Dr. F. Zafar1, U.Shafique2, H.Nasir3, A.Mannan4, H.Awais5
1 PhD.
University of Derby UK currently works at GCU Lahore, Pakistan
Institute of business and management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
Continue, Institute of business and management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
Continue, Institute of business and management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
Continue, Institute of business and management, UET Lahore, Pakistan
This study examines “The impact of organizational
change on organizational culture and its development”
whether there is positive or negative relationship
between organizational change and organizational
culture & development. It is founded that when
organizational change (people, structure and
equipment) occur, the people within organization shows
psychological reaction means they resist to accepting
something new. These resistances managed through
education, communication, negotiation, facilitation and
support, co-optation, manipulation, coercion, even
though participation and models for coping resistance.
It is concluded that managing change is not completed
until including organizational development; here
Organizational development is collection of planned
change intervention on values that seek to
organizational effectiveness and employee’s well-being.
It is recommended to consider internal and external
organizational development, and maintain suitable
culture that accept organizational change.
I. Organizational culture:
the implications of this model in gaining competitive
advantage, and also will further review many implications
of a unethical culture in the company in terms of
maintaining or expanding its market share.[1]
One of the countless responsibilities confronting leaders is
the production and upkeep of organizational characteristics
that reward and encourage collective efforts. The
organizational culture stands out as one of the components
that are important to sustaining performance, and
competitive advantage, and a good reason for becoming a
great company. The reason for the ethical failure in many
organizations is that while leaders concede of culture as a
effective tool that does create and sustain performance,
only few management award it the attention it deserves.
The cause of ethical failure inside lots of organizations can
be traced inside organizational failure of leadership active
marketing to ethical ideals as well as practices. This paper
will talk about the use of Schein’s five primary
mechanisms as being a model for leaders in creating a
culture that supports moral and ethical behavior. Examine
Keywords: Organizational change, Organizational culture,
Organizational Development, Employ Resistance,
Organizational effectiveness, Employee Well-being.
Organizational tradition is the behavior of humans who are
element of an organization therefore the meanings that the
people attach to their actions. Culture includes the
organization values, visions, norms, working language,
techniques, symbols, beliefs and habits. It is also the pattern
of such collective behaviors and assumptions that are
taught to unique organizational members as a method of
perceiving, and even thinking to feeling. Organizational
culture affects the way people and groups interact with
each other, alongside customers, and using stakeholders.[2]
Organizational culture is a ready of shared mental
assumptions your guide interpretation and action in
organizations by defining appropriate conduct for various
circumstances. All cultures change by using time. No
culture is static. However, most cultures are basically
conservative in that they tend to resist change. Some resist
more than many by enacting laws the preservation and
protection of traditional cultural patterns while placing up
barriers to alien ideas and things.
When any change is occur in an organization the people
don’t adopt that’s kind of modification because they don’t
know up to new methods, technology and/or procedure etc.
so resistance occur within the organization. Organizational
culture is a widely used term but one that tends to present
rise to a degree of ambiguity in terms of assessing its
effectiveness on alter variables in an organization. For their
past quantity of decades, most academics and/or
professionals studying organizations suggest the concept
concerning culture is the climate and ways which
organizations develop around their handling of folk
(Schein, 2004). Watson (2006) emphasizes which an
important trend in managerial thinking in recent years has
been one of inspiring managers to try to generate strong
organizational cultures.
a. Organizational Development:
Organizational development can be an ongoing, systematic
procedure of implementing effective organizational
modification. OD try known as both of the field of science
focused an understanding and managing organizational
change as a field of scientific study and inquiry. The
capability to change organizational routines, processes,
tools and strategies to manage everyone part of change
concerning achieving the required business results is
therefore confusing still increasingly an emerging necessity
for the organization towards survive in an extremely
turbulent environment of business world.
b. Organizational development and feedback
Among plenty methods for implementing alter one is to
bring the best feedback from mostly employees in a regular
habit which can possibly help excellent organization to
better understand its procedures and behavior patterns
which can further be initiated for the success of an
Organizational change
d. Usage of Corporate Foresight process
Organizations now days can use corporate foresight process
what means “their ability to judge correctly what is
planning to take place in future and plan your actions based
on this knowledge”. Its defined in exercise as well “a
systematic, practitioner, future-intelligence-gathering and
medium to long term vision building process directed at
present day decisions and mobilizing joint action . Many
companies can usage this to identify their poor signals,
foresee the rise of new markets his or her trends and
formulating your guidelines from an revolutionary way for
prepared for on uncertain future. Here according to some
scholars each hidden fact for organization’s success is
based on future orientation, tightly coupled with strong
foresights and depends upon flexible and modified system.
