Faculty of Science Taught

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I would like to change graphics instead of text in ppt files during some lectures. I saw a lot of text
and no graphics. It's hard to understand in that way.
As for me, I still feel very disoriented about how everything works in University of Nottingham. Thus,
I would want to make the transition to this university as smooth as possible for people who did
undergrad somewhere else. I think more information should be provided to students before they
actually come to Nottingham. For example, when I only came, I was not sure if I was to study in
summer, how assessment is done, if I needed to buy any textbooks and so on. I am also still not
aware of all the opportunities university offers. Sometimes I would find interesting information on
noticeboards only while an email can be sent (e.g. information about Advantage Award).
To study a Postgraduate Degree at the University of Nottingham is a big challenge, and being a
Mexican student under a government scholarship the responsibilities are larger and the changes
bigger. Definitively, I would love to help each student to profit the most from this experience, some
proposals are: to increase the opportunities of active participation of Postgraduate Students within
the University, to create an effective communication network between Schools to organize
academic and non-academic events in accordance with our profiles and necessities, also to involve
different nationalities to enrich and experience new cultures in a respectful and learning
environment. With all the mentioned above, I would like to be part of the Postgraduate Sounding
Board to participate actively in my University and collaborate with the Student Union in every
possible aspect, using the experiences from my Mexican University to make the best of my Master
As a postgraduate student mainly based at Sutton Bonington, I am very keen to maintain or change
any major issues that arise from students at the campus. Communication and accessibility are two
main issues that I would be concerned with.
Due to the SB campus being quite far from University Park, there is an inevitable feeling of exclusion
from the main campus where I would like to play a role in bridging that gap. As SB students
(especially international students) will have their own concerns related to their experience there I'd
want to instil confidence and easy access to postgraduate representatives to allow them to voice
their concerns and receive feedback on their issues.
As a new postgraduate of UoN, I am impressed with the level of involvement of the postgraduate
union and would love to be a part of a team to achieve its goals.
1. I'd like to get more ideas about people to shape my thoughts.
2. I'd like to spare some time (not very much) to work with people. In this way, I can have more
energy about my research.
3. I believe this experience will be a good experience to me in the future.
I'm new. I don't know what goes wrong around here yet, but I'm eager to help.
We are in need to enhance relationship between different cultures and find new ways to let more
students to benefit from UoNSU activities of Nottingham, especially research students.
We will try to organize different meetings between different international societies to share the
experience of both cultures.
I see a lot of opportunities and ideas to make a great Postgraduate Experience for our mature
students. Since starting my PhD last year, I have attended numerous postgraduate and international
events (socials, sightseeing tours), as well as being part of a Welcome Week committee where I was
helping to organise social events for new students. I enjoyed it a lot and managed to befriend a large
community of postgraduate students (both international and home). By listening to their views and
interests, I began to understand more about the type of social programmes they were interested in
and what they were expecting from Student's Union. I am very familiar with University Campuses
and transport connections, Town's clubs and food places with good student discounts, Sport
Societies at Student's Union which will attract postgrad's attention ("RamSoc", "Travel Society" for
example) - this information will massively benefit a new postgraduate student.
I’m Aymen Mohammed, PhD student at the School of Pharmacy, I’m running to be Faculty of Science
PGR Rep on the “Postgraduate Sounding Board”. I intend to be a representative to postgraduate
students' views and try to tackle issues facing our community. My initial commitment is to promote
an environment, equality, and ethical practice to meet the needs of the Postgraduates. I will save no
effort to widen postgraduate participation in all programs and activities. Organizing social, sport and
other events to gather and connect all of the postgraduate members. Meanwhile, making PG
association which will help us to have a clear voice and wide representatives. Also try to increase
bursaries and availability of scholarship scheme. I will make proactive talks to all groups and send
regular and instant feedback.
Making the decision to study a postgraduate course is a big decision, a lot of questions and doubts
will pop-up and finding the right person to answer them could be something difficult.
