10 UC/13 CertLang UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha CUAP Proposal-New Qualification/Subject 2013 Section A Proposal Description Purpose of the proposal 1. To introduce a 60-point Certificate in Languages(CertLang) into the offerings of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2. To note that no new enrolments will be accepted into the Diploma in French Language, the Diploma in German Language, the Diploma in Russian Language and the Diploma in Spanish Language. Justification The College of Arts has developed a restructuring proposal: “Change and Renewal: A Proposal for Strategic Development and Financial Sustainability. In accordance with the restructuring document, this proposal seeks to suspend enrolments into the large 120-point Diplomas in French Language, German Language, Russian Language and Spanish Language, and to introduce a 60-point, NZQA Level 5 Certificate in Languages into the offerings of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The proposed 60-point Certificate will ‘map over’ the 100-level and 200-level language offerings of the French, German, Spanish and Russian programmes. Acceptability This proposed Certificate in Languages is part of the Change and Renewal proposal for the College of Arts. This document has been developed within the College of Arts and consulted upon within the College. The proposal also has the support of the School of Languages and Cultures. The College of Arts believes that there is considerable interest from students in other degree programmes (e.g. Engineering, Commerce) in gaining a language qualification alongside their degree. A 60-point award, requiring only an additional 15 points over four semesters of study, is likely to be within reach of such students. We note that a high proportion of the holders of the Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Awards this semester have opted for language study. Goals of the programme The Certificate is designed to provide a qualification for students who wish to gain competency in a language, but not as part of a degree programme. Graduate profile Graduates with a Certificate in Languages will have completed either four semesters of courses in a single language or two semesters of courses in two languages. They will thus have either a basic competence in two languages or more advanced competence in one language. If students have completed 100-level courses in two languages, they will have gained, with respect to each of the languages studied, a basic competency in the four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and an understanding of grammatical concepts and an overall grasp of the workings of the language. If students have completed 200-level courses in a language they will have built up skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening and to have acquired the ability to read long texts in the language, to write confidently, to answer questions, to express themselves in the language and to have developed good listening comprehension. The skills acquired will generally be at the B1+ and B2 level of the Common European Frame of Reference. Graduates will also have increased their linguistic sensitivity, thus facilitating the acquisition of any foreign language. Outcome statement Graduates with a Certificate in Languages will have acquired a basic level of competence in two languages, or a more advanced level of competence in one language. Programme overview In their first two semesters most students will study one 15-point 100-level course of introductory language per semester. In their third and fourth semester, some students will go on to intermediate level study (200-level) in the same language, while others will do 100-level courses in a second language. It is also possible for students who have 1 10 UC/13 CertLang prior knowledge of a language, perhaps by studying it at secondary school, to study one language at 200-level and a second language at 100-level. Proposed teaching/delivery methods As for the existing language courses. This normally a combination of lectures and tutorials. Assessment procedures As for the existing language courses. Assessment includes in-class quizzes, online quizzes and assessments, in-class tests, take-home tests, oral tests and formal examinations. Predicted student numbers/EFTS N/A Students will enrol in language courses alongside degree programme students. While some may enrol directly in the Certificate, others will enrol in language course as Certificate of Proficiency or as part of their degree and credit the courses later on to a Certificate. Resources No additional resources are required. Plans for monitoring programme quality The language courses involved are subject to normal review processes. Individual courses will be subject to the University’s normal monitoring systems, including CEM administered course surveys and of end-of-semester examiners’ meetings Confirmation that Section B has been prepared and is available to CUAP on request: Section B has been prepared and is available on request. For New Qualifications – TEC/NZQA/NZVCC Requirements EFTS value of qualification 0.5 EFTS NZSCED code 091504 NZQA exit level of qualification NZQA Level 5 Statement regarding funding N/A Memorandum of understanding N/A Duration of the Qualification Minimum number of points to complete the qualification: 60 points