All About Pre-K - Lake Orion Community Schools

All about Pre-K
Welcome to Pre-K! We are looking forward to an exciting year with you and your children.
Reporting absences and illnesses (KATIE)
Please email me at to report any absences or tardiness. If your
child is sick please inform me of the illness so we can take the appropriate actions in the
Child of the day (KATIE)
We will rotate through the class list alphabetically when deciding the order for the child of the
day. We will try to align it so your child can be the child of the day on or near his or her
birthday. If you know you will be out of town during a period of time be sure to let me know
and I will make sure not to schedule your child during that time. In the event of a snow day we
will have your child be the child of the day on the next school day and I will adjust the calendar
Snack- When your child is the child of the day he or she will bring in a snack and beverage for
the class. We have 20 students in the class. Healthy snacks are encouraged along with plates
and cups. Please check the labels to make sure that the snack does not contain any nuts.
Mystery Bin- (CORIN)
We will send your child home with the mystery bin on the night before they are set to be the
child of the day. Your child will select one item of their choosing and place it inside the mystery
bin. They will then come up with 3 clues as to what is inside the bin. Your child will then
present the mystery bin and its clues to the rest of the class after snack time.
Drop Off (KATIE)
Parents and family members can drop their child off in the classroom at 8:30. Children that go
to Ms. Aprils before class will be picked up by Ms. Corin. Please do not bring your child into the
class earlier then 8:30. If you need to drop off snack or the mystery bin or discuss something
with a teacher you may come in and do so. Please direct your child to sit on the circle as soon as
they come into class.
Pick Up (KATIE)
Children will be picked up at the top of the ramp by the vending machines at 11:30. This area is
located next to the lunch room. Anyone picking up your child that Ms. Corin or I have not met
will be asked to show their ID. If a person picking up the child is not on your child’s emergency
contact list or does not have their ID on them we cannot release your child to them. You may
add someone to the emergency contact list in the early childhood office.
Toys from home policy (KATIE)
We do not allow toys from home to be brought into the pre-k classroom. Mystery Bin toys will
be put into the child’s locker after the mystery bin presentation.
Holidays/Parties/Parent volunteers (CORIN)
You will receive a list of all events and dates for the 2014/2015 school year. Look for ways to
sign up to volunteer for these events.
Yearbook (KATIE)
Pre-K does a yearbook through We will need parents to sign up to take pictures at
events and field trips. The parent that volunteers to take pictures on a particular field trip or
event will then design the yearbook page associated with the event. Each yearbook costs
around $10 and can be custom made for your child. (WILL GO INTO MORE DETAIL ON THIS)
Field Trips (CORIN)
Ms. Corin will have a list of all the planned field trips throughout the year. Each child must
attend field trips with parents or any adult permitted by parents. Parents can make
arrangements for child to attend with another child. We will not have class on field trip days.
Dual Enrollers (KATIE)
Children who attend Ms. April’s class will be picked up and dropped off by the Pre-K teachers
before and after class. You may choose to have your child use only Ms. Aprils locker, only the
pre-k locker or both.
Conferences (KATIE)
Conferences will be held in November and April. (SEE CONFERENCE FORM)
Birthdays (CORIN)
We will try to have your child be child of the day as close to their birthday as we can. On their
birthday they can bring in a special treat and have the opportunity to make a birthday crown.
Allergies (CORIN)
Allergies are in the classroom and throughout the center. It is of high importance that you do
not bring in any snacks containing nuts of any kind.
Donations (CORIN)
We appreciate any and all donations to our classroom. Please see attached handout for a list of
materials you might be able to provide for our classroom.
Teacher E-mails/communication (KATIE)
E-mail is the easiest way to communicate with your Pre-K teachers. My e-mail is and Ms. Corin’s e-mail is If you are
running late for drop off or pick up, you want to check in on your child, or if you have any
concerns or questions, please email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Discipline/Problem Solving (KATIE)
In Pre-K we do not do time outs. When the children are having problems that result in
undesirable behavior we use the problem solving approach. Please look for large yellow signs
around our classroom that detail this approach.
Sun Block (CORIN)
If you would like your child to have sunblock on during outside time please bring in a bottle of
sunblock and store it with your child’s name inside their locker.
Large t-shirt for smock (CORIN)
Please bring in a large T-shirt that can be used as a smock for painting.
Extra Clothes (CORIN)
Please bring a large zip lock bag of extra clothes for your child and place it in their locker. Be
sure to include underwear and socks.
Water Bottle (KATIE)
You may bring in a water bottle for your child. They can place their water bottle in our
classroom fridge and have access to it throughout the day. Having water is important because
we do not have a drinking fountain inside the classroom and often times they only a cup of juice
at snack time. Please label the water bottle with your child’s name.
Parking (KATIE)
Please park in the North lot and enter the building between the cafe/gym doors. You cannot, at
any time, park in the front circle of the CERC building OR the Scripps Middle School parking lot
across from the CERC building (due to buses and the transportation loop).
Please bring in a completed goal sheet along with 2 photos of your child and a family photo.
Any questions?