R&D PROJECTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS SCOPE IHU Strasbourg is launching a new request for proposal to support R&D projects to be conducted by medical and scientific teams of the Institute. In the field of image-guided minimally invasive surgery, a specific focus is given for this call to projects addressing a clear medical challenge in the areas of: Endoluminal interventions, in particular for the treatment of severe obesity; Visualization of nervous tracts to assist pelvic, abdominal or endocrine surgery; Intraoperative fluorescence imaging, with special emphasis on the visualization of sentinel lymph nodes during upper GI or colorectal cancer surgical treatment; Ultrasonography for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes. Please note that there is still the possibility for teams to propose feasibility projects outside the scope of these areas. SUBMISSION AND EVALUATION PROCESS STEP 1: ABSTRACT SELECTION Applicants are invited to write a brief description of projects (2 pages maximum, see guidelines below). All projects will have to display a clear translational research and technology transfer strategy. Even though not mandatory, consortiums associating private partner(s) will be a plus. Abstracts will be selected by the Executive Committee, including the Chief Scientific Officer, the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Innovation Officer. Abstracts have to be submitted to projet@ihu-strasbourg.eu Dead line for submission: November 28th, 2014 Feedback to project leaders: December 4th, 2014 STEP 2: SUBMISSION OF DETAILED PROJECTS Applicants of selected abstracts will be asked to write a detailed project, according to the guidelines established by the IHU. Principal investigators of projects must be members of research teams which are partners of the IHU. Projects will be evaluated by 2 external experts followed by an audition by the Executive Committee which will give a recommendation to the Board of Directors of IHU. IHU-Strasbourg - S/c IRCAD - 1, place de l'Hôpital - 67091 STRASBOURG Cedex Tel: - Fax: - Email: info@ihu-strasbourg.eu Fondation de Coopération Scientifique - SIRET: 538 405 952 000 10 - NAF:7211Z - N° Intracommunautaire FR 58 538 405 952 Dead line for submission: January 12th, 2015 Audition by the Executive Committee: Week of February 2nd, 2015 Final decision to support the project taken by the Board of Directors: March 6th, 2015 Project’s ID - Ref IHU Project Acronym : Project Full title : Duration : Filled by IHU Research Area Date of submission: Primary Investigator - Name/surname: e-mail: Phone: Primary institution: - Website: Co-Investigators - Name/surname: Team / company: e-mail: Phone: - Name/surname: Team / company: e-mail: Phone: - Industrial partner - - Company name: Contact person: E-mail: Phone: IHU-Strasbourg - S/c IRCAD - 1, place de l'Hôpital - 67091 STRASBOURG Cedex Tel: - Fax: - Email: info@ihu-strasbourg.eu Fondation de Coopération Scientifique - SIRET: 538 405 952 000 10 - NAF:7211Z - N° Intracommunautaire FR 58 538 405 952 PROJECT ABSTRACT (MAX 2 PAGES, EXCLUDING REFERENCES) 1. State of the art Medical need, scientific and technology background A specific attention will be put on the analysis of competitive landscape 2. Description and duration Innovation and main objectives Typical duration is 2 to 3 years 3. Expected deliverables Measurable deliverables at mid-term and at the end of the project 4. Technology transfer perspectives Anticipated First-in-Man. Business challenges and opportunities, IP strategy, potential industry partners 5. Budget Approximate budget allocations (IHU Strasbourg max 300k€ investment can fund medical and scientific teams) Eligible expenses encompass Salaries, Small equipment, consumables or out-sourcing expenses. 6. Selected references Publications, patents, existing marketed products, references For any further information please contact: Ariane Hertzog: ariane.hertzog@ihu-strasbourg.eu IHU-Strasbourg - S/c IRCAD - 1, place de l'Hôpital - 67091 STRASBOURG Cedex Tel: - Fax: - Email: info@ihu-strasbourg.eu Fondation de Coopération Scientifique - SIRET: 538 405 952 000 10 - NAF:7211Z - N° Intracommunautaire FR 58 538 405 952