13.01 PROPER OFFICER FUNCTIONS 1. The Council has appointed the following Proper Officers for the purposes of the statutory provisions set out below. 2. Subject to the Proper Officer appointments set out below, the Managing Director and each Corporate Director shall be authorised to act as the Proper Officer for the statutory responsibilities which fall within their area of responsibility. 3. Substitutes are identified to act where the Proper Officer is absent or otherwise unable to act. 4. The Managing Director shall act as Proper Officer in the place of the Town Clerk or Clerk to the Council where such references occur in any enactment passed during the 1971/72 session of parliament other than the Local Government Act 1972 or in any instrument made before 26 October 1972. THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1936 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 84 & 85 Cleansing of filthy or Environmental verminous articles, persons Health or clothing. Manager Substitute Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). THE NATIONAL ASSISTANCE ACTS 1948 AND 1951 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 47 To act as Proper Officer or Environmental to appoint alternate Proper Health Officers as may be required Manager from time to time to discharge the Council’s functions with regard to Substitute Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). certifying the necessity to remove persons to suitable accommodation. THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1961 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 37 Disinfestations of verminous Environmental articles offered for sale. Health Manager Substitute Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute 83 To witness and receive Managing declarations of acceptance Director of the office of Elected Mayor, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the District Council and of District Councillors. Monitoring Officer 84 To receive written notice of Managing the resignation from the Director office of Elected Mayor, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the District Council and of District Councillors. Monitoring Officer 88(2) To convene, if necessary, a Managing meeting of the Council Director when the office of Chairman of the Council is vacant. Monitoring Officer 89(1)(b) To receive written notice Managing from two local government Director electors of a casual vacancy in the office of Councillor. Electoral Services Manager 100B(2) To decide whether part or Managing the whole of reports should Director Inserted by be excluded from public Local inspection before a meeting Government if the meeting is likely not to (Access to be open to the public. Information Act 1985) Monitoring Officer Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 100B(7)(c) To supply to the press Managing additional material supplied Director Inserted by to members of the Council Local in connection with the item Government to be discussed. (Access to Information) Act 1985 Monitoring officer 100C(2) Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager To prepare a written Managing summary of proceedings Director Inserted by taken by Council or a Local Committee in private. Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 100D(1) To compile a list of background papers to a Inserted by report to a Committee. Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 Report Author 100D(5)(a) Report Author Inserted by Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 100F(2) Identifying background papers of reports. Identifying which documents Report Author contain exempt information Managing Director not open to inspection by members of the Council. 115(2) To receive from every officer of the Council all money committed to his/her charge in connection with his/her office in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations. Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services Financial Services Manager 146 To sign the statutory declaration to enable the transfer of securities in the event of a change in the name or status of the Local Authority. Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services Financial Services Manager Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 151 Responsibility for the administration of the Council’s financial affairs. Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services Financial Services Manager 191 To receive applications Corporate Asset Head of made under Section 1 of the Manager Finance, Ordnance Survey Act 1841 Property and for assistance in surveying Revenue disputed boundaries. Services 210 To exercise certain residual functions relating to charities. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager 225 To receive and retain Managing documents deposited with Director the Local Authority. Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services 229 To certify, for the purpose of Monitoring any legal proceedings, that officer a document is a photographic copy of the original document. Managing Director 234 To sign any notice, order or Monitoring other document on behalf of Officer the Authority, any document purporting to be so signed being deemed to be issued by the Authority. Managing Director 236 To send to the Parish Managing Council, where they apply, a Director copy of every byelaw made by the Council and confirmed by the Secretary of State. Democratic Section Purpose of Appointment 238 Certification byelaws. of copy Proper Officer of Managing Director Schedule 12 Substitutes Corporate Director To sign and send to all Managing members of the Council the Director summons to attend Paragraph 4 meetings of the Council, (2)(b) specifying the business to be transacted. Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager 4(3) Receiving notice from a Managing member of the address to Director which a summons to the meeting is to be sent. Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager Schedule 29 To undertake those duties Managing which arise at District and Director Parish Council elections which, under the Representation of the People Acts, are required to be undertaken not by the Returning Officer but by the “Proper Officer”. Electoral Services Manager LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1974 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute 30(5) Giving public notice of receipt of report by a Local Commissioner (Ombudsman). Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services Managing Director LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1976 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 41 To certify copy resolutions, Managing orders, reports and minutes Director and copy instruments appointing officers to perform certain functions. Substitute Corporate Director HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute 205(3) & (5) To undertake duties in relation to private street works. Head of Neighbourhood Services Corporate Director Housing and Environment 210(2) To certify any amendments Head of to estimated costs and Neighbourhood provisional apportionment of Services costs of street works under the private street works code. Corporate Director Housing and Environment 211(1), To make a final apportionment of expenses of street works executed under the private street works code as detailed in the Schedules. Corporate Director Housing and Environment 212(4), 216(2), & (3) Head of Neighbourhood Services Section 295 Section 321 Issuing a notice requiring owners to remove materials from non-maintainable streets in which works are due to take place. Head of Neighbourhood Services Corporate Director Authentication of notices, consents, approvals, orders, demands, licences, certificates or other documents. Corporate Director Managing Director Housing and Environment Housing and Environment REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT 1983 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute 8(2) Appointing a Registration Officer. Managing Director Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services 35 Appointing a Returning Officer. Managing Director Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services 67 Giving public notice of the appointment of an Election Agent. Managing Director Electoral Services Manager 131 Providing accommodation for holding election court. Managing Director Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services PUBLIC HEALTH CONTROL OF DISEASE ACT 1984 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute 37 Removal to hospital. 38 Detention in hospital. 40 Medical inmates. 41 Removal to hospital from lodging house. 42 Closure of common lodging house. 43 Person dying in hospital with notifiable disease. 61 Powers to enter premises 62 Supplementary for Entry Regulation 2 Duty to notify suspected Environmental disease, infection or Health Manager contamination in dead person patients Appropriate Medical Officers/Consult ant in Communicable Disease Regulation 3 Duty to notify suspected Environmental disease, infection or Health Manager Contamination in dead person. Appropriate Medical Officers/Consult ant in Communicable examination Environmental Health Manager to act as Proper Officer or appoint alternate Proper Officers as may of be required from time to time to discharge the Council’s functions. Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). Environmental Health Manager Provisions Environmental Health Manager Disease Regulation 4 Duty on local authority to Environmental disclose information to Health Manager others Appropriate Medical Officers/Consult ant in Communicable Disease THE PARISH AND COMMUNITY MEETINGS (POLLS) RULES 1987 (SI 1987/1) Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 6(b) Any references to Proper Managing Officer. Director Substitutes Electoral Services Manager THE PUBLIC HEALTH (INFECTIOUS DISEASES) REGULATIONS 1988 (SI 1988/1546) Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 6 Special reporting of infectious disease. Environmental Health Manager Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). 8 Statistical returns. Environmental Health Medical Officer – Consultant in Manager Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). 9 Prevention disease. of spread of Environmental Health Manager Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). 10 Immunisation and vaccination. Environmental Health Manager Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). Schedule 3 Typhus and Relapsing Fever Environmental Health Manager Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). Schedule 4 Food poisoning and food Environmental borne infections Health Manager Medical Officer – Consultant in Communicable Disease Control (CCDC). LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT 1988 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 114A, 115 Responsibility for Chief Financial Officer reports. Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services. 116(1) Responsibility for notifying Managing the external auditor of Director arrangements for a meeting to consider a report from the Chief Financial Officer under this Act. Financial Services Manager Audit Manager LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND HOUSING ACT 1989 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 2 To receive on deposit a list Managing of politically restricted posts. Director Human Resources Manager 4 Designation as Head of Paid Service. As appointed by Managing Director 5 Designation as Monitoring Corporate Officer. Director Housing and Environment Managing Director Substitutes Deputy Monitoring Officer as appointed by Corporate Director Housing and Environment 15 & 16 To undertake all matters relating to the formal establishment of political groups within the membership of the Council. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager 19 Maintain the compulsory register of members’ interests. Monitoring Officer Managing Director FOOD SAFETY ACT 1990 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 5 All functions. Environmental Health Manager Corporate Director Regeneration and Regulation Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 49(3) Signing any document Environmental authorised or required to be Health Manager given, made or issued by the Food Authority. Corporate Director Regeneration and Regulation ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1990 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes 149 Relating to stray dogs Environmental Health Manager Corporate Director Regeneration and Regulation LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000 LOCAL AUTHORITIES (REFERENDUMS) (PETITIONS AND DIRECTIONS) (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2011 (SI 2011/2914) Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes Regulation 4(1),(2), (3),(4), (5) Verification number. Managing Director Electoral Services Manager Regulation 5 Publicity for verification number. Managing Director Electoral Services Manager Regulation Post Announcement and 7 (2)(a), (b) post direction petitions. and (c) Managing Director Electoral Services Manager Regulation Proper Officer Substitutes Managing Electoral Services Purpose of Appointment Regulation Amalgamation of petitions. 