UNIT: The Restless Earth Aim & Objectives: Monday February 4, 2013 Performance Objectives: Students will be able to: Discover that the Earth’s History is divided into eras that were determined by studying the relative and absolute ages of rocks. Determine the relative age of rocks. Instructional Strategies and Activities Warm Up: Read the activity directions Lesson: The students will complete an activity that represents how Earth’s rock layers form and determine the relative age of rocks based on where they are found in Earth’s crust. Closure: Homework: D80 Flashcards Applicable CPI 5.4.6.B.2 Examine Earth’s surface features and identify those created on a scale of human life or on a geologic time scale. Resources, Materials, Web Sites: Text Page: D79 activity “Card Drop” Mineral Virtual Lab http://www.glencoe.com/sites/com mon_assets/science/virtual_labs/ES 03/ES03.html Geology for Kids http://www.kidsgeo.com/geologyfor-kids/0030-geologic-time.php Interactive time line MSNBC Earth’s timeline http://www.bobainsworth.com/fossil /Earths_timeline_dw%5B1%5D.swf Explore fossils and the Geological time line http://museumvictoria.com.au/melb ournemuseum/discoverycentre/600million-years/ UNIT: The Restless Earth Aim & Objectives: Instructional Strategies and Activities Applicable CPI Resources, Materials, Web Sites: Tuesday February 5, 2013 Performance Objectives: Students will be able to: Explore ways to determine relative age. Describe what a rocks position and fossil content can reveal. Define: superposition, relative age, geologic column, fossil, index fossil, absolute age and era. Warm Up: Post it question: How do scientists know about Earth’s past? Lesson: The students will watch a video from United Streaming about the earth’s history timeline. Included will be the geologic time scale focusing on fossils, rocks, and prehistoric animals. Closure: 5.4.6.B.1 Interpret a representation of a rock layer sequence to establish oldest and youngest layers, geologic events, and changing life forms. 5.4.6.B.2 Examine Earth’s surface features and identify those created on a scale of human life or on a geologic time scale. Text pages D80-D91 United Streaming: http://app.discoveryeducation.com /search?Ntt=geologic+time+scale# selItemsPerPage=20&intCurrentPa ge=0&No=0&N=18341&Ne=18339 &Ntt=geologic%2Btime%2Bscale& Ns=&Nr=&browseFilter=&indexVer sion=&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode%252B matchallpartial Post it question: How do scientists know about Earth’s past? Geology for Kids Homework: None http://www.kidsgeo.com/geologyfor-kids/0030-geologic-time.php Interactive time line MSNBC Earth’s timeline http://www.bobainsworth.com/fossil /Earths_timeline_dw%5B1%5D.swf Explore fossils and the Geological time line http://museumvictoria.com.au/melb ournemuseum/discoverycentre/600million-years/ Wednesday UNIT: The Restless Earth February 6 , 2013 Aim & Objectives: Wednesday February 6, 2013 Thursday February 7, 2013 Performance Objectives: Students will be able to: Compare and contrast the four geological eras. Define: superposition, relative age, geologic column, fossil, index fossil, absolute age and era. Instructional Strategies and Activities Warm up: Read the directions for the lab Lesson development: The students will make a classroom time line of Earth’s past. They will include the different climate and organisms that have been present throughout time. Applicable CPI 5.4.6.B.1 Interpret a representation of a rock layer sequence to establish oldest and youngest layers, geologic events, and changing life forms. 5.4.6.B.2 Examine Earth’s surface features and identify those created on a scale of human life or on a geologic time scale. Homework: None Resources, Materials, Web Sites: Text pages D80-D91 Geology for Kids http://www.kidsgeo.com/geologyfor-kids/0030-geologic-time.php Interactive time line MSNBC Earth’s timeline http://www.bobainsworth.com/fossil /Earths_timeline_dw%5B1%5D.swf Identify organisms that have lived in each time period. Explore fossils and the Geological time line Identify climates that have been present in each time period. http://museumvictoria.com.au/melb ournemuseum/discoverycentre/600million-years/ Thursday UNIT: The Restless Earth Aim & Objectives: February 7 , 2013 Instructional Strategies and Activities Applicable CPI Resources, Materials, Web Sites: Friday February 8, 2013 Performance Objectives: Students will be able to: Explore what half-life is. Lesson development: The students will work on a lab that explains what half-life is. They will use pennies to be a model for how half-life works in nature. Homework: Lab Conclusion 5.4.6.B.1 Interpret a representation of a rock layer sequence to establish oldest and youngest layers, geologic events, and changing life forms. 5.4.6.B.2 Examine Earth’s surface features and identify those created on a scale of human life or on a geologic time scale. Text pages D80-D91 Inquiry Skill Builder Page D87 “What is Half-Life?” Geology for Kids http://www.kidsgeo.com/geologyfor-kids/0030-geologic-time.php Interactive time line MSNBC Earth’s timeline http://www.bobainsworth.com/fossil /Earths_timeline_dw%5B1%5D.swf Explore fossils and the Geological time line http://museumvictoria.com.au/melb ournemuseum/discoverycentre/600million-years/