Translation Guidelines

Translation Services
Schools and offices in Rogers Public School District shall provide parents/guardians whose primary
language is a covered language with a translation of any document that contains individual, student-specific
information regarding, but not limited to, a student’s (a) health; (b) safety; (c) legal or disciplinary matters;
and (d) entitlement to public education or placement in any Special Education, English Language Learner
or non-standard academic program. The Rogers Public School District will provide a translation for those
documents which are distributed or electronically presented to all parents/guardians within the district
containing critical information regarding their child’s education, including, but not limited to (a) registration,
application, and selection; (b) standards and performance; (c) conduct, safety, and discipline; (d) special
education and related services; and (e) transfers and discharges.
The ESOL Office shall (a) provide translation assistance in a covered language, or otherwise proofread
translations from existing resources in a timely manner; and (b) work with the school or office responsible
for the communication to make such translations available to parents/guardians.
Schools and offices shall follow the procedures outlined below:
1. Before requesting translations, schools and offices shall:
a. Make sure the document is a final and approved text before submitting it for translation;
b. Verify if there is a previous translation of the document at the school or office.
2. To obtain translation or proofreading services, a requesting school or office must:
a. Complete a translation request form (see ESOL website, forms);
b. Submit the translation request electronically to along with the
document to be translated;
i. Proofreading: send the original English version of the document, along with the
Spanish translation; or
ii. Editing previous translations: send the original English and Spanish versions with
changes highlighted.
iii. Translating: send the original English version
Once the project has been received, an estimated completion date will be provided to the sender. Requests
will be processed on the order they are received. When calculating the return times for translations, the
following factors are taking into consideration: amount of text; complexity of intricately formatted files;
number of documents to process; current workload. Translations will be returned as PDF files via e-mail.
When an RPS office, a school, or the ESOL Office is temporarily unable to provide required written
translation into the covered language, it must provide notice on the face of the document in English
indicating how a parent can request free translation or interpretation of such document. If translations are
needed in a language other than Spanish, please contact Jivette De Jesús or María Dalati at the ESOL
office (479-631-3559) for further assistance.
Revised 8/12
ESOL Office 220 South Fifth St., Rogers, AR 72758  Tel. 479-631-3559  Fax 479-631-3552
Translation Services
Best practices for translation services
Please keep the following in mind when preparing and submitting your text for translation purposes:
Avoid the use of automated translation systems or tools for school documents. These perform
simple substitution of words in one language for words in another; they usually cannot produce an
accurate translation of a text.
Make sure the document is final and approved text before submitting it for translation.
Translations services are provided in the order they are received, so please plan ahead. Allow at
least one week of notice whenever possible.
Use clear, succinct writing. Avoid ambiguities.
Minimize the use of abbreviations and define acronyms.
Whenever possible, the English copy should be on one side of the paper and the translation on the
other side.
Keep an electronic file of translated documents for future use.
If revisions or updates must be made to a document, send the electronic file to the translator with
changes highlighted.
Whenever using a resource from the school/community as a translator, please make sure to have
a reliable source for proofreading the document before sending it to parents/guardians. Schools
can request that their translators complete a Translation Skills Assessment by the ESOL office.
Avoid requesting translation of documents from fellow bilingual teachers or school employees
outside of their regular duties as a personal favor. This might present a difficult scenario for the
bilingual employee, and will prevent an accurate report of the language services the school district
Once the updated version is received, please disregard any and all previous translations of the
same document.
Revised 8/12
ESOL Office 220 South Fifth St., Rogers, AR 72758  Tel. 479-631-3559  Fax 479-631-3552