8(2), 8(3) & 8(4) Director Manager Regulation Procedure on receipt of a Managing 11(1), 11(2), petition. Director 11(3) & 11(4) Electoral Services Manager Regulation 13 (1) Publicity for valid petitions. Managing Director Electoral Services Manager Regulation 14(1) Publicity for invalid petitions. Managing Director Electoral Services Manager LOCAL AUTHORITIES (EXECUTIVE ARRANGEMENTS) (MEETINGS AND ACCESS TO INFORMATION (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2012 Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes Regulation 3 Recording of executive (1) decisions made at meetings. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager Regulation 4 Recording of executive (1) decisions made by individuals. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager Regulation 5(1) Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Inspection of documents following executive decisions. Manager Regulation 6 Inspection of background papers. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager Regulation 9(2) & 9(4) Individual executive decisions. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitutes Regulation 11(2) & 11(7)(c) Access to agenda and connected reports. Managing Director Democratic Services and Community Engagement Manager Regulation 12(1) Publicity in connection with Managing key decisions. Director Democratic Services Manager Regulation 15(1)(a) & (b) General exception. Managing Director Democratic Services Manager Regulation 17(3) & 17(4) Additional rights of access Managing to documents for members Director of Local Authorities. Democratic Services Manager Regulation 21(4) Confidential information, Managing exempt information and Director advice of a political adviser or assistant. Democratic Services Manager LOCAL AUTHORITIES (CONDUCT OF REFERENDUMS) (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2007(SI 2007/1298) Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Regulation 4 For all purposes in these Managing (1), 4(2), 4(3) Regulations. Director & 4(4) Substitute Electoral Services Manager. LOCAL AUTHORITIES (EXECUTIVE AND ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENTS) (MODIFICATION OF ENACTMENTS AND OTHER PROVISIONS) (ENGLAND) ORDER 2001 (SI 2001/2237) Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute Regulation 21 (11) (2) Duties of executives as Managing regards reports, Director amendment to Section 116 of 1988 Finance Act. Audit Manager Regulation 45 (4) Disability of members of Monitoring authorities for voting on Officer account of prejudicial interests. Managing Director LOCAL AUTHORITIES (STANDING ORDERS) (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2001 (SI 2001/3384), PART 2 Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute Regulation 1, Appointment. 5(2) & 6(2) Dismissal. Managing Director Monitoring Officer LOCAL AUTHORITIES (MAYORAL ELECTONS) (ENGLAND & WALES) REGULATIONS 2002 (SI 2002/185 Regulation Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer Substitute Regulation 51 Delivery and retention of Managing documents. Director Electoral Services Manager Regulation 52(1) & 52(2) Order for production of Managing documents. Director Electoral Services Manager Regulation 53(1) & 53(3) Public inspection and Managing destruction of documents. Director Electoral Services Manager REGULATION OF INVESTIGATORY POWERS ACT 2000 (RIPA) Section Purpose of Appointment 27,28 and 29 Designation of Proper Officer officers Managing Substitute empowered to grant authorisation for the carrying out of directed surveillance and authorise the use of covert human intelligence sources under Sections 27, 28 and 29 of the Act. Director, Corporate Directors and Heads of Service FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 Section Purpose of Appointment Proper Officer 36 Acting as a “qualified Managing person” in respect of Director information held by the Council. Substitute HOUSING ACT 2004 Section 4 – Part 1 Purpose of Proper Officer Appointment Where an official Strategic Housing complaint about Manager the condition of any residential premises in the district of a local housing authority is made to the proper officer of the authority, and the circumstances complained of indicate— Substitute Head of Housing (a) that any category 1 or category 2 hazard may exist on those premises, or (b) that an area in the district should be dealt with as a clearance area, the proper officer must inspect the premises or area. 13.02 DELEGATION SCHEME FOR OFFICERS – EXERCISING DELEGATIONS This outlines the Council’s scheme of delegation for making decisions for the efficient operation of services. It does not indicate the lowest level to which the decisions have been delegated to, but Directors and Heads of Service are encouraged to delegate to the lowest level wherever it is safe to do so and provided that administrative procedures are in place to record and monitor decisions so taken. However, managers should consult with a more senior or experienced manager when considering a decision that is likely to be contentious or sensitive. Before decisions of significance are taken regarding a particular ward or wards, officers will consult the relevant ward Councillors. It is imperative that all those who are making decisions under this scheme have the requisite experience and knowledge to make the decision. In making decisions under this Scheme of Delegation, officers will need to be mindful of the following principles: Only decisions which are lawful can be taken and which are in accordance with the Council’s own policies and procedures including the Council’s Constitution and Financial Regulations. Key Decisions must be taken by setting out the basis for the decision in the form of a written report which provides all the relevant information including the professional advice of the Council’s legal and finance officers. A record of delegated non Key Decisions must also be maintained and should be in a similar format to the Key Decision record, illustrating the decision taken and the considerations involved in reaching it together with reasons for the decision. As part of the decision making process, consideration should also be given to: o Promotion of openness and accountability o Achievement of the Council’s objectives and those priorities outlined in its corporate and statutory plans o The improvement in service delivery, promotion of equality and elimination of discrimination o Prevention of crime and disorder and the achievement of economic, environmental, financial and social wellbeing of the District o Ensuring ethical and fiscal probity Any financial decisions should only be made by those authorised to do so and provided there is the availability of the resources. Unless the elected Mayor directs otherwise, the powers delegated to Officers may also be exercised by the elected Mayor or the Executive collectively, or if the elected Mayor directs, by individual Executive Members to discharge the functions. (Local Government. Act 2000, S14). 13.03 HEAD OF PAID SERVICE The Managing Director is the Head of Paid Service for the purposes of Section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and has the following responsibilities: Council 1.1 and Executive All the Delegated Powers set out in this Scheme shall be exercised at any time by the Head of Paid Service. Executive 1.2 The overall corporate and operational management of the council including any re-organisation of services Executive 1.3 In the event of any national or local emergency requiring immediate action by the Authority the Managing Director and, in his/her absence, the Corporate Directors and in their absence the Heads of Service, are authorised to take such steps (including the incurring of expenditure where necessary) as may be required including advising the Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services at the earliest opportunity to deal with the problem encountered. Council Executive 1.4 Providing advice to all members of the Executive, Select Commissions, the Council and other Committees as necessary in the decision making process Executive 1.5 Matters relating to the elected Mayoral Office and civic hospitality Executive 1.6 Authorisation of attendance at conferences by members Executive 1.7 Provide direction on the interpretation and application of the Scheme of Delegation to Chief Officers Council 1.8 Recommend for approval, applications for voluntary early retirement for Chief Officers if such applications are in the interests of efficiency of the service area concerned. Executive 1.9 Authority to grant acceleration of increments, within the appropriate pay scale, for officers employed on JNC for Chief Officers grades. Executive 1.10 Act as the Adviser at meetings of the Full Council Executive 1.11 Approving re-structuring of the establishment, below Head of Service level Executive 1.12 To approve the virement of budgets in line with the approved virement procedures. Executive 1.13 Where appropriate, to advise, interpret and exercise discretion with regard to the Conditions of Service. Executive 1.14 To advise on the request for approval of accelerated increments of salary to Officers passing approved examinations. Executive 1.15 Authority to implement and adopt national and local negotiated decisions and to transfer Officers on probationary service to the permanent establishment, subject to compliance with the Scheme of Conditions of Service of the NJC. Executive 1.16 To advise on the advancement of a postholders salary within the appropriate scale, according to the existing spinal column point of the employee in question, following either a successful Paragraph 80 application for regrading or a subsequent appeal or following a review of structure and/or revised duties and responsibilities. Executive 1.18 The payment of compensation in lieu of wages to persons excluded from their work on public health grounds. Executive 1.19 Determination of extension of occupational sickness allowance beyond entitlements contained within relevant conditions of service. Executive 1.20 Authority to submit to the appropriate Secretary of State any notification of a potential redundancy situation, affecting Council employees. Executive 1.21 To comply with the Local Government Pension Regulations and rules of the Nottinghamshire Pension Scheme as they relate to applications and appeals in respect of early release of pension benefits. 13.04 CORPORATE DIRECTORS AND HEADS OF SERVICE All the delegated powers set out in this scheme which come under the responsibility of their service area shall be exercised at any time by the Corporate Directors and Heads of Service. Executive 1.1 To put in place arrangements for the management of the Directorate/Service to ensure the efficient delivering of services. Council 1.2 To deal with all matters relating to the recruitment, appointment, remuneration, qualification, training, promotion, appraisal, health and safety, the provision of welfare facilities to all employees of the Council. In exercising these powers regard shall be given to nationally and locally agreed conditions of service, procedures, codes of practice or guidance approved by the Council in relation to the matters concerned. Council and 1.3 In consultation with the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council, the authorisation of the commencement of Court proceedings under all statutes, statutory instruments, rules and regulations and Bylaws within the ambit of their service area. Executive 1.4 The authority to exercise the powers conferred by the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 to seek planning permission for development to be undertaken by the Council. Executive 1.5 To authorise Officers for the service of fixed penalty notices and to take investigatory and enforcement actions in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 and Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 and Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 relating to litter enforcement, graffiti removal, abandoned car removal, “fly” tipping, “fly” posting and dog control. Executive Executive 1.6 Power to grant authorisation under Part II of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 for Directed Surveillance and the use and conduct of Covert Human Intelligence Sources. Council 1.7 The appointment, suspension, dismissal of employees within their areas of responsibility having had regard for the advice of the Human Resources Manager. Council 1.8 The approval of appropriate training provided that that training is of direct benefit to the improvement of the effectiveness of the employee in their post and contained within approved budgets and determination of reasonable and appropriate overnight hotel rates for employees in connection with absence away from home on official business. Executive 1.9 To grant paid leave to attend Annual Conferences in connection with Trade Union duties Council 1.10 To grant leave to employees for the purpose of study, immediately prior to examination, to a maximum of half a day per module/examination taken. Council 1.11 The granting of permission to carry over leave to the following leave year. Approval of compassionate leave, domestic emergency leave and unpaid leave in line with the Council’s leave policy. Executive 1.12 Determination upon requests or recommendations for honoraria, gratuity and acting rank allowances within agreed policy. Council To negotiate the terms of voluntary redundancies within the Council’s agreed policy. 