauck
Member – Trent Kerns
All Trustees and Board members serve on a voluntary basis.
Windsor Farms, Inc.
Windsor Farms, Inc. (WFI) is administered by Trustees and a Board of Directors which are responsible for enforcing the
Covenants and Restrictions, and for maintaining all of the parks and reserve areas throughout the neighborhood. WFI also
maintains the city-owned medians, such as the ones along Dover Road, Windsor Way, and Portland Place (between the
street and the brick wall). Class A Grounds Management maintains all of these areas, per contract, and they also provide
residential lawn and garden services to all lot owners. The residential services are available on a fee basis, with a portion of
the fees going to support WFI.
The streets and sidewalks in Windsor Farms are city-owned, public property and solicitors are not breaking any laws by
walking or driving through the neighborhood. However, anyone selling orders for magazines, books, etc. is required to
have a permit that has been approved by the Chief of Police. If you decide to open your door to solicitors, ask to see their
permit. If they don't have one, you can call the RPD non-emergency number (646-5100). If you would prefer not to be
approached at all, post a sign either at the entrance to your property or at the front door that specifies "No Solicitors" or
"No Solicitation" (you might also want to include "No Trespassing"). Per Richmond City Code, the sign must be in an area
"where it can reasonably be seen". If a solicitor still approaches and rings your doorbell, they are committing a Class 1
Misdemeanor, regardless of whether or not they have a permit. At that point, you may decide to call the non-emergency
Ideally, all incidents and sightings should be reported to the police as soon as possible. They can’t respond to a situation
of which they are unaware, and timely reports also help them to locate offenders more quickly.
You can always call the 3rd Precinct, Sector 311, at 646-1412, with any questions that you may have and someone will be
happy to assist you. The City website (www.richmondgov.com) is another excellent resource.
Neighborhood Safety
Any suspicious activity should be reported to either 9-1-1 (emergency) or 646-5100 (non-emergency). The Richmond
Police Department tracks crime trends and adjusts patrols accordingly. We cannot expect more patrols if crimes go
We encourage you to keep vehicles, garages, and homes locked at all times. One of the most effective ways to discourage
theft from vehicles is to remove possessions from plain view and lock them in the trunk. Theft devices, such as alarm
systems and lights are great deterrents. Leave your porch lights on and/or install motion lights. Let the police know when
you will be away so that they can stop by and check your house at least once per day.
REMEMBER: Contact Richmond Police (and our security officers) at 9-1-1 or non-emergency number 646-5100.
Windsor Farms E-Mail List
The members of the Windsor Farms Yahoo! Group find contractors and lost pets, learn timely security information, and
hear of exciting and useful information. To join, send a blank e-mail to windsorfarms-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and
you will receive notification of your subscription by return e-mail from the group's moderator. When you send a request to
join, please include your name and address. Feel free to join using multiple e-mail addresses (home and work, husband and
wife). If you have any questions, please contact John Denniston at 353-5811.
Please remember to scroll to the bottom of the e-mail and click on “Reply to Sender” when no group response is
Covenants & Restrictions
In accordance with the Windsor Farms, Inc. Covenants and Restrictions, all plans for fences and additions of any kind
must be approved by the Windsor Farms, Inc. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) prior to the start of any project.
Plans can either be dropped off at the office or e-mailed to office@windsorfarms.org .
Also per the Covenants and Restrictions, “no board or other device for advertisement shall be placed on any lot, except a
“for sale” or “for rent” sign which does not contain more than nine square feet”. Any sign posted in the city right-of-way,
which includes medians, utility poles, or the area between the curb and sidewalk, is illegal under City Code. Richmond City
Code gives any person the right to remove illegal signs from the public right-of-way. Anyone convicted of a violation may
be fined up to $50 per day, per sign.
The Covenants and Restrictions can be viewed at www.windsorfarms.org. If residents have any questions about the
neighborhood covenants and restrictions, please contact Cheryl Warker at the WF office (353-4221, ext 11 or
Class A Grounds Management
Thanks to Kevin and his crew, more than 12 acres of park and reserve areas are beautifully maintained on a regular basis.
Please thank the dedicated Class A crew members when you see them in the neighborhood.
Windsor Farms Board of Directors Seeking Volunteers
Do you know of someone in the neighborhood who would be a great asset to the Windsor Farms Board of Directors?
The Board is very interested in developing a list of residents who are committed to the neighborhood, and willing and able
to volunteer their time. In particular, residents with architectural, legal, accounting, and grounds/landscaping expertise are
needed. Please submit any recommendations to the Windsor Farms office (353-4221, ext. 11 or office@windsorfarms.org)
as soon as possible.
Animal Care and Control
Please remember that there is a leash law in the City. When walking your pets, all dogs must be kept under restraint by a
hand-held leash or lead (Richmond Code, Section 10-172). This means that the leash must actually be attached to your
pet’s collar while the other end is held in your hand. At all other times, they should be confined within a fenced area.
Pets who are allowed to roam the neighborhood at large run the risk of not returning home or of being struck by a vehicle.