e. Business Process
Organization’s culture:
Despite of this each above society is a integral element in
any organization, especially because a facilitator of
victorious business undertaking control . BPM as among
the effective technique can stay used to the organizational
developing change to gain the benefits by boosting the
efficiency and effectiveness of organizational process with
the various means of innovation, creation and
improvements. The purpose of this study should develop
plus adapt such kind of techniques by which the change for
the organization could result in an effective an optimistic
way towards the prosperity of an organization in a business
II. Processes of Change:
All Cultures are inherently predisposed to change and,
simultaneously, to withstand change. There are dynamic
processes operating that encourage the acceptance of new
ideas and things whereas there have always been others that
encourage changeless security. It is likely that social
furthermore psychological chaos would probably result in
case there were not the conservative causes resisting
There have always been several general resources of
influence or perhaps pressure that are accountable for both
alter additionally resistance to information technology:
Into the same manner out of gaining fringe benefits through
the organizational change this is also necessary to prosper
managerial skills amongst all professionals for the
development concerning highly reflexive pedagogy inside
sustains the work done to organizational change.
Concerning the organization’s management development,
heterogeneous groups can easily be integrated to examine
the overall performance being carried out within the
business. [2]
forces at work within a society
contact between societies
adjustments in the natural environment
Within community, processes resulting in change include
invention and culture loss. Inventions may be either
technical or ideological. Ones latter contains such things
when the invention of algebra and calculus otherwise the
creation to a representative parliament as a replacement for
guideline through royal decree. Technological inventions
incorporate latest tools, vitality sources, and transportation
methods plus more frivolous and ephemeral things that
because style concerning dress as well as bodily
Culture loss tries a inevitable result of old cultural patterns
being replaced by newer ones. For instance, not hundreds
Americans today know just how to care for the horse. A
century ago, this was common knowledge, except in
limited big urban centers. Since then, vehicles with internal
combustion engines have actually replaced horses as our
primary means of transportation and horse care knowledge
lost its importance. As one result, kids are seldom taught
these types of techniques. Instead, they is trained in use of
the new technologies to automobiles, televisions, stereos,
cellular phones, computers, and iPods.
III. Why people resist the change:
Within a society, processes that result in the opposition to
change include habit as well as the integration of culture
qualities. Older people, in particular, are often reticent to
replace their comfortable, long familiar social patterns.
Habitual behavior offers emotional safety inside a
threatening world of change. Religion also usually provides
intense moral justification and support for maintaining
traditional ways. In the early 21st century, this is especially
true concerning countries mostly guided by Islamic Law,
like because Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
The fact that cultural institutions are integrated and always
interdependent is a great source out of opposition to
modification. For instance, inside the second half
associated with the 20th century, fast changing roles of
North American and/or European women were resisted
simply by many adult males because it inevitably resulted
at changes inside their roles when well. Men as well as
female roles do not exist independent of each any other.
This type of integration of cultural traits inevitably slows
down and modifies cultural changes. Needless to say, it is a
source concerning frustration for both those who want to
change as well as those who do not. The processes leading
in order to change that occur as a result of contact between
communities are
a. Diffusion:
Diffusion is all movement out of options plus ideas after
one culture to another. When diffusion occurs, the form of
the trait may move after one culture to another but not their
original cultural which means. For instance, when
McDonald's first brought their American style hamburgers
to Moscow and Beijing, these people were accepted as
luxury foods for special occasions because they were
reasonably expensive and exotic. In America, of program,
they've got a very assorted meaning--they is ordinary all
time fast food items.
b. Acculturation:
Acculturation is really what occurs to an entire culture
when alien traits diffuse in on a large scale and
considerably replace traditional cultural patterns. When
several centuries of relentless stress from European
Americans to adopt their ways, Native American cultures
have actually been basically acculturated. As a result, on
massive majorities of American Indians now speak English
instead of their ancestral language, wear European style
garments, go to school to know about the world from a
European perspective, to discover themselves as being one
part of the broader American society. As Native US
communities continue in order to acculturate, most are
experiencing a corresponding loss of their traditional
cultures despite efforts of preservationists in his or her
While acculturation is what happens to an entire culture
when alien traits overwhelm it,
Transculturation is what happens to a person when he or
she moves to some other society and adopts their culture.
Immigrants who successfully learn the language and accept
as his or her own that cultural patterns of their adopted
country have transculturated. In contrast, folks who live as
socially isolated expatriates at a foreign land for years
without desiring or expecting to come to be assimilated
participants in the host culture are not transculturation.