1.13 Executive 1.14 Determination of planned overtime for employees above the appropriate spinal points, having regard to Council policy on overtime working. Executive 1.15 In connection with the payment of removal expenses, lodging allowances or travelling allowances the determination of the payment for such expenses or allowances within Council policy. Executive 1.16 The determination of all requests for the provision of temporary housing accommodation to employees, within the agreed policy. Executive 1.17 The management of the departmental budget/trading account. The management of the departmental budget/trading account. Disposal of surplus or obsolete equipment, vehicles, scrap, etc and up to a value of £10,000 to write off stock in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations. Executive 1.18 To award a Contract for their service area in line with the Council’s Procurement Rules. Executive 1.19 Negotiate and approve of, in consultation with the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council, any contract for the provision of services to an external agency unless in line with the Council’s Procurement Rules. Executive 1.20 Management of buildings under the control of the Department / Service Area including the use and letting of accommodation, facilities and land in accordance with the agreed policies and approved service plans laid down by the Council and the Asset Management Plan. Executive 1.21 Setting of fees and charges, within the Council’s agreed fees and charges policies and budgets, for use of any service, provided or facilities used within their service. Executive 1.22 Authorisation to reduce, award concessions or waive fees and charges in line with the agreed fees and charges policies and budgets. Executive 1.23 Provision of reasonable and appropriate hospitality to representatives of other authorities etc. visiting the department or premises under the Director or Head of Service control. Executive 1.24 Authority to accept or refuse any offer of grant, donation or gift within the agreed Council Code of Practice for the acceptance of hospitality and gifts. Executive 1.25 To authorise any particular named officer to carry out inspection and enforcement duties where this is (i) authorised by law and (ii) necessary in the performance of any function or duty of the department. Executive 1.26 To sign identity cards in connection with the exercise of this authority, provided that a list shall be maintained of all officers so authorised with a description of the extent of such authorisation and the relevant statutory power. Executive 1.27 To take emergency action in circumstances where, in the opinion of the Corporate Director or Head of Service, such action is necessary in the interests of the service, on the understanding that the action taken and the reasons for it being taken will be reported to the appropriate Portfolio Holder. Where expenditure is necessary, which has not been budgeted for, prior consultation must take place with the Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services (where practicable to do so) and in any case advising him/her at the earliest opportunity. Executive 1.28 Agreement of the temporary cessation of any service, including but not exclusively for reasons related to health and safety considerations having regard for equality impact assessment, and any long term reductions in service within the scope of the agreed service plan. Executive 1.29 The power to give or authorise the giving of notices or take any other action under section 41 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (lost and uncollected property on buildings or premises owned or managed by the Council). Executive 1.30 To produce the annual fees and charges schedule for services for approval by the Executive. Executive 1.31 Authorisation to apply for appropriate grants on behalf of the Council to support or facilitate the delivery of Council priorities in relation to the sphere of activity subject to compliance with Asset Management Plan Procedures and Corporate Plan. Executive 1.32 To identify strategic and operational risks within their service areas, promoting the Council’s risk management strategy and to develop controls and actions to mitigate the risks. Executive 1.33 To respond to consultations and other issues raised by Central Government or other Local Authority Associations and other public or statutory bodies. Executive 1.34 Awarding of preferred developer status for Council projects following procurement processes as laid down in the adopted Procurement Rules. 13.04 A CORPORATE DIRECTORS To determine what action is to be taken in respect of the occupation of land within the District of Mansfield by travellers and gypsies and to authorise the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council to take such action as is necessary to secure the removal of the gypsies and travellers from that land where appropriate. 13.05 THE MONITORING OFFICER Executive 1.1 In consultation with the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council to prosecute, defend, make application, serve any notice or appear on behalf of the Council in any Court, Tribunal or hearing on any criminal, civil or other matter (including appeals). Executive 1.2 In consultation with the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council to take any appropriate action (including appeals) under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 (general power of local authorities to prosecute or defend legal proceedings). Executive 1.3 In consultation with the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council to settle any claim for compensation and any action in court/tribunal proceedings including where legal advice is required. Executive 1.4 In consultation with the Senior Legal Advisor to the Council to negotiate, arbitrate or use alternative dispute resolution on any action where legal advice is required. Executive 1.5 To take any necessary action to enforce or comply with a judgement of the Court or Tribunal or other body having similar powers. Executive 1.6 To instruct Counsel and external Solicitors as appropriate. Executive 1.7 The preparation and sealing of documents, and the determination of procedural arrangements for the issue of all consents, refusals, decisions and notices on behalf of the Council under statutory powers and the authorisation of persons to enter into contracts or to sign legal documents which are not required to be under seal, and the certification of any minute, resolution, map or other document or copy thereof. Executive 1.8 To sign, on behalf of the Council, any necessary documents in connection with the Council’s registration under the Data Protection Act 1998. Executive 1.9 To accept on behalf of the Council such valid notices as may be served by tenants, in respect of the acquisition by them of freehold interest or extension of leasehold interest under the provisions of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967. Council 1.10 To apply for any necessary ministerial consent to the appropriation of land from one purpose to another. Executive 1.11 The giving of indemnities on behalf of the Council to organisations for the use of their facilities. Executive 1.12 The supervision of procedures for the receipt, opening and acceptance of tenders. Council 1.13 To take any necessary action to ensure the smooth operation of the members’ allowances scheme and make any necessary amendments which are consistent with the regulations. Executive 1.14 The preparation and execution of all necessary documents in connection with the provisions of short term agency services for local authorities where these require no major change in organisation, capital expenditure or increase in staff and, in conjunction with the Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services, the agreement of terms for reimbursement for provision of such agency services. Executive 1.15 To authorise the use of the shield and full coat of arms by any other body or person. Council 1.16 The exercise of the duties of Proper Officer for the following purposes: Acting as Deputy Adviser at meetings of the Full Council in the absence of the Managing Director. Executive 1.17 The appropriate provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 relating to requisitions for information as to the ownership of land or property Executive 1.18 To approve changes to the Approved List Contractors maintained under the Council's Standing Orders with such changes to be recommendations from the Procurements Manager as a result of inter Directorate evaluation considering areas of General Eligibility, Technical Capability/Suitability and Financial Standing. 13.06 HEAD OF FINANCE PROPERTY AND REVENUE SERVICES The Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services is responsible for the administration of the Council’s finance for the purposes of S6 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and S151 of the Local Government Act 1972. Council 1.1 The approval of and changes to the strategic arrangements of all cash management and capital financing procedures of the Council. Executive 1.2 Power to write off debts below £50,000 where all steps have been taken to recover the amount concerned. The total written off in any year to be reported to the Executive Executive 1.3 Power to make, suspend, amend or cancel Financial Regulations after consultation with the Managing Director and the relevant Portfolio Holder and reported to the Audit Committee. Executive 1.4 Power to make, suspend, amend or cancel the Procurement Rules after consultation with the Managing Director and the relevant Portfolio Holder and reported to the Audit Committee. Council 1.5 Premature payment of Bonds and Mortgages in cases of death or for other reasons in accordance with Council policy. Executive 1.6 Payment by instalments for private street works over a period of up to 5 years. Council To undertake all cash management and capital financing procedures in accordance with the Council’s overall strategy. This strategy to be revised at least annually. 