Foods from Other Countries Notes

The British Isles
Eli, Summer, Beth
The British Isles consists of: _________________, _________________,
_______________, ______________.
The British Isles are a group of islands surrounded by the ___________________,
__________________, ________________, and ____________________.
Most of England is composed of fertile _____________.
The___________________ is a mountain range that runs northward through
center of __________ to the ____________.
Southern Scotland is made up of rolling _________.
The central lowland region is the location of most of Scotland’s _____________,
_________, and _____________.
Northern Scotland is a rugged, mountainous area known as the _____________.
North Wales is a _____________ country while South Wales is marked by
_________ and _____________.
Much of ____________ is covered by rolling hills and windswept plains. The
landscape of
Northern ______________ rises into low mountains along the northeast coast.
For Britain, the weather changes constantly from place too place, ______ along
the coast is common and the air is often raw and bone chilling.
The British Isles were shaped by numbers of different cultures, such as,
_______ , _____________ , and _______________.
The Celts lived on the British Isles around ____________ until the ___________
invaded some 600 years after.
The main tribes were the _______, __________ , and the __________.
They invaded England’s mainland in_________ eventually the Angles and the
Saxons set up kingdoms throughout England.
In 1066 ______________ led a Norman army into England. Normans were a group
of Scandinavian vikings that once settled in Northern France.
For military victory William became the king of England and Norman influence
spread throughout the English Isles.
____________, celebrated in Scotland (New Year’s Eve) is celebrated with
bonfires and large feasts. They drink a special ale called ___________, which is a
sweet or spiced ale.
Welsh’s celebrate St. David’s day, which honors the saint of Wales. They pin
daffodils or leeks to their clothes to symbolize the passing of winter. This
holiday includes traditional foods such as ___________, ___________,
____________, and ______________.
________________ is a national celebration in honor of Ireland’s patron Saint.
People will wear green and display shamrocks which is a sign go Ireland’s
British Cuisine
The British enjoy _____________, ___________, ____________, ______________, and
____________. They perfected the art of roasting and it is still popular today.
British also eat fresh fish, ____________, __________, __________, _______________,
__________________, _______________, _______________, and many other varieties.
The fish if often prepared by___________ or______________.
Creative British cooks will turn leftover food into numbers of popular dishes
such as __________________________ which is cold cooked beef and potato dish.
_________________ and ________________ are two other popular dishes.
Scottish Cuisine
____________ and ______________ grow well in Scotland and both have long been
staple foods.
Cooks also use oats to prepare the traditional Scottish holiday dish called
____________. Haggis is a sheep stomach stuffed with pudding made from
oatmeal and sheep organs.
Barley is basic to the production of _________ and _________, many of which are
exported. Fine Scotch ____________ for example, is known throughout the
Scottish cooks are known for the simple and wholesome foods that they
prepare. Most of these dishes include ____________ produced beef, lamb, or
mutton. Others contain fish caught in _________________. Fresh fruits and
veggies, cereal products made of oats and barley, and dairy products may be
____________ is an important industry in Scotland, as result, Scots eat _____
Scottish cooks consider __________ to be their greatest skill.
Welsh Cuisine
Welsh food is similar to the foods of England and Scotland in its ____________.
Welsh use homegrown foods to prepare dishes that are substantial yet plain and
The rugged hills found in Wales are suitable for __________ production.
Understandably, sheep and lamb are prominent in the Welsh diet. Along with
lamb, the Welsh eat beef, pork, veal, and seafood. They often serve ham
The Welsh grow _________, ___________ and other vegetables in __________
gardens and often add them to soups and stews.
Irish Cuisine
Local dishes are prepared recipes that have been _______ down from generation
to generation.
___________ have been the mainstay of the Irish diet for centuries. Their
importance can be best seen in the results of the 1847 _________ crop failure.
Thousands of Irish died and over a million fled to the U.S to escape the “black
In many homes _______________ are still part of the daily diet. The Irish cook
potatoes in a small amount of salted water and serve them with butter. They
also use potatoes in soups, stews, breads, rolls, and cakes.
A variety of other vegetables are also grown in small gardens across Ireland.
Cabbage, onions, carrots, cauliflower, parsnips, turnips, and peas are plentiful.
They are usually___________ , ___________ or _________ in water. Mushrooms
gathered from the fields are ___________ in butter and added to soups and
stews. Garlic and Parsley add both color and flavor to ________, __________,
___________, and _________.
The excellent beef cattle produced in Ireland account for the popularity of
corned beef and cabbage. The Irish also use beef for _________________,
_______________, and adding to ___________________.
Meal Pattern
England: On Sunday, _________ is the main meal of the day. The term _______, is
referred to as a light meal. However, in rural area the evening meal is called
Scotland: The time around 6 o’clock is referred to as ____________.
Welsh: They serve tea in late afternoon or early evening. Various baked goods
accompany cups of steaming tea.
Irish: Serve dinner in the _________ of the day, it is the main meal for many
people, especially those who live in rural areas. They serve tea about 6 o’clock in
the evening.
SPAIN- Kelsey, Alexis, Chelsea and Claudia
1. Spain is partially surrounded by _________
2. Spain has a Mediterranean climate, _______ winters, ____ summers, and _______
3. Greece has mountainous land that is ______ and ______ so it is __________ for
4. ________ fruits grow well in Greece.
5. Spaniards eat ___ grapes to bring ______ _______ in the New Year.
6. Greece is relatively ______ so most people are _________.
7. Goats provide ______, ________, and _______ in Greece.
8. Spain began with the __________.
9. ________ is a popular side dish in Greece.
10. ________ honey is the best in the world.
