The lost ladybug of Long Island By Michael Sowerbutts, Liam

The lost ladybug
of Long Island
By Michael Sowerbutts, Liam Macdonald, Chloe Murray, Kaylee Dawson, Alex
Garbin, Jacob Hudson-Still, Jorja Dicker & Thomas Stephenson
Front Cover: Jorja Dicker
Text Copyright © 2014 by Michael Sowerbutts, Liam Macdonald, Chloe Murray,
Kaylee Dawson, Alex Garbin, Jacob Hudson-Still, Jorja Dicker & Thomas
All rights reserved. Published by MCC Publishers
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ISBN 123-0-123-12345-9
Printed in Mandurah, Western Australia
First Printing, August 2014.
Book design by MCC Kids Design.
One day at Heritage Hill University in Long Island near California in America
or H.H.U.L.I.A (as most call it now days) or even HULA (if you don't like
pronouncing strange words) on the grounds out the front there was a mighty
BANG near a prickle bush. This is Shelly the gardener the one with the
reddish hair and the muddled expression on her face or in other words she's
the one that's human and her lady bug, Garfield who is quite obviously the
one that's the lady bug and not the human. As you probably can tell Shelly
has fallen down because Shelly is most defiantly the most clumsiest person
in the world when the garden is involved by now I am probably boring you to
death so before that happens let's get on with the story because really
nobody likes to die as it's quite bad. Oh yer and also I like using the word
quite it's quite a nice word in most forms don't you think. Oh sorry
Chapter 1
Bang! (the same one as before)"Really, Garfield I must stop falling over"
says Shelly to her pet/friend, Garfield the ladybug "buzz biz bazz" he says as
he flew himself to Shelly's shoulder. "Now let's go trim some bushes in this
place". As they walking towards Shelly's phone rings buzzz buzzz buzzz
buzzz buzzz buzzz
"What's wrong,Garfield"asks Shelly Garfield looks at her curiously
"Oh, it's my phone" says Shelly "silly me" and she picks it up.
"Hello" says Shelly in her
phone tone
"Oh do be quiet, I have
better things to do than
stand hear and talk of
George hear and I have
something important to
"Oh George it's been along
time hasn't it," says a
surprised Shelly.
"Not long enough" mutters
"Anyway I want to come
back to the University to
have a look on how it is
faring without its greatest
comedian ever"
"Alright" says Shelly "how about this Friday at about 5:00?"
"Yes that will do quiet nicely it fits quite well with my schedule " says
George "And I expect something in my honour when and get there" and then
quickly hung up.
"What a mean person he is don't you think Garfield?" "I wonder why he really
wants to come hear maybe he wants to be the new headmaster or some job
that gives him control of the whole university, Who had been munching on
some tasty leaves though out the whole conversation "buzz boz
bozzy"agreed Garfield who was actually not to sure who they were talking
about, so he just kept on munching leaves.
"Now what to do in George's honour?" Wondered Shelly "I know we could trim
some hedges to look like him" then Shelly realised that "I don't know what
he looks like"....
"To the wiki answers computer" and they head off to the computer lab with
the wiki answers computer
"Ok let's search up his picture"says Shelly confidently
"So his name is Greg" and she typed that in.
A beep, a boop, a bloop, a
couple of clickede clickes and
a dong later they had his
picture up
"I don't remember him having
glasses or a moustache,
Garfield. "Oh well I guess
people change over time
especially since it's been 9
curiously "I hope your hungry
because we have to get
clipping (Shelly uses Garfield
as her personnel hedge
clippers, he doesn't mind
because he gets to eat heaps
of leaves all the time when it
happens) because this will
take us all day, actually this
will leave us with little time
to spare even if you do some
hectic clipping, so let's get
going at this tremendous
thing most call job but I call
THAWK "buzzzededy buzz
buzzy bizzy brezzy" says Garfield "ouch that one really did hurt quite a bit
and yes I do dizzy but I will be fine but anyway thanks for asking
thanks for asking Garfield" replied Shelly in quiet a good tone considering
she had just fallen into her wheel barrow which had rolled down a big hill
and then had hit a rock and then gone flying with the wheel barrow and hit
a big tree and then fallen on her tummy and the had branch fall on her a
small one but still.
Chapter 2
The next day
Shelly and Garfield were clipping like crazy people(and crazy ladybirds) to
get ready for George's arrival which was the next day only 30hrs away first
they tried to picture his face but did Michael Jacksons instead then they
retried and did Daniel Radcliff(Harry Potters actor) "come on Garfield, we
need to get it right or else Greg will blow (arrrr) at us and he will never
come again that means no more pay for us... Well me but still you know
what I mean"says Shelly "buzzy buzzy buzz"replies Garfield." We won't be
able to afford the rent at home" suddenly the fire alarm went off but it was
only a drill and they went to the evacuation point. Twelve minutes later the
we're allowed back to work and they finished the statue within 15min with
enough time to spare to grab a doughnut at the cafè before they left.