1.7 Council 1.8 To act in accordance with the Borrowing Strategy. Executive 1.9 To undertake the arrangement of insurance policies and the monitoring of all insurance matters. Executive 1.10 In consultation with the Council’s Insurance Officer, the determination of employee claims regarding loss of/damage to personal property in pursuance of Council’s business. Executive 1.11 To administer/authorise recovery of Council Tax, issue all notices and undertake all the remedies including distraint or committal to prison, in accordance with the powers vested in the Billing Authority by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992. Executive 1.12 The execution of the powers and duties of the Council under the Social Security and Housing Benefit Act, 1982, the Housing Benefits (General) Regulations 1987 and any subsequent regulations, in relation to Housing and Council Tax Benefit. Executive 1.13 The division of assessments under Section 44 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. Executive 1.14 Representing the Council in bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings and attending meetings of creditors. Executive 1.15 Executive and administration of treasury management policies. Executive 1.16 To approve all arrangements for the banking of income and the operation of the Council’s bank accounts including the signing of cheques, arrangements for direct debits and standing orders, approval of electronic transfers in line with the Council’s payment policies and procedures. Executive 1.17 The determination of applications for grants-in-aid less than £500 Executive 1.18 To determine Discretionary Rate Relief and council tax discount applications less than £10,000 in line with the Discreationary Rate Relief policy. Executive 1.19 Decisions and procedures as contained within the Council’s Charging Orders Policy for Council tax recovery. Executive 1.20 To determine whether the Council should opt to tax tenants for the purposes of VAT as part of actions ensuing from ensuring that the Council remains within the limits for partial exemption of VAT. Executive 1.21 The writing off of stocks and stores between £10,001 and £50,000. Executive 1.22 The maintenance of the Council’s Register of Strategic Risk. Executive 1.23 Authorisation of Officers representing the Council under Section 223 of the Local Government Act, 1972, and Section 60(2) of the County Court Act and any other enabling legislation for Council Tax, National Non-Domestic Rates and Sundry Debtor cases. Executive 1.24 To amend the Council’s capital and revenue budgets to reflect the use of earmarked reserves or balances for the purposes for which they were approved. To amend the capital and revenue budgets to reflect the Executive 1.25 acceptance and use of specific grants and contributions up to £50,000 The power to amend the Council’s Policies and Procedures in respect of money laundering, anti-fraud, bribery, whistle-blowing and for similar issues. Executive 1.26 Executive 1.27 To act on behalf of the Council as Authority Liaison Officer to administer the Council’s Licences for mapping data. Authority in any case where to wait for instruction would in their opinion, prejudice the councils position, to institute, defend and conduct any legal proceedings affecting the rights or interests of the Council Executive 1.28 To act on behalf of the Council as the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) custodian to complete and update the Local Land and Property Gazetteer to BS7666. Executive 1.29 Authorisation to transfer data between the LLPG and National Land and Property Gazetteer hub in accordance with BS7666. Executive 1.30 To deal with the procedure on valuations for rating in cases of urgency, but subject to ratification, to make on behalf of the Council, appeals to the Lands Tribunal against decisions of the Local Valuation Court and also to sign and give such Notices and to take such action as the Local Government Act 1948 and the Lands Tribunal 1949 require including Notice of Intention of the Council to appear on any appeal as an interested party when the Council are not the applicants. Executive 1.31 Functions pursuant to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985; Executive 1.32 Register of all appropriate systems with the Information Commissioner Executive 1.33 To authorise the certification of the NNDR 1 form, or any successor form. 13.07 HEAD OF REGENERATION, LESIURE AND MARKETING Executive 1.1 To vary fees and charges in response to market conditions or demand for service and report such decisions to the appropriate Portfolio Holder. Executive 1.2 Authorisation to determine further detail of the Leisure Card scheme development including marketing and pricing structure. Executive 1.3 To determine opening hours and programmes in respect of indoor leisure and/or sports centres/swimming pools, Museum, Art Gallery and Palace Theatre in accordance with the Leisure Strategy and Service Plans. Council 1.4 Authorise the closure of the Water Meadows swimming complex for major events equivalent to six full day closures annually. Council 1.5 Determine applications for concessionary use of specified leisure facilities received from talented sportsmen or women who are either promising new talent or who have been out of training through injury. Executive 1.6 To agree to proceed with participation in physical regeneration projects up to £30,000. Executive 1.7 Appointment of consultants including Mansfield District Council services, to design and supervise the implementation of schemes in the approved capital programme. Executive 1.8 Authorisation to arrange for surveys and site investigations to be undertaken, subject to adequate budgetary provision. Executive 1.9 Authorisation to undertake works and policy reviews of the public car parks within the Councils administrative boundary. Executive 1.10 The execution of the powers and duties of the Council in the management, regulation and control of all markets under the ownership or control of the Council. Executive 1.11 The authorisation of the service of notice to quit on market stallholders. Executive 1.12 Power to waive the standard charge specified in Parking Place Orders in accordance with agreed policy. Council 1.13 The Authority to vary fees and charges in response to market conditions or demand for service. Executive 1.14 Power to suspend market traders for the breach of Market Licence Conditions and other acts likely to cause serious difficulties of operation or lead to disputes. Executive 1.15 To carry out investigations and instruct the Legal Services, subject to being satisfied with the evidence available, to prosecute for Offences or issue formal cautions for offences committed under:- Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part II (Waste on land) and Part IV (Litter, etc.) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 – S224 (Unlawful Advertisements) Highways Act 1980 Part IX Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 Cleaner Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 And any other legislation amending, extending or succeeding the above Acts, including all Regulations, Byelaws and Orders made there-under. Executive 1.16 To serve Notices under: S16 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 S330 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Part II and Part IV Environmental Protection Act 1990 Environmental Protection 1990 (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 (as amended) S59 Environmental Protection Act 1990 (requiring removal of unauthorised waste) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 Highways Act 1980 Part IX Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 Cleaner Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 S225 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 Any future primary or secondary legislation relating to litter and/or waste management enforcement and any other legislation amending, extending or succeeding the above Acts, including all Regulations, Byelaws and Orders made there-under. Executive 1.17 To authorise such Officers as s/he feels appropriate to exercise the relevant rights of entry, powers of inspection and/or powers of seizure or removal under: Environmental Protection Act (Duty Regulations 1991 (as amended) of Care) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 Sections 225 and 324 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Highways Act 1980 Part IX Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 Cleaner Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 Executive 1.18 To obliterate and/or remove unlawful advertisements under S225 Town & Country Planning Act 1990. Executive 1.19 Agreement of implementation plans for Council led regeneration projects. Executive 1.20 To carry out prosecutions for contravention of the District of Mansfield (Off Street Parking Places) Order and to nominate Parking Inspectors 13.08 HEAD OF NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES Council 1.1 The adoption of highways in accordance with Sections 37 to 40 of the Highways Act 1980. Executive 1.2 Authorisation to enter into Agreements under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980. Executive 1.3 In respect of the provision, management, control, repair and improvement of parks, public recreation and pleasure grounds, allotments or other similar or associated public space activities to authorise: (a) The fixing of opening hours. (b) Approval of programmes. (c) Alteration of fees and charges to provide competitive activities. Executive 1.4 Authorised to agree and set up appropriate systems for payment and monitoring of recycling credits, in conjunction with the Nottinghamshire County Council and other District Councils. Council 1.5 Authorisation to test, inspect and examine the mechanical fitness of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles and when not satisfied as to the condition of a vehicle for such use, require the proprietor of the vehicle to remove the licence forthwith and surrender it to be kept until such time as the officer is satisfied as to the condition of the vehicle, in accordance with the conditions of the Council’s approved Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle Licence conditions. Executive 1.6 The authorisation of any necessary action with respect to matters arising from the implementation of the domestic household and recycling wheeled bin system in meeting set recycling and waste minimisation targets. Executive 1.7 To authorise the taking of appropriate actions and procedures regarding removal of “fly” posters, “fly” tipping and graffiti. Executive 1.8 Authority to make any necessary amendments or modifications as appropriate to all operational properties and activities. Executive 1.9 Authorisation to manage the day to day operation of the Council’s neighbourhood services (including the incurring of expenditure) for Waste and Recycling, Parks and Open Spaces, Engineering and Highways functions, Fleet, Vehicle Maintenance, MOT’s, Hermitage Lane Depot . Executive 1.10 To grant rights of burial in respect of Council’s Cemeteries. Executive 1.11 The approval of drawings and specifications in accordance with the rules and regulations in respect of all cemeteries except that:(a) Where special consent is necessary; or (b) Where it is proposed to withhold consent the matter shall be referred to the next meeting of the Executive. Executive 1.12 To exercise the powers of the Council under Sections 46 and 61 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 in relation to the disposal of dead bodies (funerals for destitute persons). Executive 1.13 To carry out investigations and instruct the Legal Services, subject to being satisfied with the evidence available, to prosecute for offences or issue formal cautions for offences committed under: Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part II (Waste on land) and Part IV (Litter, etc.) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 – S224 (Unlawful Advertisements) Highways Act 1980 Part IX Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 Cleaner Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 And any other legislation amending, extending or succeeding the above Acts, including all Regulations, Byelaws and Orders made there-under. Executive 1.15 To serve Notices under: S16 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 S330 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Part II and Part IV Environmental Protection Act 1990 Environmental Protection 1990 Regulations 1991 (as amended) (Duty of Care) S59 Environmental Protection Act 1990 (requiring removal of unauthorised waste) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 Highways Act 1980 Part IX Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 Cleaner Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 S225 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 Any future primary or secondary legislation relating to litter and/or waste management enforcement and any other legislation amending, extending or succeeding the above Acts, including all Regulations, Byelaws and Orders made thereunder. Executive 1.16 To authorise such Officers as s/he feels appropriate to exercise the relevant rights of entry, powers of inspection and/or powers of seizure or removal under: Environmental Protection Act (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 (as amended) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 Sections 225 and 324 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Highways Act 1980 Part IX Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 Cleaner Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 Executive 1.17 To obliterate and/or remove unlawful advertisements under S225 Town & Country Planning Act 1990. Executive 1.18 To agree with District partners how the recycling credit payments should be allocated between partners Executive 1.19 To approve and implement in line with the Scheme of delegation the Litter Management Plan Executive 1.20 To vary fees and charges in response to market conditions or demand for service and report such decisions to the appropriate Portfolio Holder. 