Vacation/recess weeks: As for University of Canterbury degree programmes. Work experience/placement hours per week: N/A Tuition/teaching (full-time equivalent) weeks (including exam and study weeks): As for University of Canterbury degree programmes. Teaching hours per week: A average of four hours each week for a 15-point course Self-directed learning hours per week: At least six to seven hours per week for a 15-point course. Calendar Form New Qualification Regulations UC Calendar 2013 Page 278 INSERT Certificate in Languages (CertLang) 1. Admission 2 10 UC/13 CertLang To be admitted to this programme, a student must (a) meet University Entrance requirements and (b) have approval from the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2. Subjects in Which the Certificate May Be Awarded The subjects, in which the Certificate may be awarded, are: French, German, Russian, and Spanish. 3. Structure of the Certificate (i) To qualify for the Certificate in Languages, a student must pass courses with a total value of 60 points from the courses listed in the Schedule to this Certificate. (ii) A student may not include courses from more than two of the languages listed in the schedule to this Certificate. 4. Previous Learning (i) Enrolment of students with prior knowledge of the language being studied is at the discretion of the Head of Department. Enrolment in any particular course or courses may be declined and enrolment may be required instead in a course at a more advanced level. (ii) A student who has passed or been credited with a language acquisition course, for this or any other programme, may not enrol for a course which precedes that course in the sequence of language acquisition courses in that language. (iii) With the approval of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, appropriate language courses passed in the previous five years and listed in the Schedule to the Bachelor of Arts, may be credited to the Certificate in Languages, provided they have not been credited to the Bachelor of Arts or any other award. (iv) With the approval of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15 points of credit from a language programme of another New Zealand university or an approved language programme from another institution, may be credited to the Certificate in Languages. Schedule to the Regulations for the Certificate in Languages FREN 121 French Language Acquisition Beginners A French Language Acquisition Beginners B 15 S1 R. FREN 104, FREN 127 15 S2 FREN 221 French Language Acquisition Intermediate A 15 S1 FREN 222 French Language Acquisition Intermediate B 15 S2 GRMN 151 GRMN 152 Elementary German Language A Elementary German Language B 15 15 S1 S2 GRMN 251 Intermediate German Language A 15 S1 GRMN 252 Intermediate German Language B 15 S2 P: FREN 121 or a level in French acceptable to the Programme Director. R: FREN 112, FREN 128. P: FREN 122 or a level in French acceptable to the Programme Director. R: FREN 123, FREN 111 P: FREN 221 or a level in French acceptable to the Programme Director. R: FREN 124, FREN 111 R. GRMN 106, GRMN 114 P: GRMN 151 or equivalent. R: GRMN 115, GRMN 106. P: GRMN 152, GRMN 115 or NCEA Level 3 in German or equivalent. Students with NCEA Level 2 in German may apply to take a placement test. R: GRMN 108, GRMN 117 P: GRMN 251 or a placement test. R: GRMN 108, GRMN 117 RUSS 101 RUSS 201 SPAN 101 SPAN 102 SPAN 201 Russian 1 Russian 2 Beginners’ Spanish A Beginners’ Spanish B Intermediate Spanish Language A 30 30 15 15 15 W W S1 S2 S1 FREN 122 3 P: RUSS 101 or placement test. P: SPAN 101 or equivalent P: SPAN 102 or a placement test. Note: The 10 UC/13 CertLang SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish Language B 15 S2 minimum language ability required from the course corresponds approximately to Year 12/13 Spanish. P: SPAN 201 or equivalent. Consequential Calendar Changes UC Calendar 2013 p. 289 INSERT after the heading Diploma in French Language (DipFrenLang): “No new enrolments will be accepted into this Diploma. However students may enrol in a Certificate of Languages. Students currently enrolled in the Diploma should seek advice from the Dean about the completion of the Diploma or the transfer of credits to a Certificate in Languages.” UC Calendar 2013 p. 291 INSERT after the heading Diploma in German Language (DipGrmnLang): “No new enrolments will be accepted into this Diploma. However students may enrol in a Certificate of Languages. Students currently enrolled in the Diploma should seek advice from the Dean about the completion of the Diploma or the transfer of credits to a Certificate in Languages.” UC Calendar 2013 p. 295 INSERT after the heading Diploma in Russian Language (DipRussLang): “No new enrolments will be accepted into this Diploma. However students may enrol in a Certificate of Languages. Students currently enrolled in the Diploma should seek advice from the Dean about the completion of the Diploma or the transfer of credits to a Certificate in Languages.” UC Calendar 2013 p. 297 INSERT after the heading Diploma in Spanish Language (DipSpanLang): “No new enrolments will be accepted into this Diploma. However students may enrol in a Certificate of Languages. Students currently enrolled in the Diploma should seek advice from the Dean about the completion of the Diploma or the transfer of credits to a Certificate in Languages.” 4