Agriculture 2191 UK Travel Abroad 3 Semester Hours Spring Semester 2012 Instructors: Leon G. Schumacher Professor Agricultural Systems Management 207 Agricultural Engineering (573) 882-2126 (Office) (573) 884-5650 (FAX) and Matt Pourney International Programs Director 2-64 Agriculture Building (573)-882-0087 (Office) (573)-882-0388 (Fax) 1 Agriculture 2191 Course Description: Three semester hours of humanities credit. This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the culture and history of the UK as well as the agricultural/natural resources of the country. The class will meet each Tuesday during the semester until March 22, 2012. The lecture activities will focus on how people live and work in England. English agricultural practices will be compared to farming practices here in the USA. Goal of Course: In addition to immersing the students in English culture while traveling in the UK, students will gain an understanding of English geography, history, politics, engineering, economics, and educational aspects from a classroom setting. The ultimate goal is for students to gain insight into UK culture and the global dimension of US and Missouri agriculture. Objectives of Course: At the close of the course the students will have: 1. Developed an understanding of English history and culture. 2. An understanding of how engineering is taught in the UK as compared to the USA. 3. An understanding of the educational system in England. 4. A very basic understanding of business, economics, and politics in the UK. Textbook: No Text Required Supporting References: The internet & other textbooks, magazines, periodicals as requested during each meeting. Grading: 93 - 100 = A 90 – 92 = A87 – 89 = B+ 83 - 86 = B 80 – 82 = B77 - 79 = C+ 73 – 76 = C 70 – 72 = C67 - 69 = D+ 63 – 66 = D 60 – 62 = D0 - 59 = F Materials submitted after the specified due date will be subject to a minimum of a seven percent deduction. 2 Assignments January 31 – What do I hope to gain from traveling in the UK and how will this help me as I enter the workforce? (2-3 paragraphs – 1 page; due at the end of the class period) February 8 – If I had a free weekend, what would I do/visit in the UK and why? (2-3 paragraphs – 1 page, due at the end of the class period) February 29, March 7 & 14 – Oral Reports in Class (PowerPoint Presentations) Focus – “What can we expect to see and do in the cities we visit that relate to each topic?” UK food/culture/traditions/history Agriculture UK Engineering UK Economics/Politics/Exports/Imports Focus on Environmental Policies/Standards April 17 - Journal (~8 ½ X 11 notebook) April 24 - Final Paper – see list of potential topics on pages 7 & 8 3-5 page double spaced paper (using topics provided) Double spaced, 1” margins: top, bottom & side 12 pt. font, Times Roman Introduction, Body, Summary 3 references, 1 from a book June 15 – Journal (~8 ½ X 11 notebook) June 24 – Final Paper – see list of potential topics on pages 7 & 8 3-5 page double spaced paper (using topics provided) Double spaced, 1” margins: top, bottom & side 12 pt. font, Times Roman Introduction, Body, Summary 3 references, 1 from a book Photos on website for parents. 3 Points for Assignments Jan 31 – Why UK-1 page 20 pts Feb 8 – Free Weekend-1 page 30 pts Feb 29, Mar 7 & 14 – Reports – Group project -Presentation = 10 pts -Participation = 10 pts -Content = 30 pts April 17 - Journal June 15 – Journal 50 pts April 24 - Paper – 3-5 pages June 24 – Paper – 3-5 pages 100 pts 100 pts Participation while in the UK – on time, etc. 50 pts Total 300 pts Instructors: 50 pts 50 pts Leon Schumacher 207 Agricultural Engineering Building (573) 882-2126 Matt Pourney 2-64 Agriculture Building (573)-882-0087 Attendance Policy: Attendance in class is important. Two or more unexcused absences will result in a one (1) letter grade reduction. Statement for Academic Dishonesty Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person's work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards breaches of the academic integrity rules as extremely serious matters. Sanctions for such a breach may include academic sanctions from the instructor, including failing the course for any violation, to disciplinary sanctions ranging from probation to expulsion. When in doubt about 4 plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, collaboration, or any other form of cheating, consult the course instructor. Statement for ADA If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform me immediately. Please see me privately after class, or at my office. Office location: 207 Ag. Engineering Office hours: T, R 8:30 – 10:30. To request academic accommodations (for example, a notetaker), students