Our Lady of Pompeii Religious Education Office 158 Laverack Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086 716-684-4664 ext. 2 Religious Education Registration Form: 2014-2015 Please note: ALL Religious Ed. classes will be held on Sundays from 8:45 to 9:45 am Return completed registration in envelope with fee (see below) to address above or place in collection on Sunday. Copies of Baptismal certificates MUST be included in registration for 2nd, 3rd and 10th graders. Make checks payable to Our Lady of Pompeii Religious Education o Early registration fee (on or before June 30th): $30.00 per child with a family limit of $90.00 o Regular fee (between June 2nd and August 31st): $35.00 per child with a family limit of $105.00 o Late fee (after August 31st): $40.00 per child with a family limit of $120.00 o First Reconciliation (2nd grade) : add $25.00 o First Communion (3rd grade): add $25.00 o Confirmation (10th grade): add $100.00 – Confirmation candidates please register by June, 30th *** PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY*** Student’s full name Grade for Fall of 2014 Last completed grade of Religious Education Date of Birth Church of Baptism Church of First Confession Church of First Communion Public School(s) Attending: ___________________________________________________________________________ Full Name of Father _________________________________________________________________________________ Full Name of Mother (please include maiden name) _______________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (Town) (zip code) Home Phone _______________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________________ Best contact phone number __________________________________________________________________________ Email address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact __________________________________________________________________________________ (Name) (phone number) Important Information Regarding Religious Education Registration 2014-2015 Changes this year: The $25 sacramental fee for students receiving First Reconciliation and First Communion helps cover expenses. The $100 Confirmation fee helps pay for the retreat, classes, speakers and the actual sacramental celebration. All classes (K- 10) will meet on Sundays from 8:45 am until 9:45 am. (see 2014-2015 class schedule below) There will be no Youth Track option for ninth and tenth graders this year. There is no on-line registration this year Who needs to register?: All children in grades K-8 who are attending public schools and all ninth and tenth graders who are attending public or Catholic high schools and wish to be confirmed. Who should attend Religious Education? Any baptized Catholic in K- 8th grade. All ninth and tenth graders in public high school who wish to be confirmed. Children and parents must be registered parishioners of Our Lady of Pompeii. What if my child has not been to Religious Education classes for over a year? Any child entering 2nd grade to 8th grade, who has missed a year or more of Religious Education, must be registered one class below grade level. How do I register? Complete the form on the reverse side. One form per family please. Please place the completed form along with the fee in an envelope marked “OLP Religious Ed” and drop it in the collection basket at Mass, or mail it to Our Lady of Pompeii, Office of Catechesis, 158 Laverack Avenue, Lancaster, NY 14086. All checks must be made payable to “Our Lady of Pompeii Religious Education”. What if I can’t afford the fee? If your situation makes it difficult to pay the fee, then please contact Donna Faatz (683-6522 ext. 101) or Diane Liptak (684-4664 ext. 2). Please note: All information will be kept confidential. When will I receive confirmation that my registration has been received? Registered students in grades K thru 8th grade will receive Religious Education Handbooks through the mail in August. Registered 9th and 10th graders will receive an informational letter and be required to attend a meeting in July. 2014-2015 Class Schedule: Classes will be held on Sundays: September 7, 14, 21, 28 October 5, 19, 26 November 2, 16, 23 December 7, 14, 21 January 11, 25, February1, 8, 15, March 1, 8,15,22,29 April 19th, 26th Classes will NOT be held on: Oct. 11th (Columbus Day) Nov. 11th (Veteran’s Day) Nov. 30th (Thanksgiving weekend) Dec. 29th and Jan. 3rd (winter recess) Jan. 17th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) Feb. 22nd (winter break) Apr. 5th and 12th (Easter and spring break) Please Note: Missing five or more classes will result in repeating the same grade level the following year.