Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler A Technique to Detect Microclimatic Inhomogeneities in Historical Records of Screen-Level Air Temperature K. E. Runnels, and T.R. Oke Journal of Climate Volume 19, Issue 6, March 2006, Pages 959-978 1 http://journals.ametsoc.or g/doi/pdf/10.1175/JCLI3 663.1 ABSTRACT A new method to detect errors or biases in screen-level air temperature records at standard climate stations is developed and applied. It differs from other methods by being able to detect microclimatic inhomogeneities in time series. Such effects, often quite subtle, are due to alterations in the immediate environment of the station such as changes of vegetation, development (buildings, paving), irrigation, cropping, and even in the maintenance of the site and its instruments. In essence, the technique recognizes two facts: differences of thermal microclimate are enhanced at night, and taking the ratio of the nocturnal cooling at a pair of neighboring stations nullifies thermal changes that occur at larger-than-microclimatic scales. Such ratios are shown to be relatively insensitive to weather conditions. After transforming the time series using Hurst rescaling, which identifies long-term persistence in geophysical phenomena, cooling ratio records show distinct discontinuities, which, when compared against detailed station metadata records, are found to correspond to even minor changes in the station environment. Effects detected by this method are shown to escape detection by current generally accepted techniques. The existence of these microclimatic effects are a source of uncertainty in long-term temperature records, which is in addition to those presently recognized such as local and mesoscale urban development, deforestation, and irrigation. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler 2 The Effect of Irrigation on Lobell, David J. Climate, 21, http://journals.ametsoc.or Regional Temperatures: A B., Céline 2063–2071. g/doi/abs/10.1175/2007J Spatial and Temporal Bonfils, 2008 CLI1755.1 Analysis of Trends in California, 1934–2002 ABSTRACT The response of air temperatures to widespread irrigation may represent an important component of past and/or future regional climate changes. The quantitative impact of irrigation on daily minimum and maximum temperatures (Tmin and Tmax) in California was estimated using historical time series of county irrigated areas from agricultural censuses and daily climate observations from the U.S. Historical Climatology Network. Regression analysis of temperature and irrigation changes for stations within irrigated areas revealed a highly significant (p < 0.01) effect of irrigation on June–August average Tmax, with no significant effects on Tmin (p > 0.3). The mean estimate for Tmax was a substantial 5.0°C cooling for 100% irrigation cover, with a 95% confidence interval of 2.0°–7.9°C. As a result of small changes in Tmin compared to Tmax, the diurnal temperature range (DTR) decreased significantly in both spring and summer months. Effects on percentiles of Tmax within summer months were not statistically distinguishable, suggesting that irrigation’s impact is similar on warm and cool days in California. Finally, average trends for stations within irrigated areas were compared to those from nonirrigated stations to evaluate the robustness of conclusions from previous studies based on pairwise comparisons of irrigated and nonirrigated sites. Stronger negative Tmax trends in irrigated sites were consistent with the inferred effects of irrigation on Tmax. However, Tmin trends were significantly more positive for nonirrigated sites despite the apparent lack of effects of irrigation on Tmin from the analysis within irrigated sites. Together with evidence of increases in urban areas near nonirrigated sites, this finding indicates an important effect of urbanization on Tmin in California that had previously been attributed to irrigation. The results therefore demonstrate that simple pairwise comparisons between stations in a complex region such as California can lead to misinterpretation of historical climate trends and the effects of land use changes. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler The Influence of Land Use/Land Cover on Climatological Values of the Diurnal Temperature Range Gallo, Kevin P., David R. Easterling, Thomas C. Peterson, 1996 J. Climate, 9, 2941–2944. 3 http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/ 15200442(1996)009<2941:TI OLUC>2.0.CO;2 ABSTRACT The diurnal temperature range (DTR) at weather observation stations that make up the U.S. Historical Climatology Network was evaluated with respect to the predominant land use/land cover associated with the stations within three radii intervals (100, 1000, and 10 000 m) of the stations. Those stations that were associated with predominantly rural land use/land cover (LULC) usually displayed the greatest observed DTR, whereas those associated with urban related land use or land cover displayed the least observed DTR. The results of this study suggest that significant differences in the climatological DTR were observed and could be attributed to the predominant LULC associated with the observation stations. The results also suggest that changes in the predominant LULC conditions, within as great as a 10 000 m radius of an observation station, could significantly influence the climatological DTR. Future changes in the predominant LULC associated with observation sites should be monitored similar to the current practice of monitoring changes in instruments or time of observation at the observations sites. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Land use/land cover change effects on temperature trends at U.S. Climate Normals stations Hale, Gallo, et. al., 2006 Geophysical Research Letters Volume 33, Issue 11, June 2006 4 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1029/2006GL 026358/abstract ABSTRACT Alterations in land use/land cover (LULC) in areas near meteorological observation stations can influence the measurement of climatological variables such as temperature. Urbanization near climate stations has been the focus of considerable research attention, however conversions between non-urban LULC classes may also have an impact. In this study, trends of minimum, maximum, and average temperature at 366 U.S. Climate Normals stations are analyzed based on changes in LULC defined by the U.S. Land Cover Trends Project. Results indicate relatively few significant temperature trends before periods of greatest LULC change, and these are generally evenly divided between warming and cooling trends. In contrast, after the period of greatest LULC change was observed, 95% of the stations that exhibited significant trends (minimum, maximum, or mean temperature) displayed warming trends. