1. One way to describe the fresco technique is wet into wet.
Greek art is divided into three periods: Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic.
3. The Parthenon is an example of Greek architecture from which period?
4. The columns in the Parthenon are of the __Doric_ order.
5. In Greek architecture, the emphasis was on the exterior of a building.
6. The central building of the Acropolis at Athens is the Parthenon.
7. Which reflects the evolution of the Greek capital? Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
8. A continuous, sculpted and painted band above the columns in a Greek temple is a frieze.
9. Because of Roman copies in marble, we know about Greek _bronze sculptures.
10. Romans also copied Greek painting, using mosaics.
11. Kritios Boy, 480 B.C., represents a move toward naturalism and realism as seen by his
pose, known as contrapposto
12. Romans also copied Greek painting, using mosaics
13. The Romans’ greatest contributions were in architecture and _engineering_
14. The colosseum is one of the greatest Roman structures, an amphitheater, dating from 72 –
90 A.D.?
15. The Romans erected the first structures in history with vast interior spaces; one of the
finest examples is the Pantheon, 118 – 125 A.D.
16. Two essential components of monumental Roman architecture are the arch and vault.
17. Roman cities had civic centers that included large meeting halls called basilicas.
18. The Roman Forum contained temples, state buildings, basilicas, monuments and open
19. An important Roman contribution to world art is realistic portraiture.
20. The triangular section of a Greek temple located above the columns and frieze is the
21. Which Emperor legalized Christianity and moved the capital of the Roman Empire from
Rome to Constantinople? Constantine
22. A large structure designed for the purpose of staging public performances and events,
such as the Colosseum is called an amphitheater.
23. Another name for a porch of columns such as the 16 columns in the front of the Pantheon
is called a portico.
24. Roman emperors celebratred their victories with large stone structures decorated with battle
scenes called triumphal arches.
25. The 30 foot wide opening at the roof of the Pantheon is called an oculus.
26. What Roman structures contained several pools of various temperatures, libraries, offices,
meeting rooms, and spaces for recreation? Baths
1. During the Middle Ages, there was a great
exchange of ideas due to the __________________.
a. Crusades b. Renaissance
c. increased
trade d. Roman Empire
2. Art in the Middle Ages combined these
influences: ancient Roman, Early Christian, and
a. Middle Eastern b. Byzantine
d. Celtic
3. Eastern influences began to appear in Roman art
when the capital of the Roman Empire shifted
from Rome to
a. Constantinople
b. Venice
d. Ravenna
4. During the Middle Ages, most paintings were in
the form of ________________________.
a. stained glass windows b. tapestries
c. icon paintings
d. illuminated
5. Which represents the evolution of the Christian
a. Early Christian, Romanesque, Gothic
b. Romanesque, Early Christian, Gothic
c. Early Christian, Gothic, Romanesque
Which is not associated with Gothic cathedrals?
a. pointed arch
b. rose windows
c. spires
d. thick stone walls
Constructing churches and carving sculpture to
decorate them were the major activities reflecting
a. spread of Christianity b. Roman beliefs
wealthy emperors
d. end of pagan beliefs
An atrium, narthex, or vestibule, is found
at what part of a church?
b. central part
b. choir
c. entrance
d. side aisles
A church’s altar is found where?
c. nave
b. narthex
c. apse
d. in front of the choir
What is the term for the area of a church
where the transept intersects the nave?
d. ambulatory
b. narthex
c. crossing
d. tracery
What is a support system found in Gothic
e. flying buttress
b. dome
d. stained glass window
c. cupola
1. The stylized, frontal posture, left foot slightly
forward, and smile can be seen in the kouros
figures from the __________________ period.
a. Archaic
b. Classical
c. Hellenistic
d. Roman
2. The sculpture of the Hellenistic period was
concerned with action and __________________.
a. emotion
b. size
c. stylization
d. sense of calm
3. The space in front of, behind, and around became
important in _____________________.
a. Charioteer of Delphi
b. Peplos Kore
c. Nike of Samothrace
Vincent Van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889. Oil on
canvas, 29 ¼” x 36 ½”. The Museum of Modern
Art, New York.