With the experience that I will be gaining and the adventures that I am going to pass through within
the next months/years, I would happily be willing to share with refreshers or possible PG students all
the process that implies doing a Master or PhD, so he/she can be sure that the decision they'll be
taking is the best and will not regret it.
I would like for there to be more interaction from employers exclusively for postgraduate students
so we all can feel that we as well as undergraduates are highly valued for our passion to pursue our
education at a greater level, particularly taking into account disabled students. I would also like
there to be social events from each School exclusively for postgraduate students so people can get
to know each other more, fostering a greater sense of comradeship and community; a core aspect of
university life. I would also introduce prizes noting outstanding academic performance as in
undergraduate, which will keep morale up and will enable students to achieve exceedingly, keeping
the reputation of Nottingham University at its peak for its outstanding academic credentials.
The Postgraduate Experience is proudly characterised by its diversity, made up of incredibly
interesting people from all corners of the world. The current atmosphere is fantastic with many PG
students ready to explore, engage in debate and develop as an individual by immersing themselves
in the Nottingham experience.
However, the enthusiasm and excitement displayed by many PG students is at times being wasted.
There seems to be a hurdle preventing the UoN PG experience from really expanding and reaching
its potential. This hurdle is communication! The SU, the faculty, the University needs to uphold their
excellent welcoming processes but place more emphasis on helping PG students to communicate,
cooperate and excel together. This can be achieved by working towards the following aims:
-Improve PG student welcome week by adding more events
-Reduce reliance on Facebook and help foreign/new students set up email capability quicker
-Engage with PG diversity and enthusiasm.
I would like to implement a more pragmatic approach to our Masters course. Our world grows up in
educational facilities that emphasize theory, knowledge, and applying our abilities in numerous
testing capacities. However, this is less similar to the working environment, where stimuli is not
controlled but chaotic, social interactions are not systemized but flexible, and intelligence or testtaking ability does not necessarily equate to a higher-paid position or more prestige. I believe a more
applied approach to our thesis (especially) will constitute higher success in our future professional
and personal endeavours, as it will encourage personal growth as well as stretch our intellectual
I have many ideas that I would love to express. One of them to organize some practitioner
conferences related our study and at the same time to organize some exchange programs among
other universities over all UK.
As a fairly new postgraduate, I have really enjoyed the experience. However, the main thing that has
stood out to me was that new postgraduate students, even if they had been undergraduates at
Nottingham, were still tentative about taking the first step!
A solution to this could be introducing PG 'Week One Reps' who attend introductory meetings
alongside the SU Postgraduate Officer, just to provide additional support at to help break the ice!
I believe that the University of Nottingham does a pretty good job helping postgrad students feeling
acquainted and welcome but I feel there is a lack of feedback from the students regarding their
needs and concerns. I would definitely want to see that change. I want to get everyone feel that
there are fellow students in the same situation and that they can approach them and talk about
issues that maybe international and even UK residents are experiencing or have experienced; issues
such as career opportunities, accommodation, life after your postgrad, workshops, hobbies, travel
but specific for postgraduate students in general. These could be great plus for the student
experience. There are a lot of societies and student groups within the university but as an
international student and specially since I'm a bit older than my fellow students, I would like to share
that experience with them. I have been working full time as a graduate in my home country for the
last 5 years so even when my environment was not the same, all over the world young adults have
the same uncertainty feeling about our future and prospects. I will like to share my thoughts and
offer my insights regarding those issues since even when we are studying different things and have
completely different backgrounds, right now we are all in the same boat.
So proud of being a member of the University of Nottingham. As a postgraduate student, in addition
to mainly focus on study, I also need some changes to make me a new beginning of my life at this
stage. To me, living in Nottingham community, I hope that I can establish a closer relationship with
my fellows, knowing what they want and enrich my postgraduate experience through being rep of
faculty of Social Science.
Hello … My name is Sarah, I am LLM international Law student. However, part of my passion to be
PG Rep is tied to my idea that each person should put his/her imprint in everywhere and anywhere
he/she goes. Also, in my opinion in any situation there's always need for improvement. The
problems or obstacles that are happening with 'PG' students if we look at them from different
perspective, we could find a NEW solution. It could be said that this is what the University need
(New point of view). Everyone in the university is responsible to follow the aim of (Making a
difference). I am sure that changing and improvement are things we can do it through the SU.
Best Regards.
As a postgraduate student reading an MA, I want to develop and improve the post graduate student
community. I stand for the following points:
Firstly, I want the postgraduate student community to develop socially that will enrich student life
and for this to be a support mechanism, such as, networking hub and social gatherings to reinforce a
strong post graduate community.
Secondly, I want the postgraduate student to achieve educationally, so they are fully supported and
fulfilled during their studies. Because, having a postgraduate qualification will personally and
professionally enrich them, as individuals with a cutting edge education for the global and
international market force.
Thirdly, I will actively advocate the postgraduate voice and ensure they have access to all supports
during their university experience. This will have a positive effect on their well-being. Overall,
creating a postgraduate assemblage that is happy, healthy, lively and enjoyable experience. Having a
positive experience will have fantastic benefits for the postgraduate student community.
I am entirely new for nottingham university and its system but one thing i can suggest that PG
classes should finish 3 pm or least 4 pm,so that student staying far away from university premises
can use library before dawn.
Hi friends, Namaste!
This is Rohan Vyas; studying LLM in International Criminal Justice & Armed Conflicts. I come from
India which is the world’s largest democracy. I am just another face from the crowd who wishes to
take up the responsibility to communicate and advocate for all my fellow mates in the capacity of
their representative. I ‘Reckon’ about events that happen in life, which is actually is what the heart
and soul of my manifesto.
I Reckon;
In Equality, in Freedom and being who You really are and not what people care you to be. I reckon
that Humanitarianism is mandatory and not something that should be shown occasionally. I reckon
people are equally important in this world, regardless of Caste, Colour, Creed or Sex. I reckon even if
you are Alone you still aren’t Lonely, because those are two different things. I reckon the fact that
one must have Trust in Others, in Himself and in Education. So I would first be the change I would
like to have in the world.
This year is absolutely a busy year. My aim of this postgraduate year is to finish all my course
smoothly with passion and effort, at the same time to make bunch of friends from many kinds of
cultures. Besides, to expand my vision through join in different project and gain various life
Since I am from Taiwan, there are so many differences between my country and Britain in terms of
study environment, social life and even sports competition. Personally, I would like to create a kind
of social platform aiming at eliminating those barriers for students.
No one must be left behind. As a class representative in this sense I created a common dropbox
folder with the modules materials and resources (books, references, past exams, class recordings
etc.) and organised study groups in the library. The postgraduate experience should be more
inclusive and the study materials should be made more accessible. In different occasions I checked
the libraries for class books and I found only 7-10 copies, the university MUST provide free access to
the study materials at least in Ebook version. It is not the lectures responsibility, it is the university
responsibility to guarantee equality between students.
The Post-Graduate experience is pretty much encompassing, interesting and detailed. it runs so fast,
you can hardly get a glimpse of it running.
It will be an even more interesting experience, if slightly elongated; as this will help students have an
academic experience of other departments other than theirs. A field trip (both academic and social)
can be organised across departments in schools to facilitate true diversity.
What I would like to change most about the Postgraduate Experience is integrating people from all
different walks of life more efficiently. Rather than dividing events down into faculties and courses, I
believe it would make for a far more enjoyable experience if all students studying at a Postgraduate
level were able to converse across campuses, both nationally and internationally, across a variety of
courses and subjects.
I love to be a postgraduate here at UoN so I wouldn’t seriously CHANGE anything, but I would
ENHANCE mine and others’ experience in this way:
1) have/manage a fb group or a platform for 2nd hand books, or have more books in the library (at
the business school, for a course of 45 people we got 4 books in the library)
2) have a broader offer of part-time jobs within the university and the community here in
3) have more social events organised in Jubilee campus, not only in University Park campus
4) for Master Students, we should have a tutor that is not our professor, a student that has
previously studied the same Master (even if not in Nottingham) would be more helpful.