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Temperature Trends of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network Based on SatelliteDesignated Land Use/Land Cover Gallo, Kevin P., Timothy W. Owen, David R. Easterling, Paul F. Jamason, 1999 J. Climate, 12, 1344–1348. 5 http://journals.ametsoc.or g/doi/abs/10.1175/15200442%281999%29012% 3C1344%3ATTOTUS%3 E2.0.CO%3B2 ABSTRACT The 1221 weather observation stations that compose the U.S. Historical Climatology Network were designated as either urban, suburban, or rural based on data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (OLS). The designations were based on local and regional samples of the OLS data around the stations (OLS method). Trends in monthly maximum and minimum temperature and the diurnal temperature range (DTR) were determined for the 1950–96 interval for each of three land use/land cover (LULC) designations. The temperature trends for the OLSderived designations of LULC were compared to similarly designated LULC based on (i) map- (Operational Navigation Charts) and population-based estimates of LULC (ONCP method), and (ii) LULC designations that resulted from of a survey of the network station operators. Although differences were not statistically significant, the DTR trends (degrees Celsius per 100 years) did differ between the LULC classes defined by the OLS method, from −0.41 for the rural stations to −0.86 for the urban stations. Trends also differed, although not significantly, between the methods used to define an LULC class, such that the trends in rural DTR varied from −0.41 for the OLS defined stations to −0.67 for the ONCP defined stations. Although the trends between classes were not significantly different, they do present some contrasts that might confound the interpretation of temperature trends when the local and regional environments associated with the analyzed stations are not considered. The general (urban, suburban, or rural) LULC associated with surface observation stations appears to be one of the factors that can influence the trends observed in temperatures and thus should be considered in the analysis and interpretation of temperature trends. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Influences of specific land use/land cover conversions on climatological normals of near-surface temperature Robert C. Hale, Kevin P. Gallo, Thomas R. Loveland, July 2008 Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere, Volume 113, Issue D14 6 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1029/2007JD 009548/abstract ABSTRACT Quantification of the effects of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on proximal measurements of near-surface air temperature is crucial to a better understanding of natural and anthropogenically induced climate change. In this study, data from stations utilized in deriving U.S. climatological temperature normals were analyzed in conjunction with NCEP-NCAR 50-Year Reanalysis (NNR) estimates and highly accurate LULC change maps in order to isolate the effects of LULC change from other climatological factors. While the “Normals” temperatures exhibited considerable warming in both minima and maxima, the NNR data revealed that the majority of the warming of maximum temperatures was not due to nearby LULC change. Warming of minimum temperatures was roughly evenly split between the effects of LULC change and other influences. Furthermore, the effects of LULC change varied considerably depending upon the particular type of land cover conversion that occurred. Urbanization, in particular, was found to result in warming of minima and maxima, while some LULC conversions that might be expected to have significantly altered nearby temperatures (e.g., clear-cutting of forests) did not. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Impacts of land use land cover on temperature trends over the continental United States: assessment using the North American Regional Reanalysis Fall, Niyogi, et. al., 2009 7 International http://onlinelibrary.wiley. Journal of com/doi/10.1002/joc.199 Climatology 6/full Special Issue: Impacts of land use change on climate Volume 30, Issue 13, pages 1980–1993, 15 November 2010 ABSTRACT We investigate the sensitivity of surface temperature trends to land use land cover change (LULC) over the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the observation minus reanalysis (OMR) approach. We estimated the OMR trends for the 1979–2003 period from the US Historical Climate Network (USHCN), and the NCEP-NCAR North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR). We used a new mean square differences (MSDs)-based assessment for the comparisons between temperature anomalies from observations and interpolated reanalysis data. Trends of monthly mean temperature anomalies show a strong agreement, especially between adjusted USHCN and NARR (r = 0.9 on average) and demonstrate that NARR captures the climate variability at different time scales. OMR trend results suggest that, unlike findings from studies based on the global reanalysis (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis), NARR often has a larger warming trend than adjusted observations (on average, 0.28 and 0.27 °C/decade respectively). OMR trends were found to be sensitive to land cover types. We analyzed decadal OMR trends as a function of land types using the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and new National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 1992–2001 Retrofit Land Cover Change. The magnitude of OMR trends obtained from the NLDC is larger than the one derived from the ‘static’ AVHRR. Moreover, land use conversion often results in more warming than cooling. Overall, our results confirm the robustness of the OMR method for detecting nonclimatic changes at the station level, evaluating the impacts of adjustments performed on raw observations, and most importantly, providing a quantitative estimate of additional warming trends associated with LULC changes at local and regional scales. As most of the warming trends that we identify can be explained on the basis of LULC changes, we suggest that in addition to considering the greenhouse gases–driven radiative forcings, multi-decadal and longer climate models simulations must further include LULC changes. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Shading Instrument Shelters Flora, S.D. January 1994 Monthly Weather Review Volume 48, Issue 5, 271272 8 http://dx.doi.org/10.11 75/15200493(1920)48<271:SIS >2.0.CO;2 ABSTRACT NONE COMMENTS: Describes purpose of shading instrument shelters. Describes 2 shelters; one over thick sod in the open, the other, under a large Box Elder tree. The latter box, was moved to the west side of the tree with the same shading effects. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler On the reliability of the U.S. surface temperature record Matthew J. Menne, Claude N. Williams Jr., Michael A. Palecki, June 2010 Journal of Geophysical Reasearch Atmospheres 9 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1029/2009JD 013094/abstract ABSTRACT Recent photographic documentation of poor siting conditions at stations in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has led to questions regarding the reliability of surface temperature trends over the conterminous United States (CONUS). To evaluate the potential impact of poor siting/instrument exposure on CONUS temperatures, trends derived from poor and well sited USHCN stations were compared. Results indicate that there is a mean bias associated with poor exposure sites relative to good exposure sites; however, this bias is consistent with previously documented changes associated with the widespread conversion to electronic sensors in the USHCN during the last 25 years. Moreover, the sign of the bias is counterintuitive to photographic documentation of poor exposure because associated instrument changes have led to an artificial negative (“cool”) bias in maximum temperatures and only a slight positive (“warm”) bias in minimum temperatures. These results underscore the need to consider all changes in observation practice when determining the impacts of siting irregularities. Further, the influence of nonstandard siting on temperature trends can only be quantified through an analysis of the data. Adjustments applied to USHCN Version 2 data largely account for the impact of instrument and siting changes, although a small overall residual negative (“cool”) bias appears to remain in the adjusted maximum temperature series. Nevertheless, the adjusted USHCN temperatures are extremely well aligned with recent measurements from instruments whose exposure characteristics meet the highest standards for climate monitoring. In summary, we find no evidence that the CONUS average temperature trends are inflated due to poor station siting. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Assessment of Urban Versus Rural In Situ Surface Temperatures in the Contiguous United States: No Difference Found Peterson Journal of Climate Volume 16 issue 18 Sept 2003 10 http://journals.ametsoc.or g/doi/abs/10.1175/15200442(2003)016%3C2941 :AOUVRI%3E2.0.CO%3 B2 ABSTRACT All analyses of the impact of urban heat islands (UHIs) on in situ temperature observations suffer from inhomogeneities or biases in the data. These inhomogeneities make urban heat island analyses difficult and can lead to erroneous conclusions. To remove the biases caused by differences in elevation, latitude, time of observation, instrumentation, and nonstandard siting, a variety of adjustments were applied to the data. The resultant data were the most thoroughly homogenized and the homogeneity adjustments were the most rigorously evaluated and thoroughly documented of any largescale UHI analysis to date. Using satellite night-lights–derived urban/rural metadata, urban and rural temperatures from 289 stations in 40 clusters were compared using data from 1989 to 1991. Contrary to generally accepted wisdom, no statistically significant impact of urbanization could be found in annual temperatures. It is postulated that this is due to micro- and local-scale impacts dominating over the mesoscale urban heat island. Industrial sections of towns may well be significantly warmer than rural sites, but urban meteorological observations are more likely to be made within park cool islands than industrial regions. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler 11 Microclimate Exposures Davey, Bull. Amer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/ of Surface-Based Weather Christopher Meteor. Soc., BAMS-86-4-497 Stations: Implications For A., Roger A. 86, 497–504 The Assessment of Long- Pielke, 2005 Term Temperature Trends ABSTRACT The U.S. Historical Climate Network is a subset of surface weather observation stations selected from the National Weather Service cooperative station network. The criteria used to select these stations do not sufficiently address station exposure characteristics. In addition, the current metadata available for cooperative network stations generally do not describe site exposure characteristics in sufficient detail. This paper focuses on site exposures with respect to air temperature measurements. A total of 57 stations were photographically surveyed in eastern Colorado, comparing existing exposures to the standards endorsed by the World Meteorological Organization. The exposures of most sites surveyed, including U.S. Historical Climate Network sites, were observed to fall short of these standards. This raises a critical question about the use of many Historical Climate Network sites in the development of long-term climate records and the detection of climate trends. Some of these sites clearly have poor exposures and therefore should be considered for removal from the Historical Climate Network. Candidate replacement sites do exist and should be considered for addition into the network to replace the removed sites. Documentation as performed for this study should be conducted worldwide in order to determine the extent of spatially nonrepresentative exposures and possible temperature biases. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Comments on “Microclimate Exposures of Surface-Based Weather Stations” Vose, Russell S., Easterling, David R., Karl, Thomas R., and Helfert, Michael Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Volume 86, Issue 4, 504506 12 http://dx.doi.org/10.11 75/BAMS-86-4-504 ABSTRACT NONE COMMENTS: Provide background on U.S. Historical Climatology Network and discuss weakness in site-exposure documentation. Clarify logic behind application of USHCN in climate change studies, emphasizing relative importance of station exposures therein. Short discussion of how USHCN (which was developed to control exposure problems) will increase confidence in future estimates. 1221 uniformly distributed, chosen based on spatial coverage, record length data completeness and historical stability (not moved or different instrumentation and observing practice). Comments agreed on inappropriate exposures for monitoring climate. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Examination of Potential Biases in Air Temperature Caused by Poor Station Locations Peterson, Thomas C. April 2006 Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Volume 87, Issue 8, 10731089 13 http://dx.doi.org/10.11 75/BAMS-87-8-1073 ABSTRACT NONE Comments: For stations exposed to cold air drainage, (poor) observing practices, instrumentation, latitude and elevation. Evaluate any time-dependent aspect of siting-induced biases. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler 14 Documentation of Pielke, Roger, Bull. Amer. http://journals.ametsoc.or Uncertainties and Biases and Meteor. Soc., g/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS Associated with Surface Coauthors, 88, 913–928 -88-6-913 Temperature 2007 Measurement Sites for Climate Change Assessment ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to determine whether poorly sited long-term surface temperature monitoring sites have been adjusted in order to provide spatially representative independent data for use in regional and global surface temperature analyses. We present detailed analyses that demonstrate the lack of independence of the poorly sited data when they are adjusted using the homogenization procedures employed in past studies, as well as discuss the uncertainties associated with undocumented station moves. We use simulation and mathematics to determine the effect of trend on station adjustments and the associated effect of trend in the reference series on the trend of the adjusted station. We also compare data before and after adjustment to the reanalysis data, and we discuss the effect of land use changes on the uncertainty of measurement. A major conclusion of our analysis is that there are large uncertainties associated with the surface temperature trends from the poorly sited stations. Moreover, rather than providing additional independent information, the use of the data from poorly sited stations provides a false sense of confidence in the robustness of the surface temperature trend assessments. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Analysis of the impacts of station exposure on the U.S. Historical Climatology Network temperatures and temperature trends Fall, Watts, et. al. , 2011 15 Journal of http://pielkeclimatesci.fil Geophysical es.wordpress.com/2011/0 Research: 7/r-367.pdf Atmospheres (1984–2012) Volume 116, Issue D14, July 2011 ABSTRACT The recently concluded Surface Stations Project surveyed 82.5% of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) stations and provided a classification based on exposure conditions of each surveyed station, using a rating system employed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to develop the U.S. Climate Reference Network. The unique opportunity offered by this completed survey permits an examination of the relationship between USHCN station siting characteristics and temperature trends at national and regional scales and on differences between USHCN temperatures and North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) temperatures. This initial study examines temperature differences among different levels of siting quality without controlling for other factors such as instrument type. Temperature trend estimates vary according to site classification, with poor siting leading to an overestimate of minimum temperature trends and an underestimate of maximum temperature trends, resulting in particular in a substantial difference in estimates of the diurnal temperature range trends. The opposite-signed differences of maximum and minimum temperature trends are similar in magnitude, so that the overall mean temperature trends are nearly identical across site classifications. Homogeneity adjustments tend to reduce trend differences, but statistically significant differences remain for all but average temperature trends. Comparison of observed temperatures with NARR shows that the most poorly sited stations are warmer compared to NARR than are other stations, and a major portion of this bias is associated with the siting classification rather than the geographical distribution of stations. According to the best-sited stations, the diurnal temperature range in the lower 48 states has no century-scale trend. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Homogeneity assessment of a station climate series (1933–2005) in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo: instruments change and urbanization effects Sugahara, Porfirio da Ro cha Theoretical and applied climatology 16 http://link.springer.com/a rticle/10.1007/s00704011-0485-x February 2012, Volume 107, Issue 3-4, pp 361-374 ABSTRACT This work assessed homogeneity of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) weather station climate series, using various statistical techniques. The record from this target station is one of the longest in Brazil, having commenced in 1933 with observations of precipitation, and temperatures and other variables later in 1936. Thus, it is one of the few stations in Brazil with enough data for long-term climate variability and climate change studies. There is, however, a possibility that its data may have been contaminated by some artifacts over