Nevada Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD) Legislative Committee Minutes April 7, 2015 Nevada Disability Advocacy & Law Center, Reno Video-conferenced to NDALC’s Las Vegas and Elko Sites INTRODUCTIONS NGCDD Legislative Committee Members Present: Renee Portnell, Chair; Scott Carter; and Jack Mayes; Lisa Bonie Members Absent: Brian Patchett NGCDD Staff Present: Sherry Manning, Executive Director; Kari Horn, Projects Manager; and Jessica Banes, Executive Assistant Public Present: Jeremy Taylor - Opportunity Village; Tracey Brown, Opportunity Village; Ellie Carter; Pat ? Call to Order and Introductions Called to order by Committee Chair, Renee Portnell at 1:41 pm. A quorum was established. Chair, Renee Potnell designated Jack Mayes to facilitate the meeting in her place since she was unable to attend in person. Public Comment - None Approval of March 2015 Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the March 19, 2015 Legislative Committee minutes was offered by Lisa Bonie and seconded by Scott Carter. Motion carried unanimously. Bills Matrix, Bill Draft Requests (BDR) and Hearings for Committee Review The Legislative Committee reviewed the Bills Matrix and "Nevada Disability Advocacy & Law Center: Disability Legislation Update", specifically discussing the bills that are of highest importance and urgency to the disability community. *A.B. = Assembly Bill; S.B. = Senate Bill* A.B. 5: Briefly discussed what is happening with A.B. 5 and the ABLE Act. ABLE Act has now been added to S.B. 419. A.B. 6: Relating to Autism Spectrum Disorders - No action at this time. A.B. 28: Relating to long-term care. Has passed Committee. A.B. 29: Relating to Jobs and Day Training. Passed and awaiting signature from the Governor. A.B. 38: Relating to mental health. Passed in both houses and on its way for signature from the Governor. A.B. 41: Remove from list. A.B. 51: Relating to securities. Amended and Do Pass. A.B. 52: Removing from list. A.B. 73: Removing from list. Page 1 of 6 A.B. 81: Removing from list. A.B. 87: Relating to insurance. Do Pass. Continue to follow. A.B. 91: Relating to mental health. Removing from list but Sherry Manning is going to continue to monitor it. A.B. 92: Removing from list. A.B. 93: Relating to mental health. Amended and Do Pass. A.B. 112: Removing from list. A.B. 115: Relating to hearing aids. Do Pass. Continue following. A.B. 124: Relating to juvenile justice. Amended and Do Pass. Continue following. A.B. 128: Relating to Powers of Attorney. Continue following. A.B. 136: Relating to Hunter Education. Amended and Do Pass. A.B. 138: Relating to juvenile justice. Continue following. Amended and Do Pass. A.B. 156: Relating to welfare. Amended and Do Pass. Continue following. A.B. 157: Relating to service animals. Amended and Do Pass. A.B. 158: Relating to Epi Pens in private schools. Amended and Do Pass. Will continue to follow. A.B. 162: Relating to Police body cameras. Amended and do pass. A.B. 164: Relating to experimental drugs. Amended and do pass. A.B. 176: Relating to the Yellow Dot Program with the DMV. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. A.B. 178: Relating to education. Do Pass. Continue to follow. A.B. 200: Relating to TTY Systems. Heard yesterday. Up for work session on Wednesday, April 8th. A.B. 204: Relating to Handicap Placards. Amended and Do Pass. Continue to follow. A.B. 206: Relating to Bullying. Will add to Bills Matrix and follow. A.B. 213: Relating to Juvenile Justice. Heard, no further action at this time. Sherry Manning will continue watching. A.B. 216: Relating to Juvenile Justice. No action at this time. A.B. 219: Removing from list. A.B. 222: Removing from list. Page 2 of 6 A.B. 223: Relating to elder or vulnerable persons abuse. Amended and do pass. Sherry Manning will continue watching. A.B. 242: Relating to health care. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption has been filed. A.B. 246: Relating to service animals and pets in cosmetological establishments. Scheduled for work session on Wednesday, April 8th. A.B. 248: Relating to transportation. Do Pass. Continue to follow. A.B. 253: Relating to voter ID. No action at this time. Sherry Manning will continuing to follow. A.B. 266: Relating to elections. Has been referred to Ways and Means. Will continue to follow. A.B. 272: Removing from list. A.B. 284: Relating to adaptive behavior assessment for people with I/DD. No action at this time. Will continue to follow. A.B. 289: Removing from list. A.B. 294: Relating to suicide prevention. Amend and do pass. A.B. 304: Removing from list. A.B. 307: Relating to mental health. No action at this time. Sherry Manning will continue to follow. A.B. 310: Relating to Medicaid. No action at this time. A.B. 325: Relating to guardianship. No action at this time. Will continue to follow. A.B. 328: Relating to education - hearing officers. No action at this time. A.B. 341: Relating to children with dyslexia. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. A.B. 344: Relating to Medicaid - Managed Care. No action at this time. Sherry Manning will continue watching. A.B. 350: Removing from list. A.B. 374: Relating to education. Hearing scheduled for Wednesday, April 8th at 3:15 pm. A.B. 403: Relating to body cameras for Police. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. S.B. 3: Relating to public safety. Amended and Do Pass. S.B. 6: Relating to patient-centered medical homes. Will continue to follow. S.B. 7: Removing from list. S.B. 11: Removing from list. S.B. 13: Relating to hearing impairments. Amended and Do Pass. Will continue to follow. Page 3 of 6 S.B. 18: Removing from list. S.B. 24: Removing from list. S.B. 25: Removing from list. S.B. 28: Removing from list. S.B. 33: Removing from list. S.B. 35: Removing from list. S.B. 48: Removing from list. S.B. 49: Relating to emergency shelters for children. Sherry Manning will continue following. S.B. 54: Removing from list. S.B. 58: Removing from list. S.B. 88: Removing from list. S.B. 99: Relating to juvenile justice - Sex Offender Registry. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Will continue to follow. S.B. 100: Removing from list. S.B. 105: Removing from list. S.B. 117: Removing from list. S.B. 129: Relating to Course Therapy Programs. Amended and do pass. S.B. 132: Relating to education. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 142: Relating to helmet use with motorcycles. Work session scheduled for Wednesday, April 8th. Continue to follow. S.B. 147: Relating to Police training for service animals. Do pass. S.B. 164: Removing from list. S.B. 167: Relating to employment discrimination. Amended and do pass. Continue to follow. S.B. 169: Relating to voter ID. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. S.B. 177: Relating to the CARE Act. Notice of Eligibility for exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 196: Relating to health care. Amended and do pass. S.B. 198: Relating to health care. No action at this time. Continue to follow. S.B. 203: Relating to voting. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. S.B. 204: Relating to bullying. No action taken at this time. Continue to follow. Page 4 of 6 S.B. 205: Relating to Education. Continue to follow. S.B. 224: Removing from list. S.B. 237: Relating to voting. No action taken at this time. Continue to follow. S.B. 240: Removing from list. S.B. 248: Relating to I/DD Indictor on driver’s license. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 257: Removing from list. S.B. 262: Removing from list. S.B. 265: Relating to health care. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 267: Removing from list. S.B. 269: Relating to behavioral and cognitive care for older persons. Continue to follow. S.B. 273: Removing from list. S.B. 284: Relating to Medicaid. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 316: Removing from list. S.B. 328: Relating to prescription formularies and mental health. No action at this time. Will continue to follow. S.B. 334: Relating to taxes. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. S.B. 336: Relating to the right to die. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 354: Relating to transportation - wheel chairs in bike lanes. Hearing scheduled for April 9th. Continue to follow. S.B. 363: Relating to Mental Health Crisis hotline. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 394: Relating to children in foster care. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 419: Relating to independent living for individuals with I/DD. ABLE Act has been added to this bill. ABLE Act is in line with Education and Employment position statements. Lisa Bonie made a motion to give Sherry Manning authority to support S.B. 419 in writing and testimony. Scott Carter seconded and the motion carried unanimously. S.B. 422: Relating to Medicaid formulary. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. S.B. 439: Relating to transportation. Continue to follow. Page 5 of 6 S.B. 487: Relating to children's mental health. No action at this time. Continue to follow. S.B. 504: Relating to bullying. Notice of Eligibility for Exemption. Continue to follow. Sherry Manning informed the Committee that the Director's office of DHHS, which includes the DD Council, has their budget hearing this Friday, April 10th at 8:00 am. Ms. Manning will be in attendance. *For more in-depth information, the Bills Matrix is available on the NGCDD website, under today’s meeting: Public Comment Jessica Banes, reminder to public in Las Vegas to sign in. Tracey Brown, gave an update on the A-Team. Ms. Brown indicated that they are looking to start a chapter in Northern Nevada. Sherry Manning asked if Tracey Brown or Jeremy Taylor could send us dates and times of their meetings and mentioned that Opportunity Village was helpful with the last 5-Year State Plan and requested to come before the A-Team in Las Vegas to get more voices on next 5-Year State Plan. Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be a video conference, held at the Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Centers in Reno, Elko and Las Vegas on Thursday, May 7th at 1:30 pm. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:31 pm. Page 6 of 6