There's one continue process causing change that occurs as
excellent invention within a society as a result of a idea that
diffuses at another.[4]
Resistance due to change
Organizational heritage is a collection of shared mental
assumptions that assist interpretation and action in
organizations with defining appropriate behavior towards
various circumstances. All ethnicities change through time.
No culture is static. However, most cultures are basically
conservative in that that they have a tendency to resist alter.
Many resist more than other individuals by enacting laws
for the preservation and safeguards of ordinary cultural
patterns while putting up obstacles to alien ideas to things
IV. Bekhard Harris phase:
Establishing the need for change
Conducting Analysis
Why Changes Fail
Change Readiness Assessment
Building the change
Engaging & Maintaining Sponsor Involvement
Project Management & Change Management
Creating vision and values
Thinking about Organizational Change
Telling Stories
Communicating and engaging
Creating a Communication Strategy
Choosing Communication Channels
Telling Stories
Accommodating Different Communication Styles
Empowering others
Inspiring Action not Despair
Learning & Coaching as Change Enablers
Overcoming Resistance
V. Cope up Resistance for Change:
bottom up. The organizations personnel engage more
actively in the change process when they have a feeling in
which is an element of the process furthermore contribute
to decision making. Accordingly, employees will accept
more enthusiastically their alter decision if it is suggested
by them.
For their preceding mentioned types of
modification, the phase of reducing opposition to change is
recommended to be placed prior to the actual
implementation stage. The change decision needs to be
communicated by the executive managers in advance, so
workers would have sufficient time to adapt to the
emerging conditions and acquire the necessary expertise.
Beckhard and Harris change formula the alteration formula
is a mathematical representation regarding the change
process. The fundamental notion is that, for change to
occur, the costs of change must be outweighed by
dissatisfaction with the status quo, the desirability of the
proposed change, therefore the practicality of the alteration.
There'll be resistance to change suppose folks are not
dissatisfied with all the current say for the organization, or
if on changes are not seen as an enhancement, suppose the
change cannot try to be done in a feasible way, or the cost
is far too high. This formula do be conceptualized because
(D × V × F) > R.D= Dissatisfaction = Vision = First steps =
Resistance to Change. That the multiplicative nature of this
formula indicates that if a variable is absolutely no or near
zero, resistance to change will not be overcome. This
means, the variables of D, V, and F do not compensate
towards one another, plus when an is very low, the cost of
change is possible to be too high.
Readiness to change:
Readiness as, “The degree to which individuals are
mentally, psychologically, or physically set, prepared, as
primed to participate at organization developing activities”
One approach inside creating readiness (as seriously since
managing the change implementation process) was
proposed by Kotter furthermore Schlesinger (1979). They
granted six methods including, among others, education
and communication, participation to involvement,
facilitation and support, then even specific and implicit
coercion. There are several types of organizational change
and also to identify and highlight the place out of a
reducing resistance to change stage, we will refer inside
some of them. It is known it employees are more prepared
to provide support for implementing a emerging change
when it is planned, incremental, and participatory and
VI. Perimeters of Vision:
All the world-class organizations are driven by three
critical factors:
Clear vision then direction championed by top
Trained and furnished people focused on
implementation concerning the consented-at
vision and direction
Established recognition and positive consequence
systems that sustain the behaviors plus
performance that the vision and direction need
Vision plus direction are essential for greatness. In worldclass organizations, every-one has your clear feeling of
where the enterprise is going. Only if your leaders of an
organization know in which their folk know many agreedupon sight additionally direction can they go to to
strengthening the organization's ability to deliver
concerning this vision. The second move undergoing
building a world-class business implementation is training,
preparing, and equipping people throughout the
organization to live according to the vision as well as
accomplish the desired goals. If companies do not do that,
their people will never consume treatment of their
recognition and happy final result systems which gas on
implementation associated with the vision and direction,
and they make sure those standards are met or even
surpassed on an ongoing basis.
If an organization's vision is really a compelling single,
people will think his or her work is worthwhile and will
become joyful.
Dealing With Employee Dissatisfaction in Supervisory
While employee performance dictates the productivity of a
workplace, managers and supervisors furthermore influence
worker performance through management styles. per
supervisor maintains the ability to increase performance by
ensuring that all employees are satisfied. Turning
dissatisfied employees into happy workers requires
constant communication, a personable attitude, plus the
power to empower and motivate.
d. Rewards:
Employees who aren’t rewarded typically lose many
motivation towards continue on at a high level. By offering
benefits, supervisors reignite an employee’s fire and
determination and preserve high morale inside the
workplace. "Entrepreneur" explains it every company
requires a reward system; one that is thorough and
encompasses numerous forms of rewards including both
monetary and non-monetary. \
VII. Model for coping up resistance effectively:
Gathering Relevent Information About Change
Develop Road Map
Shortterm Teams Who Communicate With The Members
a. Communication:
Intrinsic Or Extrinsic Rewards
Communication plays an enormous part in satisfying
dissatisfied workers. Inside understand why employees are
definitely dissatisfied and exactly how to remedy the
problem, supervisors should communicate with their staff.
