Tri-County Area APPLICATION FORM Special Transportation Discretionary (STF) 2016 STF Fund Discretionary Program for Regional Projects and Projects with Statewide Significance 2016 STF Fund Discretionary Program for Regional Projects and Projects with Statewide Significance GRANT APPLICATION I. Organization’s Information Name of Organization: Ride Connection Contact Person: Julie Wilcke, Chief Operating Officer Address: 9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 528-1737 E-Mail: FAX: (503) 528-1755 Type of Organization (mark one): Public Entity Private non-profit Provider’s geographic area of service is (mark one): Inside the TriMet Service District Outside the TriMet Service District Both Inside and Outside of the TriMet Service District X X Geographic area to be served (please indicate the geographic features that define y our service area such as streets, rivers or jurisdictional boundaries): North Boundary Columbia River East Boundary NE/SE 162nd Avenue South Boundary Clackamas/Multnomah County Border West Boundary NE/SE 82nd Avenue Other General Geographic Area (ex Canby School District) Optional – please provide a map of your service area as a separate, single page, letter sized attachment. 1 Days and Hours of Operation: Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Please list any planned periods of service closure greater than 3 days. (ex. Closed the last week of December) Hours 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* 7:30AM to 4:30PM* Limited/episodic* Limited/episodic* II. Funding Proposal Project Title: Mid Multnomah County Funding Parity Total STF funds Requested: $234,723 Start Date: July 1, 2016 Underline Proposed Funding Source: 1. Regional Project or 2. Project with Statewide Significance Underline Funding Request Type: 1. Continuation of existing service at same level of service 2. Expansion of existing service 3. New service 4. Capital request 5. Other Total Transportation Program Cost by Year: FY17 $315,057 FY18 $283,558 FY19 $296,741 2 Total STF Grant fund needs by Year: (Circle below) Regional Project Project of Statewide Significance FY17 $101,322 FY18 $63,411 FY19 $69,990 Scalable STF Grant Request by Year: You are strongly encouraged to request the full amount of funding that is needed for each program, including funding for new programs, but funding is limited. Describe the scalability of your STF funding request below. Enter your scaled down request. Then describe how you scaled down your request and what aspects of the program would not be funded under this funding scenario. FY17 FY18 FY19 Total Scaled request Description: This request is not scalable. Amount of other funds leveraged to support the total transportation program: (list county contributions, STF Discretionary funds, donations, other): Contribution/Source Number of Amount % of Program Units/Hours Funding TriMet 5310 $660,633 74% Total STF Grant Request $234,723 26% 3 STF Discretionary Project Type Category (mark one): Direct Service Mobility Management/Coordination Both Direct Service and Mobility Management/Coordination X Program Description (limit 900 words) Describe services or capital investment to be provided by STF funding. Please include a description of the following: Who do you serve What geographic area do you serve? Level of service provided to customers Operational activities; how customers request and receive rides, including scheduling and dispatching Describe if volunteers are utilized to provide service and how this occur (is the volunteer program supported with STF or other funds? Do you provide mileage reimbursement to volunteers using their own vehicles?) How the service is marketed. This project brings funding parity to the Mid Multnomah County service area by adding dedicated STF funding to available program operational funding. This allows an increase of 1 FTE in paid driver time to address the high turn-down rate for episodic trips in the service area. In year one of the project, one additional minivan will also be purchased to increase the available fleet in the service area. The Mid Multnomah County U-Ride program serves older adults and people with disabilities residing in the area of Multnomah County between NE/SE 82nd Avenue and NE/SE 162nd Avenue. Service provided is door-to-door with door-through-door and escorted service provided if requested and based on availability of a suitable volunteer or paid driver. On average, in all other areas of Multnomah County excluding Mid Multnomah County are funded for Fiscal Year 2016-17 at an average of $9.33 per capita of residents over the age of 60. In Mid County, the per capita per resident over the age of 60 funding level for FY 2016- 4 17 is $7.14. Our request will add an additional $2.19 per capita funding of dedicated STF funding to the Mid County program to bring funding levels to parity with other service areas in Multnomah County. Analysis of 2010 census data and 2005-09 American Community Survey data by the City of Portland of the area of census tracts that correspond with the Mid Multnomah County service area shows that the area’s population is growing faster than other areas of the City of Portland and that older adults make up 12% of the population of the area with large concentrations located along the east side of I-205 between E Burnside and SE Division. In addition, 18% of the households living in the area have incomes below the Federal Poverty Line. East Portland/Mid Multnomah County also has a larger percentage of non-English-speaking households and is more ethnically diverse than the city of Portland as a whole. (Source: East Portland in Motion Five-Year Implementation Strategy for Active Transportation: Appendix A East Portland Demographic Overview. In fiscal year 2014-15 the total turn downs for the Mid Multnomah County U-Ride program were 4,609. This is a turn-down rate of 32% compared to the 7% average turn-down rate for other programs. Of these turn-downs a very large proportion were for episodic/individual trip requests. The growth in population coupled with the