DNA Day Project

DNA Day Project
Natalie Pearson
Discovery: Natural Selection
Scientists: Charles Darwin & Wallace
Impact: Help forms of life adapt more quickly
Country: United Kingdom
Awards: Royal Medal, Copley Medal, etc.
Discovery: Published The Origin of Species
Scientists involved: Charles Darwin
Impact: Evolution!
Country: United Kingdom
Awards: Nobel Peace Prize
Discovery: First DNA is discovered
Scientists involved: Friedrich Miescher & Felix Hoppe-Seyler
Impact: It has improved investigations
Country: Switzerland
Awards: Nobel Peace Prize
Discovery: Mitosis Described
Scientists: Walther Flemming
Impact: Helped with mutations
Country: German
Awards: German Society for Cell Biology medal
Discovery: Viruses
Scientists: Dmitri Ivanovsky
Impact: If not treated, it could kill someone
Country: Ukraine
Awards: None
Discovery: Described the behavior of sex chromosome
Scientists: Nettie Stevens and Edmund Wilson
Impact: Discover the gender of babies
Country: USA
Awards: None
Discovery: X-rays showed artificial gene mutations in Drosophila
Scientists: Hermann J. Muller
Impact: Helped people who had it get treated for it
Country: USA
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Discovery: Described that one gene encodes one protein
Scientists: Beadle and Tatum
Impact: We would die without it
Country: USA
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Discovery: Obtained sharp X-ray diffraction photographs of DNA
Scientists: Rosalind Franklin
Impact: Help build up more DNA sequence & help lead to finding people by the DNA fingerprint
Country: England
Awards: Nobel Prize
Discovery: Solved the three-dimensional structure of the DNA molecule
Scientists: Francis Crick & James Watson
Impact: To understand of cell replication because the DNA has the blueprints of the cell
Country: England
Awards: Copley Medal, Nobel Prize, etc.
Discovery: First genetic code is cracked
Scientists: Nirenberg, Khorana, and Holley
Impact: Enabled scientists to put strings of DNA and RNA to produce selected proteins
Country: Moscow
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Discovery: Isolated the first restriction enzyme
Scientists: Hamilton Smith and Kent Wilcox
Impact: Helps manipulate DNA for different scientific applications
Country: Switzerland
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Discovery: Produced first recombinant DNA molecule
Scientists: Paul Berg and Herb Boyer
Impact: It improved medicines, crops, etc.
Country: USA
Awards: National Medal of Science
Discovery: DNA electrophoresis refined
Scientists: Joseph Sambrook
Impact: Helps people when working with molecular biology, genetics, microbiology &
Country: USA
Awards: Australian Academy of Sciences
Discovery: DNA sequencing technology
Scientists: Fred Sanger
Impact: Helps determine the four bases in the DNA sample
Country: United Kingdom
Awards: Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Copley Medal
Discovery: Book published over the PCR
Scientists: Kary B. Mullis
Impact: It makes it easier to specify individuals who carry genes which can cause problems
Country: USA
Awards: Nobel Prize of Chemistry and Japan Smith
Discovery: Coined the term DNA fingerprinting
Scientists involved: Alec Jeffreys
The impact: More accurate identifier of possible suspects for a crime scene
Country: United Kingdom
Awards: Distinguished Honorary Fellowship
 1989
Discovery: Identified the gene coding for CFTR
Scientists: Francis Collins and Lap-Chee Tsui
Impact: Helped get rid of mutations
Country: USA
Awards: National Academic of Sciences
Discovery: Chromosome 22 Sequenced
Scientists: Team of researchers led by Dr. Ian Dunham
Impact: Provide useful clues for many ongoing investigation into the structure of the genome
Country: England
Awards: None
Discovery: Sugar found in space
Scientists: Astronomers
Impact: Shows that the carbon molecule that is the building block of life could be present
before planets have begun to form
Country: Outer Space
Awards: None have been given out yet