click or touch here to the permission slip

Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Beginning on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, WBMS will be offering Math tutoring after
school from 1:40 – 2:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons.
This tutoring will afford your student the opportunity to strengthen their math skills and
receive additional instruction outside of the normal school day. Please note that tutoring is
a privilege and students who are disruptive in tutoring may lose the opportunity to attend.
If you would like for your child to attend math tutoring at WBMS, please sign below and
return this form to Mrs. Wolpoff in room 604 the first time that you attend.
I give my permission for my student ________________________________________
to attend math tutoring at WBMS. I understand it is my responsibility to pick up my child
from WBMS on tutoring days at 2:30 pm.
Parent Signature _______________________________________date___________
Your student’s math teacher ______________________________________________
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Beginning on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, WBMS will be offering Math tutoring after
school from 1:40 – 2:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons.
This tutoring will afford your student the opportunity to strengthen their math skills and
receive additional instruction outside of the normal school day. Please note that tutoring is
a privilege and students who are disruptive in tutoring may lose the opportunity to attend.
If you would like for your child to attend math tutoring at WBMS, please sign below and
return this form to Mrs. Wolpoff in room 604 the first time that you attend.
I give my permission for my student ________________________________________
to attend math tutoring at WBMS. I understand it is my responsibility to pick up my child
from WBMS on tutoring days at 2:30 pm.
Parent Signature _______________________________________date___________
Your student’s math teacher ______________________________________________