




NAME OF COMMITTEE MEETING: RUSA Learning Opportunities and Knowledge Coordination Task Force

Date: November 17, 20114

Note Taker:


Actions taken since last meeting

Mary Popp

Beth German, Sarah Hammill, Todd Hines, Jenny Presnell, Jeannette

Pierce, Jim Rettig, Mary Pagliero Popp

Guest: Jason Coleman

New subcommittee on section and committee chair interviews has been set up.

Agenda Topic 1 – Updates and activities table until next meeting

Discussion 

Midwinter meeting schedule o Meeting locations have been published in RUSA-L and on

Connect today. o The discussion forum is at the Hilton. o The committee meeting was scheduled at the

Convention Center, but to make it easier for members to go to the RUSA Book & Media Awards, the meeting is being moved to the Hilton.

Update on Values for RUSA Learning Activities – Jeannette and

Jim had no new information to report

There were no subcommittee reports except those already on the agenda.

Social Media and RUSA Learning – Mary Popp talked about the report she had created for one of the subcommittees about use of social media for RUSA learning activities and promotion. She will start a discussion on Connect/email about the outstanding questions raised.

Conference Recordings – Mary Popp reported that she had been investigating access to recordings of RUSA conference programs.

Access is pretty much a mess. She will write up her findings and draft recommendations for the December meeting.



Action Items

Send out Midwinter Meeting locations

Continue work on Values statement

Start a discussion about the questions raised by research on social learning and its impact on

RUSA learning

Agenda Topic 2: RUSA Survey


Mary Popp will send out locations for meetings via email by

Thanksgiving (or as soon as the committee meeting room change is completed)

Discussion will continue online about social media and conference recordings information gathered by Mary Popp’s research.

Person Responsible Deadline

Mary Popp

Jeannette Pierce and Jim Rettig

Mary Popp

December 1, 2014

Prior to December 15 meeting

December 2, 2014

At the October meeting, Beth, Todd, and Mike volunteered to plan a member survey and to plan for the discussion forum. Mike was unable to attend the meeting, so Beth and Todd reported about their subcommittee’s plans for the RUSA survey. The survey can be found at:


Jeannette asked whether we wanted to add additional topics to the list. She suggested adding instruction, interlibrary loan, reference core areas. She noted that we need to be inclusive of core strengths where RUSA has expertise. Others suggested adding managing staff and training staff. The group agreed to add options for instruction, reference trends, management training, and staff training.

Mary Popp wondered whether it would be better to just have respondents write in issues rather than suggesting topics. All agreed that it is important to give respondents options to choose. The group also agreed to add in 3 “other (please specify” options.

Jason recommended alphabetizing the topics. Others felt that some issues needed to be placed near to the top of the list. Beth noted that the software can randomize the order of the topics.

The task force members thought this should be considered.


The group agreed to add options for moderated online discussions and multi-session courses.



Action Items

Revise survey

Pilot test survey

Request approval from RUSA Board

Respondents will be allowed to select multiple responses.

Other issues:

A question about interest ins CEUs will be added to the section on online courses.

We will do a pilot test of the questions and ask testers to tell us how long it takes to answer the questions so we can include that information in the cover note

Questions about where the respondent works will be switched.

Add a question about the number of online courses (from RUSA and other providers) taken in the past 2 years.

Timing of the survey – The Task Force talked about a need to have the data before Midwinter and hoped to administer the survey from mid-

December through mid-January, sending plenty of reminders. Beth agreed to revise the survey this week and Mary will request approval from the RUSA Board at its December 10 th meeting.

The survey will be revised as agreed at the meeting.

The survey will be administered before Midwinter.

Person Responsible


Beth, Todd, and Mary Popp

Mary Popp


November 21, 2014

November 26, 2014

December 2, 2014

Agenda Topic 3: RUSA Discussion Forum and Possible Online Forum Sessions

Discussion Discussion Forum at Midwinter:

Beth and Todd also talked about their plan for the Discussion Forum at the Midwinter meeting. The goal is to get in-depth information from engaged RUSA members. This will not be a representative sample of

RUSA’s membership. The plan can be found at:

Participants will be divided into 4 groups, each with a discussion leader, if there are enough participants to do so. The discussion leader will develop some deeper questions for discussion. The task force members agreed that participants would be able to rotate among topics— everyone can talk about two of them. There will be some logistical issues since the room is set up for a hollow square, but two groups should not have many problems.


Action Items


Agenda Topic 4: RUSA Web Review and the Task Force

Discussion Beth reported on the RUSA Web Review. The charge has been approved and members are being appointed. The RUSA Board planned for section representation, but not for additional membership from the Task Force beyond Beth.


Action Items


At the December meeting, we will talk about what the Task Force can do to provide information to the Web Review team.

Person Responsible Deadline

Agenda Topic 5: December meeting


After the group discussions, there will be a report back to the full group.

Everyone agreed that this is important.

We will flesh out the process and get volunteers at the December meeting.

Online Discussions:

The subcommittee did not have a recommendation about online sessions. The group decided this would be important and needed to be focused on general RUSA members, but the small group discussions will be difficult to do. We will do a discussion after we have survey results and after the Midwinter discussion. We will have to hone in on the questions after the completion of the survey. We will discuss this again in December.

The Midwinter Discussion Forum plan developed by the subcommittee was accepted by all. The plan for online sessions will be discussed again in December.

Person Responsible Deadline

The group agreed to keep the December 15 meeting date.




Action Items

Complete gathering of current cost data

Create subcommittee reports

The following topics will be discussed at the December meeting:

Final plans for the Midwinter discussion forum

Further discussion about an online discussion forum.

Input from the Task Force to the Web Review.

Subcommittee reports on the progress toward the task force goals.

Discussion of cost data and what additional information is needed.

Report from the group talking with section and committee leaders.

Person Responsible

Mary Popp

All subcommittee conveners


December 10, 2014

December meeting