13.09 NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES MANAGER Executive 1.1 To act on behalf of the Council with delegated powers as “The Engineer” to administer Contracts entered into under the Institution of Civil Engineers form of Contract. Executive 1.2 Authorisation to carry out obligations of Council in respect of Section 9 Land Charges Act 1975. Council 1.3 Authorisation to act on behalf of the Council to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Highways Act 1980, including authorisation to serve notice for enforcement action under the Act as appropriate. Executive 1.4 To act on behalf of the Council to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Land Drainage Act 1991, including authorisation to serve notice for enforcement action under the Act as appropriate. (a) REGISTRAR OF CEMETERIES AND CREMATORIUM Executive 1.5 To act on behalf of the Authority to bury or cremate any person found dead in their area where it appears that no suitable arrangements have been made or are being made for the disposal of the body Executive 1.6 To recover from the estate of a deceased person or from any person who for the purposes of the National Assistance Act 1948 was liable to maintain the deceased person immediately before their death expenses incurred. 13.10 HEAD OF SERVICES PLANNING, COMMUNITY SAFETY AND REGULATORY PLANNING AND BUILDING CONTROL ISSUES A Approval of all application types submitted pursuant to the Town and Country Planning Acts and related legislation is delegated to the Head of Planning, Community Safety and Regulatory Services, Development and Building Control Manager and Principal Development Control Officers except: Council 1.1 Where a member of the Council has requested that the application be reported to Committee. Council 1.2 Where the applicant is known to be a member (or relative of a member) of the District Council. Council 1.3 Where the applicant is known to be in the employ of the Council. Council 1.4 Where Head of Planning, Community Safety and Regulatory Services considers that the application should be reported to Committee. Council 1.5 Where a development proposal is a significant departure from specific planning policies of the Council. Council 1.6 Where the proposal is a “major” development scheme of the Council. Council 1.7 Any application requiring a Section106 Agreement or that includes a condition that requires that a Section106 Agreement be entered into. Council 1.8 Where any objections in writing have been received by the Council which contain comments which are material planning considerations. Council 1.9 Those applications which should be determined by the Head of Planning, Community Safety and Regulatory Services following notification to the Chairman of the Planning Committee and a nominated member of that Committee as defined at B. Council 1.10 Those applications which should be determined by the Planning Committee. B Council 1.11 Determination of the following applications below following notification with the Chairman of the Planning Committee and a nominated member of that Committee Approval of non-major applications* where no more than a maximum of three letters of objection (i.e. from different objectors with more than one letter received from the same objector being classified as one objection) have been received and the proposals are considered to be acceptable. Non-major development comprise the following: “Minor” Developments Dwellings (up to a maximum of 9 units) Office/research and development/light industry Heavy industry/storage/warehousing Retail, distribution and servicing All other minor developments. “Other” Developments Changes of use Householder developments Advertisements Listed building consents to alter/extend Conservation Area consents Prior Approval proposals. Council 1.12 Approval of major detailed applications (full and approval of reserved matters) relating to residential, industrial and commercial proposals where an extant valid outline planning permission exists which covers the site and no more than three letters of objection (as defined previously) have been received. Council 1.13 Approval of major detailed applications (full and approval of reserved matters) relating to residential, industrial and commercial proposals where a development brief exists which covers the site and a maximum of no more than three letters of objection (as defined previously) have been received. Council 1.14 Refusal of any application where insufficient and/or inaccurate information has been received to enable a full and proper assessment of the proposal to be made. Council 1.15 Refusal of any prior approval applications for telecommunications, agricultural development or demolition. Council 1.16 Refusal of advertisements. Council 1.17 Refusal of an application to remove or top/lop a tree (or trees) protected by a tree preservation order. Council 1.18 Refusal of planning permission where a proposed (non-major scheme) is considered contrary to development plan policy and/or development control guidelines and proposed major scheme where there has been a previous refusal for similar development. Council 1.19 Approval of applications requiring that a S106 Agreement be entered into and the details of Section 106 Agreements required in connection with applications which do not have to be determined by the Planning Committee. Where this involves a sum of money the sum should not exceed a maximum of £50,000. Council 1.20 Approve of minor amendments to planning applications and Section 106 Agreements which have previously been referred to and accepted by the Planning Committee. 1.21 Applications not covered by A. - B. above would need to be referred to the Planning Committee for determination. 1.22 MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS For dwellings, a major development is one where the number of dwellings to be constructed is 10 or more. Where the number of dwellings to be constructed is not given in the application a site area of 0.5 hectares or more should be used as the definition of a major development. For all other uses a major development is one where the floorspace to be built is 1,000 square metres or more, or where the site area is 1 hectare or more. "Built" or "constructed" should be interpreted as "obtained by change of use". The area of a site is defined as the area directly involved in some aspect of the development. Normally this will be the area outlined on the plan included with the application form. Surrounding land owned by the applicant, but not directly affected by the proposed development, should not be included, neither should any part of the adjoining road. If the area involved in a development is split into two parts by a classified road it should still be considered as one site. The area occupied by the road should not be included in the site area. The floorspace of a building is defined as the sum of the floor area within the building, measured externally to the external wall faces at each level. Basement car parks, rooftop plan rooms, caretakers' flats, etc. should be included in the floorspace figure. Where a major development is subject to a change of use application it should be coded as a major development, not as a change of use. The use category will be determined by the "end use" of the proposed change. For example, if the application was to convert a warehouse into 12 flats (and where the building or engineering work would be permitted development were it not for the fact that the development involved a change of use) the application should be coded as "major residential". C Other development control functions delegated to the Head of Planning, Community Safety and Regulatory Services, Development and Building Control Manager and Principal Development Control Officers Executive 1.23 To determine whether or not an environmental statement is required in association with a planning application. Executive 1.24 The determination as to the necessity for planning permission under the Town and Country Planning legislation. Executive 1.25 The determination as to whether prior approval is required and the determination of subsequent applications. Executive 1.26 The requiring of further details before an application is determined. Executive 1.27 The determination as to which applications for planning permission should be treated as county matters. Council 1.28 The determination of the fee payable in respect of applications received. Council 1.29 The making of observations in respect of “non-major” proposals made by (1) the County Council and (2) a Government Department. Council 1.30 The making of observations on applications and proposals outside the District boundary in respect of which Mansfield District Council has been consulted by other District Councils. Council 1.31 The determination and issue of Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development. Council 1.32 The Authority to sign decision notices following the appropriate determination procedure Council 1.33 The authority to serve a Building Preservation Notice or serve a provisional Tree Preservation Order. Council 1.34 The authority to undertake consultation in respect of all applications received at the discretion of the Head of Planning, Community Safety and Regulatory Services. Council 1.35 The service of Planning Contravention Notices and Breach of Condition Notices. Council 1.36 The issuing of decisions under the Town and Country Planning legislation to decline to determine applications for planning permission. Council 1.37 The service of a hedgerow retention notice, confirm in writing that a hedgerow may be removed and to revoke a hedgerow retention notice where that notice has not initially been determined by a committee of the Council. Council 1.38 To serve a notice and authorise legal proceedings under the Town and Country Planning legislation in respect of the proper maintenance of land. Council 1.39 The assessment of complaints received under S68 of the AntiSocial Behaviour Act 2003, including service/withdrawal of Remedial Notices, to prosecute for non-compliance with a Remedial Notice and take remedial action for non-compliance with a remedial notice Council 1.40 The determination of applications for Hazardous Substance Consent and Deemed Hazardous Substance Consent in accordance with the requirements of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990. Council 1.41 The making of observations to the Licensing Authority on applications relating to the licensing of goods vehicles. Council 1.42 The approval of minor amendments to previously approved proposals that were not previously determined by the Planning Committee. (d) Approval of the following Building Regulation and Building Control matters Council 1.43 The determination of the fee payable in respect of applications under the Building Regulations. Executive 1.44 The exercise of the powers of the Council in regard to the passing or rejection conditionally or unconditionally or stage approvals of plans submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Building Regulations, Building Act 1984 and other relevant legislation. Executive 1.45 The determination of applications under Section 11 of the Building Act 1984 in relation to relaxations for thermal insulation (cavity wall). Executive 1.46 The Authority to give permission in respect of the following:(a) erection of scaffold and hoardings. (b) siting skips on the highway. Executive 1.47 The authorisation and service of Notices under Section 36 of the Building Act 1984. Executive 1.48 The authorisation and service of Notices in respect of contraventions and unauthorised works of the Building Regulations 2010. Executive 1.49 The authorisation and service of Notices in respect of demolitions under Sections 80 and 81 of the Building Act 1984. Executive 1.50 The service of Notices under Section 72 of the Building Act 1984 in respect of means of escape from fire. Executive 1.51 To authorise the issue of Fire Safety Completion and Regularisation Certificates in respect of works carried out under Building Regulations. Executive 1.52 To authorise the issue of Notices to open up works under Regulation 18 of the 2010 Building Regulations and Section 36 of the Building Act 1984. Executive 1.53 Authorisation to consult, issue requirements and take appropriate action in respect of applications on Licensing and the Safety at Sports Grounds Legislation. Executive 1.54 To authorise the issue of Notices under S.32 of the Building Act 1984. Executive 1.55 To authorise the advertisement of applications submitted in respect of relaxation and dispensation of Building Regulations 2010 requirements. Executive 1.56 Authorisation to deal with relaxations, dispensations and determinations in accordance with the Building Act 1984 and Building Regulations 2010. Executive 1.57 The power to appoint appropriately qualified outside bodies for the purpose of carrying out those calculations and fire engineered solutions required for the purposes of Building Regulations in accordance with budgetary provisions. Executive 1.58 Authorisation to serve Notices in respect of dangerous buildings and structures in accordance with the provisions of the Building Act 1984 and to appoint contractors, if necessary, to carry out both work in default and emergency work. Executive 1.59 Authorisation to approve street naming and numbering in accordance with the Public Health Act 1925, Town Improvement Clauses Act 1847 and Council Policy. Executive 1.60 Authorisation to undertake work and form partnerships in accordance with the Partner Authority Scheme. Executive 1.61 Authorisation to set Building Regulation fees in accordance with the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010. Executive 1.62 Authorisation to advertise changes to the Building Regulation charges scheme. Executive 1.63 The making of observations to the Licensing Authority on applications relating to licensing of premises. Executive 1.64 The authorisation to serve the necessary notices required under the approved Inspector procedures, in accordance with Sections 47 to 53 of The Building Act 1984 and The Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010. (e) The Registration of Land Executive 1.65 Giving Certificates of Title to the Land Registrar in connection with the Compulsory Registration of Title in respect of the sales of property and the granting or assignment of long term leases. 