INDIAN MENTAL HEALTH ACT PRESENTED BY DONA ROSLIND THOMAS 1 YEAR MSc(N) MENTAL HEALTH ACT-1987 The mental health bill became the act 14 of 2nd may 1987 CHAPTER-1 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION MENTALLY ILL PERSON MENTALLY ILL PRISONER COST OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT COURT INSPECTING OFFICER LICENSE LICENSEE LICENSED PSY.HOSPITAL/NURSING HOME CONTI…. LICENCING ATHORITY MEDICAL OFFICER MEDICAL OFFICER INCHARGE MEDICAL PRACTITIONER MINOR PSY.HOSPITAL/PSY.NURSING HOME PSYCHIATRIST RECEPTION ORDER TEMPORARYTRY TREATMENT ORDER CHAPTER-2 MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY Establishment of central and state authority for regulation and co-ordination of mental health services CHAPTER-3 PSY.HOSPITALS/NSG HOME ADMISSION,TREATMENT AND CARE OF MENTALLY PERSONS Separate hospital facilities for those who -Under the age of 18 yrs -Addicted to alcohol or drugs -have been convicted for any offence DISCHARGE DISCHARGE OF A PATIENT ADMITTED 1. VOLUNTARY BASIS 2. SPCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES 3. RECEPTION ORDER 4. BY POLICE 5. MENTALLY ILL PRISONER JUDICIAL INQUISION A guardian may be appointed by the court of law on behalf of alleged mentally ill person incapable of looking after self and property Every 6months the manager gives an inventoryof the immovable property of the mentally ill person PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF MENTALLY ILL PERSON Mentally ill person under treatment shall not be subjected to mechanical restraint or other harsh measure unless the medical practitioner concerned is satisfied that there is compelling circumstances which justify resort to any such measure PENALTY AND PROCEDURES Deals with penalties which can be relatively severe and explict for contravening them MISCELLANEOUS It deals with clarification pertaing to certain procedures to be followed by medical officer incharge of the home THANK YOU