Communication means talking and listening; not just taking
the reins and trying to fix the problem without involving
those employees. A successful supervisor listens to his
dissatisfied employees taking time for you hear as well as
understand the problems then implements a solution, with
involvement from the employees.
b. Employee Relations:
Employee discontent often arises from supervisors who act
considerably as strict robots versus caring individuals.
Aubrey Daniels, founder out of the handling consulting
firm, explains that the majority of employees become
dissatisfied with their job and looks for any other
opportunities, as a result of poor treatment from
management. Towards deal with unhappy employees
effectively, supervisors must treat them in an amicable
manner and serve more as your friendly respected figure
rather than a feared one.
c. Micromanagement:
Among the most effective ways to suppress employee
discontent is by just empowering the workforce.
Supervisors can perform this by placing an end to
micromanaging and letting employees make decisions then
complete work with no providing constant support.
Micromanaging causes distress among employees, because
a micromanaging supervisor essentially says that he doesn’t
trust his workforce. Choosing once in order to help inside
aid staff members may try to be hard for new supervisors.
Gathered relevant information about change:First action of
this model is collected necessary information why change
is needed in organization? How companies want to refine
his or her small business procedure? What are ones
backbone of this change?
Develop a road Map: In this step you'll want to establish a
right map which defines you and your subordinates what is
authentic planning to be done? What is doing and don’ts?
Things sort of campaigns we will feel implemented near
Develop Short term team: In this step you develop short
term teams who communicate understanding amongst the
member of the organization efficiently, held timely based
session wherein you learned how to tackle over nite
change. Just how to adjust it without any argument?
Intrinsic or Extrinsic Rewards: Reward boasts up the
morals of employees, either in terms of monetary or nonmonetary form. A word of appreciate play very important
role quality of work.
above steps than does not matter so what feedback will
come from their employees. Really workers show
acceptance to change.
Implementation: In this last step finally change has came,
organization implementing the latest guidelines rules and
regulation typically they needed to implemented.
Appreciation/Feedback: This one is step really important
rest of this different. Feedback is quite worthwhile to
impose new thing. If organization successfully completed
VIII. Environmental Factors Affecting Organizational Development (Model)
Internal Factors
External Factors
External Communication
Public Opinion
Market Competition
Govt. regulation
Figure 2: Environmental factors affecting Organizational development
This model suggests linkages that hypothesize how
organizational performance is affected by both internal and
external environment. These issue supply access to
achieving the organizational goals plus to accomplish them.
These input factors influence regarding performance of the
company directly as your internal factor like relationship
between employees and their assigned tasks can affect both
in positively and negatively manner. In the same method
rewards, culture as well as mechanism most can affect the
organization show. The external communication plays a
essential role, the way company interacts with the
customer/ public audience whether doing good
advertisement or not. Market competition to government
rules as external factors can affect the performance of
organization both in a pessimistic or an optimistic way.
IX. Conclusion:
The requirement for the change management can give
results and outcomes for employees starting their tasks
differently. A perfectly designed process it no one follows
produces no improvement in performance. A perfectly
designed technology that no one uses creates no additional
value to the organization. Similarly perfectly defined job
roles that are not satisfied by employees deliver zero
suffered results. So the Change handling enables workers
inside adopt a change so that company objectives are
realized. It may be the bridge between solutions to results,
and it is fundamentally about people, and our collective
role of transforming change into successful outcomes for
our companies. This might be not to ever say in which new
technologies, improved processes, better tools and new
organizational designs are perhaps not enablers of change,
as these are certainly essential building blocks. However,
change ultimately results from people adopting new
abilities and also demonstrating unique capabilities, and
even though this may sound like common sense, we usually
believe that change at an individual levels will simply just
happen. When we consider that the realization of your
change and the achievement of certain outcomes tend to be
tied to people, exclusively that the closer you are in order to
100% engagement with staff members, and then the closer
you are to achieving 100% of this desired outcomes.
Changes management, as a useful matter, leverages a
regular mechanisms in an organization to influence then
develop employees by using broad activities that as
communications, training and visible sponsorship. On top
of that, change management enables action at an individual
worker level through coaching and resistance handling.
As we have talked about some designs concerning
organizational development and change management using
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