13.11 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGER Executive 1.1 The power to issue licences authorising the use of land as a caravan site (site licences) under Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 Executive 1.2 The power to issue licences the use of moveable dwellings and camping sites under the Public Health Act 1936. Executive 1.3 The power to approve the terms of and award the contract for the provision of the Council's Dog Warden Service subject to the financial implications relating thereto being within the current estimate provision for the service. Council 1.4 To determine written applications for the Council's consent to the operation of certain loudspeaker uses in streets or roads, as provided for within Schedule 2 of the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act, 1993. Executive 1.5 To instigate legal proceedings or issue a formal caution for environmental health, planning and Building Act offences in accordance with the approved enforcement policy documents of the service. Executive 1.6 To instigate legal proceedings against all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle proprietors who, without reasonable cause, fail to present their vehicles for mechanical examination in compliance with prescribed written notice given by the Council's authorised officers under the provisions of Section 50(1) Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1976. Executive 1.7 To instigate legal proceedings against Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Operations and Drivers in accordance with the provision of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & 1889. Executive 1.8 To act as a Proper Officer to discharge the Council’s functions in relation to Notable Diseases and food poisoning, the giving of medical advice in relation to environmental health matters and for the purpose of exercising those functions of the Council under section 47 on the National Assistance Act 1948, the National Assistance (Amendment) Act 1951, the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984 and Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010. Also to appoint Alternative Proper Officers as may be required to discharge these duties. Executive 1.9 The authorisation of officers for the enforcement of those statutes listed within the Council's statutory functions and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing to authorise officers engaged in Food Safety Enforcement duties under the provisions of the European Communities Act, 1972 and all relevant UK Food Law provisions. Executive 1.10 To serve statutory notices under the provisions of the following legislation and, where provided for, the carrying out of works in default of compliance: (i) (ii) (iii) the appropriate provision of the Clean Air Act, 1993. the appropriate provision of the Control of Pollution Act, 1974. the appropriate provision of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949. Executive 1.11 The appropriate provisions of the Public Health Acts 1936 and 1961 and the Environmental Protection Act, 1990 relating to the abatement of nuisances, the repair of property, the provision and maintenance of adequate drainage and sanitation, the emptying and repair of cesspools and the cleansing of filthy or verminous persons, articles or premises. Executive 1.12 The authorisation of officers for the enforcement of provisions of the Noise Act, 1996, including the service of Night Noise fixed penalty notices under Section 8 of the Act. Executive 1.13 The appropriate provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 as to the provisions of sanitary appliances and the removal of obstructions from private sewers. Executive 1.14 The provisions of Section 29 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1982 relating to the protection of unoccupied buildings. Executive 1.15 The appropriate provisions of Part 3 of the Building Act, 1984 relating to drainage, the provision of sanitary conveniences, buildings, yards and passages and defective, ruinous and dilapidated buildings and neglected sites. Executive 1.16 The provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 relating to requisitions for information as to ownership of land or property, such information being necessary to secure the enforcement of any legislation falling within the duties and responsibilities which are administered and enforced by the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services. Executive 1.17 The power to authorise an application to the Magistrates’ Court under the provisions of Section 140 of The Public Health Act 1936 for a hearing to determine the need for detecting that a supply of water believed to be so polluted as to be prejudicial to health be permanently or temporarily closed or cut off or the water therefrom be restricted to certain uses only. Executive 1.18 The approval of the offered terms of Rodent Control Contracts as an alternative to the imposition of the Council's standard charges for single pest control treatments. Executive 1.19 The determination of applications under Section 4 of the Clean Air Act 1993 (Installation of Boilers), Section 6 of the Clean Air Act 1993 (Grit and Dust Equipment) and Section 15 of the Clean Air Act 1993 (Height of Chimneys). Executive 1.20 Be authorised to sign, on behalf of the Council, any Air Pollution Control Authorisation approved by the Local Authority and all other relevant notices, orders or requisitions for information sought by the Authority and permitted to be served by the Local Authority under Part 1, Environmental Protection Act 1990. Executive 1.21 The authority to serve Enforcement, Prohibition and withdrawal of Prohibition Notices under Sections 13 and 14 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990 in respect of Processes Authorised by the Council for Air Pollution Control under Section 6 Environmental Protection Act, 1990. Executive 1.22 The authority to determine applications as required by the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Authorisation of Process) (Determination Periods) Order 1991 for the authorisation of new Waste Oil Burners (having a net rated thermal input not exceeding 0.4 m.w.) which are to operate using waste oil generated by the applicant from his other activities on the same site and which must be determined within a two week period of the application being submitted. Executive 1.23 Authority to determine applications for Air Pollution Control authorisations, the variation of authorisations or the revocation of an Authorisation previously granted. Executive 1.24 The authority to serve notice on any person under Section 19, Environmental Protection Act, 1990 and require such information to be furnished within such period as is reasonably considered is necessary to allow the Local Authority to properly discharge its duties under Part 1 of the Act. Executive 1.25 The duty to maintain a Public Register of Prescribed Processes in accordance with the requirement of Section 20, Environmental Protection Act, 1990 and the Environmental Protection (Application, Appeals and Register) Regulations, 1991. Executive 1.26 The authority under Paragraph 1 (3) Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990, to serve on behalf of the Local Authority, a notice on any applicant seeking the Local Authority's authorisation, for the purpose of securing additional information to allow determination of the application. Executive 1.27 The authority under the provisions of Section 22, to determine the confidentiality of information submitted in support of any application to the Local Authority, under the provisions of Part 1 and to serve any appropriate notice in this regard. Executive 1.28 The authority to serve all appropriate notifications, as required by the Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) Regulations, 1991, where the Local Authority receives notice of an appeal in respect of any of its decisions or actions taken under Part 1. Executive 1.29 To discharge, as the appointed Proper Officer, those functions relating to stray dogs, found in the area of the Council, as required by S.149 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990. Executive 1.30 To authorise specifically named employees of any appointed agent of the Council to exercise those powers relating to seizure, holding and disposal of dogs found to be straying within the Council's area as conferred by S.149 and S.150 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990 and as appropriate to their particular contracted function. Executive 1.31 To approve the adoption, as an alternative to donation to the Carlton Forest Rescue Centre, of stray dogs coming into the Council’s control as a result of fulfilling the statutory duties imposed by S.149 and S.150 of the Environmental Protection Act. Such adoptions to be conditional upon the dog being spayed or neutered and microchipped prior to release from the Council’s care. Executive 1.32 The granting of prior approval to construction site work under the provisions of Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. Council 1.33 The granting of a site licence for a single caravan under the provisions of the Caravan Sites and control of Development Act 1968 subject to the imposition of such conditions necessary to comply with any current Model Standard issued by the Department of the Environment. Executive 1.34 Power to grant authorisation under Part II of the Regulation of Investigatory powers Act 2000 for Directed Surveillance and the use and conduct of Covert Human Intelligence Sources. Council 1.35 To authorise the institution of legal proceedings under the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Act 1990 and any regulations or orders made under it. Executive 1.36 The authorisation of persons to accompany Inspectors on visits in accordance with Section 20(2)(c)(I) of the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974. Executive 1.37 The authorisation of officers for the enforcement of provisions of the Health Act 2006, including the issuing of fixed penalty notices under Section 6, 7 and 8 of the Act Executive 1.38 To approve and implement in line with the Scheme of Delegation the Food Service Plan 13.12 MEDICAL OFFICER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (AND THOSE DESIGNATED AS ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL OFFICERS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH) Executive 1.1 To act under the appropriate provisions of the National Assistance Acts 1948 and 1951 in relation to the removal of persons into care. Executive 1.2 To issue notices under the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1968 and 1965. Executive 1.3 To act in respect of the control of notifiable diseases and food poisoning in accord with the provisions of all appropriate legislation currently in operation. 13.13 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGER, LICENSING TEAM LEADER AND LICENSING OFFICER Council 1.1 The registration of persons carrying on the business or practices of acupuncture, tattooing, semi permanent skin colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis and of premises used in connection therewith in accord with the provision of Part VIII of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, as amended by the Local Government Act 2003. Executive 1.2 The licensing of dog breeding establishments under the provisions of the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973. Council The licensing of riding establishments under the Provisions of the Riding Establishments Acts 1964/1970 subject to the result of a satisfactory report thereon from the Council's consultant veterinary surgeon. 