must also register with the Office of Disability Services, (, S5 Memorial Union, 882-4696. It is the campus office responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodations, and for accommodations planning in cooperation with students and instructors, as needed and consistent with course requirements. For other MU resources for students with disabilities, click on "Disability Resources" on the MU homepage. Lecture Outline Overview Agriculture 2191, Sec 2 Spring Semester, 2012 W – 6:30 – 8:00 pm England/UK Meetings on Wednesday Nights January 31 Overview of trip, history of England/UK, immigration to USA, etc (History Professor, Also movie we might watch.) - Matt February 1st NO class – ASM Club Meeting February 8th Meeting and greeting in England/UK- Common customs in the UK. Traveling in England/UK via trains, buses, taxi, etc February 15th Overview of itinerary as planned. Final travel plan overview – LGS February 22st Student Presentations - Orientation February 29th Student Presentations - England/UK business/economics/politics – Matt March 7th NO class – ASM Club Meeting March 14Th Student Presentations - England/UK engineering and agriculture March 21th Student Presentations - England/UK Education System 5 Review of final assignments March Trip April 10th Debriefing April 17 - Turn in Journal of activities April 24 - Final paper due @ 5:00 pm CDT May Trip May 24th Debriefing June 15 – Turn in Journal of activities June 24 – Final paper due @ 5:00 pm CDT Travel Plan for England / UK 2012 Potential Tours Dairy farm with their own ice cream factory Local potato farm that has diversified in to dried flowers as well Organic farm Pork producer Beef producer Grain merchant that is part of a co-operative with farms Butter / cheese factory JCB (factory tour) Jaguar/Land Rover (factory tour) CAT or Agco (factory tour) Local agricultural dealers Ironbridge Gorge Brewery Coal or slate mine A rural skills day e.g. hedgelaying drystone walling National hunt horse race Cranfield University (for March trip only) Harper Adams University Hydroelectric plant Historic London Stonehenge 6 March Trip Thursday 22th March - Depart from USA for England Friday 23rd March (dependant on arrival time from US) March 23 – Harper – Meeting with students from Harper Adams March 24 – Farms and Implement Dealer near Newport March 25 – Farms and Cosford Aerospace Museum March 26 – Farms and tour at JCB March 27 – Farms and tour CAT March 28-29 London Potential places that we will visit in London include: Buckingham Palace The Tower of London The Tate Gallery Houses of Parliament / Palace of Westminister Royal Albert & Victoria Museum Theatre Royal Durry Lane (Musical Oliver on through out May) March 30 – Tour Cranfield University March 31 – Tour Warwick Castle Sunday 1st April - Travel back to USA May Trip Monday 14th May - Depart from USA for England Tuesday 15th May (dependant on arrival time from US) ... Thursday 24th May England / UK Assignments As we discussed prior to departing for England, your final paper must be turned into Sandy Zaring, Room 207, Agricultural Engineering on either April 24 or June 24, 2012 no later than 5:00 pm. Papers will be assigned a point value by Matt Pourney and Leon Schumacher. If a paper is deemed to be of low quality by one of the above faculty members, a panel of students who traveled to England with you will be selected by ASM faculty to pass judgment on your paper. An email will be sent notifying you on your performance. If your paper is not satisfactory, you will be given one chance to re-submit your paper. Potential Topics 1. How do England farmers make a living on such small farms? 7 2. Pick a crop that is raised in England, such as barley, and explain how this crop is produced. This should include phases of production: i.e. planting, harvesting, storage, and marketing. 3. English culture- How is it different? Explain. 4. Does the pace of life in England seem faster or slower than in the USA? Explain. 5. What are the educational differences for a student attending high school and college in the USA compared to students attending college in England? 6. JCB production in England – vs. – John Deere produced in the US: Safety in the factories we toured. 7. Tillage/Farming Practices – Tillage on slopes, No erosion. 8. Compare the standards of living for farmers in England to those in your community. If different, why? 9. Tell how the production input cost such as fuel and labor are different from the US and how this affects the overall economy of an English farm. 10. Other: topics can be approved which are not listed above. Simply email Matt Pourney or Dr. Schumacher for review. Matt Pourney - Leon Schumacher - 8