Per Section 10-173, “Owners must exercise proper care and control of dogs and cats and prevent them from becoming
a nuisance. A nuisance animal is any animal that molests passersby, attacks other animals, trespasses on school
property, recreational areas or playgrounds; is repeatedly at large; damages property; or barks, whines, howls
excessively. Animal Control may issue a summons to the owner of a dog that is determined to be a nuisance.”
Violations of either section are Class 4 misdemeanors, and may be reported to Richmond Animal Care & Control at
646-5573 (weekdays) or 646-5123 (nights and weekends).
Windsor Farms, Inc. can only suggest that residents abide by the leash law and attempt to resolve directly with neighbors
any pet-related issues.
Dumping in the Common (Reserved) Areas
There have been some complaints about the dumping of yard waste and other litter in the common areas. Not only is the
dumping of such materials unsightly and potentially unsanitary, it is also against the law. Please ensure that your yard
service and everyone in your household is aware that dumping in the common areas is not allowed. Any yard waste should
either be removed completely from your property or placed in the proper receptacle for collection by the City.
Also, yard services, construction companies, etc. should not drive and/or park their vehicles in any of the common areas.
The driving of motor vehicles in and out of the common areas can lead to ruts and other problems, especially when such
areas are wet (e.g. Canterbury easement access to the common area bounded by Banbury, Cary, Canterbury, and Exeter).
These areas are owned by all lot owners, and it is the primary responsibility of Windsor Farms, Inc. to see that they are
well-maintained. This cannot be done without the assistance of all residents, and your cooperation would be greatly
Keep Windsor Farms Beautiful
Residents are asked to pick up litter and other debris they find in the neighborhood in an effort to keep our streets and
common areas clean.
Just a reminder to all pet owners that the Richmond Municipal Code states that you are responsible for removing and
properly disposing of waste deposited by your pet(s) on public or private property. Violation of this ordinance is a Class 4
misdemeanor. Need another incentive? After a rainstorm, bacteria and other pathogens from “unscooped” pet waste
can enter the stormwater system and pollute the James River. Thank you to all of the residents who do pick up after their
pets; it is greatly appreciated!
Windsor Farms Garden Club
The Windsor Farms Garden Club welcomes Master Gardeners, those with a brown thumb, or gardeners who are somewhere in
between. The meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month from September to April, usually at Grace Baptist Church.
In lieu of a monthly meeting in December, the Garden Club holds an evening holiday potluck cocktail party in a neighborhood
home, to which members and their spouses are invited. It's a highlight of the season! The Garden Club also organizes an Easter
egg hunt at the trenches which is open to all children in the neighborhood. A treat for everyone! The May meeting is a luncheon
and garden tour, often at a neighbor's home.
Best of all, the Garden Club has no minimum level of involvement. You can do as much or as little as you like. There are a
number of opportunities to be a part of this beautiful and historic neighborhood. From working with the Virginia Home near Byrd
Park (holiday decorating, maintaining their Gillette garden or donating Christmas gifts to the residents), tending to the gardens at
UMFS or just chatting with your neighbors at the informative meetings.
Each member receives a Yearbook, which contains a useful directory of members, the meeting schedule, exhibiting and artistic
requirements for the four meetings that have judged exhibits, the Garden Club by-laws and other handy information. There is also
a monthly newsletter (online or by mail), with gardening tips and announcements.
The Garden Club has been alive and well in Windsor Farms since 1953. To join and help continue this wonderful tradition, please
contact Sue Feeser at sue.feeser@yahoo.com or 355-1482.
Welcome New Residents
The Black Swan would like to recognize and welcome the following new residents to Windsor Farms:
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Bliley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Ellington, III
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Finn
Mr. Scott Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Fowler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fowlkes, II
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Heath H. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Garnett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Ginther
Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Groome, III
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Guedri
Mr. Charles E. Hicks and Ms. Laura L. Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Jiranek
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Margolin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Martin
Ms. Francine B. Mathews
Ms. Carol A. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Peay
Mr. Ollie Reese, III
Mr. Mark Rudolph and Ms. Ashley Correll
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shannon
Mr. Norman Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Vaughters
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Vick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. White
Mr. Richard W. Wiltshire, III
Mr. and Mrs. Seth A. Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Workman
212 Banbury Road
3807 Dover Road
304 Long Lane
104 Windsor Way
4104 Exeter Road
331 Clovelly Road
4602 Coventry Road
1 Windsor Way
340 Clovelly Road
216 Portland Place
202 Wakefield Road
211 Berkshire Road
4304 Oxford Circle West
209 Berkshire Road
104 Penshurst Road
4307 Cary Street Road
7 Banbury Road
208 Portland Place
3901 Sulgrave Road
4108 Dover Road
328 Clovelly Road
309 St. Davids Lane
203 Gun Club Road
201 Oxford Circle West
105 Berkshire Road
4300 Oxford Circle West
3907 Dover Road
3811 Dover Road
3800 Tomacee Road
11 Canterbury Road
108 Penshurst Road
2 Berkshire Road
218 Portland Place
210 Canterbury Road
Richmond City Connection
City forms, community and neighborhood information, special event bulletins, and much more can be found at
www.RichmondGov.com. You can also make online requests for various city services, such as street light and sidewalk
repairs. The city tries to respond to such requests within one week.
