Platform Resolution nd Legislation Platform Ideas Form 100115

Platform, Resolution and Legislation Committee
Multnomah Democrats
2016 Platform Ideas
The PRL Committee is in the process of drafting the Multnomah County Democratic Party
2016 Platform and is requesting your input on the contents. On the other side of this form is the
draft as of 092415 to use as a guide to organize your thoughts.
Name ________________________________ email ________________ phone_____________
District________ Area of expertise/ interest _________________________________________
I would like to work on a work group for Article ______________________________________
Please insert your ideas in the outline below. Return to
Preamble using the draft platform as a guide write a sentence to enhance or add to the thoughts.
Articles and Planks
The Article titles were chosen to bring a multi-dimensional perspective on the Platform which
reflect the interrelationship of each on the success of the community and the protection of
individual rights.
Articles incorporate your idea into the articles or add your own.
My Article
Legislative Action what legislation would you like to see to support your idea?
Platform, Resolution and Legislation Committee
Multnomah Democrats
Multnomah County Democratic Party 2016 Platform 092415
We, the members of the Multnomah County Democratic Party, believe in the sanctity of the
rights of all persons in the county for peace and dignity and justice and recognize that not all of
the citizens enjoy the benefits of these rights equally.
We believe the best way to grow the middle class is to move the poor to the middle class by
increasing their incomes to middle class standards and reducing their dependence on social
Platform Articles and Planks
Extend school day (0800 to 1800) to reflect the workday of the parents of children who
need supervision outside of class time. Extend class credit to high school students enrolled in
child care classes who provide that supervision and tutoring as part of the practical.
Combine Community College/ High School Curriculums making them free as high
school is.
Procure research grants to colleges and universities to offset tuition costs.
Increase investment of the employers in the preparation of their employees for the future
work demands.
Focus curriculum to the work market needs to guide students into productive
Wealth tax for education.
Universal Mentoring
Income inequality, pay equity, minimum/decent wage
Middle class increase, lower class decrease, Bell curve of income
Affordable housing
Health/ Mental care for all
Social Safety Net Program
Air, water, ground
Promote the successes in achieving the goals set out in the 1970’s
Climate Change
Sources, Uses
Ecosystem where we live and how we interact
Forest, Grassland, Waterways
Urban, Neighborhoods, Schools
Communities Social Justice, Citizen United
Communication for all, Internet
Legislative Action Items