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Joseph D. Galanek Ph.D. MPH
Research Associate
Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research &
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel
School of Applied Social Sciences
Case Western Reserve University
11402 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, Ohio, 44107-7167
Office: 216-368-5349
Professional Profile
Qualitative and mixed methods behavioral health and criminal justice researcher with
over 10 years’ experience in research, program implementation, and evaluation within the
mental health and criminal justice system. State and federally funded criminal justice and
mental health research and evaluation within institutions and communities. Expertise in
crafting successful IRB applications for primary data collection among vulnerable
populations. Extensive experience in creating partnerships with behavioral health care,
criminal justice, governmental, and community stakeholders to collaboratively identify
research and evaluation priorities. Experience in designing and overseeing research
within complex treatment, institutional, and community contexts among diverse
populations. Collaboration across disciplines to craft grant proposals and conduct
comprehensive research and evaluation activities.
Research and Professional Highlights
Conducted mixed methods process and outcomes evaluations for youth development
initiatives, violence prevention programs and policing initiatives in urban contexts.
Conducted federally funded qualitative research within a state prison, interviewing
staff, administrators, inmates with severe mental illness, and utilizing observational
and quantitative data to investigate social and cultural factors contributing to
psychiatric recovery for incarcerated mentally ill men
Created, implemented, and conducted twelve month state funded mixed methods
program evaluation for large urban behavioral health agency in Cleveland, OH
Substantive areas of expertise include corrections, mental health services research,
minority health, youth development programs, logic model development
Expertise in Atlas.ti, NVivo, and SPSS
Education and Training
Joseph D Galanek PhD MPH CV
National Institute of Mental Health Post-Doctoral Research Scholar
Brown School of Social Work
Washington University in St Louis
PhD Medical Anthropology
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Dissertation: “The Social and Cultural Context of Mental Illness In Prison”
Master of Public Health
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Thesis: “Qualitative Outcome Measures for Mentally Ill Offenders”
MA Cultural Anthropology
University of Idaho, Moscow ID
BS Psychology
Centre College of Kentucky
Research and Professional Experience
Research Associate
Cleveland, OH
Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education
Jack Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
Case Western Reserve University
 Identify funding opportunities and participate in state, local, and federal grant and proposal writing
 Design and implement mixed methods research designs in urban contexts with multi-disciplinary
research teams
 Lead qualitative data collection, management, and analysis activities for center projects
 Conduct county-wide comprehensive evaluation activities for local stakeholders and governmental
agencies, including law enforcement and education.
 Creation of qualitative interview guides and online survey instruments
 Create data collection systems, monitor data collection activities and identify areas for improving
data collection systems
 Collaborate within multi-disciplinary teams to meet project deliverables, including quarterly reports,
project summaries, presentations to stakeholders, and final reports
 Create and prepare manuscripts for publication and dissemination
National Institute of Mental Health Post-Doctoral Research Scholar
ST Louis, MO
Brown School of Social Work
Washington University in St Louis
 Awarded federally funded competitive training grant in school of social work consistently ranked
within the top 5 graduate programs in the nation
 Collaborated with faculty on quantitative research projects to expand research skills
 Participated in federally funded grant writing training with NIH and NIMH funded faculty
 Advised doctoral candidates on qualitative methods
 Increased substantive areas of expertise through training, including: mental health/health services
research, mixed methods, and federal grant writing
 Prepared, submitted, and published manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals
Dissertation Research, “The Social and Cultural Context of Mental Illness in Prison”
 Designed, implemented, and conducted federally funded qualitative investigation of two
men’s penitentiaries in order to identify social and cultural processes that contribute to
recovery for inmates with severe mental illness and substance abuse disorders.
 Conducted longitudinal qualitative interviews with prison staff, administrators and
mentally ill inmates; conducted over four hundred hours of observation in prison setting.
 Oversaw qualitative and quantitative data collection, management, and analysis.
 Oversaw creation, submission, and monitoring of all IRB protocols
 Findings demonstrated that social support, inmates’ perceptions of illness, relationships
with staff and inmates, and cultural values of the prison contributed to psychiatric
recovery for inmates with severe psychiatric disorder
 Disseminated findings through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations
and reports to state officials
Forensic Program Evaluation Manager
Cuyahoga County Mental Health Board
Cleveland, OH
Funded by Ohio Department of Mental Health.