I would encourage team work in order to realise the objectives of the union. I would try to create a
conducive atmosphere for dialogue and exchange of ideas to prevail. Respect others and their
opinion. Be committed to the union and to work closely with other members.
I strongly believe that we need a proper platform where Postgraduate students from all the
departments of Social Sciences could really interact together. We all do very similar things and it is a
pity not to have a space, a moment, a way to meet each other, share our research or simply our
thoughts and, in this way, incredibly enrich ourselves and our postgraduate experience. Many things
can be done in this regard such as monthly student-led seminar series where PGR student (or Master
if they feel like doing it) may present their research and discuss it with other colleagues with
different backgrounds, joined workshops, a joined blog or maybe a proper magazine/journal and
many more. In addition to that, further coordination and engagement with the PG students of other
Faculties would be incredibly an asset for us. The University of Nottingham is too big that sometimes
we have the tendency to stay only with our few colleagues in our small department. On the
contrary, a University should be a place where students from different disciplines discuss together
and make each other better people with open minds and wider knowledge, especially at the
postgraduate level; this is the added value of a University and we should definitely work for it to
1. Career-related activities more directed to postgraduate, especially Masters students: more
events, supports, information on careers after graduation, options for further studies.
2. Opportunities to showcase their research works and collaborate with other disciplines across the
University and academia.
To consolidate on what is existing and recognise what has been done in the past.
The change I intend to bring is to give postgraduate students an all-encompassing experience
especially in the areas of welfare and academic excellence.
I would like to make the postgraduates, particularly group of students that are doing only a year
course to feel very much welcomed. I would like to create a community where students can meet
and make friends that would last and make the experience in Nottingham University worthwhile
even within a short period of time. More than that, I would like create multiple events that could
bring most of the students into an active interaction that would help to develop not just in-class
education but also knowledge beyond. I take serious approach in trying to integrate international
and home students into one whole community where students can interchange cultural and
academic knowledge which will further broaden a standpoint of postgraduate student and help to
build communication skills that would be useful in later stage. Last but not least I would like to
continuously work together with the involved bodies (faculties and student union) to ensure that the
voices of students be heard and their opinions will be taken into consideration to drive the
educational existing system into thriving for a better system incorporating active interaction
between students their respective schools mediated by student bodies and representative.
University of Nottingham, from the brief encounter I had so far, is definitely a global leading
university. For that, a continuously developing university life, whether academic or para-academic, is
a priority.
As a postgraduate sounding board member I would be in a leading position to achieve the best
possible experience for my colleagues. That can be by availing the adequate time and effort for
working on different matters of concern, meetings with colleagues or university staff, conferences or
I intend to make the postgraduate experience more fruitful and academically rewarding, as well as,
an enjoyable one.
The postgraduate experience is usually shorter than the undergraduate. In almost one year you want
to study, network, socialize and explore different things.
So little time so much to do, the experience as well as it is exciting it could be overwhelming.
What I want is for myself and all the fellow postgraduates is to get the best out of this experience in
terms of learning, establishing lifelong friendships, discovering new things and places And most
importantly having a life changing experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.
A very important part of the University experience is having new friends and networking. This is the
reason why I would like postgraduate students of different nationalities to take part in social events
where they can get to know each other better, exchange ideas and network for future career plans.
Sometimes just exchanging a few words before and after lectures is no enough to create bonds with
people and feel more familiarized with your classmates. So, I think definitely there should be more
social interaction: create Facebook pages, planning certain events or trips where we can get to know
people from our course as from other courses as well. If this is possible, I think our Nottingham
experience will be much familiar, and will ease networking and making friends.
1.Create a forum where postgraduates can interact with other postgraduates in the field of study
prior arriving to university to facilitate a smoother transition.
2. Organise postgraduate gatherings like parties, cocktails, music and jam sessions that does not
have a limit to the amount of attendees. If you are postgraduate, you should be able to attend.
3. Organise competitions or events etc which requires different faculties to work with each other to
strengthen and create opportunities to have friendships outside of your course of study.
4. Show how amazing and rewarding postgraduate experience can be for every student from any
background, race or religion.
