Dipole Moment of Dichlorobenzene CHEM 366 MiaomiaoGu Experiment date: Feb 24th, 2011 Student ID: 301100545 Submission date: Mar 10th, 2011 Abstract. The dipole moment of o- and m-dichlorobenzene in benzene at constant temperature was estimated by determine the capacitance in order to obtain the dielectric constant. The dipole moment values were obtained as 2.0(1) D and 1.5(1) D for o- and m-dichlorobenzene by deduction method and 1.98(5) D and 1.45(5) D for o-dichlorobenzene by Guggenheim’s method. Purpose: Obtain the dipole moment of polar o- and m-dichlorobenzene in benzene by the heterodyne-beat frequency method. The results were extrapolated by Guggenheim’s and deduction methods. Introduction: The permanent dipole moment of a polar molecule, as a solute molecule in a liquid solution in a non-polar solvent, can be determined experimentally from measurements of the dielectric constant . The dielectric constant is also known as the relative permittivity. The dielectric constant is determined with a capacitance cell. In this experiment, by the heterodyne-beat frequency method, the capacitances of o- and m-dichlorobenzene in benzene at closed and open positions were obtained. Then, the dipole moment was extrapolated. Theory Based on use of an electrical oscillator incorporating an inductance L and a capacitance in parallel, the frequency of such an oscillator is given by: (1) 1 𝑓 = 2∏√LC (1) The difference △C between the closed and open positions is independent of the stray capacitance. Thus the dielectric constant of the liquid or solution is given by: κ= △C(liq)/ △C(air) (2) The mole fraction of the dichlorobenzene solute X2 has linear relationship with dielectric constant, solution density and the square refractive index n2: κ= κ1 + aX2 (3) ρ = ρ1 + bX2 (4) n2 = n12 + cX2 (5) By equation (3) and (4), it is possible to rearrange terms and obtain the limiting expression: Po2M = 3M1 a ρ1(K1+2)2 + k1−1 (M2 (k1+2)ρ1 − M1b ρ1 ) (6) If the molar distortion polarization in an infinitely dilute solution is equal to that in the pure solute, then: Po2d = n22 −1 M2 n22 +2 ρ2 (7) The molar orientation polarization of the solute at infinite dilution can be obtained from equation (6) and (7) two expressions: Po2 = Po2M - Po2d (8) The dipole moment of solute is extrapolated from the molar orientation polarization: = 42.7 (Po2T)1/2 * 10-30 Cm (9) = 12.8 (Po2T)1/2 debye The molar orientation polarization of the solute could also be derived from Guggenheim’s method by experiment: Po2 = 3𝑀1 ρ1 𝑎 [(κ1+2)2 − 𝑐 (𝑛12 +2)2 ] (10) Experiment: Most procedures were same as shown in the lab manual, (2) few details were indicated in the following: The 25ml solutions containing 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% mole fraction dichlorobenzene in benzene were prepared at 23°C conditions. Since the capacitance was very sensitive with temperature, the solutions were placed into the 25°C bath for 7 minutes before the capacitance measurements. Results and Calculation: At room temperature, benzene and two series of o- and m-dichlorobenzene solutions were prepared. The mass of solute, solvent and solution of each solution were measured. From equation (1), the capacitance of each solution was measured by an oscillator circuit at the open and close position of cell capacitor in a constant temperature bath 25°C. Afterward, the refractive index of the solute of each solution was obtained at 25°C, and the value of obtained capacitance, refractive index and solution mass was shown in Table 1. Mass(g) Mass(g) Empty Vial vial +Solute Mass(g) Capacitance Index of Position Position refraction Vial+solute+solvent a b 48.3097 291.9(1) 335.1(1) 1.4984 Benzene 26.4260 soln 1 o-dichloro 26.6947 27.0638 48.7667 291.1(1) 338(1) 1.4968 soln 2 o-dichloro 27.4328 28.2016 49.5891 289.23(6) 334.93(6) 1.4983 soln 3 o-dichloro 24.3517 25.4671 46.6317 287.67(6) 334.6(0) 1.4995 soln 4 o-dichloro 23.8428 25.3717 46.2399 285.73(6) 334.13(6) 1.5095 soln 1 m-dichloro 24.8318 25.2308 47.2023 291.03(6) 334.97(6) 1.4992 soln 2 m-dichloro 26.6153 27.3686 48.7539 290.43(6) 334.6(0) 1.4999 soln 3 m-dichloro 24.8233 25.9498 47.0115 298.77(6) 334.5(1) 1.5004 soln 4 m-dichloro 24.0412 25.5534 46.5949 289.5(1) 334.83(6) 1.5006 Air 320.7(5) 338(1) Table 1. Estimated capacitance of dichlorobenzene solutions. The dielectric constant, solution density, square of index refractive, and mole fraction of each dichlorobenzene solution were computed and given in table 2. Benzene o-diCl 1 o-diCl 2 o-diCl 3 o-diCl 4 m-diCl 1 m-diCl 2 m-diCl 3 m-diCl 4 Air ΔC(liq)(pF) 43.2 43.93 45.7 46.93 48.4 43.93 46.17 44.8 45.3 17 ± к 0.1 2.5 0.08 2.5 0.08 2.5 0.06 2.5 0.08 2.6 0.08 2.6 0.06 2.6 0.1 2.6 0.1 2.7 1 ± 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ρ(g/ml) 0.87 0.88288 0.886252 0.8912 0.895884 0.89482 0.885544 0.887528 0.902148 n2 2.245203 2.24041 2.244903 2.2485 2.27859 2.247601 2.2497 2.2512 2.2518 X2 0 0.008956 0.018743 0.027241 0.036807 0.009556 0.018372 0.027634 0.036783 Table 2. calculated к,ρ,ηand mole fraction of solute in different solutions. ΔC was calculated from the difference capacitances between open and closed positions. For the o-diCl 1 solution, the dielectric constant was extrapolated from equation (2), where ΔCliq = 43.93 pF and ΔCair = 17. Then, the dielectric constant for o-diCl 1 solution was obtained as 2.48 and shown in table 2. The difference capacitance and dielectric constant of other solutions was computed by the same method and given in table 2. The density of each solution was calculated from ρ = mass of solution / volume of solution, the obtained values were presented in table 2. The mole fraction X2 for o-diCl 1 was calculated form X2 = # moles solute / (# moles solute + # mole solvent) where solute was 0.002511mol and solvent was 0.27785 mol, thus, the mole fraction X2 of o-diCl 1 solution was 0.008956 and recorded in table 2. The density and mole fraction of other o- and m-dichlorobenzene solution were determined by the same way. The extrapolated dielectric constant, solution density and square of refractive index n2 all had linear relationship with the mole fraction of the solute. Three curves for each o- and m-dichlorobenzene were plotted to present this relationship and the parameters a, b, c were obtained as shown in figure 1-6. dielectric constant vs mole fraction 2.85 y = 6.2085x + 2.501 dielectric constant κ 2.8 2.75 2.7 2.65 2.6 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.4 2.35 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 mole fraction X2 Figure1. Relationship between dielectric constant and mole fraction of o-dichlorobenzene in benzene. density of solution Vs the mole fraction 0.905 y = 0.653x + 0.8733 0.9 density r (g/ml) 0.895 0.89 0.885 0.88 0.875 0.87 0.865 0.86 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 mole fraction X2 Figure 2. Relationship between solution density and mole fraction of o-dichlorobenzene in benzene. refraction index vs index refraction 2.253 y = 0.1401x + 2.2465 2.252 square of Index refraction n2 2.251 2.25 2.249 2.248 2.247 2.246 2.245 2.244 2.243 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 mole fraction X2 Figure3. Relationship between o-dichlorobenzene in benzene. index refraction and mole fraction of dielectric constant vs mole fraction dielectric constant κ 2.72 2.7 2.68 2.66 2.64 2.62 2.6 2.58 2.56 2.54 2.52 2.5 y = 3.4942x + 2.5415 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 mole fraction X2 Figure4. Relationship between dielectric constant and mole fraction of m-dichlorobenzene in benzene. solution density vs mole fraction 0.9 0.895 y = 0.6214x + 0.8699 density ρ (g/ml) 0.89 0.885 0.88 0.875 0.87 0.865 0.86 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 mole fraction X2 Figure5. Relationship between m-dichlorobenzene in benzene. solution density and mole fraction of square of Index refraction n2 index refraction vs mole fraction 2.254 2.253 2.252 2.251 2.25 2.249 2.248 2.247 2.246 2.245 2.244 2.243 y = 0.1833x + 2.2457 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 mole reaction X2 Figure6. Relationship between index refraction and mole fraction of m-dichlorobenzene in benzene. Since dielectric constant, solution density and square of refraction index n2 had linear relationship with mole fraction, by equation (3)-(5), κ1, ρ1 and n12 were the intercepts and a, b and c were the slope values of the equation for o-dichlorobenzene solutions in Figure 1- 3. Therefore, κ1, ρ1 and n12 were obtained as 2.501, 0.8733g/mL and 2.2465; a ,b and c were obtained as 6.2085, 0.653 and 0.1401 and shown in table 3. By the same method, these values of m-dichlorobenzene were determined and shown in table 3. The values determined from the calibration curves were used in calculating the limiting molar polarization of the solute in solution (Po2M). For o-dichlorobenzene, by equation (6) where M2 was the molar mass of solute 147 g/mol, M1 was the molar mass of solvent benzene 78.11 g/mol, a = 6.2085, b= 0.65299, k1 = 2.501, and ρ1 = 0.878326 g/ml. Thus, the limiting molar polarization of solute for o-dichlorobenzene was extrapolated as 116.065 cm3/mol and shown in table 3. The limiting molar polarization of solute for m-dichlorobenzene was obtained by the same method and presented in table 3. The molar orientation polarization could be approached by two methods. The first one was derived from the expression of Po2M and Po2d, the other one was expressed by Guggenheim’s method. Thus the two values of molar orientation polarization were obtained, as well as the dipole moment, and they were listed in table 3. o-dichlorobenzene m-dichlorobenzene o-dichlorobenzene m-dichlorobenzene a 6.208 3.494 0.004 b 0.7 0.621 0.004 к1 ± 2.501 2.5415 0.0008 Po2M 0.001 c 0.14 0.1833 0.0005 ρ1 (g/ml) ± n12 ± 0.873 0.87 0.02 2.247 2.25 0.001 0.1 0.06 ± 0.04 0.02 Po2 Po2d (cm3/mol) 116 5 36.077 80 5 81 5 35.8054 45 2 ± D) ± (D) ± 80 6 2.0 0.1 1.98 0.05 43 3 1.5 0.1 1.45 0.05 Po2 (cm3/mol) o-dichlorobenzene m-dichlorobenzene 0.0008 ± ± (cm3/mol) o-dichlorobenzene m-dichlorobenzene ± ± ± (cm3/mol) Table 3. the estimated dipole moments by two different methods. The molar distortion polarization of o-dichlorobenzene was determined from equation (7) where n2 was the literature index of refraction 1.550, ρ2 was the density for the solute in the pure state 1.3g/cm3 and M2 was the mole mass of the solute 147g/mol, thus, the molar distortion polarization of o-dichlorobenzene was obtained as 36.077 cm3/mol and given in table 3. The molar distortion polarization of m-dichlorobenzene was extrapolated in the same way and shown in table 3. From equation (8) where Po2M and Po2d were calculated and listed in table 3, then, the molar orientation polarization of o-dichlorobenzene was obtained as 79.988 cm3/mol and shown table 3. On the other hand, the molar orientation polarization could also extrapolated by Guggenheim’s method. Thus, by equation (10) where M1 was the mole mass of benzene as 78.11g/mol, ρ1, к1 n12, a and c were the computed values from the experiment and listed in table 3. Therefore, the molar orientation polarization of o-dichlorobenzene was obtained as 80.1482 cm3/mol and given in table 3. The molar orientation polarization of m-dichlorobenzene were obtained by these two methods and shown in table 3. From equation (9), the dipole moment of o-dichlorobenzene for both methods was calculated at temperature 298K as 6.59247E-30 Cm and 6.59907E-30 Cm and reported in unit D in table 4. The dipole moment of m-dichlorobenzene was obtained by the same method as E-30 Cm and 4.83359E-30 CD and given in unit D in table 4. Error Analysis: The average capacitance at the closed position of o-diCl 1 solution was calculated as 291.1 pF and the standard deviation on this capacitance has been calculated from σ =√(Σ(xi-xave)2/(n-1)) where xave= 291.1 pF and n=3, thus, σC = 0.1. The result should be reported as 291.1(1) pF and shown in table 1. By the same method, the error of average capacitance of other solutions was calculated and shown in table 1. The difference capacitance between the closed and open position of o-diCl 1 solution was calculated as 47.3pF. The error on this capacitance has been determined from the error of capacitance at closed and open position where e△C = √(ea2 + eb2) , thus, e△C = 1. The result should be reported as 47(1) pF and shown in table 2. By the same method, the error of △C of other solutions was determined and given in table 2. The dielectric constant of o-diCl 1 solution was extrapolated as 2.764706 and the error on this dielectric constant has been calculated from %e = √( (%eliq)2 + (%eair)2) where %eliq and %eair were percent relative error of the solution and air, thus , the error of dielectric constant was 0.02. Then, the result of dielectric constant error of o-diCl 1 was shown in table 2 as 2.41(2). The dielectric constant error of other solutions was calculated by the same method and given in table 2. In addition, the error of Po2M, Po2and of o- and m-dichlorobenzene were also obtained by this method and listed in table 3. The uncertainty of the calibration curve in Figure 1 of o-dichlorobenzene was determined from the vertical deviation di and the standard deviation of this slope was calculated from σy = √(Σ di2/(n-2)), by calculations Σ di2 =9.43665E-07 and n= 4. Therefore, the uncertainty of the calibration curve was σy = 0.0007. By the same method, the uncertainty for other figures was extrapolated. The dielectric constant κ1 of o-dichlorobenzene was extrapolated from the calibration curve in figure 1, y = 5.3066x + 2.3708. The standard deviation of κ1 was determined from σκ1 =√(σy2Σ(xi2)/D) where the calculated values were 4.9E-7, 0.002528337, and 0.001695837 for σy2, Σ(xi2) and D. Therefore, σκ1 = 0.0008. Then the k1 was reported as 2.3708(8) in table 3. The error of dielectric constant κ1 n12 and ρ1 values of o-dichlorobenzene and m-dichlorobenzene were obtained by the same method and given in table 3 as well. Value a of o-dichlorobenzene in equation (3) was also extrapolated from the calibration curve in figure1. The standard deviation of a was determined from σa = √(σy2n/D) where the computed values were 4.9E-7, 4 and 0.001695837 for σy2, n and D. As a result, σa = 0.03. The a value should be recorded as 5.31(3) in table 3. The errors of a, b and c values of o- and m-dichlorobenzene solutions were obtained by the same way and shown in table 3. As the density, molar fraction and index refraction were not treated as the final values, their uncertainties were not calculated particularly. Discussion: The uncertainty of molar distortion polarization was considered as no error because the index of refraction, density and molar mass of dichlorobenzene were from literature (3) with no uncertainty. Compared the results of dipole moment of dichlorobenzene with monochlorobenzene, the dipole moment of monochlorobenzene is bigger than m-dichlorobenzene, but smaller than o-dichlorobenzene. This is because the two carbon-chloride bonds of o-dichlorobenzene have a 60o angle, then, the sum carbon-chloride bond moment of o-dichlorobenzene calculated from the vector was equal to √3 carbon-chloride bond moment and bigger than the monochlorobenzene bond moment. In addition, the carbon-chloride bonds of m-dichlorobenzene have a 120o angle; its sum bond moment is smaller than the carbon-chloride bond which is around 0.5 carbon-chloride bond moment. Therefore, the experiment results of dipole moment were consistent with the physical vector determination which the dipole moment of monochlorobenzene is bigger than m-dichlorobenzene, but smaller than o-dichlorobenzene. There were two methods to obtain the molar orientation polarization of the solute, by equation (10); a more precise result was given than equation (8) did, as the uncertainty indicated. For the results obtained from equation (10), a 2 decimal places uncertainty was given where as the other method from equation (8) gave accuracy to only one decimal place. Thus, the dipole moment obtained from Guggenheim’s method gave more accurate value. Conclusion: By the measurement of the capacitance of o- and m-dichlorobenzene in benzene with various concentrations at open and closed positions, the dipole moment was extrapolated by two calculating methods. These two methods determined very close and no significant difference values, but the Guggenheim’s method gave more accurate result. Reference: 1. Carl W. Garland; David P. Shoemaker; Experiments in Physical Chemistry, 8th edition; McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York, 2009. P106-118 2. Physical Chemistry lab manual. 3. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 91st Edition, 2010-2011. 4. Daniel C.Harris; Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 7thed; W.H.Freeman and Company, New York, 2007.P39-71. Appendices: Capacitance closed (b) O1 291.2 291.1 291 Capacitance closed (b) O3 287.6 287.7 287.7 Capacitance closed (b) M1 291 291 291.1 M3 289.7 289.8 289.8 Capacitance closed (b) Benzene 291.8 292 292 (pF) open (a) 339.2 337 339 (pF) open (a) 334.6 334.6 334.6 (pF) open (a) 334.9 335 335 334.4 334.6 334.6 (pF) open (a) 335 335.2 335.2 O2 O4 M2 M4 Air Capacitance closed (b) 289.2 289.2 289.3 Capacitance closed (b) 285.7 285.8 285.7 Capacitance closed (b) 290.5 290.4 290.4 289.4 289.5 289.6 Capacitance closed (b) 320.4 321.2 320.4 (pF) open (a) 334.9 334.9 335 (pF) open (a) 334.1 334.1 334.2 (pF) open (a) 334.6 334.6 334.6 334.8 334.8 334.9 (pF) open (a) 339.2 337 339