The Stewart County Board of Education met in regular session on January 14, 2014 at the Stewart County Elementary School Media Center at 6:00 p.m. with the following members present: Chairperson David Barrett, Austin Taylor, Kesha Nelson, Samuel Jones and Thereatha Redding. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson David Barrett and silent meditation observed. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Election of Officers: A motion was made by Austin Taylor seconded by Kesha Nelson for David Barrett to remain Chairperson and Austin Taylor to remain Vice-Chair. 3 – Yes (Taylor/Nelson/Barrett); 2 – No (Redding/Jones). Motion Passed. A motion was made by Austin Taylor and seconded by Kesha Nelson to approve the agenda as written. 100% agreed. Public Participation: None . Special Recognition: None Principal’s Report: Mrs. Williams, SCMS and Mr. Hamilton, SCHS were both present. Mr. Hamilton reported that we would be classified as non-region next year so we could choose who we play in football. Contracts have to be signed by next month if we are going to have a football team for next school year. A motion was made by Samuel Jones seconded by Austin Taylor to approve the regular session minutes from December 10, 2013. 100% agreed. A motion was made by Samuel Jones seconded by Austin Taylor to approve the called session minutes from December 23, 2013 with corrections noted and made. 100% agreed. Executive Session: A motion was made by Austin Taylor and seconded by Samuel Jones to go into executive session to discuss and deliberate upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a public officer or employee (OCGA 50-14-3 (6)). 100% agreed. A motion was made by Austin Taylor seconded by Samuel Jones to come out of executive session. 100% agreed. Requested Board Action Relative to Recommendations in Executive Session: Mr. Barrett asked for a motion to discuss the two finalists for superintendent. Samuel Jones made the motion, seconded by Thereatha Redding. 4 – Yes (Jones/Redding/Nelson/Barrett); 1 – No (Taylor). After discussion of how it was to be brought back to the table, a motion was made by Thereatha Redding, seconded by Samuel Jones to take another vote on the two candidates. Results are as follows: Dr. Brooks – No votes Dr. Challender – 2 votes – Jones/Redding Neither Candidate – 2 votes – Barrett/Taylor Abstained - Nelson Unfinished Business: None New Business: A. Requested Board Action Relative to the Selection of a school board attorney for 2014: A motion was made by Austin Taylor seconded by David Barrett to approve the law firm of Harben, Hartley & Hawkins, LLP as the Stewart County Board of Education attorney for 2014. 3 – Yes (Taylor/Barrett/Redding); 2 – No (Nelson/Jones). Motion passed. B. Requested Board Action Relative to the Approval of a full-time custodian at Stewart County Middle/High School: A motion was made by Austin Taylor seconded by Kesha Nelson to approve Angela Williams as a full-time custodian at SCMHS. 100% agreed. C. Requested Board Action Relative to the Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program: A motion was made by Kesha Nelson seconded by Austin Taylor to approve the MOU with 21st Century Program. 3 – Yes (Nelson/Taylor/Barrett; 2 – No (Redding/Jones). Motion passed. Superintendent’s Report A. Administrative Services 1. Financial Statement: The Superintendent presented the finalized November financial statement for board approval. A motion was made by Kesha Nelson seconded by Austin Taylor to approve the Nov. 2013 financial statement. 3– Yes (Nelson/Taylor/Barrett; 2 – No (Redding/Jones). Motion passed. The Superintendent presented the preliminary December 2013 financial statement for board review only. There being no further business a motion was made Austin Taylor seconded by Kesha Nelson to adjourn the meeting. 100% agreed. The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m. ____________________________________ David Barrett, Chairperson ____________________________________ Dianne Watkins, Superintendent