Source Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Short

Source Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Short Communication
Open Access
Hossein Omidian1*, Alborz Omidian2 and David J Mastropietro1
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
*Corresponding author: Hossein Omidian, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Nova
Southeastern University, 3200 South University Drive, FL, 33328, USA, Tel: 954.262.1334; E-mail:
Nanotechnology is a broad term encompassing
therapeutic treatments [6,7]. Furthermore, drugs having
the science and engineering of materials typically
poor water solubility, short elimination half-life, or
having dimensions in the range of 0.1 nm to 100 nm [1].
immunogenicproperties may find the nanotechnologyas
Commercially, nanomaterials are being made on a
a way to help improve delivery, decrease administration
global scale and are contained in many products we use
times, and reduce immunogenicity [8].
or interact with on a daily basis. According to the Project
Although not intentionally produced, we as
on Emerging Technologies, nanoparticles can be found
humans also produce nano-particles throughout many of
in numerous products including cosmetics, sunscreens,
ourdaily activities. For example, the action of driving
vitamin supplements, foods, computer components,
our cars and riding in planes introduces many invisible
particles into the air. These nano-sized particles occur
nanotechnology is used specifically for medical
from items such as rubber being worn away from tires
purposes and applications, it is more suitably referred to
as they move against pavement, wearing of brake pads
as nanomedicine. These types of nanotechnologies may
during stopping, and fromthe incomplete combustion of
use nanomaterials for drug delivery applications, or for
jet orcar fuel. Other actions such as running on a
treadmill can generate nanoparticles of rubber resulting
enhancedproperties verydifferent from conventional
from the belt being worn against the steel frame.
conventional drugs may change their chemical and
nanoparticles for pigments and are known to generate a
biological properties such that solubility, bioavailability,
significant amount of nanoparticles [9].
The point is that in the world we live in, human
Nanotechnology has made it possible to deliver drugs,
activity, intentionally or otherwise, introduces a vast
having poor water-solubility or poor permeability, into
amount of synthetic nanoparticles into the air we
the systemic circulation, tissues, orintracellular sites [5].
breathe, and the materials we use and consume. For
Most nanoparticles we are aware of are intentionally
example, nano-titanium dioxide is a common additive in
food, cosmetic, and consumer products that enters the
pharmacological advantages. Materials made at the
environment through waste streams and can then either
nanoscale can show modification in their reactivity,
accumulate in landfills or be redistributed into the
strength, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties
environment through water used on agricultural lands
compared to the same material in a larger size [6]. For
[10]. These nanomaterials can easily enter our bodies
nanomedicine, this has allowed advances in areas such
via inhalation through nose or lungs, skin exposure, or
as drug delivery and targeting, disease diagnosis,
ingestion of food, beverages, medications, or other
materials. However, the nature of how our bodies
Volume 1│Issue 1│2015
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© 2015 Hossein Omidian; licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium.
environment. Regardless of their origin, the likelihood
nanomaterials is still not well understood. Furthermore,
of a particle to stay suspended or settle out in a gas or
the effects of this exposure on living organisms, if any,
liquid is largely a function of their size in relation to the
are also not fully known. Some research has shown that
force of gravity and Brownian motion. Small particles
inhaled nanoparticles show higher toxicity, greater
inflammatory response, and immune compromising
unpredictably resulting inrandom bombardment into
effects the smaller they are and the longer their residence
neighboring molecules. The more active the molecules,
time in the lungs [11]. These changesinharmful effects
the less likely they are to settle to the ground due to
may be due to differences in surface chemistry and
gravity. On the other hand, as the size of a particle
morphology of the nanomaterial as they interact with
increases, the effect of Brownian motion becomes less
cellular surfaces [12].
