Data analysis with Excel

Data Analysis Using Excel
This lab will show you how to use Microsoft Excel to: enter data into a spreadsheet, enter formula
functions, and plot a graph.
1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007 (in Microsoft Office)
2. Enter the data in the cells as shown:
(Note: to format characters as subscript/superscript – highlight the character, go to “Format” -->
“Format Cells” --> select the “Font” tab --> select “Subscript” or “Superscript” under “Effects”
To enter data on the next line in the same cell use “Alt + Enter”)
“Type “s” and then
change font to
“symbol” to get the
Greek letter “sigma”
“Insert function”
(fx) button
3. Using the functions available in Excel, perform data analysis on the table for the following:
i) Average (AVG)
ii) Standard Deviation (STDEV)
iii) Square
iv) Graph with trend line
i) Average:
Calculate the Average of Distance (y) as follows:
Click inside cell “G2”
Click on “fx” (Insert function)
Click on “AVG” (in the category “Statistical”) as shown in the picture, and then click OK:
Then select cells B2 to F2 for the “Number 1” range as shown in the picture:
Click and select cells B2
to F2 in the Worksheet to
enter the range or type
“B2:F2” as shown
Click “OK.”
Excel will calculate the average of the values in cells B2:F2 and put the value in cell G2 as shown:
Click and drag down on
this small black box to
“Autofill” the formula
You can now copy the formula down in cells G3 to G7 by clicking on the small black box in the lower
right corner of cell G2 (when the cell is clicked on and “active.”) and then dragging it down to cell G7
as shown:
Excel copies the formula in
the cells G3 to G7
This is the formula
ii) Standard Deviation (STDEV):
Calculate Standard Deviation (σ N-1) as follows:
Click inside cell “H2”
Click on “Insert function” (fx)
Select “STDEV” from the list of functions under the Category “Statistical” as shown, and then click
Select cells B2:F2 (by clicking and dragging in the cells) for “Number 1”
Click “OK”
Excel calculates the Standard Deviation for the given cells and puts the answer in cell H2:
Copy the formula down from H2 to H7.
Formula for
Standard Deviation
that Excel used
Click and drag down on
this box to copy the
formula from H2 to H7
iii) Square:
Calculate t2 as follows:
Click in cell I2.
Type the formula: =(A2)^2 and then press Enter.
Excel takes the value in cell A2 and squares it (the “^” symbol denotes exponent)
Copy the formula down to cell I7 as done earlier.
Copy the formula
Excel uses this
formula for finding
the square
iv) Graph:
Plot Distance (y) on the Y-axis versus Time (t) on the X-axis as follows:
Select cells A2: A7 and G2:G7 by first highlighting A2 to A7, then holding down the “Ctrl” key, and
highlighting cells G2 to G7.
Excel marks the
selected cells in
Click on the “Insert” tab and then select “Scatter” from the types of “Charts” and then select the first
type “Scatter with only Markers” as shown below:
Excel will create a graph that will look like this:
Scatter graph
made by Excel
Click on the “Design” tab on the top menu bar and then click on the downwards pointing arrow for
“More” as shown:
First click here
Then click here
Select “layout 9” from the options:
Select this
Your graph should now look like this:
Change the titles by clicking on them and retyping as shown:
This is the slope of
the line (the
coefficient of x)
Click on “Move Chart Location”
Click here
Select “New sheet” and type “Distance Vs Time” for the name of the sheet and then click “OK”
Your graph should like similar to this:
Save your Excel File (preferably to your flash drive).
Copy (highlight the table or graph and then press “Ctrl +c” to copy) and paste (“Ctrl +v” to paste) your
data table and graph below: