Donna Newman B. A. RT ( R ) CNMT FASRT Director of Professional Practice ISRRT Donna Newman currently serves as the Director of Professional Practice for the International Society of Radiographer and Radiologist Technologist. She liaises with the WHO, PAHO and IAEA relating to any projects relating to radiation protection and professional practice issues. She served on the committee for the rewrite of the new IAEA Safety Series ‘Radiation Protection and Safety in Medical Uses of Ionizing Radiation’. She served as a speaker on behalf of the ISRRT at many important international conferences representing the technologist view. She is a manager in the PET CT department at Sanford Health Systems in Fargo, North Dakota, the largest rural health care system in the United States where she helped start the Oncology PET and Cardiac PET departments. She led the accreditation process by the American College of Radiology for both Oncology PET and Cardiac PET departments. She also led the accreditation with the Joint Committee on Educational programs in nuclear medicine to become a preceptor site with South East Technical College, Sioux Falls and teaches nuclear medicine students. She works with a cardiologist on a PET research project. She served on the licensure committee for the state of North Dakota and helped create a licensure bill making it law for all professionals working in the field of radiology to have national certification in order to perform x-rays.