significant and the forces of gravity prevail, forcing the
These examples illustrates that we must
consider if our unavoidable exposure to nanomaterials
particles into a state of rest. This is represented in Figure
is more harmful than their intended benefits. Our bodies
might be well suited at protecting us from foreign or
harmful materials of larger size but not very effective
when they become nano-sized. Currently, most of our
treatment for nanoparticle exposure is based on treating
acute symptoms of a known etiology. For example, iron
chelators for treatment of chronic volcanic ash exposure
Vitamin C, rosmarinic acid, fresh fruits and vegetables)
to reduce toxic effects of oxidative nanoparticles on
cells, and anti-inflammatory medications (sodium
cromoglycate) to lower inflammation caused by diesel
exhaust nanoparticles [11]. Therefore, limiting one’s
exposure to these toxic nano-particles could be looked
at as a preventive means of treatment. Could this
concept be extended to approaches that prevent
exposure to other harmful nanoparticles, particularly if
they are causing human diseases? In this way, methods
that cause aggregation or accumulation of nanoparticles
into bigger particles that eliminate their nano-sizes and
novel properties could be viewed as preventative
Using the above logic, development of nanopreventive or nano-treatment approaches would be
aimed at elimination of small particles. These
approaches would therefore need to work against the
behavioral properties of small particles suspended in a
Figure 1: Competing forces of gravity and Brownian
On a bright sunny day, one can often see the
random motion of particles of different origins in the air
we breathe.It can also be noticed that these particles do
not always aggregate or fall to the ground quickly.
Hence, the processes that nature utilizes to remove these
particles from the environment or stabilize them are
often long, tedious, and require a good amount of
energy. An example of such a process may include
aggregating these particles to make them heavier and of
a lower energywhere gravity can help settle them to a
rest. Faster removal would therefore take additional
forces and methods. For instance, removal of airborne
particles can be seen on the leading edge of a ceiling fan
blade or on the fins ofanair return or exhaust from a
forced ventilation system (Figure 2).
medium. Nano-particles are often energetic, highly
reactive, and foreign to the chemical makeup of their
Volume 1│Issue 1│2015
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© 2015 Hossein Omidian; licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium.
In light of the prevalence of modern lung
illnesses, such as lung cancer, allergies, and respiratory
illnesses such as asthma, the properties of these
nanoparticles in relation to human health are immensely
relevant. As we have mentioned, production of
nanoparticles from commercial as well as byproducts of
human activity are subjectingus to constant nanoparticle
Figure 2: Common areas where dust aggregates
exposures. Letting nature stabilize and remove these
form and are removed from air
particles through aggregation or otherwise, will take
days, months or even years depending on the stability
nanoparticles that grew and made up what we visually
and reactiveproperties of the particles.In other words,
see and refer to as dust. This in a sense can be looked at
synthetic, potentially harmful, and volatile nanoparticles
as a preventive treatment for elimination of potentially
are being introduced into the environment and into daily
harmful nanoparticles from the air. However, our
human life at a faster rate than the processes they are
attempts to get rid of dust often re-suspends the particles
eliminated by in nature. The short and long term
back into the air through vacuuming, sweeping, shaking
consequences of this trend on our health and planet are
and other means of agitation that break apart the dust
largely unknown at this time.
aggregates. This cycle of aggregation and human
interference is illustrated in Figure 3. Therefore, we can
assume without question that we breathe large amounts
of nano-particles into our lungs and potentially are
exposed to them systemically. The activity of such
particles when interacting with human cells depends
largely on certain physical and chemical properties. For
example, inorganic compositions may make the particle
heavier but more toxic, while organics can provide a
certain level of hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity when
interacting with human tissues or nonliving substrates
Figure 4: Nanoparticle shape and composition
variables affecting interactions with a substrate
(Figure 4). The combination of size, proportion of
functional groups will eventually determine the life
expectancy of the particle in the affected area.
understanding of nanomedicine and the production of
particles having unique properties desirable for
therapeutic benefits, we might also look at preventive
approaches that limit our exposure to nanotoxins. It
would only seem reasonable to equally prioritize the
expansion of knowledge regarding chaotic, volatile
elements of our environment such as man-made
nanoparticles that could possibly have such drastic, farreaching consequences for human health. Therefore, it
Figure 3: Cycle of natural aggregation process and
disruption by human activities
Volume 1│Issue 1│2015
is suggested that we also emphasis the exploration and
expansion of effective methods of safely removing
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© 2015 Hossein Omidian; licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium.
nanoparticles from our environment. This will at best
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