How’Introduction: Fiction or Non-Fiction? Between the two, it is actually hard for me to decide. Fiction has the adventure and thrills while Non-Fiction has the facts and knowledge. This means that Fiction expands my thoughts and imagination while Non-Fiction practically opens up the world for me. So Fiction can make me imagine and sometimes, that imagination could even become real one day! Take the tablet or the light bulb for example, dreamers thought and soon became reality! So, to read, or not to read might be the question here. Part One: The Differences and concepts of the two: Fiction and Non-Fiction do work well together, but I think it is only because of their differences rather than similarities. Think about it, a team with strong skills in math can cover math very easily, but a team with different skills, (math and language) can help expand each other’s skills and cover more. That is why I have dedicated a section of this essay to that idea. Fiction: Fiction is the art of imagination (I believe) where one can soar through books with wonder and surprise. In Fiction, the main elements are: plot, characters, and setting. These are usually decided by the author’s imagination or ideas (with a bit of inspiration). Plot is also known to many as the storyline of a story and is like the spine of a person. If it does not flow smoothly or is cracked, the person has lost part of their mobility, and it pulls down the other elements which build around it. Plot explains what the story is about, how it happens, and why certain things happen. Setting is literally just the setting! It sets the character’s actions and limits where the plot can go (think about computer settings). It is the time and environment of a story. I think of it as the skeleton of a body. The skeleton allows just enough mobility and balances the stability of the body. If one wants to stretch the story to even more places, they will have to work harder to blend it into the story, or exercise the body so that the skeleton can slowly allow more access. But watch out, if a story stretches too far… the body collapses, eroding the story’s quality! Setting explains where the story is and when it happens (past, present, future). Characters are the people/creatures that are in the story and are involved in the problem of the story and the plot. They could be compared to the muscle of a body. They move along the spine (see plot) and are restricted by the skeleton’s format (see setting). Each character is different and serves a unique purpose. The villain, or bad guy, tries to do something bad/evil and the Hero (usually the main character) tries to stop the villain. In the end, the Hero usually stops the villain and “good prevails”, while the villain is defeated and sometimes comes back in later books for revenge. Characters explain who is in the story and help push the plot along. Non-Fiction: I think of Non-Fiction as the facts about the world where one can marvel, or become terrified. In this genre, one can learn about the ups and downs of human history and also compare the differences from the past to now. Non-Fiction is generally harder to explain because it does not really have major elements like plot and setting. Instead, it is quite like the opposite of Fiction! For example, while Fiction is imagination, Non-Fiction is fact (hence the “non”)! So really, it actually is just like the plot, setting, and the story of human life. Part Two: Compare and Contrast: Fiction Non-Fiction Is the outcome of imagination and the Is the story of human history and reality. author’s thoughts. Has the elements: plot, setting, and Is the plot, setting, and the story of reality and characters. humans. In the end, I prefer Fiction because of the fact that it can always be changed and is intercepted a different way by each reader. Thank you for reading, we hope you enjoy!