
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
Name ___________________________________________
Date ______________________________ Period _________
_____ 1. Who was responsible for the introduction of the revolutionary land tax that all
landowners would have to pay regardless of their social status?
A. Jacques Necker
B. Louis XIV
C. René Maupeou
D. Charles Alexandre de Calonne
_____ 2. The Second Estate of the Estates General was made up of the ________.
A. clergy
C. artisans
B. bourgeoisie
D. nobility
_____3. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was proclaimed by ________.
A. Louis XVI
B. the National Constituent Assembly
C. the Directory
D. the First Estate
_____ 4. Louis XVI was condemned to death on the charge of ________.
A. conspiring against the liberty of the people
B. the manslaughter of hundreds of revolutionaries
C. subversive actions against the state
D. conspiracy to commit murder
_____ 5. What foreign power dominated Poland after the second partition was complete?
A. Prussia
C. Russia
B. Austria
D. France
_____ 6. Which of these sparked war between France and most of the rest of Europe in 1792?
A. the execution of Louis XVI
B. the formation of the Constituent Assembly
C. the Tennis Court Oath
D. the French invasion of Belgium
_____ 7. Which body carried out the policies in the Reign of Terror?
A. the Legislative Assembly
B. the Convention
C. the Committee of Public Safety
D. the Estates General
_____ 8. What happened on the Ninth of Thermidor to end the Reign of Terror?
A. Robespierre was placed in charge of the Committee of Public Safety.
B. Members of the Convention stood together to shout down Robespierre.
C. Robespierre delivered a speech making it clear that no one in the Convention was safe from
the Terror.
D. Robespierre replaced the worship of reason with the “Cult of the Supreme Being.”
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
_____ 9. The French Revolution has often been considered a victory of the ________.
A. peasantry
C. nobility
B. clergy
D. bourgeoisie
_____ 10. The Treaties of Basel in March and June 1795 concluded peace with ________.
A. Poland and Spain
C. Spain and Prussia
B. Prussia and Poland
D. Poland and Great Britain
_____11. What was the period called that saw the execution of those people who had been
the Reign of Terror?
A. the Thermidorian Reaction
B. the September Massacres
C. the Cult of Reason
D. the white terror
involved in
_____ 12. With what type of political movement is the term Thermidor associated?
A. revolution
C. political reaction
B. overthrow of a monarchy
D. populism
_____13. Who put down the royalist rebels in October 1795 that were intensifying the food riots?
A. Robespierre
B. Napoleon Bonaparte
C. William Pitt the Younger
D. Jacques Danton
_____ 14. Who issued the Declaration of Pillnitz?
A. Emperor Leopold II of Austria and King Frederick William II of Prussia
B. Marie Antoinette of France and King Frederick William II of Prussia
C. King Louis XVI of France and Emperor Leopold II of Austria
D. Emperor Leopold II of Austria and Marie Antoinette of France
_____ 15. How did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy reform the church in France?
A. It demanded that clergymen must marry.
B. It demanded that the clergy live in the district in which they preached.
C. It demanded that all clergy must take an oath to support the Civil Constitution.
D. It required the church to become a branch of the secular government.
_____ 16. What revenue was to back up the value of the assignats?
A. new taxes on the nobility
B. taxes on the Third Estate
C. wealth captured after the monarchy was executed
D. the sale of church property
_____17. By which of the following ways did the aristocracy attempt to limit the influence of the Third
A. They demanded that each estate have an equal number of representatives.
B. They levied excessive “luxury” taxes on the estate.
C. They demanded that each individual should have a vote in the Estates General.
D. They attempted to disband the estate all together.
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
_____ 18. The cahiers de doléances ________.
A. were grievances presented to the king
B. were largely requests for postponement of taxes
C. consisted of criticism of the monarchy
D. were calls for property tax changes
_____ 19. The Tennis Court Oath refers to an oath taken by the ________.
A. National Assembly to give France a constitution
B. monarchy of Louis XVI to bring France’s people together as one
C. sans-culottes, pushing the revolution in a more radical direction
D. monarchy of Louis XVI to squelch any hint of possible rebellion with the utmost severity
_____ 20. Which of the following best describes the form of government pursued by the
National Constituent Assembly?
A. democracy
C. oligarchy
B. constitutional monarchy
D. theocracy
_____ 21. The Chapelier Law ________.
A. forbade workers’ associations
B. put a protective tariff on wine imports
C. granted female suffrage
D. expunged residual feudal dues
_____ 22. The Roman Catholic Church ________.
A. condemned the French Revolution
B. enthusiastically supported the French Revolution
C. accepted the French Revolution
D. ignored the French Revolution
_____23. How did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy change the legal position of the Roman
Catholic Church?
