20141103-16-16.Minut.. - High Legh Parish Council

High Legh Parish Council
R Wright (Chairman)
B Adams
G Coenen
M Cooper
T Harrison
W Hind
Jenifer Morton
Julie Morton
J Tuck
Borough Cllr Wilkinson
In attendance: Mrs D Walker (Clerk), Borough Cllr Hunter and 4 parishioners
Apologies: Cllr Allan and Lord Grey
Police Report
PCSO Chris Munro said that any suspicious vehicles or other matters should be reported on 101 so that they
are logged. Cllr Cooper asked PCSO Munro to make sure that the police were aware that it is the shooting
season now.
The Chairman welcomed members of the public and Cllr Hunter.
1. Minutes
RESOLVED – that the Chairman sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8 September as a true record.
2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Wright - High Legh Village Hall Management Committee and Cllr Coenen
as a Trustee of the charity of the CA and High Legh Village Hall.
3. Business from parishioners
Mr Tennant, Chairman of Woodlands Crescent Residents Association, explained that residents of
Woodlands Crescent had received a letter from the Ministry of Justice asking them if they would like to
buy the green space between the houses prior to them selling it. It was their intention to convert the
residents association into a charity and hopefully buy the land but no figure had been received.
Mr Tennant will contact the PC once the sale figure has been received.
Parking on Rensherds Place – Mrs Jones said the parking was appalling. Cllr Hind said that the school
were very much aware of the problem and had sent out a map showing the parents that they shouldn’t
park on Rensherds Place. Cllr Hind advised against direct confrontation with the drivers but to ring 101
and report it to the police. They can then log the call. The PCSO will be outside school on Tuesday and
Wednesday afternoons this week.
4. Matters arising
i) Utilities – nothing to report
ii) Village Maintenance
Clerk reported that Rensherds Place has been resurfaced but the kerb hasn’t been taken back as
had been requested.
Weight limit on Swineyard Lane is due to be carried out in this financial year.
An “unsuitable for HGV’s” sign will be put up on Mag Lane at the same time.
A resident of Somerville Close was concerned about a large conifer on the amenity land near his
house. The arborist had checked it and said there was no problem with the tree.
Clerk had written to the Golf Club pointing out some Japanese knotweed and asking for the
surrounding hedges to be cut.
The A50 will be resurfaced from 50m west of West Lane to 50m east of Candelan Way between 26
November and 4 December.
The A56 Lymm Road, Little Bollington will be temporarily closed at night from 10 November and the
speed limit reduced to 40 mph.
Bowling Club highway hedge – a suggestion had been made to cut the hedge back as far as
possible to aid visibility or to cut it down to 4 feet so people could see over it. Cllr Wright will arrange
for the hedge to be cut back.
Street lighting – The street lighting team will look at the problem on Egerton.
Clerk had written to Cllr Topping about reinstating the lights on the A50.
Cllr Wright will ask Mr Pimlott to cut back the tree on the A50 beyond the car park to aid visibility.
Painting of Cheshire railings – no quote received.
School Governor’s Report
Cllr Hind reported that there were 136 children on roll. The next meeting of the Governing Body is
on 24 November.
Village Appearance Group.
The VAG still have some funds left, some of which will be spent on trees and bulbs for the woodland
walk area. They have asked the PC to ask the gardener to prune the shrubs in the Play Area.
Village Hall Management Committee
Cllr Harrison on behalf of the VHMC thanked the PC for their support with the refurbishment of the
Ladies Toilets. Guttering and downpipes replacement is completed. Work on lowering the height of
the meeting room chimney is postponed until ScottishPower complete removal and replacement of
electricity supply cables that presently run dangerously close to the chimney. The VHMC had a very
useful consultation with a group of residents to collect their ideas about hall improvements that they
thought could increase the usage and also the income of the hall.
Over the last 4 years the VHMC has completed most of the items on the original 5 year
development and maintenance schedule. The main exception is the renovation of the Heritage
Meeting Room. A new “schedule of works” is being compiled to continue to take the Village Hall
forward - improve the front entrance, lighting, tarmac, exterior planting, signage and move the
accessible toilet to declutter the lobby. It was suggested that a rockery on the corner by the A50
could provide an attractive focus point. Would the PC consider giving the VHMC the sandstone
blocks from the OSH chimney if the VHMC go ahead with this rockery? All Parish Councillors are
warmly welcomed to attend the AGM on 13 November, which will start at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
The PC agreed to donate the stones to the VHMC for the rockery.
