submission guidelines for iv world congress of biomechanics

GfA, Dortmund (Hrsg.) VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft – Paper No. C.1.14
Guidelines of manuscript layout (status: 11/13/2014)
Papers for GfA Spring Congress, 4 to max. 6 pages,
Title max. 4 lines, 14 pt
Firstname LASTNAME1, Firstname LASTNAME2, Firstname LASTNAME1
Institute for Ergonomics, University of Someplace
175 University Av., Womanchester, M3 3EB, UK
2 Design School of Health and Safety, Wherever University of Technology
22 Innovation Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
ATTENTION: No index number is applied if your paper is provided by one
author only or if all authors show the same affiliation.
Abstract. For publishing the GfA congress proceedings you should send a
manuscript of your oral or poster presentation by the deadline indicated,
both as a WORD document (.docx) and a PDF (.pdf), to the office of GfA
( Contributions received later than the deadline must be
disregarded unfortunately. The file name is predefined and consists of the
number of your paper provided in the letter of acceptance, amended by
the suffiy ".docx" or "pdf", respectively. Your manuscript should be
layouted in alignment with these guidelines. Therefore, we recommend to
apply this guiding file as a template and to replace the text on hand with
your contribution section by section. The details of layout, in particular,
regarding formatting your manuscript, are provided in the following.
Keywords. six keywords (max.), separated by comma
1. Text size, page size and check hints
The length of the paper should be 4 pages and, in no case, longer than 6 pages.
Exceeding manuscripts or those not aligned to these guidelines will be sent back to
the corresponding author with the request to adjust the manuscript immediately.
Concerning content, layout, spelling and punctuation, the authors are responsible for.
Please check your paper very accurately, as it can be corrected only marginally by
us. Please also prove the PDF layout regarding potential mistakes due to the transfer
from Word.
Use paper of A4 size, with the following typing area: The margins should be 2.5
cm on the left and right sides as well as at the top and the bottom, with the only
exception in case of the abstract and the keywords where the margins on both sides
should be set to 3.5 cm.
2. Formatting, blank lines and margins
The headline (left-aligned, Arial 10 pt) shall include issuer data, the title of the
congress and, with the prefix “Paper No.” the number of your paper provided in the
letter of acceptance (i.e. the example of this guidance “C.1.14” is necessarily to be
GfA, Dortmund (Hrsg.) VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft – Paper No. C.1.14
The title (in bold) is to be written in 14 pt Arial. Center the title horizontally. Title
length is limited to 4 lines in maximum.
Name(s) and address(es) of author(s) follow in Arial 12 pt, being centered
horizontally. Use for the address(es) italic fonts. In the next lines, horizontally
centered as well, in italic Arial 12 pt the name(s) of the institute(s), department(s) and
university or analog information should follow. If necessary please use a 2nd line for
the affiliation – in reasonable parts. In the same format provide street and town.
Insert a single-spaced blank line each between title and author(s), between author(s)
and address(es), between address(es) and abstract as well as between abstract and
keywords. Beneath the keywords, insert two single-spaced blank lines.
The abstract should not exceed 12 lines and should describe the background, the
method(s), result(s) and conclusion(s), written in Arial 12 pt, justified and single
spaced. Please consider margins of 3.5 cm on both sides.
The main text should also be set in Arial 12 pt, justified with margins of 2.5 cm on
both sides. Start a new paragraph by indenting 0.5 cm (0.2 inches) from the left
margin, and not by inserting blanks. Footnotes are not allowed.
acknowledgement can be placed at the end of the paper, following the reference list.
Insert two single-spaced blank lines preceeding every chapter title which is
followed by a single-spaced blank line. Tables and figures shall have one singlespaced blank line distance to the text above and beneath. The text shall be formatted
single-spaced, please check potential hyphenation. Underlined text and bold fonts
should be avoided.
2.1 Chapter titles
Chapter titles (Arial, 12 pt, bold) and subsection headings (Arial, 12 pt, italic)
have to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Keep them always leftaligned. Set a dot behind a chapter's number, and 2 blanks behind the number of a
chapter title or subsection heading. Insert two single-spaced blank lines (12 pt) above
a chapter title and one beneath; one single-spaced blank line above a subsection
heading is accompanied by one line behind.
2.2 Subsection
In case of using subsections, apply 2 sections at least, i.e. sole subsections have
to be avoided.
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text
3. Embedding of figures and tables, figure captions and table headings
Figures and tables have to be placed close to the relevant text. All figures and
tables should be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numbers. Use Arial 10 pt
italic for figure captions and table headings and keep them always left-aligned.
GfA, Dortmund (Hrsg.) VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft – Paper No. C.1.14
Letters and numbers in figures and tables should be readable after printing: The
common print size is DIN A4; consider symbols of reasonable size. Between figure
captions or table headings and the running text, at least one single-spaced blank line
is to be inserted. All tables and figures should be centered, no text should be set
aside a table or figure. All legends have to be left-aligned and justified. Consecutive
lines in a legend should be justified with the text in the first line.
