July 13, 2015 Minutes

Arizona Amateur Hockey Association
Meeting Minutes
Monthly Meeting at the Ice Den Warming Room
Monday, July 13, 2015 at 6:30
Call to order -order called by Brendan at 6:29pm, introductions made
Dial in to Conference call if needed - no phone Sean Whyte forgot it
Establish a quorum and identify any directors with proxies - completed
Introductions - completed
Approval of the agenda - Brendan forgot the agendas
Approval of last month’s minutes - Not completed
Treasurers Report - reports passed out by Jim, showed $11,000 in profit, still reconciling
Coaching Report - Larry sent everyone the report, Level 4 is still a little light in registrations
Officiating Report – Paul stated everything is loaded and ready to go for seminars, waiting on Bryan for dates and
times..added 72 hour notice before puck drop with a $10 fee if not met, Becky had concerns about that extra fee
and the time frame for cancellation with fee, discussion held amongst the rest of the members, Donna Lee asked if
the refs were penalized for not showing up, Jim felt it was fair to charge the ref a penalty for not showing, Paul said
they are going to take this feedback back to the board tomorrow night, Donna Lee suggested 24 hour is more
reasonable, Chris is willing to move it to 48 hours and offered to change verbiage to “may change fee” with one
“freebie” Becky does not like the $10 per official charge, Tim wants a charge to the association if the ref doesn’t
show, back and forth on the timing and fees, 48 hours instead of 72 and $25 per game charge and one freebie per
team is the offer on the table from Chris results of survey from Level 1’s and 2’s 104 total registered officials
registered 5 years or less, 31 responses, discrepancy addressed, son didn’t get it, they got the list from Bryan,
made a list of every rink’s preferences for adult leagues on run time, shoot outs etc,
Registrars Report - new portal should be hitting, Donna Lee safesport/screening ASAP, tell coaches to get registered
Disciplinary Report - Meeting held June 16th 601F3 one report settled conduct detrimental 6 game suspension
parole for one year, 602A biting another player coming up, questions were asked about who shows up (player
and/or ref) Bruce says they normally don’t attend, no rule on it though, discussion held, Sean thinks that the
official should have the option to show up
Social Media Report - request for clean jpeg. and png image for logos
AAHA Admin Report - Tammy not in attendance
VP / Presidents Report - nothing from Brendan
AZYHL Report- motion with the board requiring $500 deposit January 15th and balance due the day before of the
championship otherwise forfeit the championship
o Motion – Becky
o 2nd - Evan
o All in Favor - Unanimous
Becky wanted to have a tab created on the website for AZYHL because Coyotes is not sponsoring their point streak
site anymore, sent requests for ice over Labor Day, No Bantams at this point, going to meet over it, separate
jamboree for them is being proposed with 7 teams to determine placement.
Old Business
AAHA Concussion Policy
 To vote on adopting the AHSHA Policy - Brendan called for a motion to vote, Tim is using Banner, for
baseline testing they can test one team in an hour at the rink, 45 minute test, fee is $200 per team, Tim is
confident that Banner has a grant where it could conceivably be free, recommended a team manager be
responsible for paperwork, doctor’s release required before they are allowed to go back on the ice, 11 and
above and test lasts two years, records can be transferred from one association to the other and even to
other sports
Meeting Minutes
Arizona Amateur Hockey Association
Monthly Meeting at the Ice Den Warming Room
Monday, July 13, 2015 at 6:30
Motion is only to adopt acknowledgement and not impact testing from ASHA
2nd - Jim
All in Favor – Unanimous
Recommendation made to send the form to the lawyer
Tim’s forms are attached to the email with the Agenda
AAHA Policy Proposal for Classifications of Non Tier Teams
Motion: Use the colors in the Arizona State Flag to designate all AAHA affiliated teams Peewee & Younger. All teams
within the state are to be designated by the following.
Gold – Top Team
Blue – Second Team
Red – Third Team
Copper – Forth Team
DYHA Jr Sun Devils Squirt Gold – Top Team – This could be equivalent to AAA or Tier I
DYHA Jr Sun Devils Squirt Blue – Second Team – This could be equivalent to AA or Elite or Tier II
DYHA Jr Sun Devils Squirt Red– Third Team – This could be equivalent to A or Major
DYHA Jr Sun Devils Squirt Copper – Fourth Team – This could be equivalent to B or Minor
These designations would only pertain to the divisions Mite, Squirt and Peewee which USA Hockey recognizes as
“House/Rec” on their 1-T official team roster. No other designation may be used as representation. This includes but
not limited to advertising on web-sites, print ads or correspondence. This will help move away from the stigma of
certain programs having Elite AAA athletes at such a young age. Once they are Bantam age, then the Tier status can
be incorporated. If an association feels they do not have a Gold team, their top team can be called Blue; however they
have the right to call them Gold if they feel they can compete at that level.
Brendan recommends sending out a letter or email explaining the house/rec classification as an informational
piece. Discussion occurred over a penalty of sorts for teams that do not follow the guidelines. Becky suggested
$1000 for each violation. Mites, Squirts and Peewees would be under review and the guidelines would start next
season. Donna Lee wants to query other people in the nation for examples and feedback. Discussion is tabled until
next meeting.
Recruiting Concern
 Update from Bruce - Bruce has no update
Update on new AZ Hockey Hall of Fame - Jim had some info and Matt Shott says the Coyotes do want to be
involved, sponsoring a plaque and offering a suite for the inductees, Jim wants everyone to read and discuss at
next meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Arizona Amateur Hockey Association
Monthly Meeting at the Ice Den Warming Room
Monday, July 13, 2015 at 6:30
New Business
Will the State be sponsoring the ice/referees for the Jamborees this season? - Yes, the state allocated $1600 per association
Clarification of Jr Coyotes Tier teams at Chandler and the Ice Den – one association or two? (Geoff)
AZYHL Motion:
 Keeping in line with the AAHA Tier State Policies the AZYHL Committee, representative of each of the AAHA youth
travel associations, would like to make a motion that each recognized youth travel team Squirt – Non-Tier Midget
U 18 who are to participate in the Non-Tier AAHA State Championship Tournament be required to pay a $500.00
deposit to be received on or before January 15th of each travel season by the AAHA State Treasurer with the
balance due prior to the first game of the tournament (final payment may be delivered to the on-site tournament
representative). If either of these two payment deadlines is not met by any team that team will forfeit their
opportunity to participate and any moneys paid to date.
 Covered in AZYHL Update Above
Follow up with Sean on the Oceanside renovation pics
Future State AAHA Board Meetings at the Ice Den in the Warming Room
 Monday, August 10, 2015
 Monday, September 14, 2015
 Monday, October 12, 2015
Arizona Tentative Championship Dates and Player Development Camp Dates
Arizona Player Boys Younger Players Development Camp – Date TBD
Arizona Player Development Camp for Younger Players TBD
USA Hockey Meetings and Rocky Mountain Events
Rocky Mountain Annual Meeting in Texas on August 14 to 16, 2015
AZYHL Timeline
 July 1 – All out of State Teams to submit proposed teams and divisions and blackout dates
 July 9 - Meeting at 6:00pm @ Oceanside – All AZ Tier I and Tier II, Games for state mandated games to be
scheduled. (again, for the Bantam and Midget Tier II Arizona teams the hope is that they will again comply
with playing the out of state Tier II teams at the Bantam Level and the non-Tier Midget in state teams as
well as the Out of State Tier teams if possible)
 Sept 5-7 - (Labor Day Weekend) – Squirt & Peewee Jamboree weekend
 Sept 8 – Meeting at 6:00pm @ Oceanside – Flagstaff and Out of State NON-Tier remaining games to be
 Sept 9 – All Squirt and Peewee games to be scheduled: only exception will be the AHU West side teams.
Those team will present their game ice in blocks of 60 days and will schedule their home games as
expedient as possible
 Sept 11-13 – Bantam Non-Tier Jamboree weekend (only if 8 teams or more to participate – to be
determined by July 1) Bantam Tier II – TBD
 Sept 16 - Meeting at 6:00pm @ Oceanside – All Bantam & Midget NON-tier games to be scheduled : only
exception will be the AHU West side teams. Those team will present their game ice in blocks of 60 days and
will schedule their home games as expedient as possible (This is a tentative date which will change if the
Bantam Non-Tier jamboree weekend is canceled)
 Jan 15 – $500.00 deposit for Championship Tournament due (should proposed motion pass)
Feb 11 – All league games to be completed without exception – League Champion awarded
Feb 22-29 – All divisions Squirt - Midget U 18 NON-Tier State Championships
Mar 1-8 – Arizona Tier II State Championships