11. Spain ~ Breakfast / __________
12. Spain ~ Lunch / __________
13. In Greece _______ is a _____ meal at _______.
14. They use ______ _______ ______.
Germany: Hannah, Terissa, Cassidy, Claudia G., Kenny, Dante
Geography & Climate
•North of Germany are the ___________ and ____________ sea.
•Low lands are mostly ______ and ________ and they make up much of the
_____________ part of the country. Highlands however make up the ___________ and
__________ regions.
•Other important geographic regions are the ________ and _________ rivers and the
Bavarian Alps and the ___________ Forest in southern Germany. Climate- Very
•Generally moderate, except in the __________ which undergoes extreme temperatures,
while higher _____________ receive large amounts of ___________.
•Average ___________________- Anywhere 38 degrees to 72 degrees.
•_____________ temperatures anywhere from 5 degrees to 95 degrees
•The ________________ annual temperatures tend to be in the _______________
where theres almost a mediterranean feel to the landscape at time.
•Germany is in the heart of _________________ Europe.
•Germany’s ____________ and cuisine developed with more
_________ than
Germany politics.
•Common ________________ and ingredients have led to the _____________ of dishes.
•After the fall of the ___________ ______________, each one brought new people to
Germany many came from what is now _____________, Denmark, Switzerland, and
•Germany is a fairly ________________________ country.
•In ______________ Germany, the main crops are ______________ and sugar beets,
however rye, oats, wheat, and _____________ are also planted.
•In ______________ Germany, they are known for their ____________, wheat, and
____________ products.
•In the southwestern ____________ grapes and other ___________ are grown.
•Germans celebrate ______________ holidays with traditional foods. For example, St.
Martin’s Day, which is a harvest festival, is held on Nov. 11. Served on this holiday is roast
___________ and breads baked in to _________________ shapes.
The ___________________ Christmas meal was ___________ because the church
forbade the _______________ of meat. Today, however, roast ______________, goose,
or _____________ is more common.
•Cuisine is characterized by __________ meats, filling _______ dishes, and delicious
_____________ goods.
•________ is the foundation of German cuisine
•The _____________ dish is the ___________, a roast, which could contain _________
the most popular of the meats, ________, veal, and game.
•The most ____________ pork dish is kasseler rippenspeer, a whole _____________
pork loin that is ____________ and served with sauerkraut, ____________ or chestnuts,
________, white beans, mushrooms, and _________________ potatoes.
• Another popular ________ is a beef dish that has been ______________ and served
with __________________ sauce.
• Schnitzel is a sautéed, ______________ veal cutlet. It originated in _____________
and served with a ___________ egg.
• _________________ are mostly used to make _____________ __________ and
______ dish meals.
• At __________ one meal a day includes _________________ and no meal is complete
without at least ____________________ sausage.
• Kartoffelpuffer are famous _____________ pancakes, they are served with mixed
stewed fruit or ____________________.
• Sauerkraut is another German _______________, which is fermented or
_______________ cabbage.
• ___________ is served at nearly every meal.
• Traditionally, _______________ who could do so and ______________ it, would eat
________ meals and many still do today.
• Fruhstuck (breakfast) is ___________ (eggs with dark bread and freshly __________
crisp rolls) ______________ Germany often serve ham, __________, and cheese
• Germans eat Zweites Fruhstuck, meaning _____________ breakfast during
______________. Thick _________________ made of sausage and _____________.
• Mittagessen, meaning __________ meal of the ______(for people who are able to go
__________ at noon) Mostly _________, eintopf, dumplings, and a ___________
• Kaffee, meaning sociable __________, in late __________________, mainly consists of
_____________ and a variety of __________ sandwiches, cakes and _________
• Abehdroft, meaning _________ supper, early ______________, is usually buttered
__________, variety of cold ___________, sausages, and cheeses.
Cooking Methods
There is no real way to ___________ German cooking _______________. For example
each ____________ of Germany has its own ________________ and variations. The
_______________ region of Germany __________ many methods that reach over to
_____________ and Switzerland. In the _________________ part of Germany,
______________ is greatly influenced by ___________ cooking. Cooking in the
________________ region has more of an _______________European flavor. There
are also ___________ that are shared by all _____________ but prepared differently,
sauerkraut is a good ______________. Each region has its own technique and recipe for
preparing and ________________ this dish. German cooking is ___________ thought of
as being very _______________ with an emphasis on meat and __________________.
During the cold _____________ periods, Germans had to consume _____________
calorie and nutritions.
Deshawna, Evelyn, Michael, Ro
Italy - Guided Notes
1. Italy is located in _______ Europe, Italy is a ________ extending into the ________
___________ Sea.
2. Italy borders _______ to the _____, ____________ and _______ to the ______, and
_________ to the ______.
3 Italy climate is _______ and _______. Many island and a _____ _______ ________,
that connects into the Mediterranean Sea.
4. Much if Italy is _________, the _____ Italian Alps form _____________ barrier in the
North shutting out neighboring countries.
5. Italy has _____ _______ geographic regions. ______ Italy has a great _______ and
_____ _____. The _______ ___ ______ basin makes the most productive _____ are in
the country.
6. Italian culture is ______ in the ____, ______, ___________, ______, and _____.
Home of _______ ________ and a major center of the ______________, culture on the
Italian peninsula has flourished for centuries.
7. Although Italians are known throughout the world for _____, ______, and ________
_______, the national diet of Italy has traditionally _______ greatly by _______.
8. There are more than ____ types of _______ made in Italy, w/ __________,
_________, and ______ among the best known worldwide.
9. _______ is typically the ____ meal of the day w/ Italians often return _____ to have a
meal with the _______.
10. One Italian method is _______, which means _______. ________ is a very finely
finely chopped mixture of ____ part ____ ____, bacon, or ________, along w/ ____ part
______ and _____ part _______.