 Awarded grant from Ohio Department of Mental Health to design, implement, and conduct twelve
month mixed method evaluation of county’s mental health program serving individuals with cooccurring severe mental illness, substance abuse disorders, and criminal justice involvement
 Collaborated with criminal justice, behavioral health, and county government stakeholders to
implement comprehensive evaluation activities
 Collected, managed, and analyzed quantitative mental health treatment outcomes and criminal
justice data
 Conducted qualitative interviews in jail and community settings with mentally ill offenders,
administrators, criminal justice staff, and mental health treatment providers
Joseph D Galanek PhD MPH CV
Results indicated no differences in intensity or frequency of services for program participants as
compared to other consumers at same agency; mentally ill offenders had more time in jail than
offenders without mental illness but similar rates of sobriety; consumers interviewed reported family
support, relationships with criminal justice and mental health staff as contributing to psychiatric
stability and lawful behavior.
Developed policy recommendations based on evaluation results
Disseminated of policy recommendations and results to community stakeholders through written
reports, presentations, and peer-reviewed conference presentations
Research Assistant, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University
"Psychosocial Intervention for Functional Impairment in Cancer Patients," American Cancer Society
(Ohio Division, Inc.)
 Recruited patient participants
 Collected and managed qualitative and quantitative data
 Prepared manuscripts for publication
Mental Health Specialist
Oregon Department of Corrections,
Oregon State Penitentiary; Columbia River Correctional Institution
Salem, OR
 Implemented and co-administered intensive outpatient mental health case management program in
state’s maximum security institution.
 Monitored program activities, evaluated inmates outcomes to meet federal programming guidelines
and identified program strengths and challenges using continuous quality improvement processes
 Established and collaborated in creating institutional policies to ensure fidelity to federal treatment
 Created reports and presentations to state government officials on programmatic activities
 Attained JCAHO accreditation through measuring and monitoring program activities, establishing
benchmarks, and implementing fidelity measures in treatment planning and best practices
 Provided direct clinical and case management services to inmates with severe psychiatric disorders
and co-occurring substance abuse disorders, including: psychiatric evaluation, crisis intervention,
clinical case management, group treatment, and suicide evaluation and prevention services.
 Oversaw assignment of clinical work to mental health clinicians
 Supervised administrative and clerical staff and assigned duties to staff and inmates
 Established partnerships across state government and community stakeholders for release planning
and coordination of care for inmates with severe psychiatric and substance abuse disorders to
ensure continuity of care.
Qualified Mental Health Professional, Marion County Health Department,
Salem, OR
Qualified Mental Health credentials through Marion County Health Department (Salem, OR)
Provided emergency psychiatric evaluation services to three county hospital emergency
Oversaw assignment of duties to bachelor’s level crisis associates to ensure implementation of
emergency crisis plans for severely mentally ill clients
Mental Health Case Manager, Sarasota County Jail
Sarasota, FL
Implemented jail diversion program for inmates with co-occurring severe psychiatric and substance
abuse disorders
Collaborated with public defender’s office and Assistant State’s Attorney’s office to divert mentally ill
offenders from criminal justice system
Provided case management services and transition services to community mental health
consumers involved in criminal justice system
National Institute of Mental Health Post-Doctoral Training Grant
5T32-MH019960-19 (PI: Ramesh Raghavan PhD, MD).
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
DDIG 0823512 ($14,225); Co-PI (PI: Atwood Gaines, PhD, MPH, dissertation chair)
“The Social And Cultural Context of Mental Illness in Prison”
Joseph D Galanek PhD MPH CV
Ohio Department of Mental Health ($30,000)
Program Evaluation of Cuyahoga County Forensic Mental Health Program
Awarded grant after submission of evaluation proposal to Cuyahoga County Mental Health Board and
Ohio Department of Mental Health
Case Western Reserve University Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Master of Public Health Program; Case Western Reserve University ($2,000)
Awarded competitive internal grant to conduct evaluability assessment create evaluation proposal for
Cuyahoga County’s Mentally Disordered Offender Program
Galanek, J.D. Correctional Officers and the Incarcerated Mentally Ill: Responses to Psychiatric Illness in Prison.
Medical Anthropology Quarterly. PMID: 25219680. doi: 10.1111/maq.12137
Galanek, J. D. The Cultural Construction of Mental Illness in Prison: A Perfect Storm of Pathology. Culture,
Medicine, and Psychiatry, 37(1), 195-225. PMCID: PMC3756690; doi: 10.1007/s11013-012-9295-6
Zhang, A. Y., Galanek, J., Strauss, G. J., & Siminoff, L. A. What it would take for men to attend and benefit from
support groups after prostatectomy for prostate cancer: A problem-solving approach. Journal of Psychosocial
Oncology, 26(3), 97-112.
Under Review
Galanek, J.D. Perspectives of Individuals with Severe Mental Illness and Criminal Justice Involvement: A Qualitative
Exploration of Clinical, Systems, and Community Processes Contributing to Recovery
In Preparation
Butcher, F., Galanek, JD, Flannery, D., Kretschmar, J. Social Determinants of Trauma in Juvenile Justice Youth:
Implications for Practice and Policy (invited submission to Social Science and Medicine)
Galanek, J.D. and Pettus-Davis, C. Diagnostic Variability and Recidivism in a Cohort of Releasing Prisoners with Serious
Mental Illness
Galanek, J.D. Mentally Ill Prisoners’ Perspectives of Prison Mental Health Care: A Qualitative Study to Inform
Correctional Policy
Research Reports
Galanek, J. D. (2007). Evaluation of the Mentally Disordered Offender Program (Ohio Department of Mental Health):
Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health Board.
Honors and Awards
Public Health Student of the Year, Case Western Reserve University
Awarded for exemplary community engagement and MPH thesis research informing local mental
health policy and practice
Best Policy Related MPH Capstone; Case Western Reserve University
“Qualitative Outcome Measures in a Population of Mentally Ill Offenders”
Summer Internship Award, Master of Public Health Program,
Case Western Reserve University
$2000 competitive award which provided funding for ethnographic research of mental health and
criminal justice systems of Cleveland, OH through Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health
Board. Produced an evaluation assessment and evaluation proposal which was submitted to Ohio
Department of Mental Health which led to a funded evaluation project for local stakeholders.
Joseph D Galanek PhD MPH CV
Graduate Research Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, Case Western Reserve University.
Teaching and Research Assistant. Managed online coursework, managed databases and analyzed
qualitative data, provided lectures.
Teaching Highlights
Adjunct Instructor, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Courses Taught: Program Evaluation (Graduate Level)
Refereed Conference Presentations
Rachel Lovell and Joseph D. Galanek. Transgender "Johns" in Chicago: Why Chicago Arrests So
Many Transgender Women for "Buying" Sex. September 19th, Toledo, OH, 11th Annual International
Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sex Work Conference
Experiences of Psychiatric Illness and Treatment in Prison: Implications for Correctional Mental
Health Policy
March 22th, Denver, CO., Society for Applied Anthropology
The Social and Cultural Context of Mental Illness in Prison
November 15th, San Francisco, CA. American Anthropological Association
Presenter and Session Chair
Applied Medical Anthropology, The Severely Mentally Ill, and Prison: Informing Policy Through
March 29th, Seattle, WA. Society for Applied Anthropology
Anthropological Perspectives on the Mentally Ill Offender: Engagement with the Criminal Justice and
Forensic Mental Health System
March 29th, Tampa, FL. Society for Applied Anthropology
Poster Presentation
Qualitative Methods in an Outcomes Evaluation for a Community Forensic Mental Health Program;
November 6th, 2007. Washington, DC. American Public Health Association
Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Consumers in the Criminal Justice System in Cuyahoga
County Through the Use of Multiple Points of Intercept
March 16th, Cleveland, OH. All Ohio Institute on Community Psychiatry
Invited Presentations
“Introduction to Qualitative Methods”
Presentation for Doris Duke Child Abuse Prevention Fellows
Washington University in St Louis
“Qualitative Methods in Mental Health Services Research”,
Washington University in St Louis
Brown School of Social Work
“Ethnographic Approaches to the Prison Context”,
University of Missouri St Louis, St Louis, MO
Joseph D Galanek PhD MPH CV
“The Social and Cultural Context of Mental Illness in Prison: Opportunities for Interdisciplinary
Collaboration”, Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO
“Qualitative Approaches to Research in the U.S. Prison System”
Portland Community College, Portland, OR
“Anthropological Approaches to Research in the U.S. Prison System”
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Joseph D Galanek PhD MPH CV