Table 1.
Between table heading and the table itself, a 6 pt distance should be provided. Above table
heading and beneath the table, a single-spaced blank blank line (12 pt) should be inserted.
if you choose a position at the top or bottom of a page, this blank line is not applicable.
category 1
category 2
category 3
category 4
1.8 ± 0.2 m
2.5 ± 0.3 m
3.2 ± 0.4 m
4.4 ± 0.5 m
0.29 ± 0.06 Hz
0.69 ± 0.12 Hz
0.85 ± 0.16 Hz
0.98 ± 0.22 Hz
4. Discussion
When publishing the results we recommend to give the reader support to
evaluation. It is strongly recommended to provide a discussion chapter. Therein, the
provided results can be compared with literature findings and assessment criteria.
Criticism of the methods may be added.
Figure 1. Between the figure itself and the caption , a 6 pt distance should be provided. Above the
figure and beneath the caption, a single-spaced blank blank line (12 pt) should be inserted.
if you choose a position at the top or bottom of a page, this blank line is not applicable.
5. Citation within the running text and reference list
References should be cited in the running text using the author’s names and dates
as following: (Author 2001; First author & second author 2002; First author et al.
2003). That means only the lastname and the year of publicationis is mentioned in
case of a single author. In case of a reference with two authors, please insert the
GfA, Dortmund (Hrsg.) VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft – Paper No. C.1.14
symbol “&” between the names. For 3 authors or more, show the name of the prime
author supplemented by “et al.” Please don't forget the publication year. Within the
running text, a reference can also be quoted as Mueller et al. (2014) or anologously.
The bibliographic data in the reference list, i.e. in the last chapter, should follow
the examples given below; citation should contain, at the very minimum, information
regarding the authors, the date of publishing (if not known, please insert “(undated)”),
the title and the publication medium (name of journal, book title etc.). The references
should be listed in alphabetical order; several citations from the same (prime) author
should be provided in chronological order. Every reference has to be written in the
first line left-aligned, an dthe following line(s) have to be indented by 0.5 cm space.
The reference list is restricted to citations mentioned in the text only. Quotations
such as “Meyer et al. (2004)” – i.e. without showing the co-authors – or “Literature
available from the author” are fully inadequate in a scientific context; in consequence,
the paper will be sent back to the submitter with the request to change. Please apply
Arial 10 pt for the references in the list, whereas the size of the chapter title is Arial 12
6. References
Apparies RJ, Riniolo TC, Porges SW (1998) A psychophysiological investigation of the effects of driver
longer-combination vehicles. Ergonomics 41:581-592.
CEN, European Committee for Standardization (2007) Safety of machinery, Human physical
performance. Part 5: Risk assessment for repetitive handling at high frequency. EN 1005-05.
EEC, European Economic Community (1990) Directive 90/269/EEC – manual handling of loads.
Accessed September 13, 2012.
Kamusella C, Schmauder M (2009) Ergotyping im rechnerunterstützten Entwicklungs- und
Gestaltungsprozess. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 63:212-222.
Kauer M, Theuerling H, Bruder R (2013) The importance of identification for the acceptance of
consumer electronics on the example of the Wii. Behaviour and Information Technology 32:344358.
Kroemer KHE (2001) Muscle strength. In: Karwowski W (Ed) International Encyclopedia of
Ergonomics and Human Factors, Volume I. London: Taylor & Francis, 276-278.
Lohmann-Haislah A (2013) Stressreport Deutschland 2012 – Psychische Anforderungen, Ressourcen
und Befinden. Dortmund: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (Hrsg).
NIOSH, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (1981) Work practices guide for manual
lifting. No. 81-122. Cincinnati OH: NIOSH, Dept. Health and Human Services.
Rommerskirchen C, Bengler K (2014) Ein Head-up-Display zur Unterstützung des vorausschauenden
Fahrens zur Reduzierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs im PKW. In: Gesellschaft für
Arbeitswissenschaft (Hrsg) Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt der Zukunft. Dortmund: GfA-Press, 100-102.
Schulz JS (2012) Zur Bedeutung der Hals- und Nackenmuskulatur beim Tragen von Lasten. Univ.
Münster: Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Arbeitsbereich Bewegungswissenschaft, Bachelorarbeit.
Sengupta AK, Das B (1999) The determination of maximum reach envelope for industrial workstation
design. In: Lee GCH (Ed) Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety 3, Proceedings of
ISOES Conference 1999. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 59-64.
Tichauer ER (1978) The biomechanical basis of ergonomics – Anatomy applied to the design of work
situations. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Zhang X, Zhang S, Li Y, Schlick C (2012) Task scheduling behaviour in agent-based product
development process simulation. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Acknowledgement. Heartfelt thanks for Mrs. Beatrix Helpful and Mr. Felix Eager
(Support Company, Aachen) for their fruitful and intensive cooperation.