University Academy of Engineering South Bank Learning Area: Year 7 English Module 2: Lighting Fires with Myths and Legends Week Number Week 1 Context Introduction to Myths and Legends – Greek Mythology Defining Myths, Legends, Folk tales Providing historical context on Greek Mythology Skills Week 2 Assessment 1 – Reading: Analysing and responding to an unseen extract of Greek mythology – extended response to how a writer uses language for effect Reading and responding to examples of Greek myths e.g. Medusa/Perseus Week 3 Providing historical context on indigenous Australian Myths and Legends Reading and responding to examples of Aboriginal dream time myths Skimming and scanning to select information Retrieving and collating information Relating texts to their social and historical contexts Developing our inferences by considering more than one interpretation and historical context Developing sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary choice, punctuation, paragraphing and whole text structure Skimming and scanning to select information Retrieving and collating information Relating texts to their social and historical contexts Developing our inferences by considering more than one interpretation and historical context Developing sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary choice, punctuation, paragraphing and whole text structure Skimming and scanning to select information Retrieving and collating information University Academy of Engineering South Bank Week 4 Assessment 2 – Writing: Creating our own myths Week 5 Week 6 Providing historical context on indigenous Australian Myths and Legends Reading and responding to examples of Aboriginal dream time myths Modelling how to construct our own myths according to genre, purpose and audience Providing historical context on Chinese Myths Reading and responding to examples of Chinese myths Paired or group creation of a myth through Drama, based on the theme of fire Exploring the conventions of scriptwriting and role play to create a paired or group myth based on the invention of fire Paired or group creation of a myth through Drama, based on the theme of fire Exploring the conventions of scriptwriting and role play to create a paired or group myth based on the invention of fire Developing our inferences by considering more than one interpretation and social/historical context Developing sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary choice, punctuation, paragraphing and whole text structure Exploring myths through role-play Consolidating, blending and building on Creative Writing techniques Crafting sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary choice, punctuation, paragraphing and whole text structure for effect Exploring creativity through imagination Exploring myths through role-play Skimming and scanning to select information Retrieving and collating information Developing our inferences by considering historical context Collaborating for maximum effect Developing sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary choice, punctuation, paragraphing and whole text structure Applying the conventions of scriptwriting Applying non-verbal Speaking and Listening skills to stage directions Reviewing scriptwriting with focus on stage directions Collaborating for maximum effect Applying the conventions of scriptwriting University Academy of Engineering South Bank Week 7 Assessment 3 - Speaking and Listening Performing myths on the invention of fire Rehearsal, performance and review of devised myths on the creation of fire Exploring creativity through imagination Exploring myths through role-play Applying non-verbal Speaking and Listening skills to stage directions Reviewing scriptwriting with focus on stage directions Collaborating for maximum effect Applying the conventions of scriptwriting Exploring creativity through imagination Exploring myths through role-play Reviewing and being reflective of my learning this module