time. Admittedly, there was an intervention on the observations in 1958, with the replacement of instruments, for which the size of impact has not been yet evaluated. The station transformed in the course of time from rural to urban, and this may also have influenced homogeneity of the observations and makes the station less representative for climate studies over larger spatial scales. Homogeneity of the target station was assessed applying both absolute, or single station tests, and tests relatively to regional climate, in annual scale, regarding daily precipitation, relative humidity, maximum (TMax), minimum (TMin), and wet bulb temperatures. Among these quantities, only precipitation does not exhibit any inhomogeneity. A clear signal of change of instruments in 1958 was detected in the TMax and relative humidity data, the latter certainly because of its strong dependence on temperature. This signal is not very clear in TMin, but it presents non-climatic discontinuities around 1953 and around 1970. A significant homogeneity break is found around 1990 for TMax and wet bulb temperature. The discontinuities detected after 1958 may have been caused by urbanization, as the observed warming trend in the station is considerably greater than that corresponding to regional climate. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Impact of urbanization and land-use change on climate Cai, Ming Nature Volume 423 Issue 6939 528-531 17 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/ abs/2003Natur.423..528K ABSTRACT The most important anthropogenic influences on climate are the emission of greenhouse gases and changes in land use, such as urbanization and agriculture. But it has been difficult to separate these two influences because both tend to increase the daily mean surface temperature. The impact of urbanization has been estimated by comparing observations in cities with those in surrounding rural areas, but the results differ significantly depending on whether population data or satellite measurements of night light are used to classify urban and rural areas. Here we use the difference between trends in observed surface temperatures in the continental United States and the corresponding trends in a reconstruction of surface temperatures determined from a reanalysis of global weather over the past 50 years, which is insensitive to surface observations, to estimate the impact of land-use changes on surface warming. Our results suggest that half of the observed decrease in diurnal temperature range is due to urban and other land-use changes. Moreover, our estimate of 0.27°C mean surface warming per century due to land-use changes is at least twice as high as previous estimates based on urbanization alone. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Estimation of the impact of land-surface forcings on temperature trends in eastern United States Kalnay, Cai, and Tobin, 2006 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012) Volume 111, Issue D6, March 2006 18 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1029/2005JD 006555/abstract ABSTRACT We use the “observation minus reanalysis” difference (OMR) method to estimate the impact of land-use changes by computing the difference between the trends of the surface temperature observations (which reflect all the sources of climate forcing, including surface effects) and the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis surface temperatures (only influenced by the assimilated atmospheric temperature trends). This includes not only urbanization effects but also changes in agricultural practices, such as irrigation and deforestation, as well as other near-surface forcings related to industrialization, such as aerosols. We slightly correct previous results by including the year 1979 within the satellite decades and by excluding stations in the West Coast of the United States. The OMR estimate for surface impact on the mean temperature is similar to that obtained using satellite observations of night light to discriminate between rural and urban stations, with regions of large positive and negative trends, in contrast with the urban corrections based on population density, which are uniformly positive and much smaller. The OMR seasonal cycle results suggest that the impact of the greenhouse gases dominates in the winter, whereas it appears that the impact of surface forcings dominates in the summer. The impact of the USHCN adjustments for nonclimatic trends in the observations does not affect the geographical distribution of the OMR trends. The effect of using a model with constant CO2 in the reanalysis, the use of other reanalyses, and the possible use of the reanalyses to correct for nonclimatic jumps in the observations are also discussed. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Unresolved issues with the assessment of multidecadal global land surface temperature trends Pielke, Davey, and Coauthors, 2007 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012) 19 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1029/2006JD 008229/full ABSTRACT This paper documents various unresolved issues in using surface temperature trends as a metric for assessing global and regional climate change. A series of examples ranging from errors caused by temperature measurements at a monitoring station to the undocumented biases in the regionally and globally averaged time series are provided. The issues are poorly understood or documented and relate to micrometeorological impacts due to warm bias in nighttime minimum temperatures, poor siting of the instrumentation, effect of winds as well as surface atmospheric water vapor content on temperature trends, the quantification of uncertainties in the homogenization of surface temperature data, and the influence of land use/land cover (LULC) change on surface temperature trends. Because of the issues presented in this paper related to the analysis of multidecadal surface temperature we recommend that greater, more complete documentation and quantification of these issues be required for all observation stations that are intended to be used in such assessments. This is necessary for confidence in the actual observations of surface temperature variability and long-term trends. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Reference Station Networks for Monitoring Climatic Change in the Conterminous United States Vose, Russell S. February 2005 Journal of Climate Volume 18, Issue 24, 5390-5395 20 http://dx.doi.org/10.11 75/JCLI3600.1 ABSTRACT Set cover models are used to develop two reference station networks that can serve as near-term substitutes (as well as long-term backups) for the recently established Climate Reference Network (CRN) in the United States. The first network contains 135 stations distributed in a relatively uniform fashion in order to match the recommended spatial density for CRN. The second network contains 157 welldistributed stations that are generally not in urban areas in order to minimize the impact of future changes in land use. Both networks accurately reproduce the historical temperature and precipitation variations of the twentieth century. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler 21 Evaluation of temperature Kevin P. Journal of http://journals.ametsoc.or differences for paired Gallo climate g/doi/full/10.1175/JCLI3 stations of the U.S. Journal 18 358.1 Climate Reference Issue 10 May Network 2005 ABSTRACT Adjustments to data observed at pairs of climate stations have been recommended to remove the biases introduced by differences between the stations in time of observation, temperature instrumentation, latitude, and elevation. A new network of climate stations, located in rural settings, permits comparisons of temperatures for several pairs of stations without two of the biases (time of observation and instrumentation). The daily, monthly, and annual minimum, maximum, and mean temperatures were compared for five pairs of stations included in the U.S. Climate Reference Network. Significant differences were found between the paired stations in the annual minimum, maximum, and mean temperatures for all five pairs of stations. Adjustments for latitude and elevation differences contributed to greater differences in mean annual temperature for four of the five stations. Lapse rates computed from the mean annual temperature differences between station pairs differed from a constant value, whether or not latitude adjustments were made to the data. The results suggest that microclimate influences on temperatures observed at nearby (horizontally and vertically) stations are potentially much greater than influences that might be due to latitude or elevation differences between the stations. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler A Step toward Improving the Quality of Daily Temperature Data Produced by Climate Observing Networks Christopher A. Fiebrich and Kenneth C. Crawford, 2009 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology Volume 26, Issue 7, pages12461260, July 2009 22 http://journals.ametsoc.or g/doi/abs/10.1175/2009J TECHA1241.1 ABSTRACT The research documented in this manuscript demonstrates that undeniable differences exist between values of daily temperature recorded by the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program network and data recorded by the Oklahoma Mesonet. Because of this fact, a transition to automated observations would have the effect of changing the climate record for Oklahoma. However, the change to automated observations would produce an improvement in overall data quality. A sampling of daily data from the two networks was compared for closely spaced station pairs for the period 1 January 2003 through 31 December 2005. As a result, a host of observer errors were discovered (including transcription errors, incorrectly resetting the manual sensors, and delaying the observation time). These errors created large daily differences that sometimes exceeded 5°C between the two datasets. More than 55% of the paired observations were found to differ by more than 1°C. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler 23 An Investigation into the Oswald, Evan J. Appl. http://journals.ametsoc.or Spatial Variability of M., Richard Meteor. g/doi/abs/10.1175/JAMC Near-Surface Air B. Rood, et. Climatol., 51, -D-11-0127.1 Temperatures in the al, 2012 1290–1304. Detroit, Michigan, Metropolitan Region ABSTRACT On an annual basis, heat is the chief cause of weather-related deaths in the United States. Therefore, understanding the temperature structure where people live is important for reducing the health burden imposed by hot weather. This study focused on the air temperatures in the Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan region during the summer of 2009. An observational network was established that included 1) monitors sited in the backyards of residential participants, 2) National Weather Service standard observations, and 3) a network of monitors operated by the State of Michigan. Daily high and low temperatures were analyzed for spatial pattern, magnitude of spatial variability, and relationships with weather conditions. The existence of spatial variability was confirmed specifically during weather that was considered to be dangerous to public health. The relationships between temperature observations and distance to water, distance to city center, and local percent of impervious surface were investigated. The spatial variability during the daily low was typically stronger in magnitude and the spatial pattern was more consistent than were those during the daily high. The largest correlation with land-cover and location attributes was between values of percent of impervious surface and daily low temperatures. Daily high temperatures were most correlated with distance to water. Consistent with previous studies on spatial variability in urban environments, the results suggest a need for sensitivity to the spatially variable nature of exposure to heat events in both public health and urban planning. For example, these results showed that the downtown area experienced elevated temperatures during nights and that the eastern portions of Detroit experienced decreased temperatures during afternoons. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler 24 Urban Influences on Cayan, Daniel J. Climate http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/ Surface Temperatures in R., Arthur V. Appl. Meteor., 1520the Southwestern United Douglas, 1984 23, 1520– 0450(1984)023<1520:UI States during Recent 1530. OSTI>2.0.CO;2 Decades ABSTRACT Trends of surface temperature at rapidly growing urban sites during the last three to five decades are compared to those at non-urban sites, temperatures at 70 kPa, and sea surface temperature at a coastal Pacific station. Significant urban heat island effects have apparently taken hold, with urban-affected temperature increases of 1 to 2°C common over this period. In contrast, the trend of the non-urban records has been distinctly smaller over this period. The urban warming appears to be predominantly a nighttime phenomenon, with minimum temperatures displaying considerably more increase than maximum temperatures. No uniform seasonal preference for this increase emerged from these stations. Because of this increase, the distribution of observed temperatures shows a marked warm bias at several of the urban sites during recent years. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Impact of land use and precipitation changes on surface temperature trends in Argentina Nunez, Ciapessoni, et. al., 2008 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012) Volume 113, Issue D6, March 2008 25 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1029/2007JD 008638/abstract ABSTRACT The “observation minus reanalysis” (OMR) method has been used to estimate the impact of changes in land use (including urbanization and agricultural practices such as irrigation) by computing the difference between the trends of the surface observations (which reflect all the sources of climate forcing, including surface effects) and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (which only contains the forcings influencing the assimilated atmospheric trends). In this paper we apply the OMR method to surface stations in Argentina for the period 1961–2000. In contrast to most other land areas, over most of Argentina there has been net cooling, not warming (about −0.04°C/decade). Observations also show a very strong decrease in the diurnal temperature range north of 40°S. This is associated with an observed strong reduction in the maximum temperature (−0.12°C/decade) together with a weak warming trend in the minimum temperature (0.05°C/decade). The OMR trends show a warming contribution to the mean temperature (+0.07°C/decade) and a decrease in diurnal temperature range (−0.08°C/decade), especially strong in the areas where the observed precipitation has increased the most and where, as a consequence, there has been an exponential increase of soy production in the last decade. The increase in precipitation is apparently associated with an increase in the moisture transport from the Amazons to northern Argentina by the low-level jet. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Homogeneity adjustments of in situ atmospheric climate data: a review Peterson, Easterling, et. al., 1998 International Journal of Climatology Volume 18, Issue 13, pages 1493–1517, 15 November 1998 26 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/store/10.1002/(SICI) 10970088(19981115)18:13%3 C1493::AIDJOC329%3E3.0.CO;2T/asset/329_ftp.pdf?v=1 &t=hcp21rvi&s=19ed8c9 a7f177a3a2bbc37997f03 50990e4e948c ABSTRACT Long-term in situ observations are widely used in a variety of climate analyses. Unfortunately, most decade- to century-scale time series of atmospheric data have been adversely impacted by inhomogeneities caused by, for example, changes in instrumentation, station moves, changes in the local environment such as urbanization, or the introduction of different observing practices like a new formula for calculating mean daily temperature or different observation times. If these inhomogeneities are not accounted for properly, the results of climate analyses using these data can be erroneous. Over the last decade, many climatologists have put a great deal of effort into developing techniques to identify inhomogeneities and adjust climatic time series to compensate for the biases produced by the inhomogeneities. It is important for users of homogeneityadjusted data to understand how the data were adjusted and what impacts these adjustments are likely to make on their analyses. And it is important for developers of homogeneity-adjusted data sets to compare readily the different techniques most commonly used today. Therefore, this paper reviews the methods and techniques developed for homogeneity adjustments and describes many different approaches and philosophies involved in adjusting in situ climate data. © 1998 Royal Meteorological Society. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change Hansen, Easterling and Imhoff(2001) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012) Volume 106, Issue D20, p.23947-2396 27 http://onlinelibrary.wi ley.com/doi/10.1029/ 2001JD000354/full ABSTRACT We compare the United States and global surface air temperature changes of the past century using the current Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) analysis and the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) record [Karl et al., 1990]. Changes in the GISS analysis subsequent to the documentation by Hansen et al. [1999] are as follows: (1) incorporation of corrections for time-of-observation bias and station history adjustments in the United States based on Easterling et al. [1996a], (2) reclassification of rural, small-town, and urban stations in the United States, southern Canada, and northern Mexico based on satellite measurements of night light intensity [Imhoff et al., 1997], and (3) a more flexible urban adjustment than that employed by Hansen et al. [1999], including reliance on only unlit stations in the United States and rural stations in the rest of the world for determining long-term trends. We find evidence of local human effects (“urban warming”) even in suburban and small-town surface air temperature records, but the effect is modest in magnitude and conceivably could be an artifact of inhomogeneities in the station records. We suggest further studies, including more complete satellite night light analyses, which may clarify the potential urban effect. There are inherent uncertainties in the long-term temperature change at least of the order of 0.1°C for both the U.S. mean and the global mean. Nevertheless, it is clear that the post-1930s cooling was much larger in the United States than in the global mean. The U.S. mean temperature has now reached a level comparable to that of the 1930s, while the global temperature is now far above the levels earlier in the century. The successive periods of global warming (1900–1940), cooling (1940–1965), and warming (1965–2000) in the 20th century show distinctive patterns of temperature change suggestive of roles for both climate forcings and dynamical variability. The U.S. was warm in 2000 but cooler than the warmest years in the 1930s and 1990s. Global temperature was moderately high in 2000 despite a lingering La Niña in the Pacific Ocean. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler The effects of land-use and anthropogenic heating on the surface temperature in the Tokyo Metropolitan area: A numerical experiment Kimura, Takahashi, 1991 Atmospheric Environment.p art B. Urban Atmosphere Volume 25, Issue 2, p.155164 28 http://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/09 5712729190050O ABSTRACT In order to investigate the effects of land-use and anthropogenically produced heat on the surface air temperature in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, numerical experiments were carried out under typical summer synoptic conditions. The model is based on the threedimensional Boussinesq equations, taking into account the hydrostatic assumption. Since land-use differs over every subdivision in Tokyo, the model includes a sub-grid parametrization scheme which can calculate the total heat flux a grid surface composed of different surfaces. The diurnal variation of the simulated surface air temperature agrees well with the observed value; an average over 36 days which represent typical summer days; i.e. negligible gradient winds and almost clear skies. The model shows that the contribution of anthropogenic heat is much larger at night, in spite of the lower energy consumption as compared to daytime use. Due to the scarcity of green vegetated areas in the central part of the city, the surface air temperature is enhanced in this region during daytime, however this enhancement is small after midnight. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler The GeoProfile metadata, exposure of instruments, and measurement bias in climatic record revisited Rezaul Mahmood*, Stuart A. Foster, David Logan, 2006 International Journal of Climatology Volume 26, Issue 8, pages 1091–1124, 30 June 2006 29 http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/store/10.1002/joc.12 98/asset/1298_ftp.pdf?v= 1&t=hcp36l2h&s=9f6f04 c97edb0d60700a94f7363 63d53791d8287 ABSTRACT Station metadata plays a critical role in the accurate assessment of climate data and eventually of climatic change, climate variability, and climate prediction. However, current procedures of metadata collection are insufficient for these purposes. This paper introduces the GeoProfile as a model for documenting and visualizing enhanced spatial metadata. In addition to traditional metadata archiving, GeoProfiles integrate meso-scale topography, slope, aspect, and land-use data from the vicinity of climate observing stations (http://kyclim.wku.edu/tmp/geoprofiles/geoprofiles main.html). We describe how GeoProfiles are created using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and demonstrate how they may be used to help identify measurement bias in climate observations due to undesired instrument exposures and the subsequent forcings of micro- and mesoenvironments. A study involving 12 COOP and US Historical Climate Network (USHCN) stations finds that undesirable instrument exposures associated with both anthropogenic and natural influences resulted in biased measurement of temperature. Differences in average monthly maximum and minimum temperatures between proximate stations are as large as 1.6 and 3.8 C, respectively. In addition, it is found that the difference in average extreme monthly minimum temperatures can be as high as 3.6C between nearby stations, largely owing to the differences in instrument exposures. Likewise, the difference in monthly extreme maximum temperatures between neighboring stations are as large as 2.4C. This investigation finds similar differences in the diurnal temperature range (DTR). GeoProfiles helped us to identify meso-scale forcing, e.g. instruments on a south-facing slope and topography, in addition to forcing of micro-scale setting. Copyright 2006 Royal Meteorological Society. Kathyrn Westerman, Oliver Smith, Enrique Hernandez, Megan Fowler Correcting Wind Speed Measurements for Site Obstructions Woflson, Marilyn M., Fujita, T. Theodore Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 6, Issue 2, 343352 30 http://dx.doi.org/10.11 75/15200426(1989)006<0343: CWSMFS>2.0.CO;2 ABSTRACT The effects of obstructions on winds measured by the 30 station FLOWS (FAALincoln Laboratory Operational Weather Studies) mesonet and the 6 station FAA LLWAS (Low Level Wind Shear Alèrt System) near Memphis, TN in 1985 are analyzed. The slowing of surface winds by anemometer site obstructions is a continuing problem for scientific and operational wind shear measurement system This paper considers an improved version of the technique used by Fujita and Wakimoto for compensating the obstruction effects by the use of mathematical models relating the unobstructed wind speed to the measured wind speed and the observed obstructions at each site. Over eight million wind speed measurements gathered over 197 days (15 February–31 August) were used. The effects of obstructions at a particular site were evidenced by a strong negative correlation between the observed wind speed transmission factors and the obstruction angles as measured from panoramic photographs taken of the horizon around each station. The functional relationship between them was modeled as a decaying exponential plus a constant, and an iterative least squares regression technique was used on data from all of the stations at once in deriving the three parameters of the equation. It was found that the first 8° of obstruction have the greatest blockage effects, and that even a 2° or 3° high isolated clump of trees can have a pronounced effect on the measured wind speeds from that direction. The possibility that the transmission factors are scale dependent and time dependent is explored.