1.3 Council 1.4 The licensing of pet shops under the provision of the Pet Animals Act 1951. Council 1.5 The licensing of animal boarding establishments under the provisions of the Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963 subject to the result of a satisfactory report thereon from the Council's consultant veterinary surgeon. Council 1.6 The granting of a licence to keep a prescribed dangerous wild animal under the provisions of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 subject to the result of a satisfactory report thereon from the Council's consultant veterinary surgeon. Executive 1.7 Licensing establishments for massage and/or special treatment under the Nottinghamshire County Council Act 1985, subject to the result of a satisfactory report thereon from the Police Authority. Council To grant, renew and transfer licences and registrations or give consents or approvals as appropriate under the following: Council 1.8 (i) The granting of Permits for House to House Collection under the House to House Collections Act 1939. (ii) The issue of permits for street collections under Police, Factories etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916. (iii) The registration of Scrap Metal Dealers and Premises under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964. (iv) To grant, renew, refuse or suspend licenses for Drivers of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles under the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Council Council Council Provisions) Act 1976. Council (v) To grant, renew, replace, transfer or suspend licences for Private Hire Vehicles under the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Council (vi) To grant, renew, transfer or suspend licences for Hackney Carriages under Town Police Clauses 1847 as amended by the Public Health Act 1875 and the Transport Act 1985 and the Local Government Act Miscellaneous Provisions1976. (vii) To grant, renew, refuse or suspend licences for drivers of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles under the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. (viii) The licensing of Private Hire Operators under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. (ix) The power to grant new licences for Hackney Carriage Vehicles meeting the prescribed specification. Council Council Council Council 1.9 The authorisation of officers from Ashfield District Council to act under the relevant provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1976 and the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and any associated regulations. Council 1.10 The grant, variation, transfer and renewal of licenses for Sex Establishments and regulation of Sexual Entertainment Venues, where no representations have been received, under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 as amended by the section 27 of the Policing and Crime Act 2010. Council 1.11 The grant of a licence in instances where no objections have been received under the provisions of the Motor Salvage Operators Regulations 2002. Executive 1.12 The issue of a notice of cancellation under the provisions of the Motor Salvage Operators Regulations 2002. Executive 1.13 The issue of a notice of refusal following objections from the Police under the provisions of the Motor Salvage Operators Regulations 2002. Executive 1.14 The licensing of Street Trading under part iii of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisons) Act 1982. Executive 1.15 To impose the same conditions/requirements that have previously been determined by a Licensing Panel on a vehicle which does not meet the Specifications for the same reasons. 13.14 HEAD OF PLANNING, COMMUNITY SAFETY AND REGULATORY SERVICES, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGER, LICENSING TEAM LEADER AND LICENSING OFFICER. Council 1.1 The Licensing of applicants for Personal Licences under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representation has been received. Council 1.2 The grant of premises licences/club premises certificates under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representations have been received. Council 1.3 The grant of a provisional statement under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representations have been received. Council 1.4 The grant of an application to vary a premises licence/club premises certificate under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representations have been received. Council 1.5 The grant of an application to vary a designated premises licence holder under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representations have been received. Council 1.6 The grant of a request to be removed as a designated premises supervisor under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representations have been received. Council 1.7 The grant of an application for the transfer of a premises licence under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003. Council 1.8 The grant of an interim authority under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 in instances where no representations have been received. Council 1.9 Application for the mandatory alcohol condition under the Licensing Act 2003 requiring a Designated Premises Supervisor in respect of a Premises Licence to be disapplied. Executive 1.10 To acknowledge receipt of a temporary event notice. Executive 1.11 To serve a counter notice to the temporary event submitted in the event of representations from the police or temporary event limitations have been exceeded. Executive 1.12 Decision on whether a complaint or representation is irrelevant, frivolous, vexatious or repetitious. Executive 1.13 The authorisation of officers for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003. 13.15 COMMUNITY SAFETY MANAGER Executive 1.1 The service of enforcement notices and related notices, to undertake legal proceedings as appropriate for non-compliance with any type of legal notice. Executive 1.2 Authorisation to enter into arrangements with partners to undertake CCTV monitoring and management services within and beyond the Council’s administrative boundary. Executive 1.3 Power to authorise the access to CCTV data for both internal and third party investigatory purposes. 13.16 HEAD OF HOUSING Executive 1.1 To exercise the powers of the Council under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977, The Housing Act 1985 and the Building Act 1984. Executive 1.2 The authorisation for a Warrant for Distraint for rent arrears. Executive 1.3 To add or exclude companies from the Council’s Approved Select Tender Lists. Executive 1.4 The carrying out of alterations, improvements and/or extensions of any existing building or premises in the ownership of the Council (or of any Joint Committee) as freeholders or lessees. Executive 1.5 The service and enforcement of statutory notices under the provisions of Part I Housing Act, 2004 (Notices in respect of Category 1 and 2 Hazards in All Dwellings). Executive 1.6 To order works in default of Notices in respect of Category 1 and 2 Hazards in all dwellings under Part I Housing Act, 2004 (Non-compliance with Notices). Executive 1.7 The enforcement of notices serviced under the Building Act, 1984 and Public Health Act, 1936 in cases of non-compliance with Repair Notices. Executive 1.8 To award heating refunds which are directly attributable to the loss of District Heating and Hot Water Supply for a period in excess of one week. Executive 1.9 The letting of properties outside the choice based allocation system where there is a medical, management or social requirement. Executive 1.10 The determination of all applications for the erection of temporary buildings within the curtilage of Council houses. Executive 1.11 The approval of applications for any form of financial assistance made under the policy adopted under the Regulatory Reform Act 2002 and any consequential action. Executive 1.12 The determination of the Right to Buy and the discount applicable in accordance with the Housing Act 1985. Executive 1.13 To accept the valuation of a qualified Valuer in relation to the sale of council houses and assets. Executive 1.14 The determination of assistance given under Homelessness Act 2002. Executive 1.15 To negotiate and accept the terms of the leasing of properties from the private sector in accordance with Council policy. Executive 1.16 To act on behalf of the Council with delegated powers as “Contract Administrator/Architect” to administer Contracts entered into under the Joint Contracts Tribunal for the Standard Form of Building Contract. Executive 1.17 Authorisation to appoint Consultants and Contractors to undertake feasibility, design, supervision and implementation of projects in the Council’s approved capital programme. Executive 1.18 Affix a Notice Board near where a horse is tethered which will give advice to the owner of the council’s intention to detain and sell, if the horse is not removed within 7 days of the Notice being erected adjacent to the tethered horse. Submit a newspaper advertisement to the local newspapers informing of the Council’s intentions. Executive 1.19 Sale of “improvement for sale” houses, providing the offer is greater than 95% of the valuation and purchase/exchange of properties in pursuance of objectives for an approved regeneration or redevelopment scheme. Executive 1.20 In consultation with the Corporate Director Housing and Environment, to settle, on reasonable Terms, any outstanding claims in respect of termination of heat supply contracts with the Council’s customers. Executive 1.21 The acceptance of a qualified Valuer’s reports in respect of land and properties in any approved development or redevelopment scheme. Executive 1.22 To institute legal proceedings under Section 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (as amended) for Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (interim or full); and to apply to court or to support other community agencies, including the Police, as appropriate, to obtain local child curfews and other enforcement measures provided for by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Executive 1.23 To authorise the application for injunctive relief at Court under Section 152 and Section 153 of the Housing Act 1996 and/or at common law, either in self-standing proceedings or as ancillary remedy in other court proceedings. Executive 1.24 To authorise applying for an injunction under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 in relation to Housing management matters. Executive 1.25 To authorise the referral of cases for possession action to the Council’s legal services provider. Executive 1.26 Approval to Evict under Ground 1 and 2, Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985. Executive 1.27 The authorisation of grants to recognised tenants or community organisations in accordance with the Tenants Compact. Executive 1.28 To submit bids to appropriate organisations for funding to support the delivery of the Housing Strategy, Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy, Homelessness Strategy and associated sub-strategies adopted by the Council. Executive 1.29 To support bids to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) made by organisations in furtherance of the delivery of the Housing Strategy. Executive 1.30 To be an authorised signatory on behalf of the Council to authorise and submit Officer’s Certificates in respect of funding agreements with the Homes and Communities Agency (or its successor). Executive 1.31 In respect of approved housing policies, to make minor policy amendments which do not affect the broad thrust of policy direction. 13.17 LANDLORD SERVICES MANAGER Executive 1.1 Authority to institute possession proceedings on management grounds in respect of all dwellings. Executive 1.2 The authorisation of the service of notices seeking possession proceedings on management grounds. Executive 1.3 Disputes or where the Officers wished to grant in excess of £90.00 for decoration purposes. Executive 1.4 To approve the use of up to £500 incentives for individual difficult to let properties as they arise. Executive 1.5 The issue of all recovery action against tenants in rent arrears, and former tenants’ arrears including the cancellation of nonessential costs such as tenants insurance, garage tenancies and the recommendation of cases for distraint. Executive 1.6 The issue of recovery action in connection with former tenants' arrears. Executive 1.7 Authority to determine all exchanges of tenancies which have been received by the Council. Executive 1.8 Issue of District Heating and Tenancy Charges Refunds. Executive 1.9 The authorisation of the service of Notices Seeking Possession on tenants in arrears or where evidence exists of other breaches of Tenancy Conditions/Agreement. Executive 1.10 To institute legal action in respect of Section 74 of the Housing Act 1985 and Section 84 of the Housing Act 1985 Schedule 2 Ground 5. Executive 1.11 To serve Notice of Seeking Possession and to institute proceedings under Ground 1 (rent arrears or breach of other condition) or Ground 8 (decants) of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985. Executive 1.12 The undertaking of repairs, alterations and improvements to Council Housing. Executive 1.13 To serve Notices to Quit and to institute possession proceedings in respect of non-secure tenancies. Executive 1.14 To serve Notices to Determine in respect of Licences and to institute possession proceedings for non-secure licences and to institute possession proceedings under Ground 1 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985 for secure licences. Executive 1.15 To serve Notices to Determine in respect of secure licences and Notices Seeking Possession on secure tenancies under Ground 2 (nuisance) of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985. Executive 1.16 To serve Notices under Grounds 1-8 Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985. Executive 1.17 Issue appropriate notices and enter appropriate cases into County Court against anyone who occupies Council premises without a written tenancy agreement. Executive 1.18 Authorisation to take appropriate action in cases involving tolerated trespassers. Executive 1.19 To authorise the settlement or defence (including counterclaims) of cases brought by tenants against the Council under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act, 1985. Executive 1.20 The letting of all premises under the choice based allocation system. 13.18 STRATEGIC HOUSING MANAGER Executive 1.1 The certification for payments of any form of financial or other assistance made under any policy adopted under the Regulatory Reform Order 2002 and any consequential action. Executive 1.2 In connection with clearance of Regeneration Schemes, the certification for payment of any form of home loss and disturbance payments (including legal costs) made under the Land Compensation Act 1973 (as amended). Executive 1.3 The refusal to provide financial or other assistance or the ability to reduce any form of financial assistance made under the policy adopted under the Regulatory Reform Order 2002 and any consequential action. Executive 1.4 The demanding of repayment of any form of financial assistance made under the policy adopted under the Regulatory Reform Order 2002 and any consequential action. Executive 1.5 Legislation arising from Part III of the 1984 Building Act insofar as it relates to the repair of dwellings. Executive 1.6 To institute legal proceedings under Section 7 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 in respect of offences under Sections 4, 5 and 6 and Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 S10A relating to the disposal of premises in which tenants have first refusal. Executive 1.7 Investigation as to illegal eviction and harassment under the 1977 Protection from Eviction Act and the Caravan Sites Act 1968, Part 1 and any consequential action. Executive 1.8 The granting or refusal of licences for houses in multiple occupation and the making of licence charges under Part 2 of Housing Act 2004. Executive 1.9 The Service of Notices and the taking of any consequential action under the Management of Houses in Multi-Occupation (England) Regulations 2006. Executive 1.10 The service of Notices under Section 80, Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the taking of any consequential action insofar as it relates to dwellings in such a state as to be statutory nuisance and/or prejudicial to health. Executive 1.11 Investigations, service of Notices (including the making of Prohibition Orders and Demolition Orders) and the taking of any consequential action under Parts 1 and 7 of the Housing Act 2004. Notification in respect of Prohibtion Orders and Demolition Orders to be made to the appropriate Ward Members. Executive 1.12 The restoration or continuation of electricity, gas or water supplies where appropriate in a privately tenanted dwelling and any consequential action (including instituting legal proceedings) in accordance with section 33, Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 . Executive 1.13 To make charges for Enforcement, together with all consequential action as specified under Part I of Housing Act, 2004. Executive 1.14 The Strategic Housing Manager, in accordance with Part I, Section 4 of the Housing Act, 2004, to act as the Proper Officer in respect of making a written report to the Authority whenever it is identified that a Category 1 or 2 hazard exists in any dwelling in the District. Executive 1.15 The appropriate provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 relating to requisition for information as to the ownership of land or property. Executive 1.16 The approval of applications for any form of financial assistance or other Assistance made under any policy adopted under the Regulatory Reform Order 2002 and any consequent action. Executive 1.17 The making of interim and final Orders (management or otherwise) under Part 1V of the Housing Act 2004 and the taking of any consequential action. Executive 1.18 The service of notices under Part IV of Housing Act 2004 relating to overcrowding and the taking of any consequential action. Executive 1.19 The provisions of Section 29 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 relating to the protection of unoccupied residential buildings. Executive 1.20 To serve notice and authorise legal proceedings under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, in respect of the proper maintenance of land inso far as it relates to empty residential properties in the private sector. 13.19 CORPORATE ASSET MANAGER Executive 1.1 The agreement to award property discretionary grants of up to £1,000. Executive 1.2 To vary the terms of existing leases to the effect that the insurance of plate glass becomes the sole responsibility of lessees. Executive 1.3 Renewal of leases for electricity sub-stations. Executive 1.4 Sale of mortgage repossessions. Executive 1.5 Certification of proposed assured shorthold tenancy on live-in accommodation sub-lets by Commercial tenants subject to adequate financial references and rent restriction. Executive 1.6 To agree terms, subject to financial provision having been made for the acquisition of land and property by agreement or under a Compulsory Purchase Order of any interest in property including freehold ground rents, the purchase of which has been authorised by the Authority without limit as to the value of the purchase. Executive 1.7 To agree terms, without limit, but subject to financial provision having been made for the acquisition of properties which the Council are obliged to acquire under the provisions of Section 137 and 150 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, subject to the Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services being informed. Executive 1.8 To agree appropriations of land or property into and out of the General rate Fund and the Housing Revenue Account. Executive 1.9 To accept offers to purchase properties being sold by the Council as mortgagee in possession in circumstances where the outstanding debt is not covered by the proposed sale price provided s/he is satisfied that such offer is the best that can be reasonably be expected. Executive 1.10 To approve and pay statutory compensation to business tenants in accordance with the Landlord and Tenant Act, 1954. Executive 1.11 To deal with all claims for compensation arising out of the implementation of confirmed Compulsory Purchase Orders, Home Loss payments under the provisions of Section 29 of the Land Compensation Act, 1973. Executive 1.12 To determine the method of disposal of land and premises and to establish the appropriate reserve price to be paid. Executive 1.13 To agree terms of disposal for the generation of capital receipts, without limit where the land or building is subject to competitive bids, and the highest bid is to be accepted. Executive 1.14 To agree other private treaty disposals up to a limit of £100,000. Executive 1.15 To sell freehold reversionary interests under the provisions of the Leasehold Reform Act, 1967 and the Leasehold and Commonhold Act 2002. Executive 1.16 To authorise lessees to enter prior to the completion of legal documents in cases where the Head of Housing considers this to be appropriate in respect of lands and buildings in the ownership or control of the Council. Executive 1.17 Power to declare investment property as surplus and to sell it on the open market, or to a third party, without any limits in terms of value. Executive 1.18 Granting of consent as landlord to proposed assignments of leases and sub-leases and the granting of sub-leases and any associated reviews or changes. Before a decision shall be made where a controversial use is proposed or refusal of consent is recommended the relevant Portfolio Holder will be briefed about the proposal. Executive 1.19 The giving of approval on behalf of the Council in its capacity as ground landlord and/or mortgagee for the making of alterations, extensions, and additions to and the change of use of premises subject to any planning and building regulations approval being obtained and any cases where a refusal of consent is recommended or the matter is of a controversial nature being referred to the Executive. Executive 1.20 The giving of approval on behalf of the Council in its capacity as ground landlord to building plans for which planning permission has already been granted. Executive 1.21 To appoint, in the event of agreement not being reached on a revised rental in respect of any lease of Council land or premises, an arbitrator or independent surveyor to determine such revised rental and to pay any fee or costs arising from such determination. Executive 1.22 Powers in respect of the approval of changes in name from those originally approved by the Council in respect of transactions relating to lands and buildings in the ownership or control of the Council. Executive 1.23 To take appropriate action to enforce the prohibition of oneday sales in properties under the jurisdiction of the Council including properties held on a lease or tenancy from the Council where the Council may under the terms of the lease or tenancy prohibit use of the property for this purpose. Executive 1.24 To grant or refuse consent for the future erection of fences and realignment of existing fences in cases where planning permission is not required (non Housing). Executive 1.25 To agree to lifting non-contentious covenants in consultation with the Head of Finance,Property and Revenue Services Executive 1.26 To take all necessary measures to prevent vandalism of buildings belonging to or under the control of the Council which are to be vacated or which are to be acquired where immediate occupation is not involved. Executive 1.27 To enter into agreements jointly with leaseholders of Council owned land and buildings relating to the provision of highways, sewers, water supply and other services. Executive 1.28 To declare surplus to requirements any commercial property held in the Housing Revenue Account. Executive 1.29 To apply to the Secretary of State for consent in any case where a specific consent for disposal of land is necessary where the disposal has been authorised by the Executive. Executive 1.30 To serve statutory and common law notices. Executive 1.31 To make applications for planning permission in respect of the proposed developments affecting lands or buildings in the ownership or control of the Council and lands and buildings in which the Council has a potential interest. Executive 1.32 To sign the appropriate notices in connection with appeals made. To make appeals against rating assessments and Council tax assessments on Council land and buildings and to agree amended assessments. Reports to the Executive to be limited to cases where the Head of Finance, Property and Revenue Services considers the Council should appeal to the Lands Tribunal against an assessment. Executive 1.33 To accept the surrender of short-term tenancies and leases of Council land and premises, including any tenancy continuing the term of an expired lease provided this is in the interests of the Council. Executive 1.34 To approve all right to buy valuations. Executive 1.35 The power to give or authorise the giving of notices or take any other action under Section 41 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (lost and uncollected property on buildings or premises owned or managed by the Council). Executive 1.36 To represent and bid on behalf of the Authority at auction (up to a pre-agreed limit) for the acquisition of land and property. Executive 1.37 The agreement to terms and conclusion of property transaction including rent reviews with an annual rent or licence fee less than £50,000 per annum exclusive. Council 1.38 To formulate and administer the Council’s Planned Preventative Maintenance Programme for all Corporate Properties. Executive 1.39 Power to Authorise emergency repairs to Council Operational Properties and commit expenditure from the Council’s Planned Preventative Maintenance Budget.