
Ch. 5 Ventilation – Perfusion Relationships
Review V/Q mismatch animation
Oxygen Transport from Air to Tissues
P ATM = 760 mm Hg
PH20 = 47 mm Hg
Pnormal air ~-> 713 mm Hg (760-47)
FIO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen) = .21 or 21%
PIO2 = 150 mm Hg
Since flow is dependent on the change in pressure the inspired oxygen pressure must be
significantly higher than the pressure in the alveoli
Mouth PO2 = 150 mm Hg
PAO2 = 100 mm Hg (pressure of alveolar oxygen)
PtissuesO2 = ~ 40 mm Hg (i.e. pressure of venous blood (( remember RBC’s are still ¾ saturated w/
O2 upon return to the pulmonary cap’s))
What determines pressure gradient?
Removal of O2 by pulmonary capillary blood
 Largely determined by O2 consumption in tissues
 Once rbc reaches tissue, O2 leaves rbc d/t very low pressure in mitochondria (1
mm Hg)
o Continual replenishment by alveolar ventilation (continued inspiratory flow)
 Primary determinant of PO2
o Fluctuation of PO2 b/t inspi and expi is only 3 mm Hg, i.e. after expi – PAO2 = 97 mm Hg
o Any decrease in PO2 results in lower PtissueO2 (also why impaired gas exchange results in
rise of PCO2)
Four Causes of Hypoxemia
o Hypoventilation
o Diffusion limitation
o Shunt
o Ventilation – Perfusion inequality
If the alveolar ventilation is abnormally low, the alveolar PO2 falls and PCO2 rises
Causes of hypoventilation:
o Drugs – i.e. morphine, barbiturates – depress medulla  lower inspiratory drive
o Trauma to chest wall (rib fx)
o High resitance to breathing (i.e. asthma attack  constriction of conducting airways)
o PCO2 = (VentilationCO2 / Ventilation alveolar) x K
This means if you decrease alveolar ventilation by ½:
 PCO2 is doubled
 Thus, PCO2 is inversely proportional to VAO2 (Ch. 2)
Alveolar Gas Equation
o PAO2 = PIO2 – (PACO2/R)
o R = 0.8 for most U.S. diets, appx. O.7 for high fat diet (dependent on CO2 production via
glycolytic pathway)
o PACO2 is normally determined by ABG
o Thus:
o PIO2 = FIO2 x (PATM – PH2O)
o PAO2= .21x(713mmHg) - (PACO2 / 0.8)
Thus during Hypoventilation – a reduction of PAO2 and PaO2 occurs
o Except if person is given oxygen through mask
o Always increases the PCO2
o Decreases the PO2 unless additional O2 is inspired
o Hypoxemia is easy to reverse by adding O2
o Drives down PaCO2
o Large reserves of CO2 in body via H2CO3 – so takes a longer time for blood PO2/CO2
ratio to balance
With 100 PAO2 mm Hg and 100 PaO2 mm Hg – (ideal conditions)
o Blood passes alveoli with oxygen content of 18.73 mL O2/dL blood
o Little difference occurs as long as ratio of ventilation/perfusion is proportional  i.e.
1/1  5/5
Means that blood that enters the arterial system essentially bypasses the lungs
o Natural shunts: Thebesian veins, pulmonary veins, pulmonary arterio-venous fistula, or
atrial septal defect
Depresses the arterial PO2
Total amt. of O2 leaving the system is the total flow (Q(dot)T) times the concentration of arterial
blood (Cao2)—(normal CaO2 ~ 18.73 ml/dL of blood)
QT x CaO2 – must be equal to the sum of the amts. Of O2 in the shunted blood
o O2 in shunted blood = Q(dot)S x CV(line)O2; and end-capillary blood (Q(dot)T – Q(dot)S x
o QS/QT = Cc’O2 – CaO2 / CC’O2 – CVlineO2
o Total blood flow (normally 5L/min) x O2 concentration in arterial blood (normally 18.73
ml/dL) = sum of amounts of O2 in shunted blood and end capillary blood
Hypoxemia cannot be abolished by giving pt 100% O2 to breathe
 b/c shunted blood bypasses ventilated alveoli
 some O2 added to capillary blood by diffusion, but only to plasma – Hb is usually
saturated (except if cause CO poisoning, sickle cell etc)
 Could worsen hypoxia b/c increasing the alveolar pressure excessively could
further compress capillaries causing a negative PTM
 I.E. to diagnose if shunt is present in hypoxic pt: Take ABG, treat w/ 100% O2,
wait 10 minutes; if PO2 is increased hypoxia is not d/t shunt, if PO2 is
unchanged—shunt is present
Shunts do not normally cause an increase in PaCO2
 Chemoreceptors sense the elevated PaCO2 – hyperventilation to drive down
o Hypoxemia responds poorly to added inspired O2 (only w/ shunt according to
o When 100% O2 is inspired, the PaO2 does not rise to the expected level – Dx. Test
o If the shunt is caused by mixed venous blood, its size can be calculated from the shunt
equation --- (umm sure…)
Ventilation – Perfusion Ratio