high poverty rate, diverse population and high turn-down rate underscores the need to provide funding parity as soon as possible to ensure that this high-need area of Multnomah County is not slipping further behind. This project will allow us to add 1 FTE driver hours to help increase capacity and reliability. We will also be able to leverage the addition of one mini-van to help increase volunteer hours for the program. The end goal is to achieve parity with other Multnomah County based programs. This is a baseline need and while it is an expansion of the program, it should be considered the minimum for base existing service in the area. 5 Do your program activities preserve existing service and/or provide new service? (describe how the project preserves existing service or provides new or expanded service) (limit 200 words) This project enhances the existing Mid Multnomah County U-Ride program by providing additional funding and vehicle capacity to provide a level of service that is comparable to other programs in Multnomah County. It also helps strengthen the existing program’s ability to provide volunteer based service by providing additional scheduling flexibility through the addition of a mini-van. Currently, only one mini-van is available and the existing accessible bus is primarily used by paid drivers for larger group and shuttle trips on most days. An additional mini-van will allow volunteers who use fleet vehicles to have overlapping shifts. Do you coordinate between providers to avoid duplication? (describe what level of coordination between partners is done and how duplication is avoided) (limit 200 words) Centralized coordination efforts among Multnomah County providers are strong and growing. Currently all Ride Connection Multnomah County services with open customer participation (including Mid Multnomah County U-Ride, East County U-Ride, Impact NW, MFS Project Linkage and Neighborhood House programs) all utilize a centralized scheduling and dispatch system. This level of coordination allows all partners to participate in expanding each program’s capacity and avoiding duplication by identifying and maximizing shared ride opportunities, combining duplicative runs and routes and effectively reducing turn-downs by utilizing available capacity across programs. Ride Connection is also currently coordinating directly with Metropolitan Family Service to implement recommendations of the Multnomah County Service redesign and adjust to changes in programs, including the shift of the former American Red Cross Multnomah County service to Ride Connection operation. This adjustment in funding recognizes the disparity in funding identified in the Multnomah County redesign process and provides additional resources for improving the base of service in Mid Multnomah County as coordination activities and shifts in program operations occur. 6 Is your program cost- effective? (describe average cost per ride, cost per mile and cost per hour) (limit 200 words) [need budget data for new funding level to complete this] Does your program address one or more of the strategy recommendations in the Tri-County Elderly and Disabled Transportation Plan (EDTP) or improves service coverage as recommended in the EDTP? (describe activities) (limit 200 words) This project helps meet the need to address a gap in transit service – particularly a funding and capacity based gap – as identified on page 6-3 of the EDTP. It will improve the service coverage in Mid Multnomah County so that it is comparable to other programs operating in Multnomah County. In addition, it helps increase the capacity of the volunteer based program in Mid Multnomah County as identified on page 6-4 of the EDTP by providing additional vehicle capacity for volunteer use and seeking to increase the overall number of volunteer hours for the program. III. Budget and Ridership Information A. Budget Information -- Ride Connection Organizations, complete Form A Measurables and Form B2 Condensed Budget Information below and the detailed electronic budget worksheet provided by Ride Connection. Form A. Measurables Ride Data FY17 (projected) STF One way 6,401 rides Total 30,405 miles Miles per 4.75 FY18 (projected) Program STF Total 17,126 6,593 Program Total 17,640 FY19 (projected) STF 6,791 Program Total 18,169 81,351 31,317 83,791 32,257 86,305 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 7 4.75 trip Total paid driver hours Total volunteer driver hours Cost per trip Number of individuals served 2,516 6,967 2,516 684 1,596 704 $9.11 $15.72 295 790 6,967 2,516 6,967 1,643 725 1,693 $9.61 $16.07 $10.30 $16.33 300 820 305 850 Staffing data: (please identify positions supported with STF Discretionary funds and the amount of FTE per position) Position Driver FY17 (projected) 1 FTE FY 18 (projected) 1.2 FTE FY 19 (projected) 1.2 FTE Mobility Management: For mobility management/coordination projects, please indicate activities support with STF Discretionary funds and the number of individuals that benefit from project activities. Activity FY17 FY 18 FY 19 (projected) (projected) (projected) Purchase 295 customers 300 customers 305 customers Mini-van* benefit benefit benefit *the addition of one minivan and additional driver capacity benefits all customers in the area by providing more reliable service. 8 Form B2. Condensed Budget Information ESTIMATED STF Amount % of total DISCRETIONARY PROJECT COST STF 1. Project administration expense 2. Personal services (wages and benefits) 3. Facility (rent, janitorial, utilities, etc.) 4. Professional services* 5. Insurance, services and supplies (IT, $7,925 3% travel, office expense, telecommunications, etc.) 6. Other (list): $46,000 20% Item - - Capital Expense – New Mini Van 7. Item 8. Item 9. Operations expense 10. Item - Fuel $16,585 7% 11. Item – Driver Wages, Taxes and $159,213 68% Benefits 12. Preventative Maintenance expense 13. Item – Vehicle Maintenance $5,000 2% 14. Item Grand Total: $234,723 *For amounts over $5000, please provide an explanation of services rendered. Limit 300 words. 9 10