Student Discipline Policy - Capitol Hill Cluster School

2014-2015 Student Discipline Guide
SY 14-15 Watkins ES Discipline
Student Discipline Policy
(Chapter 25, DCMR)
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2014-2015 Student Discipline Guide
Student Conduct and Discipline: General Policy
The foundation of the Watkins policy on student conduct and discipline is outlined in DCMR Title 5,
Chapter B25 (Student Discipline)1.
It is the policy of D.C. Public Schools (DCPS) that a safe environment conducive to learning
shall be maintained. To build and maintain this environment, DCPS shall provide students,
families, and staff with clear expectations and rules for appropriate school behavior. These rules
must balance the responsibilities and rights of individuals and the responsibilities and rights of
the school community. These rules must reflect the individual’s responsibility for contributing to
a safe environment conducive to learning and the need for mutual respect and cooperation among
all segments of the school community.
When a student’s behavior disrupts the school community’s safe learning environment, DCPS may
use a range of disciplinary responses intended to change and manage inappropriate behavior.
The primary goal of the student discipline policy is to change the student’s behavior and
minimize the loss of instructional time.
As a result, school staff will implement progressive discipline, beginning with the least severe
appropriate response. In administering disciplinary responses, Watkins will work with students to
correct inappropriate behavior. Students will be enabled and encouraged to reflect on their actions,
to learn from mistakes, and to restore any relationships that have been negatively impacted.
Parents/guardians are critical partners; as such, they will receive notification of student
infractions and disciplinary responses.
With guidance from the DCPS Office of General Counsel, the general approach and philosophy of the
DCPS student discipline policy (as defined in DCMR Title 5, Chapter B25) has been adapted to apply
to Watkins Elementary School, as described in this document.
Student Conduct and Discipline: Watkins ES
Watkins is an excellent school for students to receive high quality instruction. In order to maximize
the benefit of this academic opportunity, students are expected to
 Attend school every day
 Be on time and prepared for class
 Complete all assignments
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Additionally, students are expected to behave in a way that contributes to a safe and effective
learning environment. Specifically, students are expected to:
1. Be respectful
2. Be responsible
3. Be ready to learn
4. Be collaborative and cooperative community members
The behavior infractions listed in DCMR Title 5, Chapter B25 (Student Discipline) will be considered
infractions at Watkins. A summary of the behavior infractions and associated discipline responses
is listed below.
Type of
General Description
Level of
Disciplinary Reponses
Tier 1
 Teacher
Minor disruption to the
classroom environment
Verbal redirection/reprimand;
Teacher/student conference;
Parental contact (written or by phone);
Parent conference;
Temporary removal of student from
In-school disciplinary action
o e.g., loss of privileges (including
recess), exclusion from
extracurricular activities, written
reflection, conflict resolution,
mediation, or similar actions of
short duration that do not result in
the student’s loss of academic
instruction time.
Behavior plan
Tier 2
Disruption to classroom
or school environment,
damage school property,
minor harm to self or
 Teacher
Same as Tier 1 with the addition of
Administrator/student conference.
Tier 3
Significant disruption to
school environment, harm
to self or others
 Administrator
Verbal redirection/reprimand;
Teacher/student conference;
Administrator/student conference;
Parental contact (written or by phone);
Parent conference;
Temporary removal of student from
In-school disciplinary action such as
those listed above;
Behavior plan;
1 to 3-day suspension
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Tier 4
Disruption to school
operation, destruction of
school property,
significant harm to self or
 Administrator
1 to 3-day suspension
Tier 5
Illegal, significant
disruption to school
operation, substantial
harm to self or others
 Administrator
3 to 10-day suspension
Student Discipline Procedures: Watkins ES
Teachers are expected to:
1. manage student behavior,
2. document behavior issues,
3. communicate with parents about behavior infractions and provide notification to parents
about student behaviors that result in disciplinary responses and
4. notify school administrators of issues that require discipline responses.
The Behavior Documentation Form (see Appendix) should be used to document such behaviors
and notify site administrators. The Behavior Documentation Form should be kept in the
student’s file.
Administrators are expected to:
1. establish a positive school climate,
2. manage student behavior,
3. communicate with parents about behavior infractions and provide written notification to
parents about student behaviors that result in disciplinary responses, and
4. maintain records on disciplinary matters.
Teachers and Administrative Officer for Student Discipline are encouraged to proactively
contact parents to discuss student behavior issues and strategies to support positive behavior.
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Tier 1 and Tier 2 behaviors—first infraction
1. Teacher documents behavior on Discipline Referral Form.
2. For a Tier 1 or Tier 2 behavior infraction that requires a discipline response, teacher
submits Student Discipline Referral to Administrative Officer for Student Discipline.
3. Verbal or written communication should be provided to the parent within 1 school
day of the incident.
4. The Administrative Officer for Student Discipline will enter a record of the behavior
infraction and disciplinary response into the Student Behavior Tracker (SBT).
Tier 1 and Tier 2 behaviors—repeated infractions
1. Teacher continues to document behaviors on Discipline Referral Form.
2. For a third Tier 1 or Tier 2 behavior infraction that requires a discipline response,
teacher submits a Discipline Referral Form to the Administrative Officer for Student
3. If a student’s behavior continues to be disruptive after 2 written notices to the
parent/guardian, the administrator should use Behavior Notification Letter to notify
the parent/guardian about the student’s third behavior infraction that results in a
discipline response. This document (a) requires the parent to meet with the teacher or
site administrator to discuss strategies to improve the student’s behavior and (b) warns
the parent/guardian about the potential dismissal from the program if the student’s
behavior infractions continue.
4. The site administrator should schedule a meeting to take place within 5 school days of
the notice.
5. Copy of Behavior Notification Letter B should be kept in student’s file.
6. The Behavior Support Plan should be used to document the agreements reached in the
meeting. One copy should be given to the parent/guardian; one copy should remain in
the student’s file.
Tier 3 behaviors
1. Teacher documents behavior on Discipline Referral Form.
2. For any Tier 3 behavior, teacher submits Behavior Documentation Form to site
3. Site administrator decides on discipline response. In addition to the discipline responses
for Tier 1 and 2 behaviors, a 1 to 3-day suspension.
4. School administrator provides verbal or written notice to parent/guardian. If suspension
was an appropriate discipline response, include Notification of Suspension.
5. The school administrator should schedule a meeting to take place within 5 school days of
the notice.
6. The Behavior Support Plan should be used to document the agreements reached in the
meeting. One copy should be given to the parent/guardian; one copy should remain in
the student’s file.
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Tier 4 behaviors
1. Teacher documents behavior on Discipline Referral Form.
2. For any Tier 4 behavior, teacher submits Behavior Documentation form to site
3. Site administrator decides on discipline response. In addition to the discipline responses
for Tier 1, 2 and 3 behaviors, a 1 to 3-day suspension from the program is allowable for a
Tier 4 behavior.
4. Administrative Officer for Student Discipline provides written notice to parent/guardian.
If suspension was an appropriate discipline response, include Notification of
Suspension letter.
5. The site administrator should schedule a meeting to take place within 5 school days of
the notice.
6. Copy of Behavior Notification Letter B (and Notice of Suspension from Program, if
applicable) should be kept in student’s file.
7. The Behavior Support Plan should be used to document the agreements reached in the
meeting. One copy should be given to the parent/guardian; one copy should remain in
the student’s file.
Tier 5 behaviors
1. Teacher or staff documents behavior on Behavior Documentation Form.
2. For any Tier 5 behavior, teacher or staff submits Behavior Documentation Form to site
3. Site administrator decides on discipline response. Only a 3-day suspension or dismissal
from the program is allowable for a Tier 5 behavior.
4. Site administrator provides written notice to parent/guardian using Notification of
Suspension from letter.
5. A copy should be kept in the student’s file.
Discipline procedures for students with disabilities (Special Education and Section 504)
The behavior expectations and discipline procedures apply to all students Watkins. For students
with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans, reasonable accommodations will be
made. All Watkins staff should review and consider these plans when making decisions about how
to support and discipline students with disabilities.
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2014-2015 Student Discipline Guide
Watkins ES
Behavior Notification Letter
Student name:
We are committed to ensuring a safe and effective learning for all students.
This letter is to notify you that today your child behaved in a manner that resulted in a disciplinary
response. Information about the incident is listed below.
Date of incident:
Description of incident:
Time of Incident:
Discipline response:
Date of discipline response:
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your student’s behavior. If you would like to
discuss this issue, or if you need further clarification, please feel free to contact me at ______________.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Parent Signature
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Watkins ES
Behavior Documentation Form
Student name (first and last):
Location of incident:
Time of incident:
Briefly detail the specific behavior that occurred:
Other individuals involved in incident (list names)
 Staff
 Teacher
 Other:
Which of the following strategies did you use?
 Asked student to explain situation
 Changed seating
 Coaching/met with student
 De-escalation strategy
 Differentiated instruction/task
 Positive reinforcement for appropriate
 Presented both written and verbal directions
 Proximity to student
 Reduced distractions
 Increased positive interactions with
 Verbal redirection (restate expectations)
 Other strategy:
 Non-verbal attention/visual cue
Was a discipline response used?
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Watkins ES
Behavior Support Plan
Date: _____________
Student: _________________________________________________
Participants in Behavior Support Plan Meeting:
Description of Behaviors: What is the student doing?
Behavior Plan: What is the replacement behavior? What will the student, the program staff, and the
parent contribute to changing the behavior? What strategies will be used?
This plan is being created with the specific intention of attempting to ensure that every student can be
successful. The behaviors listed above have been documented and have led to this plan being created.
This plan is an attempt at creating an intervention to adjust the student’s behavior. The student and the
parent agree to follow the terms of this plan. If these behaviors continue the student runs the risk of
being suspended and eventually dismissed from the program.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Administrator Signature
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