Outcome: Social & Behavioral Sciences Knowledge (link to full rubric) Full coverage: address any five elements. Partial coverage: address any three elements. Rubric Element My Class: Specific Course Outcome Student work used to assess achievement of the outcome (Assessment) Identifies facts, Explain the roles of Multiple choice questions on vocabulary, definitions, federal, state, and local exam terms, concepts, people governments in managing human activities in US marine & coastal waters Recognizes concepts or Provide examples of Multiple choice questions on tools relevant for existing and potential exam application to a task management strategies for addressing marine & coastal policy issues in the US Asks questions or frames hypotheses relevant to the task Collects information relevant to address the task – e.g. data; literature sources Identifies relevant information to develop an argument to address marine & coastal policy issues How will this course provide content to address student outcomes? (Student practice) homework assignment based on lectures and readings case studies presented in lectures and readings; associated in-class exercises Writing assignment: position case studies presented in statement about a proposed lectures and readings; management action (e.g., associated in-class exercises wind farm in New England waters) Analyzes: Applies concepts to address the task Analyzes: Deconstructs an argument by indicating claims and/or evidence and synthesizes evidence from multiple sources Analyzes: Evaluates Develop a defensible support for claims and argument for strategies justifies conclusions to address marine & coastal policy issues Writing assignment: position case studies presented in statement about a proposed lectures and readings; management action (e.g., associated in-class exercises wind farm in New England waters) Innovates: Demonstrates innovative and creative thinking with regard to an idea, claim, question, form, or performance Assesses different strategies for addressing marine & coastal policy issues Writing assignment: position case studies presented in statement about a proposed lectures and readings; management action (e.g., associated in-class exercises wind farm in New England waters)