Chapter 3
George arrived at
5:00pm and he
George" Shelly said
Screamed Garfield.
Is the phone ringing
I'll get it said
George. While he
got it Shelly got
into the car all
ready so they could
go to their house.
When George came
back to the car he
looked sad he said
"I need to go back
to get my stuff" are
you going to be fine driving your self home "yes" said Shelly I'll be fine with
Garfield by my side "bye" said Shelly buzz buzz Said Garfield with a sad face
as they drove off.
George got on a bus so he could go back where he left his bags. When
Shelly and Garfield got to the next street they saw a stray dog they went to
get it then a earthquake started they got back into the car and sped down
the street but left the dog all alone in the dark shaking street. They felt
sorry but they were more sorry and worried about George. When Shelly and
George got to there house they started to cook dinner for them they were
having a roast pork with some vegetables Garfield said buzz buzz buzz! Do
you want a drink Garfield nodded and pointed at a bottle of coca-cola he
looked cold after he drank the drink the coca-cola. "Do you need a blanket
to get warmed up" said Shelly. Garfield nodded and said buzz he look around
the room and saw a weird object outside he went outside and looked around
there was no sign of anything Garfield heard a rustle in the bush he went
into the bush and saw a big big cat standing there ready to go pounce on a
rat he said to the cat what`s your name the cat said Furry. Garfield was
looking at the cat and saw a little flea that looked like he had a lot of flea
friends helping him control the cat he pounced onto Garfield. Garfield
screamed HELP! When Shelly heard the scream she looked outside she
didn't mind because she had to do lots of jobs. She walked into the kitchen
and said here you go Garfield here`s your blanket when she didn't see
Garfield she was so scared that she lost Garfield she nearly fantod on the
ground face first she said 2 more hours till George comes home.When
George gets here he might help me find Garfield. before dinner i`ll have a
quick nap zzzzzzzzzz
George can you help me find Garfield 'OK' said George BUZZ BUZZ! did you
hear that Shelly 'yes i did' said Shelly were did it come from i think i heard it
coming from the north said George lets go north then while in the east
Garfield was in a lot of trouble with the cat Garfield was hanging from a
peace of string over a pond of acid and burning hot lava i am really hot now
i can not fly all my family will be sad and will make a big statue of me
because i was the prince of fly land just that second he got off the string
and survived the fall. Shelly said where is Garfield.
Chapter 4
where did my ladybug go? €.^%}#^%,>€{#,^+?{#£>,>}.I lost my ladybug sniffle
Shelly stopped working and started to look for him. But could not find him.
This is very mysterious.
Thought shelly. How could a ladybug just disappear like magic. I know it got
not kid napped but ladybug napped.
But at that moment her boss spotted her out side and busted her inside and
into his office to ask why she was outside
Shelly said that her ladybug was missing and needed to find him. Her boss
said she can find him after uni finishes for the day.
After uni that day she started looking for him. She checked
Her car and was not there she checked in her office not in there she
checked the car not there either.
Chapter 5
"Garfield! Garfield, can you hear me" yelled Shelly. It was 2 hours since
Garfield was beetle-napped and Shelly was getting nervous for her tiny
friend. Suddenly she heard a familiar Buzz Buzz sound coming through the
wall. "Garfield, can you hear me?" Shelly asked.
"Buzzbuzzzzzzzzzz" Garfield buzzed furiously. He wanted to get out of the
room. Badly
" I'm coming to save you Garfield!" Shelly yelled courageously!
She ran into the building and round the corner. She flew round the corner
and into the room. The door shut behind her so the room was so dark the
door was not visible behind her. Suddenly the room lit up and she saw that
George was standing in the middle of the room with a cage behind him.
Guess who was in the cage? It Garfield and he was throwing himself at the
sides of the cage trying to escape! "Well," said George menacingly "Why did
you not get my absolutely perfect face wrong in the hedge. You knew that I
needed everything absolutely correct or my Welcome Back party would be
"We didn't mean to get the hedge wrong." Shelly protested "I just forgot
what your face looked like and we had to look for you on the Wiki but spelt
your name wrong and..."
"And what" George thundered " Your pesky ladybird that is not a lady
destroyed all my gifts, my cake, my suit and he hit me in the eye! That is
why I am going to kill him" Just then Shelly realised that George was holding
a can of bug spay
"No, you will not kill Garfield while I still live" Shelly told George calmly " I
will fight you will only my trowel"
" Oh no, I am going to be killed by gardening trowel, so scary I think I am
going to faint" George said mockingly "Bodyguards"
Soon the Bodyguards arrived and when the door opened Shelly tried to
escape but George held her back. "'He was stronger then he looked Shelly
told herself I might be able to use it against him'". The bodyguards roped her
up and put her near Garfield. "This is perfect" she muttered "Now I can plan
our escape with Garfield".