Need balanced flow of pulmonary arterial blood to amt of O2 in alveoli to perfuse
If one increases blood flow too much – Hb is not 100% saturated and hypoxia results
Alternatively if pressure in Alveoli is too high and blood flow slows – Hb is highly saturated (i.e. 19.11
ml/dL) – usually not a problem unless alveolar pressure causes collapse of capillary (i.e. PA >> Pa>Pc)
Effect of altering the ventilation – perfusion Ratio of a lung unit
Mixed venous blood:
o PCO2 = 40 mmHg – higher pressure of CO2 promotes its exchange across alveoli
o PO2 = 100 mmHg
Diseases such as pneumonia, heart failure, asthma, and emphysema can worsen V/Q mismatch
Nonlinear shape of the oxygen dissociation curve creates a different situation for oxygen
content when we mix blood from well ventilated and poorly ventilated alveoli (as occurs w/ V/Q
Low V/Q ratio produces a PO2 value that corresponds to the steep portion of the oxygen
dissociation curve and thus significantly lowers the oxygen content of the outgoing capillary
High V/Q ratio produces a PO2 value that corresponds to the relatively flat portion of the oxygen
dissociation curve and thus does not significantly elevate the oxygen content of outgoing blood
Using the link above, vary the V/Q ratios for three alveoli
o Increase the V/Q ratio in one alveolus while decreasing the ratio of another and note
hwo the small elevation in oxygen content caused by the high V/Q ratio alveolus does
not compensate for the significant decrease in oxygen content caused by the low V/Q
ratio alveolus
Regional Gas Exchange in the Lung
Apex of lung:
o high V/Q ratio (hypodiffusion) – too little air in alveoli
o PO2: 135 mm Hg
o PCO2: 30 mm Hg
o pH: 7.51
o Site of Tuberculosis: anaerobic
Base of lung:
o Low V/Q ratio ( hyperperfusion or wasted perfusion) – lil too much blood in caps
o PO2: 90 mm Hg
o PCO2: 42 mm Hg
o pH: 7.39
Ventilation/Perfusion ratio decreases as one goes from apex to base
See chart 5-10 (west) for more data on differences b/t apex and base
Effect of Ventilation-Perfusion Inequality on overall gas exchange
Lung w/ V/Q mismatch is not able to transfer as much O2 and CO2 as a lung that is uniformly
ventilated and perfused
Lung w/ V/Q inequality can’t maintain as high PaO2 or as low PaCO2 as regular lung
Majority of blood leaving the lungs comes from base --- where PO2 is low  depression of Pao2
Alveolar ventilation occurs more evenly from apex to base (but still mostly at base)
Note from previous figure: a V/Q mismatch in one alveoli affect the output from the remaining
alveoli near b/c output PaO2 is an avg. of cap’s and alveoli’s together (i.e. bomb the first exam,
and it’s harder to improve avg.)
CO2 has an easier time diffusing b/c it’s saturation curve is essentially linear
Distribution of Ventilation-Perfusion Ratios
Great – research oriented physiology stuff….
Shoot someone up full of mixed gases
Although much of the gas goes to areas w/ equal V/Q ratios; some portion goes to V/Q
mismatch areas
o Poor V/Q ratios (0.3 to 0.003)
 This areas are poor at eliminating CO2
Person had arterial hypoxemia but normal PCO2 (i.e. would be hyperventilating
to keep CO2 normal wasted ventilation)
Remember ideal V/Q = 1
Ventilation-Perfusion Inequality as a Cause of CO2 retention
Note use of term “magical” in text….
With a V/Q mismatch both PO2 and PCO2 are affected
Alveolar dead space: the volume of the alveoli that are not being perfused (about 20-50 ml in
V/Q ratio determines the gas exchange in any single lung unit
Regional differences of V/Q in the upright human lung cause a pattern of regional gas exchange
V/Q inequality impairs the uptake or elimination of all gases by the lung
Although the elimination of CO is impaired by V/Q inequality, this can be corrected by increasing
the ventilation of the alveoli
By contrast, the hypoxemia resulting from V/Q inequality cannot be eliminated by increases in
The different behavior of the 2 gases results from the different shapes of their dissociation
A-aDO2: how you measure V/Q mismatch
Subtract arterial PO2 from alveolar PO2  PAO2 – PaO2 = A-a DO2
Normal alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (breathing room air)
<,= 10
<,= 12
<,= 15
<,= 25
Physiological Causes of Hypoxemia
Response to 100% O2
present at rest
Decreased PIO2 (altitude)
Alveolar Hypoventilation
V/Q mismatch
Diffusion abnormality
not usually, unless severe