Calvary Lutheran Church 675 Shell Creek Road PO Box 159 Minong, WI 54859 Calvary Lutheran A church to call home the Epistle July 2013 CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH E.L.C.A. PO BOX 159 MINONG, WI 54859 The Ministers: All members of Calvary Pastor: Reverend Sara Pearson Church Office: 715-466-2366 715-520-0287 Pastor Sara @home: 1-402-990-9973 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Friday 9am to 3pm* *These are the normal hours … any number of schedule conflicts, i.e. funerals, pastor’s conferences, etc. may cause these times to vary. ************************************ COMMITTEE HEADS Evangelism – Linda Olson Memorial – Bob Larson 466-2517 Property – Mike Hopkins 376-2752 Stewardship –Stacey Vig Worship/Music – Pastor Sara Education – Connie Visger Mutual Ministry – John Hermeier CHURCH TREASURER Connie Visger 466-5480 FINANCIAL SECRETARY Marge Waggoner 466-2250 CHURCH COUNCIL President Scott Hill Vice President John Hermeier Secretary Denise Waggoner Members Mike Hopkins, Linda Olson, Denise Waggoner, Scott Hill, John Hermeier, Brody Waggoner, Connie Visger, Stacey Vig, Peachy Hall, and Ryan Hill(alternate). JULY VOLUNTEERS Altar Guild – Lorna Wilson & Denise Waggoner July 7th Ushers – Dennis & Kathy Mertzig Communion Asst. Acolyte – Kenia Link Lector – Screens – Linda Featherly July 14th Ushers – Marge Waggoner & Kaylee Dennis Acolyte- Kali Waggoner Lector – Donna Wilson Screens – Linda Featherly July 21st Ushers – Bob & Mary Lou Barneson Acolyte – Kaylee Dennis Lector – John Hermeier Screens – Linda Featherly Communion Asst. – July 28th Ushers – Connie Visger & Judy Denninger Acolyte – Audrie Michie Lector – Pat Kahut Screens – Linda Featherly Fellowship – Connie Visger & Judy Denninger *If you need to make a change in the schedule please contact the church office with the changes by Thursday. Thank you! Stories are ubiquitous…from television shows to jokes, family histories to dinner conversations, it is almost impossible to live a day of life without encountering a story. It is no wonder then, that the stories of the bible can inform our existence and give meaning to our lives. The stories do this by connecting us to God and generations upon generations of people through common life experiences such as the loss of loved ones, war, family strife, falling in love, and wrestling with life’s meaning. Prepare to give an account for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15) Peter Mayer is one of my favorite musicians. He is a phenomenal guitar player and writes songs with clever lyrics and meaningful questions. One of the tunes and songs that has been a favorite of mine to sing to baby Gabe when he is fussy is called “Story of My Life.” The song, in eloquent fashion asks the question, “please can anybody please, tell me the story of my life?” I wonder, brothers and sisters, what you would tell someone if they asked you what the story of your life is. Think about that now…what would you include? Would it be a list of facts…where you were born, who your parents were/are, what sort of things you do to occupy your time, children you have raised, places you have lived… In the story of your life do you consider how it is that the stories of the Bible inform your life? For instance, when you remember the story of the flood and subsequent rainbow, does it conjure up times in your life when the storm seemed great and impossible, only to be followed by a shining ending? Or are you in the midst of a storm, awaiting the rainbow, sending out doves and ravens for a sign of good weather to come? Likewise, when you hear the story of the woman at the well in the gospel of John, do you think about times in your own life when you have been an outcast, avoiding people and afraid of what others might say? Or when the stories of the first families in the book of Genesis are read, do you feel better about your own dysfunctional family? The more we read the bible, the more we realize that it is full of imperfect people through whom God chooses to make God’s self known. Even more than this, the bible tells the story of God’s love for humanity. And the story continues with us. Even though the biblical canon ends with Revelation, the story continues in each of our lives. And so, what is the story of your life? What is the story of your life with God? It is this question that is the heart of our life of faith. In the next weeks, I encourage you to hear the stories read on Sunday and in your own biblical reading, or while attending