Old School House
Cllr Hind reported that the chimney work and repairs had been carried out. A new boiler had been
installed. A replacement bathroom fan is required and a new extractor fan in the utility room is
recommended. Cllr Hind proposed that this work be undertaken, seconded by Cllr Morton and
The Clerk reported on a meeting with ScottishPower to replace the cables going to the clock tower
with two poles, one in the car park next to the School House and the other in the School House
garden. Cabling to the Village Hall and School House will be renewed. As the road will have to be
closed it could be a couple of months before this work is done. There will be no financial costs for
the PC. Cllr Hind proposed that SP be given the go ahead for this work, seconded by Cllr Coenen
and agreed. The Clerk was thanked for her perseverance with this.
The clerk reported that the Trim Trail equipment should be installed in the next few weeks.
Still waiting for CE to level the football pitch.
High Legh Community Transport proposal. Cllr Allan will progress this week.
Memorandum of Understanding
Cllr Tuck reported that one meeting had been held with the CA and VHMC chairmen. Simplification
of the MoU was discussed. Mrs Pearce will start to prepare the information, taking out what is not
necessary. Mr Gerrard has proposed some alterations. Cllr Tuck was looking to the PC for support
for the general direction they were taking. The meeting was positive and co-operational.
Cllr Tuck will try to get information to Mr Gerrard by Friday. The PC will get an opportunity to
Manchester Airport Meeting
Cllr Adams reported that the Airport are developing a track monitoring system.
Cllr Harrison said there were more helicopters going over High Legh recently. Cllr Adams said that
was brought up at the meeting but the airport had no control over helicopters.
Bridgewater Hall tickets – It was agreed to offer them to John Cope for his work on the VAG, Speed
and Communication committees.
Bowling Club Lease
The Bowling Club were happy to roll the Lease over for another five years. Cllr Tuck is drafting the
wording of a document to be signed by both parties.
5. Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Adams reported that a meeting had been arranged on 23 October between the management group
and John Heselwood and Lucy Hughes of CCA. Lucy Hughes was an experienced planner who will be
our contact to guide us through the NP process. We have been allocated 20 days of support.
Cllrs Cooper and Hind would like to help.
6. HS2
Cllrs Hind and Cooper had attended a meeting with HS2 people.
Cllr Wilkinson said that there will be an announcement next week from the Chairman of HS2.
Next Generation Rail Cheshire were holding a conference on 4 December.
7. Planning Committee Report was circulated and discussed.
Cllr Jenifer Morton had been contacted by Mr Fryer and a resident near Golborne Lane Farm.
A new application had been received – 14/4526M Byways – removal of condition 4.
High Legh Golf Club Driving Range – the development that has taken place on site is not in accordance
with the planning permission that was granted. Outstanding issues have to be resolved.
8. Finance
Cllr Coenen reported that the finances are solvent. A Finance Sub-Committee meeting will be held on 19
November at 7.30 to discuss next year’s Precept. Councillors to inform the Clerk by 17 November if they
would like to propose any spending for next year’s Precept.
Accounts for Payment
RESOLVED that the following be authorised for payment retrospectively:
D Walker for vanity unit, etc.
SMC Gas for new boiler for OSH
Campbells Landscapes
J Oliver for tree felling
RESOLVED that the following be authorised for payment:
High Legh Village Hall – room hire
D Walker
RBL Poppy wreath
J Cope for grass seed
9. New Business
i) Signs at the entrance to the Belfry. Cllr Tuck reported that two signs had appeared near the
entrance to the Belfry. The Clerk had contacted the kitchen supplier to ask him to remove his
sign and Highways had contacted the estate agent. Signs have now been removed.
ii) Town & Parish Council Conference on Tuesday, 11 November 6-8.30 p.m.
iii) Final service with Rev Jen Croft. An invitation had been received from the Churchwarden to
attend Rev Jen’s final service on 26 October.
iv) Mr Kelley has been maintaining the War Memorial and would like someone to take over.
Ask in next Newsletter if anyone would be prepared to take it over.
v) Cllr Julie Morton reported that Mr & Mrs Pearce were standing down from organising the 10K
Race. This will be held on 1 March 2015. The next CA meeting will be on 10 November.
vi) Cllr Harrison asked if the old oak tree on Broadoak Lane needed attention. The clerk had asked
the arborist to look at the tree but had not yet received a report.
10. Next Meeting:
Monday, 1 December at 7.30 p.m. at High Legh Village Hall
Meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.