Sheffield Elementary Lesson Plan SPI’S (SHOULD MATCH CALENDAR) Standards/GLE Guiding Question: Monday Motivation/Lesson Introduction Tuesday How will you introduce and get students excited about the lesson? Strategies, Activities, Checking for Understanding Wednesday Thursday Friday What exact strategies and activities will be done during the lesson? (not materials) And How will you formatively assess the learning? Materials What materials will be used to teach this lesson? Assessments How will you summatively assess the learning? Extend and Refine Knowledge How will you extend or refine this learning to needed students?(differentiation) Homework How will the students practice this skill? Teacher: Grade: Nine Weeks:____________ Subject: _______________________________________ Date: __________________ Lesson Plan Rubric Please use this rubric to assess your lesson plan before you email it to me. The goal is for your plan to rank at Level 4. GLE/Grade Level/Date/Teacher Question of the Day Motivation Strategies/Activities/distributed Practice/Intervention Formative Assessment Closure Extend and Refine Knowledge Homework Total 4 3 2 1 Stated grade level, topic, content area, and a GLE for each day Yes There is a question for each day Related to content /skill Contains multiple examples and detailed a script of what to say; examples of instruct. language included Provided 4 or more examples of activities are included that incorporates alt. learning styles, cooperative groups, or individualized work. Assessment incorporates the stated objectives and reflects lesson goal with multiple and alternative assessment strategies described in detail Actions or statements are provided that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. 1) More than one Identified 2) Requires students to extend or transfer knowledge and/or skills acquired Students create product to be shared when appropriate Left out one areas Left out two areas Left out three of the areas Yes There is a question for three days Related to content /skill Yes Related to content /skill No Not related to content/skill Focused student attention on the lesson, a ‘grabber’, connected prior knowledge. Focused student attention on the lesson, a ‘grabber’, connected prior knowledge. Does not focus student attention on the lesson, a ‘grabber’, connected prior knowledge. Provided three examples of activities are included that incorporates alt. learning styles, cooperative groups, or individualized work. Provide two examples of activities are included that incorporate alt. learning styles, cooperative groups, or individualized work. Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is vaguely stated. Did not provide Several examples of activities are included that incorporate alt. learning styles, cooperative groups, or individualized work. There is an assessment, it but it has little relevance to stated objectives or no assess. was mentioned in the lesson. reflects little or no evidence of summarizing activity Closure is vague, or there is no closure mentioned. Yes Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is present. Can be readily used for expert, peer, and/or self-evaluation. includes plans for summarizing or reviewing the lesson’s major objectives 1. 2. Identified Requires students to extend or transfer knowledge and/or skills acquired Students create product to be shared when appropriate Yes 1) 2) Identified Requires students to extend or transfer knowledge and/or skills acquired. Teacher use of technology to promote mastery of the lesson objective or to assess mastery when appropriate Yes 1) 2) 3) Not identified More of the same (more problemsanother worksheet, etc.) Technology not appropriately used to promote mastery of the lesson objective or to assess mastery when appropriate No