Naz Tomassian - American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Biographical sketch:
My name is Nazaret Tomassian and I am a Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist
attending National University, Fresno. I earned my Bachelors Degree in Nursing at
Loma Linda University in Southern California in 2008. Since graduation from nursing
school, I have worked in medical intensive care units, emergency departments, and was
most recently employed at Loma Linda University Medical Center as a critical care
specialty transport nurse. I am very excited about the world of anesthesia and would love
to be a part of this wonderful organization to help represent the students and influence the
future of nurse anesthesia education. I have been parts of committees in the past that
have collected data and changed current practice into evidence-based practice based on
that data. I have a passion for the future of nurse anesthesia and would love to be part of
the multidisciplinary team, to be able to help contribute to the advancement of the
profession as a whole.
Nursing Anesthesia: A passion
Becoming a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) has been a
professional goal of mine, ever since I discovered the position as a teenager. Gearing my
focus, passion, and hard work, I have taken the next to step to achieve this goal. Coming
from a background in nursing, I understand the needs and challenges patients encounter
when entering a hospital. One may perceive that they are forced to surrender control of
their bodies to the mercy of the healthcare professional, and by doing so, they are at their
most vulnerable time in their life. Caring for critically ill patients, with a
multidisciplinary approach, is something that has always intrigued me. I strive to be one
of the future Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists that can provide these individuals
with comfort and excellence in care.
With experience in organized committees, and the passion for anesthesia, I believe I
have the foundation to help influence the future of nurse anesthesia education. Education
is a dynamic and important part of our society. We, as a people, are constantly learning
new things on a daily basis to help make our lives meaningful. Being involved in nurse
anesthesia is a privilege and honor that allows individuals to change and heal the lives of
many people. From the experiences I have been involved with in this profession, nursing
anesthesia does a tremendous and excellent job providing safe care and functioning as a
member of the multidisciplinary team. Being a part of this honorable group has ignited a
passion within me.
Being a student of nursing anesthesia has an advantage in regards to the CRNA
profession. It provides me with the opportunity to learn and apply the most recent
evidence-based practice, ensuring the field of nursing anesthesia is one that provides
results. A key component to ensuring a solid basis of practice is influencing the
education provided, which ultimately results in advancement of the profession. I have
been parts of committees that have collected data, analyzed that data, and helped to
institute that evidence into actual practice. After instituting these changes, better patient
outcomes and better quality of care resulted. The biggest component of this process is
education. I have a passion for it, as well as anesthesia, and I believe that they both go
hand-in-hand when trying to advance our profession.
Becoming a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist is something I have known I
wanted to do for a very long time. Finally being in a position to achieve this goal has
excited my passion for nursing anesthesia greatly and has increased my desire to be a part
of the perioperative team. As a future advanced practice nurse, I will function at the
highest level of my skill, education and training to provide people with quality care. In
doing so, I hope to influence the future of nursing anesthesia as a profession, as an entity,
and as an education. I hope to be able to learn and experience everything nursing
anesthesia has to offer, the good and the bad, so that when it is finally my time to provide
care to patients, I will be able to continue to grow myself as an anesthetist, and ultimately
the profession of nursing anesthesia. Education is a tool required to excel in life; passion
is an innate characteristic required to help enhance quality of life. I know I have the
passion. I am receiving the education. With those tools, I feel like I can contribute to the
advancement of nursing anesthesia and the wonderful future it holds.
Nazaret Tomassian, BSN, RN
To be elected to the position of Student Representative to the American
Association of Nurse Anesthetists - Education Committee. Utilizing my strengths
in critical thinking, communication, leadership and motivation, it is my objective
to help impact the future of nurse anesthesia education.
2012- Current National University, Nurse Anesthesia Program
Master of Science, Anesthesia
2007 – 2008 Loma Linda University, School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
2005 – 2007
Loma Linda University, School of Nursing
Associate Degree in Nursing
2003 – 2005
La Sierra University
General education requirements
August 2011—March 2012 Clinical Nurse C, Loma Linda University Medical
Center—Critical Care Specialty Transport Team
Functions as a Registered Nurse, under the California Board of Registered
Nurse’s Scope of Practice. Cares for critically ill patients, hospital-wide
Conducts interfacility transport of critically ill patients to different exams, tests,
and studies ordered (including, but not limited to, MRI, CT, ultrasound, swallow
studies, operating room, in-patient units, etc.); conducts and assists with
procedure-related sedations for above named studies, as well as for patients in the
emergency department, and other outpatient studies. Active member of the Code
Blue Team, Rapid Response Team, NSTEMI Activation Team, Stroke Team, and
Trauma Team. Conducts intrafacility transport of patients between Loma Linda
entities (Loma Linda Urgent Care, Loma Linda Community Hospital, and Loma
Linda University Medical Center/Children’s Hospital). Active member of
multidisciplinary care team. Active provider of education and support to bedside
nurses, patients, and families.
April 2011-- July 2011
Clinical Nurse B, Cedars Sinai Medical
Center--Intensive Care Units
Functions as a Registered Nurse under the California Board of Registered
Nurse's Scope of Practice. Cares for critically ill patients in multiple intensive
care units using various modalities such as, but not limited to, titrating vasoactive
medications, managing mechanical ventilation, and monitoring invasive and noninvasive hemodynamics. Providing patient and family education and support.
Active member of the multidisciplinary team.
January 2010 – April 2011 Clinical Nurse B, Loma Linda University
Medical Center – Emergency Department
Functions as a Registered Nurse under the California Board of Registered Nurse’s
Scope of Practice. Cares for critically ill patients using various modalities such
as, but not limited to, titrating vasoactive medications, managing mechanical
ventilation, and monitoring invasive and non-invasive hemodynamics. Cares for
patients with traumatic injuries in a team-like fashion. Responds to code blues
and rapid responses as a certified member of the Code Blue and Rapid Response
Team for the Medical Center. Active member of the multidisciplinary team;
providing patient and family education and support.
June 2008 – April 2011
Clinical Nurse B, Loma Linda University
Medical Center – Medical Intensive Care Unit
Functions as a Registered Nurse under the California Board of Registered Nurse’s
Scope of Practice. Cares for critically ill patients using various modalities such
as, but not limited to, titrating vasoactive medications, managing mechanical
ventilation, and monitoring invasive and non-invasive hemodynamics. Responds
to code blues and rapid responses as a certified member of the Code Blue and
Rapid Response Team for the Medical Center. Patient and family education
provider; support group provider for family members; preceptorship of new
graduates; active member of Sepsis Protocol Committee involved in data
collection, analysis and implementing change in the Medical ICU; active member
of Pressure Ulcer Prevention Committee involved in data collection, analysis and
education; active member of No One Dies Alone Committee, involving providing
end of life support to patients and families; active member in Admission Data
Processing Committee, involving collection of data and tracking pathways of
patient admission, and implementing change in the Medical ICU.
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Advanced Trauma Care Nursing/Advanced Trauma Life Support Certified
American Association of Critical Care Nurses Member
National Institute of Health Stroke-Certified
Pressure Ulcer Prevention Committee
Sepsis Protocol Data Collection Committee
Admission Data Processing Committee
No One Dies Alone Committee
Adult Critical Care Nursing Boot Camp
Basic Arrhythmia Recognition and Treatment
C-4 Core Concepts in Critical Care
Advanced Trauma Life Support Education
Staff member at Walk of Life Remembrance Event
Mexico Mission Trips 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003
Volunteer Youth Sports Coach 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007