Bible study on Wednesday as movements and plots in your own life. When we do this, we can begin to see the ways that God is present in our day to day lives. And that story, brothers and sisters, is Academy Award worthy. What’s happening at calvary Funeral Services for Millie Breeze will be held July 6th. Visitation prior to 11am service. Lunch to follow here at the church. The family requests that black clothing not be worn. Church Clean-up! There will be a church clean-up (both inside and out) on Aug. 7th for both women and men starting at 2:30pm. Also on Aug. 10th for men only there will be a 9am clean-up. Contact Phyllis Scribner at 715-466-2545 with any questions. Garden Group is meeting Monday’s at 5:30pm. If you like the feel of dirt under your fingernails and would like to help beautify the exterior of our church, come join us. WELCA will not be meeting in July. See you in August. Ruby’s Pantry a food share program in conjunction with COMFORTS and Washburn County Food Distribution are starting a food distribution in Minong. Information and order forms are available in the Fireside room. Local distributions will be the second Saturday of the month at the Minong Village Hall. Quilters: The quilters will meet on July 1 and July 2 at 9:00 AM in the church basement. You do not need to know how to sew to be of help. We bring a bag lunch and stay for as long as we can. We also have a good time, while doing something worthwhile. If you have any questions, call Jean Richards at 715-466-4237. Bible study resumes Wednesday July 10th at 10:00am. We will be meeting Wednesday’s at the Scoop Join us! Mark Your Calendars! Get your golf lessons on…our second annual Calvary Lutheran vs. Our Savior’s Golf tournament is coming! The date is tentatively being set for midSeptember at Hidden Greens in Solon Springs. Sign-ups are coming soon. We won last year and so did Luther Park Bible Camp, who received over three hundred dollars in donations! More information will be available later. Farewell and thank you, Patty and Keith Leiseth! God’s speed and a great big thank you to Patty for her music ministry amongst us. They are moving out of the area to adventures unknown! We will miss you and are thankful for the time we had with you. Financial: May-13 Revenue $ 5,290.25 Expenses $ 6,047.80 Over/Under ($-757.55) YTD $5,290.25 $6,047.80 ($-757.55) A snack will be provided. Our theme for this year’s camp is Faith Alive, “Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 Youth Corner Youth Camping Trip all are invited for a two night camping trip with Pastor Sara and Nate. We will leave Sunday the 14th and return on the 16th. Sleeping bags, change of clothes, sunscreen, and a love of fresh air are all you need! Talk to Pastor Sara and sign up on her door by the 10th of July. Youth and Family River Tubing!! Want to go tubing this summer? Keep your eyes open for our August youth and family event, tubing down the Namekagon! This will be an all-church event. Details and dates coming soon! Vacation Bible School 2013! Summer is here! You and your friends are invited to join us for some “Holy Fun!” Once again Luther Park and Calvary Lutheran Church are teaming up to provide “camp style” vacation bible school. So mark your calendars for July 29th through August 2nd. We will kick off VBS on Sunday July 28th at 5:30 pm. Come join us for a grill out, singing, and meet the Luther Park Counselors. st For campers who have completed 1 grade through 6th grade, camp will start at 9:00 am and go to 2:00 pm. Campers need to bring a sack lunch Monday thru Thursday. We will also be offering a camp for children 3 years through 1st grade. Camp will start at 9:00 am and go to 2:00 pm. Campers need to bring a sack lunch Monday thru Thursday. A snack will be provided. This year we are camping out in “God’s Backyard!” We will have a Closing Program with the campers singing the camp songs they learned and a short skit. The program will be followed by a light luncheon for campers, family, friends, and the community on Friday August 2nd at 11:30am. VBS is offered at no charge, but donations are always welcome! Registrations for VBS camp are in the church office. Please fill one out and return it to the church A.S.A.P. All campers will receive a camp T-Shirt, so please indicate a size. * It would be very helpful if your child is registered by July 14th, 2013. Please prayerfully consider this exciting opportunity for your children or grandchildren. WAYS YOU COULD HELP OUT WITH CAMP Be a Day Camp Volunteer - help with lunch supervision, playing games, teaching, etc. Bring a snack (for at least 35 children) for VBS snack time. Provide lunch for the Luther Park Team. Provide dinner for the Luther Park Team. **Please see the volunteer sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at the church or call. Please call the church with any questions at 466-2366. We are looking forward to seeing you at camp! Craft Needs for VBS 2013 This is a list of items needed for crafts the campers are making during VBS. If you can donate any of these items please bring them to the church and mark them VBS. Thank you! “Faith Alive” Campers need: Jumbo size paper clips Brass fasteners Construction paper Ribbon Yarn Tempera paints (variety of colors) Glue Fabric (old sheets for 4’x12’ banners Whole wheat flour and white flour (for making communion bread) “God’s Backyard” campers need: Clear water bottles with caps (clean and dry) Construction paper - green & white Small clay flower pots (20) Buttons (any size) Mesh onion bags (20) Zip lock sandwich bags (60) Polyester stuffing Ribbon (a few colors) Small pieces of cotton or linen cloth __________________________________ June Council Meeting Notes Monday, June 3, 2013 Members Present-Stacey Vig, Peachy Hall, John Hermeier, Scott Hill, Mike Hopkins, Connie Visger, and Linda Olson Absent Members-Brody Waggoner, Denise Waggoner, and Ryan Hill Call to order- 06:11 pm Call to order by Pastor Sara since no president exists at this time. Opening Devotions by PSara PSara addressed the new council and asked them what they like about the church and what hopes they see for the future of the church. Prayer by PSara No additions were made to the agenda We need to approve the annual meeting notes yet and will continue to do so by email to council. This process ensures that the most current notes are in the Epistle in a timely manner. Treasurers Report Connie continues to work with Judy Denninger on an easier to understand financial statement format. A 2% discount will be in effect for our employees’ health insurance due to a health assessment being completed. Motion to approve- John Motion seconded- Scott Hill Pastors Report Pastor encouraged council to have open discussions. We need to continue to focus on a vision for the church. She has invited council to meet at her home so we can bond together and start to bring ideas. Everyone needs to balance the business side of council with the sharing of God’s love. Pastor provided grief counseling to students at the Scoop and Northwood School after the death of a 7th grade student- Logan Almer. Confirmation class is going to Noah’s Ark on June 12th. Pastor is looking for volunteers to go on possible tubing and camping trips this summer with the youth. Church directory will be updated with Lifetouch photos. People can sign up on line, at church or on Sunday, It was discussed that bylaws of constitution need to be clarified as to who is a member of the church. We are currently using mailing lists and boxes in Fireside room to judge this. Officer Election We discussed the constitution so that everyone is aware of responsibilities and tasks of each position. PSara also added that the President should advise honestly the performance of the pastor based on council advice. Scott Hill nominated for President by John H.- Scott accepted position VP- John H. Secretary- Denise W. Treasurer- Connie V. Motion was made to accept leaders by Peachy and seconded by Mike Connie discussed signature changes needed for bank and safety deposit box. Council will count money each Sunday and serve on an existing committee to report back to council. Mutual Ministry- John Property- Mike Education- Connie Evanglism- Linda WELC- PSara `Stewardship- Stacey Worship/Music- PSara Youth- Scott- will ask Brody and Ryan to be active in Youth. Social Concerns- Peachy Denise- who was absent can choose any to assist with. New business Asked Mike to come with a list of property concerns to next meeting so we can begin to do some longterm planning. Thanks to Terry Lucia for helping Martha and Mike with new retaining wall for flowers. Thanks to Cindy Featherly who donated a $250 scholarship she earned for Service Leadership from Bethel University to Calvary. TabulatorsJune 9- Mike 16- Linda 23- John 30- Linda July 7th- Scott 14th- John 21st- **Need to fill 28th- Linda Meeting times July 9th- 5 pm- Location- Pastor Sara’s house- Bring a side dish Aug. 5th – 5 pm- Church Motion made to adjourn- John Seconded by Stacey 7:36 pm