"Buzz buzz bizz bizz" Garfield buzzed excitedly.
"Ok so we are going to try to get you out first, Garfield, then you can eat
through the ropes binding me, but we need the rope still so we can get out
through the vent in the roof" Shelly explained. Then Shelly noticed a hole in
the top of the roof of Garfield's cage just big enough for Garfield to fit
through. "Garfield, I can see a hole in the top of the cage, no not there at
the edge, yes there. Now chew through the ropes so I can get free. Good
job Garfield. Now fly up in to the vent in the roof so I can climb up the rope
and get free" Shelly waited patiently until Garfield shook the rope. Then she
started climbing. She was almost to the vent and then she was pulled back
down by one of the bodyguards "So you think you can escape, do you"
George drawled "Well it's not easy to escape from me. Chain her up, and
make sure the chains are nice and tight"
But before they could chain her she was on her feet trowel in the left hand.
"Well I think you'll find I don't go down easily either" Shelly told the
comedian and his bodyguards. Then she wacked the bodyguards with her
trowel turned to climb the rope only to find that the rope had been taken
by the bodyguards cutting of her only escape route. She new she had been
beaten so she sat down and wrapped the chains around herself "So I see you
have finally see sense and given up"
"Yes I have George " Shelly answered while George locked the chains. He
walked out through the door and heard him tell Sir Antonio " I found your
gardener. She was walking on the roof and fell off. She is dead!". Shelly saw
the key for the lock on a bench near the front of the room. She hopped over
to it with great difficulty but with a good jump she could reach the key. She
had to make sure that George didn't figure out that she had moved to get
the key. She quickly hoped towards the cage and sat down. George came
back in and looked suspiciously at Shelly. She was fiddling with the key and
the lock she could unlock the chains. A bizz bizz sound made stop. Garfield
was on the key! He crawled towards the lock and with quite a bit of effort
he un-did the lock. Shelly jumped to her feet immediately and grabbed her
trowel. George whipped around and countered with his Oscar Award. Shelly
and George fought for 10 minuets exactly garden trowel against Oscar
Award. At the end of the 10 minuets Shelly had her trowel to George's neck.
"Give in yet" Shelly said.
Chapter 6
After the fight Shelly told the principal to call the police and they came to
take him away "that's one cantankerous man trying to plot over the world
posing as comedian" said one of the six police officers "something funny was
going on" joked another police officer, as 2 S.W.A.T officers handcuffed
George and put him into a truck and slammed the padlock into position.
"Well I am glad that's over" said the officer in charge a big burly giant with a
name badge that said Blake. "Come on Blake the coffees is going to be cold
by the time we get back to the station" a small man called out and off they
Next week Shelly was watching the news station and a story came up about
a man who was known as a comedian but actually he was plotting to take
over the world. Suddenly Garfield started going nuts "buzz bizz biz biz buz
biz buzzzz buzz bizz zbuz biz buzz buz biz bizzzz buzz" " calm down
Garfield" said Shelly " the court have him charged guilty for three different
things" "oh and principal has asked us to burn all of the hedges with him on
it ,would you like to come and help me out ,it will only take a couple of
minutes because some of the parents are going to help out with clearing
them out so that we don't have to be alone in that garden". After clearing
out the trees and hedges the principal came out with a sign saying "job
application 12 cleaners needed".
A week later the radio announced a man aged 37 known only as George has
escaped a top priority jail and is currently on the run from government
officials,he is known to have a heavily armed comrade keeping the location
free of drones and scrambling our satellite communication "Well that is
depressing" said Shelly trying to find her fathers good luck charm a small
frog leg. To nights later Shelly was woken up a gun shot she could hear
screaming coming from her neighbours house. A young couple were fleeing
into the night trying to hush there children's crying and she felt sorry for
them knowing they were at risk of death. Suddenly a siren cut through the
silence as two police cars followed by a tank rounded the corner and many
men poured into the street carrying identical submachine guns. Two men
ran out onto the street with their hands up and from inside the some one
yelled "Chicken"out into the night. BOOOOM! The side of the house was
incinerated and the soldiers open fired at the house.
Shelly moved house and got a husband called jimmy. He was an avid
collector of exotic plants and flowers. He was also a participant in the
annual flowers and trees convention, Shelly's favourite festival that she goes
to annually no ifs or buts she always went. This time she tried to enter but
there wasn't any more spaces so Shelly went with jimmy. He had a exquisite
bouquet of rare amazon plant that were all a different shade from red to
dark purple. This is the most supercalifragilisticexpalodously amazingly
beautifully pretty bunch of flowers I have ever seen in my whole life and I
am 32 years old and have been gardening since I was two.
1 week later
A newspaper reports that the criminal George has been caught and that he
is being held in custody. He was caught in Manhattan on Tuesday. Mr
MacAvin is being brought before court today.
Shelly has to make hedge statue of the world famous comedian George MacAvin but
what will happen when she models it on the wrong person??