Greetings, my name is Rob Workman. I am a PhD student in my second/third year at the Veterinary
School. As such I have had several years of experience here, and am fully willing to make your
experience as great as possible. Particular changes include creating equal training possibilities for
students at different campuses and further opportunities for sharing our work with the public.
Life has changed a lot with the introduction of the advance technology including social network(s).
Student life's has been hugely affected by this technology and has become more complicated and
isolated. So, and not to make our lives boring, keeping "ACTIVE COMMUNICATION" with each other
is crucially important. No promise to direct your life toward the best, but you will see the difference
once you get my point !!
Not sure yet, haven't had time to come to an informed decision yet.
Fewer inductions, 3/4 seems like overkill.
I would like to increase the awareness on a wide range of issues that affect students' physical and
mental health during, but also after their experience at our University.
1- Establish a cross faculty database/system for PG student to sign up to become lab demonstrators
in any of the 4 schools, regardless of what school there are from within the faculty.
2-Enable and train PG student to organise national/international conferences for
academics/commercial companies in their field.
3-Have an annual public engagement event for each research area within the faculty (opportunity
for collaboration between students in different schools who work in the same research area) and
run a competition for the best public engagement presentation in each research area.
This University has all the state of the art facilities and very supportive staff. Coupled with all the
beautiful campuses and diverse nature of international students, one can expect nothing less than
an opportunity of a wonderful experience. However, most students actually go through the
University without taking advantage of such opportunities. I am extremely excited that I landed at
such a prestigious University as the University of Nottingham. I did my Masters degree here and I
must say that it was a great opportunity for me. In fact, it was the wonderful experience that I had
during my masters that motivated me to do a PhD in this same University.
It is my pleasure to work alongside the student Union and others to support possibly all students
that passes through this University to take advantage of this opportunity and have the most
wonderful experience of their time here.
I am thinking of supporting the postgraduate students in the faculty of medicine and health sciences
in terms of helping them in solving many problems that may face them during their studies
(including the difficulties to cope with the postgraduate environment challenges and language
problems especially for the international students, dealing with financial issues and helping the
students in choosing the appropriate short courses to engage in). In addition, as a third year PhD
student I can help many postgraduate students in improving their learning skills and using of the
university facilities available for the students.
Finally, as an international student, I can help both the international and the home postgraduate
students as well in many challenges that may face them, such as management of time or work, and
boost motivation and creativity during their studies.
I have started my PhD one year ago, being now a second year Phd student. I have joined a very
exciting PhD programme in Drug Discovery which is in collaboration with the University of Monash in
Australia. My third year will be spent at Monash University where I can learn and perform research
using techniques that are still not available at the University of Nottingham and create a vast
scientific network. This exciting PhD opportunity was only possible due to the fantastic and top
quality of the University of Nottingham.
My name is Natalie and I am a second year PhD student. I would love to be your Faculty of Medicine
and Health Sciences PGR Rep on the “Postgraduate Sounding Board”. Previously I was involved in
Sports club committees during my Undergraduate studies at a different Institution and I relished the
experience and opportunities those roles offered me.
I would like to make the Postgraduate experience more accessible for students, whether you are fulltime, part-time, a distance learner, a mature student or are based off campus. I want our Students
Union to be as diverse in its approach as the Postgraduate student body itself. Through the
applications to the Academic Community Fund I would like to promote the development of events,
online communities and student reps that adapt to, and work for, our community. I would fully
utilise the opportunity to work with the full-time Postgraduate Officer to do this.
The typical PostGrad experience lasts at most for a year and then a vast majority of the students
would go separate ways either into their placements, research or entrepreneurial efforts.
While the experience is short, it holds several opportunities that would leave a long-term impact.
If PG students were given more peer-based assessments and training in important life skills such as
time and money management, it would surely help them go a long way.
Another thing that I would like to change is the amount, quality and purpose of interactions that
happen among the PGs. We see so many diversities of students sticking to their own groups unable
to reach out to students from other nations. PG Socials with a focus on helping students interact and
exchange views on not just entertainment but cultural practices and lifestyles, would forge both
friendships and an international mindset needed for them, thus helping them break their shells and
make full use of the networking and learning opportunities presented to them.