Per City Ordinance No. 2007-230-275, refuse receptacles and recycling bins should be placed out for collection no earlier
than 4:00 p.m. on Sunday and must be removed no later than 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday. Failure to comply with this
ordinance can result in a notice of violation from the Department of Public Works, allowing an opportunity to remove the
receptacle or bin. If the receptacle or bin is still not removed, a civil penalty of $50.00 can be assessed for each and every
calendar day that the violation continues. Such a penalty will be added to the account holder’s monthly utility statement.
Bulk and Brush Refuse Collection
Bulk and brush refuse is collected from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. City residents are required to call
the Customer Care Center at 3-1-1 or (804) 646-7000 to request the removal of bulk/brush refuse. An online request can
also be made at http://eservices.ci.richmond.va.us/applications/citizensrequest/frmNewEntryType.asp# . Requests are
serviced in the order in which they are received, and items must be placed out for collection on the day the request is
made. There is a $50.00 service fee for the removal of appliances. Bulk and brush refuse will be collected within ten
working days of the request with no service fee. If applicable, the service fees will be applied to the resident’s utility bill.
City residents can dispose of appliances, bulk, and brush refuse items for free by taking them to the East Richmond Road
Convenience Center, 3800 E. Richmond Road, or the Southside Transfer Station, 3520 N. Hopkins Road.
City Storm Drains
Please don't deposit leaves, magnolia pods, grass clippings, etc. directly into storm drains. This may seem obvious, but
there are evidently citizens and yard services engaging in just such behavior throughout the year. Not only is it against City
Code, it can lead to flooded basements, streets (remember Gaston?), and problems with the sewer system itself.
Urban Forestry
The Urban Forestry Division of Richmond Public Works maintains approximately 110,000 city-owned trees of more than
80 species. If you are interested in replacing a tree in the city-owned area between the sidewalk and the street through the
Adopt-A-Tree program, please go to the Windsor Farms website (www.windsorfarms.org), contact Urban Forestry at
646-0681, or go to http://www.richmondgov.com/PublicWorks/UrbanForestry.aspx for more information. A copy of the
Adopt-A-Tree application can also be found on the back of this page. If you would like to replace or trim a city-owned tree
on your own, you must still contact Urban Forestry and obtain permission to do so.
If you live near a common area or median strip where a new tree has been planted, please consider watering it from time to
time. Thanks!
If you are replacing a tree on your own property, always look up first. Please pick a planting that can safely co-exist with
overhead lines. Tall trees that can grow near or into distribution lines threaten your safety and your electric service if their
branches come in contact with wires. So, when you make landscape improvements, select the right planting and the right
site. For more information, visit https://www.dom.com/dominion-virginia-power/customer-service/your-service/treetrimming.jsp .
The Urban Forestry Division has provided the following list of “Action Steps” to aid residents in caring for a new tree:
All trees need supplemental watering during extended dry periods. Adequate rainfall is at least one inch of rainfall
every week to ten days.
Try to supply at least 20 gallons of water per tree per week. The best way to do this is to put the hose at the base of the
tree at a low pressure and slowly count to 100. If the water runs off too quickly, reduce the pressure.
Mulch should not be piled up against the tree trunk. Keep grass and weeds out of mulch.
Do not cultivate or otherwise disturb soil under the tree (do not plant under trees).
Keep lawnmowers and string trimmers away from the tree to avoid wounding the trunk.
Do not use herbicides around the tree.
Inspect the tree often to detect problems early.
Call 3-1-1 (if the tree was obtained through the Adopt-a-Tree Program) to report any problems or for any questions you
may have.
---------------------------------------------------------Please Cut Out & Save---------------------------------------------------------------Important Phone Numbers and Websites
Windsor Farms Office
353-4221, ext. 11, office@windsorfarms.org
Class A Landscaping (Main Office)
Class A Landscaping (Kevin)
353-4221, ext. 12
Councilman Jon Baliles
646-5349 (Office), 592-1060 (Cell),
Eli Wong, City Council Liaison, First District
310-1738 or Eli.wong@richmondgov.com
Miss Utility of Virginia
811 or 1-800-552-7001
Richmond Police, 3rd Precinct, Sector 311
Richmond Police and Security Patrol (Non-Emergency)
646-5100, follow prompts
Richmond Fire (Non-Emergency)
City of Richmond Website
City Customer Care Center
311 or 646-7000
Request City Services Online
www.richmondgov.com, click on “Citizens’ Request”,
follow prompts
City Leaf Hotline
646-LEAF (5323)
City Leaf Collection Schedule
Richmond Animal Care and Control
646-5573 (weekdays) or 646-5123 (nights and weekends)
Adopt-A-Tree Program/Urban Forestry Division
Streetlight Outages
646-8555, M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or 646-8550 after hours
Gas, Water & Sewer Emergencies
Editor’s Note -Cheryl Warker, Windsor Farms, Inc.
Please e-mail any submissions to The Black Swan to: office@windsorfarms.org
The following article was originally published in 1929: