Choir Handbook - Yutan Public Schools

The Yutan Varsity Choir, Junior High Choir, and Jazz Choir welcome you
in to membership. Each member must read and follow explicitly the
guidelines in this handbook. It has been assembled to acquaint you with
various organizations, policies, procedures, regulations and activities of
the respective choirs and band. Please refer to it often.
The Yutan Community School’s Music Department will continue to
strive for a higher degree of musicianship through excellence in
performance. This music program involves a sizeable percentage of the
student body in a stimulating variety of ensembles.
Yutan High School
2015-2016 School Year
Director: Mr. Gunter
Elementary Phone Number: (402) 625-2141
High School Phone Number: (402) 625-2241
Personal Email:
School Email:
Welcome to Choir
Yutan High School Choir and Junior High Choir welcome you in to membership. Each member
must read and follow explicitly the guidelines in this hand book. It has been assembled to
acquaint you with various organizations, policies, procedures, regulations, and activities of the
The Yutan Community School’s Music Department will continue to strive for a high degree of
musicianship through excellence in performance. This music program involves a sizeable
percentage of the student body in a stimulating variety of ensembles.
All Choral information including lettering points, calendar, handbook, events, and more will be
available on my teacher website and choral website. If you would like to add something to the
website please ask me.
Office Hours
I will be available before and after school most days to practice with students. If you would like
to practice with me please write your name down on the bulletin board calendar. If you would
like to schedule something with Nancy please communicate with her and please be on time.
Remember if you are signing up for honor choirs, all state choir, and you are trying to get
audition times in or practice be smart and plan ahead. If you have written your name down and
don’t show up Nancy and I will leave.
Jazz Choir
Yutan offers Jazz Choir as a separate ensemble on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings at 7:207:50. This group will go to different festivals during the second semester and will perform at
concerts through the year. If you wish to participate in Jazz Choir please show up during those
Students Involved
All State
All State Music
Yutan Music
Room HS
All Day
Fall Concert
6th Grade Band, Yes
Choir, JH Choir, HS
Selected JH and SH
Selected Groups
Yutan High
Friday and
October 9th10th
October 22nd
5:00 P.M
Vocal Clinic
Veterans Day
Winter Concert Concert Band, JH
Choir, HS Choir,
Jazz Choir,
Kearney Honor Selected HS Choir
Yutan High
November 9th
November 11th
December 15th
January 25th
All Day
Fine Arts
Wayne State
Honor Choir
Pops Concert
Yutan High
Friday January
5P.M to
Wayne State
Yutan High
February 5th
February 11th
All Day
7:00 P.M
Yutan High
Friday March
4th, Sunday
March 6th
7:00 P.M
2:00 P.M
Selected All State
Junior High and
Senior High Choir
High School Choir
Junior High Choir
High School Choir
Jazz Choir
Musical Staff
Yutan High
School Gym
Lincoln NE
7:00 P.M
10:00 A.M
All Day
7:00 P.M
6:00 P.M
Junior High
Pre Malcolm
Junior High Choir
Yutan HS
Music Room
March 7th
YES Choir, 6th Grade
Band, JH Choir
Middle School
All Day
Pre Music
District Contest
Pre Music
District Contest
Music District
Fine Arts
HS District Groups
Yutan High
School Gym
Thursday and
Friday March
Thursday April
HS Small Groups and
Yutan High
School Music
April 18th
6:00 P.M
HS District Groups
Yutan High
Yutan High
School Gym/
Yutan Country
Friday April
Monday May
All Day
HS Groups
6:00 P.M
5:00 P.M
Mandatory Events will be BOLDED
Please put these dates in your calendar now so conflicts can be avoided ahead of
time. Events added through the year will be given at least 2 weeks in advance if
Fine Arts Booster Meetings
Please have parents attend
Fine Arts Booster Meetings will meet the First
Mondays of Every month in the HS Library at 6:00
Yutan Music Regulations & Procedures
1. No leaving your seat once rehearsal has begun unless needing to go to the bathroom
2. No food, gum, candy or drinks will be allowed during rehearsals.
Note: Notes may have clear bottles with lids that may be filled with water provided. These
bottles are not to be kept in the music room.
3. Rehearsal will begin following the tardy bell. Arrive early enough to be prepared for
rehearsal. If you need to go to the bathroom make sure you do it before class starts.
4. Keep talking to a minimum during rehearsal & Silent when asked.
5. Respect your fellow choir or band members, the director and their belongings.
Electronic Policy
1. Ipads need to be used properly in class if not then I have the authority to take them away for
the period. Ipads will be set in book bags or on my desk if not using items for the day.
2. If student keeps having problems using the ipad properly she or he will not use the Ipad
during class and will check it in to me at beginning and check it out at the end of class. I will
then also report actions to the principal.
3. Cell phones or any other devices will not be used during class if caught with Cell phone I will
then take it away for the rest of the day and you may collect it latter following a cell phone
lesson involving reteaching you not to use it during class.
4. I will not allow earphones in the ears during classes if it’s going to be a problem I will take
them away and you can have them back at the end of class. You are here to listen and learn.
All rules and regulations stated in the Yutan Community School’s Student Handbook also
Tardy Policy
Students must have a pass signed by a teacher when arriving late for a class. I will ask you to go
back and get one. If continue to be late I will then take points off your professional points.
Each High school student will have 2 “freebies” per semester if they are late to class again I will
Conduct that violates the regulations and procedures of the Yutan Choir will be subject to
disciplinary action. Every effort will be made to resolve problems in the classroom as they arise
1. Verbal warning to the student and depending on severity, loss of daily point.
2. Loss of Professional Points or Daily Points
3. The student will be asked to conference with the instructor briefly after class
4. One hour detention will be given on Wednesday Morning or Wednesday Afternoon
5. The student will be asked to leave the room and report to the office. Along with serving a
60 minute detention and a parent will be contracted.
If a student fails to serve an assigned detention within two days, that detention will double and a parent will be notified, If
again a student does not serve the detention within two days, it will double and a parent will be notified. Following these
three opportunities, the student will then be referred to the administration.
If a student is sent out of rehearsal that student must conference with Mr. Gunter and possibly and administrator and
parent to make plans to correct behaviors in the future before readamittance to class.
Uniform Policy
Each student will have a choir robe issued to them to be worn at concerts and will stay at
school with the exception of some contests of festivals. Students are responsible for keeping
their robe looking nice through the school year. This involves keeping it clean and hanging it up
nicely after every performance.
(Professional points and Daily Points will be taken away if students fail to hang up their robe
properly after a performance)
Although students will be wearing a robe during most performances, it is still important that we
look professional and represent our school and choir. Therefore whenever students are not in
uniform I would like them to wear the following under their robe:
-Black Dress Pants, or skirt/dress (Length of skirt or dress should be appropriate but not
longer than the robe and no shorter than your knees.
- No athletic shorts/jeans shorts/jean pants blue or black
- Black Socks, Long
- Black Dress Shoes ( No tennis shoes, flip flops, or stilettos)
- Black Flats/ Black Heals no longer than 1 ½ long
Please be well groomed, keep jewelry simple, and look professional
The failure to comply with this dress code may result in portion of the student’s grade to be
lowered for that performance.
9-12 Varsity Choir
Sr. High Choir members will be wearing Choir robes during clinics, spring programs, and
district competitions. This means no blue jeans, sweatpants, athletic type pants, flip-flops, or tennis
shoes may be worn, At District Music Contest students will be required to wear Black and Red Dress
clothes with Black Shoes during women’s, men’s, and jazz choir ensembles. If you have a question
about attire ask before you wear it.
Jazz Choir
Jazz Choir members will be wearing red, white, and black dress clothes during districts, fall,
pop, and winter concerts. This means no blue jeans, sweatpants, athletic type pants, flip-flops,
or tennis shoes may be worn.
Junior High Choir
Junior High Choir members will be wearing Choir robes during clinics, spring programs and
Malcolm competitions. This means no blue jeans, sweatpants, athletic type pants, flip flops, or
tennis shoes may be worn. During Malcolm Contest soloists may wear dress clothes.
Students will have opportunities to attend honor choirs through the year. The registration fees will be
paid by the school, but any extra expenses (Food, T-shirt, etc) will need to be paid by the students and
will vary in amount
Students who plan to audition for All-State Choir in October will have their registration fee paid by the
school; however, if a student decides they no longer wish to audition after registration money is due
in early September, they will need to repay $30 registration fee to the high school.
Students will be given the opportunity to take their music home if they lose if they may need to pay
for the music and the folder which could be up to $10.00