I envision the University of Nottingham's PostGrad group to rise as on the most well-connected and
supportive groups not just for a few years but for a lifetime and that starts now.
Make many friends and meet new people
Ever since I landed in Nottingham, I have been absolutely loving every bit of it. The university
experience till now has been absolutely delightful. But there is really one small tiny thing which has
been poking me. Staying at a private accommodation at Dunkirk, I feel there are not enough
gatherings and social events planned for us folks. Every student hall has different life to it, a different
culture (well probably because all of those people are staying together!). If I am elected as the PGT
Rep, I would want to address this concern of mine (and I am sure of others as well), among other
tasks and issues.
The promotion and organisation of postgraduate events should be regular throughout the academic
year. The interaction with other postgraduates may have a positive influence not only for academic
reasons but also the social experience of the students, many students are international and have
language barriers (P.S.: Many english classes are available in all campuses but students are not
aware!), therefore meeting other students will improve their conversational english and networking
skills. Also, 'Home' students will be exposed to students from different cultures and nationalities,
which is a beneficial cultural exchange!
The feedback I have gathered through conversation with my peers is that some feel misplaced at
sports teams, for example, (this may be due to the age gap or cultural barriers), therefore organising
sports events or teams for Postgrads is essential, as well as the improvements of health practices
and socialisation benefits.
I most difficult part for me is the language especially understanding different accents. I would
definitely like to make a Nottingham Language Learners Society or Club where local students can
help the newcomers to have a smooth transition in the new environment.
I'd like to make a good networking among postgrads and unforgettable experiences in Nottingham.
As a postgraduate student, I would like to encourage students to be more active inside the
community of the university by participating them with different activities and making balance
between their study and their interested. I think there are small things we can do it to make
postgraduate students feel like a family such as trips, social activities and sharing and discussion
ideas for their studies.
Firstly, I would like to strengthen my CV and broaden my knowledge base of academia.
Secondly, I would like to work on strengthening an active link between our PG students here who
are doing their academic language course and their supervisors even before starting their PG
studies. Assisting many of our international students in how to be more harmonised with the
academic life here in advance in order not to be struggling when they start their PG real life. Finally,
connecting the UK students from the same disciplines to each other so that they can share various
ideas about their researches through actual meetings among them.
Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you
In the two weeks I have spent on campus I believe the Postgraduate experience is quite satisfactory,
however, I do feel there's a need to have more outdoor debating exercises where opinionated
freshers (like myself) can express their political, social opinions freely and connect with like-minded
The knowledge of learning relates to the practical daily working life, it will help to build up personal
career further development and also increase the employment opportunity.
I am a great team player and I would like to make full use of my strengths to facilitate others.
I feel that one of the key changes would be to significantly increase the number of events offered to
postgraduates specifically at the start of the year, and then again at the start of the second
semester. This is important for all PGs, many of who are beginning a new life and may need help
meeting people, but must be especially useful for international postgraduates, who I'm sure meet
other international students during their orientation but may lack opportunities to meet UK
postgrads and get a more rounded student experience. The kinds of events I suggest include pub
quizzes, coffee mornings, perhaps parent and child screenings at Broadway, for those PGs who are
also parents. The start of semesters are the most important time for these kinds of events, in my
opinion, but events that prove popular could be continued all year round.
I would really like to know why our beloved University of Nottingham invests £40 million in a
flamboyant new sports centre (just to name an example) while some PhD students from the Faculty
of Arts have to fight each other for a hot desk, survive with miserable and pauperising scholarships,
teach UGs as casual/third-class workers for £15 per hour, deal with the feeling of impunity of rude or
absent supervisors, be treated as mere numbers when asked to fill in ridiculous surveys of
satisfaction, cope with the pitying smiles of sympathetic senior staff, give up after paying the first
year due to 'unrealistic' promises of funding, and still feel thankful because, of course, becoming
part of the British academia is a great privilege (especially if you are an international student)... So, if
I find it out, I promise I will let you all know!
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