Cultural Artifact Presentation (2-3 Minutes) Assignment created by

Cultural Artifact Presentation
(2-3 Minutes)
Assignment created by Kristin Samarov, Instructor/Counselor from Foothill College
Select an artifact that tells a story about your cultural background that you can
share with the class. This artifact can be a picture, a coat of arms, or an object (a
piece of clothing, jewelry, a tool etc.). You will probably want to select something
that is easy to transport so you can bring it to class.
If possible, choose an item that illustrates something about your cultural
background that is not obvious. For example, a former student who appeared to be
African-American brought an artifact that denoted her Filipino background;
another, a “white” male, brought an arrowhead because his grandfather was Native
American. We want to learn something about your background that is not readily
If you cannot find a “hidden” part of your background, teach us something we may
not have known about your culture.
Turn to your family members to learn more about your background. If that is not
possible, do research so that you have something significant to share with the rest
of the class about your cultural heritage.
If you do not have an object to bring from home, copy an appropriate picture from
a magazine or book, download an image from the Internet, etc. Remember, the
visual component of this exercise is important.
Be prepared to do a 2-3 minute presentation to describe your artifact, explain why
you selected it, and answer any questions. Students who do not come to class
prepared on the date of the presentation will receive no presentation points.
Please read and print out the grading scale beforehand, so you are completely aware
of the assignment expectations. You will need to turn in the grading scale at the
beginning of class on the day the presentation is due.
Interpersonal Karaoke Presentation
(2-3 minutes)
Interpersonal Karaoke (10 pts.)
Assigned Chapter:
Human beings construct songs. Therefore, interpersonal concepts that term
personal communicative interactions of human beings reveal themselves in the songs
that we listen to every day. For this assignment, you will give a 30 second
performance of a song and then you will conclude with a 2-3 minute presentation
that provides to the class an explanation of the musical selection’s relationship to 3
interpersonal concepts. At least one of these concepts must be found in your
assigned chapter.
In your presentation, you should include the title and author of your song, a brief
description of at least 3 concepts/theories, and an explanation of the relationship
between the 3 concepts/theories and the song you have chosen. Do not ramble
aimlessly. This presentation should be clear and concise.
Your performance of your song should be enthusiastic, fun, playful, creative, etc. I
realize that not all of us are comfortable with our singing voices. I do not expect
you to sing the song to the best of your ability. I do, however, expect you to
perform the song—meaning, you may slam it, yell it, rap it, perform it as you would a
monologue. However you choose to perform this song—it must fall within the
time limit and it must be executed with enthusiasm/passion.
You will be graded on your ability to articulate a clear understanding of each
concept that you are presenting, as well as its relationship to the musical snack that
you have chosen. Make sure that your analysis involves thick descriptions of the
lyrics in the song as they relate to the concepts. You may use other sources to
strengthen your analysis (i.e. excerpts about the author of the song, etc.). Make
sure that your song’s lyrics “fit” the nature of the concept you are discussing. Do
not pick a song that vaguely relates to the interpersonal concept.
Please read and print out the grading scale beforehand, so you are completely aware
of the assignment expectations. You will need to turn in the grading scale at the
beginning of class on the day the presentation is due.