A. It increased the status of the church.
B. It made the church into a branch of the secular state.
C. It directed the Roman Catholic Church to supervise hospitals and schools in France.
D. It restricted religious freedom for all the faithful.
_____ 24. Why did the émigrés leave France after the revolution?
A. They left to find religious freedom.
B. They wanted to begin a counterrevolutionary movement.
C. They were driven out by revolutionaries.
D. They left to find a better life because the social order of France was undergoing fundamental change.
_____ 25. The sans-culottes wanted, above all else, ________.
A. a constitutional monarchy
B. relief from food shortages and high prices
C. tax relief
D. democracy
_____ 26. What justification did the Paris Commune give for the September Massacres?
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
A. They claimed that the people held in city jails were counterrevolutionaries and threatened the
gains of the revolution.
B. They claimed that the aristocrats executed in the massacre had worked against the goals of
the revolution and could not be trusted to be free.
C. They claimed that the massacres targeted counterrevolutionaries.
D. They claimed that the massacres were directed by the Legislative Assembly against enemies
of the state.
_____ 27. As Prime Minister of Britain, William Pitt the Younger ________.
A. embraced political reform
B. supported the French Revolution
C. suppressed the more radical political movements
D. suppressed calls for reform
_____ 28. By late 1794, the French army ________.
A. was disbanded
B. was larger than any other in European history
C. numbered little more than 50,000 men
D. joined forces with the soldiers of Polish reform
_____ 29. The core value of the republic of virtue created by the revolution was ________.
A. public good over the private good
B. individual interests over the general will
C. private good over the public good
D. liberty for all
_____ 30. What was the purpose of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women?
A. to promote the civil rights of women
B. to fight the internal enemies of the revolution
C. to fight the political enemies of the republicans in the Convention
D. to support the development of a new Constitution
_____31. The changes made to the traditional calendar illustrate which of these revolutionary
A. de-Christianization
C. the Reign of Terror
B. republicanism
D. radicalization
_____ 32. How did the Jacobins suppress the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women?
A. They called for a popular vote on the economic policies advanced by the society.
B. They banned all women’s clubs and societies.
C. They convicted the leaders of the society and sent them to prison.
D. They offered to include the society in their regular meetings.
_____ 33. How did most French people react to the de-Christianization of France?
A. They largely supported it as a way to further the revolutionary policies.
B. They opposed the de-Christianization and reacted against the revolutionary government in
C. They violently opposed the policy and took up arms against the deputies of the government.
D. They reacted with solid support and participated in desecrating churches.
_____ 34. How did the revolutionary tribunals deal with Girondist politicians who had been
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
prominent in the Legislative Assembly?
A. The tribunal commended their dedication to the country and issued grants of land and
B. The tribunal executed many Girondists.
C. The tribunal tried the Girondists, but most were acquitted.
D. They tied them to rafts and drowned them in the river Loire.
_____ 35. The Thermidorian Reaction was a product of reaction to what two developments?
A. the Civil Constitution of the Clergy and the Great Fear
B. the Tennis Court Oath and the Reign of Terror
C. the Reign of Terror and the growing power of the sans-culottes
D. the deaths of Robespierre and Danton
_____ 36. Which of the following best summarizes the comparison of freedoms exercised by
women before and after the period from 1789 to 1795?
A. Women had less freedom before 1789.
B. Women had more freedom after 1795.
C. Women lost many freedoms after 1795.
D. The degree of freedom exercised was comparable.
_____ 37. How did the Girondists fare after the Thermidorian Reaction?
A. They were routed out of hiding and executed.
B. They were removed from public life.
C. They were outlawed.
D. Many returned to their places in the government.
_____ 38. Which of these events occurred as a result of the Thermidorian Reaction?
A. the Reign of Terror
B. the execution of the royal family
C. the Great Fear
D. the white terror
_____ 39. What generalization could be made about the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?
A. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy did more than any other action to make an enemy of the
Roman Catholic Church for France.
B. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy made reasoned and necessary rules to limit the control
of the Roman Catholic Church over the people.
C. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy created an unpopular move to dissolve religious orders
and restructure the role of the Roman Catholic Church in government.
D. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was an ineffective tool for changing the power of the
Roman Catholic Church in France.
_____ 40. The Jacobins, like those who carried out the September Massacres, were motivated by
A. fear of counterrevolution
B. bread riots
C. the white terror
D. fear of the Catholic Church
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
Short Answer:
73. With reference to “Encountering the Past: The Metric System,” explain how the introduction
of the metric system reflected the ideas of the Enlightenment. Relate this to other measures
undertaken by the government of France during the Revolution.
Topic: The Reconstruction of France
80. Consider the events of the Reign of Terror. In a brief essay, explain the causes that led to the
revolutionary tribunals and the events that led to their demise. Discuss the reasons that the
terror led to the government sanction of thousands of executions.
Topic: The Reign of Terror
AP European History
Chapter 10 Worksheet: The French Revolution
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