Unit Five: 1750

Unit Five: 1750-1900 C.E.
Assignment 5:1 (pp. 635-647)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Describe the fiscal crises and their causes.
What were the ideas expressed during the Enlightenment? How did they spread?
What were Benjamin Franklin’s achievements?
How did the Enlightenment threaten traditional culture?
What caused the American Revolution? (Full answer, please!)
George Washington
Thomas Paine
What mistakes did the British make?
Joseph Brant
Articles of Confederation
How much of a change was the US Constitution?
Outline in your notes: The social, economic and political changes and continuities of the 18th
century in British North America.
Assignment 5:2 (pp. 647-653… make sure you also read the documents on pp. 654-655)
How did the French Revolution differ from the American Revolution?
What social problems did the French face?
How did French support of the American cause help precipitate the French Revolution?
Estates General
National Assembly
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
What caused “The Terror?”
How did Robespierre and Wollstonecraft view the Terror? (From the documents)
Comparison Essay on My Access: Analyze the political, cultural and social changes and
continuities in Western Europe and North America during the period 1700 through 1800.
Assignment 5:3 (pp. 653-663)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Why/how did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power?
What caused the Haitian Revolution?
What role did the gens do couleur play in the Haitian Revolution?
How did Toussaint L’Ouverture respond as the reaction overtook the revolution in France?
What did Metternich attempt to accomplish through the Congress of Vienna?
What was the main goal of the Holy Alliance?
Which groups supported Greek Independence?
What were the causes of the Revolutions of 1848?
Outline in your notes: The results of the Haitian Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848.
Assignment 5:4 (pp. 667-680)
Hints for Reading Notes:
What was the Industrial Revolution?
Explain why Britain was able to take a lead in the Industrial Revolution.
What was the Agricultural Revolution? How did it affect European society?
What factors promoted the rapid industrialization of Britain?
Explain the significance of Josiah Wedgewood’s most important contribution.
Richard Arkwright
Describe the impact of the iron industry.
Crystal Palace
How was the steam engine utilized?
James Watt
Which regions were most affected by railroads?
Why did telegraphs make railroads safer?
Outline in your notes: The changes brought on by industrialization to Britain and continental
Europe. (This outline will prove useful for the next essay!)
Assignment 5:5 (pp. 680-690)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Explain what had changed for cities in the industrial age.
How did industrialization change the landscape and environments in Europe and North America.
Describe the social consequences of the Industrial Revolution.
Business cycles
Describe the changes on women and family life.
Laissez faire
Adam Smith
Thomas Malthus
Davis Ricardo
Jeremy Bentham
What conditions led to the rise of utopian socialism?
List the activities of Robert Owen.
What were the demands of the Chartists?
Factory Act of 1833
Mines Act of 1842
Describe the effects of industrialization outside of Europe and North America.
CCOT Essay on My Access: Describe and analyze the technological, environmental and
social changes and continuities during the period of 1750 through the 19th century Europe
and North America.
Assignment 5:6 (pp. 693-707)
Hints for Reading Notes:
What were the causes of political turmoil in Latin America?
Simon Bolivar
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Jose Maria Morelos
Why did Latin American revolutionaries find it more difficult to establish a government than
those in the United States?
Confederation of 1867
Personalist leaders
How did Andrew Jackson and Jose Antonia Paez challenge the limits to their authority?
What was the threat of regionalism and how was it handled in Latin America and the United
Outline in your notes: The results of the 19th century Latin American revolutions
Assignment 5:7 (pp. 707-723)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Benito Juarez
Emperor Maximilian
War of the Pacific
Problems faced by Amerindians in the United States
Describe the problems of the indigenous peoples in Argentina and Chile.
Caste War
Explain how slavery was abolished in the United States, Brazil, the Caribbean, and British West
Indian colonies.
Describe the types and numbers of immigrants to the Western Hemisphere. Which groups faced
the greatest amount of hostility?
Women’s Rights Convention
Explain the problems of development and underdevelopment.
How did industrialization and urbanization affect the Americas?
CCOT Essay on My Access: Evaluate the social, economic and cultural changes and
continuities in Latin America during the 19th century. Analyze both the causes and effects of
these changes.
Assignment 5:8 (pp. 727-738)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Muhammad Ali
What were the effects of the Crimean War on the Ottoman Turks and the Russians?
How did modern weaponry transform warfare?
What were the problems that the Ottomans could not seem to fix?
Young Ottomans
Outline in your notes: The efforts of Muhammad Ali, Selim III and Mahmud II.
