
Name: _________________________________________ Period _________ Date __________________
Ecology Review Sheet
Use the following words to match to their appropriate definition.
a. Abiotic
b. Autotroph
c. Biosphere
d. Biotic
e. Carbon cycle
f. Carnivore
g. Commensalism
h. Community
i. Consumer
j. Decomposer
k. Ecosystem
l. Habitat
m. Herbivores
n. Heterotroph
o. Mutualism
p. Niche
q. Nitrogen cycle
r. Omnivores
s. Organism
t. Parasitism
u. Population
v. Predators
w. Producer
x. Scavenger
y. Water cycle
Name: _________________________________________ Period _________ Date __________________
1. ______ Populations in a community and the abiotic factors with which they interact
2. ______ Group of organisms of one species living in the same place at the same time
that can interbreed
3. ______ Several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment and are
4. ______ All living organisms inhabiting the Earth
5. ______ Non-living parts of the environment
6. ______ Any unicellular or multicellular form exhibiting all of the characteristics of life
7. ______ All life supporting portions of Earth composed of air, land, fresh water, and
salt water
8. ______ Breakdown the complex compounds of dead and decaying plants into simpler
molecules that can be reabsorbed
9. ______ Organism that ingests only meats
10. ______ Organisms that ingest food containing the sun’s energy
11. ______ Organism that feed on carrion and dead animals
12. ______ All autotrophs that trap energy from the sun (plants)
13. ______ Organisms that eat only plants
14. ______ Organisms that hunt prey down
15. ______ Organisms that ingest both plants and animals
16. ______ Type of relationship where one organism benefits and the other neither
benefits or is harmed
17. ______ Type of relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed
18. ______ Type of relationship where both organisms benefit
19. ______ Place in which an organism lives out its life
20. ______ Role a species plays in the community
21. ______ Organisms that makes their own food
22. ______ Organisms that are consumers (need to eat food for energy)
23. ______ The process of evaporation, transpiration, condensation, and precipitation
24. ______ The process of photosynthesis and respiration that releases carbon and oxygen
through the environment
25. ______ The process of lightning and bacteria convert nitrogen gas into usable forms
Name: _________________________________________ Period _________ Date __________________
26. Write the correct order from the smallest organizational level to the largest
organizational level; using the following terms:
Organism, Population, Ecosystem, and Community.
27. List 2 examples of a POPULATION:
28. List 2 examples of a COMMUNITY:
29. List 2 examples of an ORGANISM:
30. List 2 example of an ECOSYSTEM:
31. List 2 examples of an ABIOTIC factor:
32. List 2 examples of BIOTIC factors:
33. Explain one big difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells:
34. What (7) characteristics are true about ALL living things?
35. Describe the INTERACTION between biotic and abiotic factors within an
Name: _________________________________________ Period _________ Date __________________
36. The producer in this food web is:
37. List the primary consumers:
38. List the secondary consumers:
39. List the tertiary consumer:
40. What organism in this food web is the only quaternary consumer?
Name: _________________________________________ Period _________ Date __________________
IDENTIFY: Label the objects below using your Ecology Vocabulary Terms-
List the BIOTIC Factors:
List the BIOTIC Factors:
List the ABIOTIC Factors:
List the ABIOTIC Factors:
Circle ONE: Organism, Population,
Circle ONE:
Community, or Ecosystem?
Organism, Population,
Community, or Ecosystem?
Circle ONE: Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic ?
Circle ONE: Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic ?