RINDGE MEMORIAL SCHOOL RMS WEBSITE www.sau47.org Bus Company 532-4079 Check out the RMS website for many new updates, monthly calendar, menus, classroom news, etc.! December 3, 2015 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Happy December everyone! We’re looking forward to a busy and festive month here at RMS! Tomorrow, you are welcome to join us at our assembly at 10:15am. The New Hampshire Fisher Cats Mascot will be here to explain their Reading Challenge! Students who read five books outside the school day will receive two free tickets to a Fisher Cat’s game! We can also become eligible for prizes based on participation. Happy Reading! I am also looking forward to the Rindge Tree Lighting tomorrow evening and listening to our Chorus sing a few songs. Hope to see you there! OPERATION SANTA The Rindge Woman’s Club again this year will sponsor OPERATION SANTA. OPERATION SANTA provides clothing and toys to Rindge children whose parents may be temporarily unable to afford the Christmas they wish for. Requests listing each child’s name, gender, age, and proper sizes should be submitted soon so that wish list tags may be placed on special Christmas trees in TD Bank and Wal-Mart after November 21st. Fictitious names are placed on tags so that children’s identities remain confidential. Call Rae DuVernay at 899-5658, mail requests to Rae at 22 Lapham Lane, Rindge, NH 03461, or drop off the information at the Town Offices (there’s a mail slot in the door at the lower level). Parent’s names, address, and telephone contact numbers (where the parent can be reached) must be included. RAFFLE BASKETS The Annual PTO Basket Raffle has begun! This raffle will end on Saturday, December 5th. Tickets are .25 each or 5 for $1. Children can bring money to school and purchase their tickets in the office. Children will be able to choose which baskets they would like to take a chance to win. The winners will be drawn at the Recreation Department’s Santa’s Breakfast on Saturday morning at RMS. You need not be present to win! (You can also purchase tickets at the Breakfast with Santa). There will also be a Bake Sale that day. Money raised from the Baskets and Bake Sale benefits the PTO, which benefits the school! Thanks in advance for your support! 9TH ANNUAL WINTER COAT EXCHANGE Check out our coat exchange in the foyer! You can leave children’s and adult’s winter wear, or take what you need, or both! NOVEMBER FOOD PANTRY CHALLENGE! At the beginning of November, RMS staff and students have been participating in a Food Drive Challenge. Grocery carts, one per grade level, were set up in the entranceway for students to place their donations. The results are in! RMS collected a total of 1,976 items! 3rd place went to Kindergarten, who collected 338 items! Their artwork will be on display at Hannaford’s in Rindge. 2nd place went to grade 3 who collected 381 items. They will receive an extra recess. The winning grade level was grade 4 with 441 items. They will receive an extra recess as well as a special snack! Thank you to all the parents, students, and staff for your generous donations! HALLOWEEN CANDY BUYBACK RESULTS RMS collected 56 pounds of candy this year for Operation Gratitude. Dr. Broome dropped off a check in the amount of $116.00 this week! Thanks so much for participating! RINDGE MEMORIAL SCHOOL RMS WEBSITE www.sau47.org Bus Company 532-4079 Check out the RMS website for many new updates, monthly calendar, menus, classroom news, etc.! December 3, 2015 DI The Jaffrey Rindge Destination Imagination teams will be hosting a booth at the craft fair at Pratt Auditorium on December 12th. They will be selling Amryillis bulbs, already in a decorative pot for $12.50, crocus Garden bowls (priced by size) and Steep Tea. If you are interested in any items, but unable to attend the craft fair, please contact one of the coaches here at RMS. You can also shop for Steeped Tea to benefit DI through this link: http://www.mysteepedteaparty.com/KT200459/shop/catalog.aspx?eventId=E23110&from=DIRE CTLINK WEEKEND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS: Join us this Friday, December 4th from 7-8 pm at the Rindge Tree Lighting on the Common. Breakfast with Santa will be happening on Saturday, December 5th from 8 to 10:30 am at the RMS café for $5 a person. (Max fee of $25 per family). Also, there will be a Vendor’s Fair. And don’t forget the RMS PTO Bake Sale and Basket Raffle! Hope to see you there! JRMS PTG PASTA DINNER The JRMS parent group is doing a Pasta dinner before the band concert next Wednesday, December 9th from 5-6:30 pm. The meal is $5 per person, and consists of pasta, salad, bread, beverage, and dessert. Calendar of Events DECEMBER 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 7 7 8,15 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 18 21 22 23-Jan. 4 DI Team Meets until 4:15 every Thursday Rising Stars every Thursday til 4:15 Math Club Gr. 3,4,5 3-4 pm Shakespeare Club meets every Monday & Friday til 4:15 Pep Rally for Fisher Cat Reading Challenge 10:15 am Rindge Tree Lighting 7 pm Funtastic Friday 3-5:30 pm Good News Club every Monday 3 pm in café Gr. 2 to Mariposa Museum 8:50-11:45 am Girls on the Go 3-4:15 pm (for fifth graders) RMS PTO Meeting 7 pm RMS cafe Fundraiser arrives! Pick up @ PTO Mtg. or 12/9 3-4 pm Karate every Wednesday 3 pm in the gym Report Cards sent home Holiday Concert Grade 3 & Chorus (Students arrive @ 6:10 pm) Snow Date for Holiday Concert DI now meets on Fridays as well as Thursdays. 3-4:15 pm Food Pantry Collection Day Classroom Parties Snow Date for Classroom Parties Holiday recess……NO SCHOOL RINDGE MEMORIAL SCHOOL RMS WEBSITE www.sau47.org Bus Company 532-4079 Check out the RMS website for many new updates, monthly calendar, menus, classroom news, etc.! December 3, 2015 Here Comes the Snow! Featuring RMS Chorus and Grade 3 Thursday, December 10 6:30 p.m.* —RMS Gym Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District Rindge Memorial School *Performers please arrive at 6:10. Grade 3 students (including chorus) report to classrooms. Grades 4 and 5 chorus students report to the music room.