Assignment 5:9 (pp. 738-752)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Decembrist Revolt
Opium War
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty ports
Most-favored-nation status
Taiping Rebellion
Comparison Essay on My Access: Compare and contrast the effects of European pressure
and global trade on the Middle East and East Asia from 1750 through 1900.
Assignment 5.10 (pp. 755-764)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Tipu Sultan
Shaka Zulu
Jihad in West Africa
Hausa states
Sokoto Caliphate
Modernization in Egypt and Sudan
Tewodros II
Yohannes IV
Abd al-Qadir
David Livingstone
Henry Stanley
Effects of the suppression of the slave trade
Tippu Tip
Outline in your Notes: The changes and continuities along coastal and in sub-Saharan Africa
from 1750 through 1870. (Hint: You will need to refer to previous readings.)
Assignment 5.11 (pp. 764-780)
Hints for Reading Notes:
How did the British come to dominate the subcontinent of India?
Company men
Robert Clive
“Bombay Presidency”
Policies of the British raj
Sepoy Rebelllion
“Empress of India”
Indian Civil Service
What did Lords Lytton do to impress and influence Indians? (Document)
Lord Kitchener
How did trade with industrial Britain affect India?
Effects of technologies
Rammohun Roy
Bramo Samaj
Indian National Congress
How did Napoleon’s defeat affect the French colonial empire?
Great Trek
British Expansion
Effects of shipping/trade
Clipper ships
Migrations in British Empire
Contracts of indenture
CCOT Essay on My Access: Examine the political and economic changes and continuities in
South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa from 1750 through 1900. (Hint: You will need to refer to
previous readings. Why were Europeans dominating these regions?)
Assignment 5.12 (pp. 784-797)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Commodore Matthew Perry
Effects of Railroads
Effects of steam-powered ships and the telegraph
Submarine telegraph cables
Products of the chemical industry
Social effects of electricity
Thomas Edison
Effects of world trade
What factors encouraged migration?
How did urban life change?
Victorian Age
Separate spheres
Conditions for women
Problems faced by working class women
Outline in your notes: Examine the roles of technology and world trade in creating social and
economic change from 1750 through 1900. Also describe the social and economic continuities in
your analysis. (Hint: You will need to refer to previous readings.)
Assignment 5.13 (pp. 797-813)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Labor unions
Karl Marx
How did Marx feel about global trade?
What factors encouraged nationalism?
Giuseppe Mazzini
Effect of Revolutions of 1848
How did Italy finally achieve unification?
How did Germany achieve unification?
Otto von Bismarck
Explain how Perry sparked a crisis in the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Treaty of Kanagawa
What factors brought about the Meiji Restoration?
What were the goals of Meiji leaders?
How did nationalism affect government policy?
How did Darwin and Spencer affect concepts of race and social/political policy?
Explain the challenges faced by Germany, France, Britain, Russia and Austro-Hungary
Evaluate the relationship between Asia and the Western Powers.
Empress Dowager Cixi
Yamagata Aritomo
Boxer Uprising
Japan’s Imperialism
CCOT Essay on My Access: Examine the political and intellectual changes and continuities
in East Asia from 1750 through 1900. Include an analysis of the role that nationalism played
in these regions. (Hint: You will need to refer to previous readings.)
Assignment 5.14 (pp. 817-832)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Suez Canal
What were the motives of the “New Imperialists?”
What advantages did Europeans enjoy?
Battle of Omdurman
Scramble for Africa
Which European powers were involved in this “scramble for Africa?”
Henry Morton Stanley
King Leopold II
Savorgnan de Brazza
Berlin Conference
Cecil Rhodes
How did Baba and ILanga describe their experiences with Europeans? (Document)
Create a chart in your notes: Social, economic and political effects of European expansion
(“New Imperialism”)
Assignment 5.15 (pp. 832-842)
Hints for Reading Notes:
Explain Russian influence in Central Asia
What was the environmental impact of imperialism in tropical regions?
Alfred T. Mahan
Queen Liliuokalani
Emilio Aguinaldo
Effects of US imperialism in Philippines
How did “Free-trade imperialism” affect Latin America?
What was the importance of the Spanish-American War?
Ferdinand de Lesseps
Panama Canal
What changes to the world economy in the late 1800’s?
How had economic development radically altered the environment?
Comparison Essay on My Access: Compare how nationalism, imperialism and world trade
caused political and economic changes in two of the following regions from 1800 through
. Latin America
. East Asia
. South Asia
. Middle East
. Africa